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Arab before Islam

Meaning of Arab
Arab" refers to a person or culture associated with the Arab world in Western Asia and North
Africa. Arabs typically speak Arabic and share common cultural traditions, though the Arab
world is culturally diverse. Arab identity is based on linguistic and cultural ties rather than a
specific ethnicity or race.
،‫ایصخش کایاقثتفےہ۔رعباعموطررپرعیبوبےتلںیہاوررتشمہکاقثیتفروا کیاتاکارتشاکرکےتںیہ‬ ‫رعب"ےسرمادرغمیباایشیاورامشیلافرہقیںیمرعبداینےسواہتسب ک‬
‫احالہکنرعبدایناقثیتفوطررپونتمعےہ۔رعبیکانشخاسلیناوراقثیتفروتشںرپینبمےہ۔وصخمصلسن کایلسن۔‬
Different Aspects

1. Linguistic Unity: Arabs are united by the Arabic language, which serves as a common
thread across the Arab world.
‫وجوپریرعبداینںیم ک‬،‫رعبرعیبزیانےسدحتمںیہ‬
2. Cultural Diversity: Arab culture is rich and diverse, with variations in traditions, cuisine.
‫اھکونںںیمریغتاتےکاسھت۔‬،‫روا کیات‬،‫رعباقثتفاریماورونتمعےہ‬
3. Historical Heritage: Arabs share a common historical connection with the Arab world,
with a legacy that includes contributions to literature, science, and philosophy.
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اسسنئاورےفسلفںیمرشاتکشالمےہ۔‬،‫ایوراثےکاسھتسجںیمادب‬ ‫ ک‬،‫ایرتشمہکیاریخیقلعتےہ‬ ‫رعوبںاکرعبداینےکاسھت ک‬
4. Regional Identities: While there is a broader Arab identity, individuals may also identify
with their specific country or region within the Arab world, reflecting a mix of local and
pan-Arab affiliations.
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫وجہکاقمیماورنیپرعبواویگتسبںےکازتماجیک‬،‫افرادرعبداینےکادنراےنپوصخمصکلم کایالعےقےسیھبانشخرکتکسںیہ‬،‫ایوعیسرعبانشخوموجدےہ‬ ‫ارگہچ ک‬
‫اکعیس ا‬

Meaning of Arab
1. Derived from Ifsah which means eloquence/fluency‫رواین‬/‫افسہےساموخذےہسجاکبلطمےہاصفخ‬

2. Derived from Yarub who was the first native of this area‫کیاربےساموخذوجاسالعےقاکالہپیادنشہاھت۔‬

3. Derived from Abeer which means vagrant/roaming. ‫وھگانم۔‬/‫ریبعےساموخذسجاکبلطمےہآوارہ‬

4. Derived from Araba which means desert. ‫رعہبےساموخذےہسجاکبلطمرحصاےہ۔‬

History of Arab

The history of the Arab world encompasses ancient civilizations like the Nabateans and
Himyarites, as well as pre-Islamic Arabian tribes. The rise of Islam in the 7th century brought
significant cultural and scientific contributions during the Caliphates. Arab lands experienced
periods of conflict with the Crusaders and Mongols. Later, the region was part of the Ottoman
Empire, and European colonialism shaped its modern borders. In the 20th century, Arab nations
gained independence, and today, the Arab world comprises diverse nations with unique
cultures and a prominent role in global affairs.

‫اامعتسرےناسیکج ک د‬
‫رعبداینونتمعوقومںرپلمتشمےہوجرفنمداقثوتفںاوراعیمل‬،‫اورآج‬،‫رعباوقامےنآزادیاحلصیک‬،‫وںیدصیںیم‬20‫دیرسدحوںوکلیکشتد کیا۔‬
‫اعمالمتںیمامن کیاںرکدارریتھکےہ۔‬

1. Sami Nation
The Sami people have a history rooted in northern Europe, with their own languages
and traditions. Arab nations, in contrast, are primarily in Western Asia and North Africa,
sharing a common Arabic language and Islamic heritage. These two groups have distinct
historical and cultural backgrounds, each with its own unique path of development.
،‫اینبدیوطررپرغمیباایشیاورامشیلافرہقیںیمںیہ‬،‫اسےکبرسکع‬،‫انیکاینپزیاںیناورروا کیاتںیہ۔رعباوقام‬،‫اسیموقمیکیارخیامشیلویرپںیمڑجیوہیئےہ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اییکبریقاکاانپاگلراہتس‬‫نجںیمےسہر ک‬،‫رشیںیہ۔ہیدوونںرگوہاگلاگلیاریخیاوراقثیتفسپرظنمرےتھکںیہ‬ ‫ایرتشمہکرعیبزیاناوراالسیمورےثںیم ک‬ ‫ک‬
2. Aad 2200 BC to 1700 BC
The 'Aad civilization, which is believed to have existed from approximately 2200 BC to 1700 BC,
predates the formation of modern Arab nations. It is considered a part of ancient Arabian
history and is not directly related to the Arab nations as we know them today.
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اعد ک‬
‫ج ک د‬،‫لبقحیسمیوموجدیھت‬1700‫لبقحیسمےس‬2200ً‫اجیےہہکہیرقتابی‬
‫دیرعباوقامیکلیکشتےسےلہپیکےہ۔‬ ‫سجےکیارےںیمایخلایک ا‬،‫ذہتث‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اےسدقمیرعیبیارخیاکہصحاھجمس ا‬
3. Samood 1800 BC to 1600 BC
The Samood, or Thamud, existed from approximately 1800 BC to 1600 BC in the Arabian
Peninsula, during the pre-Islamic era. They were an ancient Arabian tribe, but the concept of the
modern Arab nation as it exists today did not emerge until the rise of Islam in the 7th century
CE, which marked the beginning of Arab civilization and cultural identity.
‫نکیلج کدید‬،‫ایدقمیرعبہلیبقےھت‬
‫لبقحیسمیوموجداھت۔وہ ک‬1600‫لبقحیسمےس‬1800ً‫لبقازاالسمےکدورںیمج کربرہامنرعبںیمرقتابی‬،‫ کایومثد‬،‫اسومد‬
‫ت‬ ‫سجےنرعب ک‬،‫اسوتںیدصیوسیعیںیماالسمےکرعوج تیارھبرکاسےنمںیہنآ کیا‬،‫رعبوقماکوصتراسیجہکہیآجوموجدےہ‬
4. Center for civilizations since ancient times
The Arabian Peninsula, situated at the crossroads of major trade routes, has hosted
civilizations since ancient times. It played a pivotal role in connecting cultures and
fostering developments in trade, culture, and religion.
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫دقمیزامےنےسذہتوبیںیکزیمیاین ا‬،‫وجبرےاجتریتراوتسںےکمگنسرپواعقےہ‬،‫ج کربرہامنرعب‬

5. History of Ibrahim A.S

Ibrahim (Abraham) is a central figure in the history of monotheism, revered in Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam. He is known for his unwavering faith, the story of his willingness to
sacrifice his son, and for being considered a patriarch of these Abrahamic faiths.
‫ت‬ ‫ک ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اےنپےٹیبوکفریانرکےن‬،‫اسیعتیئاوراالسمںیماقبارتحامںیہ۔وہاےنپابدیقعے‬،‫وہیدث‬ ‫ابرامیہ(ابرامیہ)وتدیحیکیارخیںیم ک‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اورانابرایمیہاقعدئےکرسرپسےھجمساجےنےکےیلاجیا ا‬،‫ےکےیلآامدیگیکاہکین‬

6. History of Ismaeel AS
Isma'il (Ishmael) is a significant figure in Abrahamic traditions, recognized as the elder son of
Ibrahim (Abraham) and a forefather of Arab and Islamic heritage. His story is central to the
narratives of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اجیاج ایےہ۔اسیکاہکین‬ ‫اامسلیع(اامسلیع)ابرایمیہروا کیاتںیم ک‬
‫ےسجابرامیہ(ابرامیہ)ےکبرےےٹیباوررعباوراالسیموراثےکآیاؤاجدادےکوطررپ ا‬،‫ایامہتیصخشےہ‬
‫ک ت‬
‫وہیدثاوراسیعتیئیکدااتسونںںیمرمکریتیثیحریتھکےہ۔‬ ،‫االسم‬

7. Qeedar (2nd Son of Ismaeel AS) Arab

Kedar is traditionally considered the second son of Isma'il (Ishmael) in Islamic and Biblical
traditions, and his descendants are believed to be among the Arab people. He plays a role in the
genealogy of Arab lineages as mentioned in various historical and religious texts. ‫ل‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اجیےہہکاسیکاوالدرعبولوگںںیمےسےہ۔وہ‬ ‫االسیماوریابئروا کیاتںیمدیکاروکروایتیوطررپاامسلیع(اامسلیع)اکدورسااٹیباھجمس ا‬
‫اورایخلایک ا‬،‫اجیےہ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫رکیےہاسیجہکفلتخمیاریخیاورذمیبہوتمنںیمذموکرےہ۔‬ ‫ایرکدارادا ا‬ ‫رعببسنےکرجشہبسنںیم ک‬

History of Adnan (37th Generation)

Adnan is a legendary figure in Arab genealogy, according to Islamic tradition. He is said to be

the 37th generation descendant of Isma'il (Ishmael), the son of Ibrahim (Abraham), and is
considered a crucial link in the lineage of the Arab people. Adnan's descendants are said to
include various prominent Arab tribes and clans. However, it's important to note that the
historical accuracy of this genealogy is a subject of debate, and its primary significance is in the
realm of religious and cultural narratives.
‫ت‬ ‫ک ت‬
‫اجیےہ‪،‬اوراےس‬ ‫رواثےکاطمقبرعببسنںیم ک‬
‫ایااسفونیتیصخشںیہ۔وہابرامیہ(ابرامیہ)ےکےٹیباامسلیع(اامسلیع)یک‪37‬وںیلسنےکیارےںیماہک ا‬ ‫دعیاناالسیم‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اجیےہ۔دعیانیکاوالدںیمفلتخمرسرکدہرعبابقلئاورےلیبقشالماتبےئاجےتںیہ۔یامہ‪،‬ہیونٹرکیارضوریےہہکاس‬ ‫رعبولوگںےکبسنںیم ک‬
‫ایامہکریاھجمس ا‬
‫ل‬ ‫ت‬

‫)‪History of Qusai (15th Generation‬‬

‫‪Qusai ibn Kilab is traditionally considered the 15th-generation ancestor in the genealogy of the‬‬
‫‪Prophet Muhammad according to Islamic tradition. He played a pivotal role in the governance‬‬
‫‪of Mecca and the custodianship of the Kaaba. Qusai's leadership in Mecca contributed to its‬‬
‫‪prominence as a religious center in pre-Islamic Arabia. However, it's important to note that the‬‬
‫‪historical accuracy of these genealogies is a matter of debate among historians, and much of‬‬
‫‪the information about figures like Qusai is based on oral tradition and early Islamic sources.‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫ک ت‬
‫اجیےہ۔اوہنںےنہکمیکرمکحایناورہبعکیکابہگنینںیمامہ‬ ‫رواثےکاطمقبربمغیپاالسمےکرجشہبسنںیم‪15‬وںیلسناکآیاؤاجداداھجمس ا‬ ‫یصقانبالکبوکروایتیوطررپاالسیم‬
‫ایذمیبہرمکرےکوطررپاسیکاتیمہںیمامہرکداراداایک۔یامہ‪،‬ہیونٹرکیارضوریےہہکانبسنیاومںیک‬ ‫رکداراداایک۔ہکمںیمیصقیکایقدتےنلبقازاالسمرعبںیم ک‬
‫ک ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫رواثاورادتبایئاالسیمذراعئرپینبمےہ۔‬ ‫یاریخیدریگتسومرنیخےکدرایمنثحباکوموضعےہ‪،‬اوراصقیئیسیجایصخشتےکیارےںیمز کیادہ ربولعمامتزیاین‬

‫‪Tribal System‬‬
‫‪In the traditional Arab tribal system, several attributes were highly valued and played significant‬‬
‫‪roles in the social structure and interactions. These attribute‬‬

‫روایتیرعبابقیلئاظنمںیم‪،‬یئکافصتوکتہبز کیادہاتیمہدییئگاورامسیجڈاھےچناوراعتالمتںیمامہرکداراداایک۔انافصتںیمشالمںیہ‪:‬‬

‫‪Generosity (Al-Jood): Generosity was considered a noble and essential quality. A generous‬‬
‫‪person was highly respected and often seen as a protector of the tribe's honor and reputation.‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اجیاھتاوراےسارثکےلیبقیکزعتاوراسھکےکاحمظفےکوطررپداھکی ا‬ ‫اجیاھت۔ ک‬
‫اییخسصخشاکتہبارتحامایک ا‬ ‫اخسوتوک ک‬
‫ایایلعٰاوررضوریوخیباھجمس ا‬

‫‪Bravery (Al-Shuja'a): Bravery and courage were admired traits, as they were essential for‬‬
‫‪defending the tribe, its resources, and its members from external threats.‬‬


‫‪Speaking Power (Al-Fasaha): The ability to speak eloquently and persuasively was highly‬‬
‫‪regarded. Orators and poets held a special status for their skills in public discourse and‬‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت ت‬
‫وبےنلیکاطق(الفصحہ)‪:‬اصفخاوراقلئرکےنیک ک‬
‫الصحوکتہبز کیادہاھجمس ا‬
Wisdom (Al-Hikmah): Wise individuals who could offer counsel and make sound decisions were
respected figures in the tribal structure. Wisdom played a crucial role in resolving disputes and
maintaining social order.
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬

Wealth (Al-Maal): Wealth and resources were important, as they could be used to support the
tribe, provide for its members, and enhance its influence.
‫ک ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اسےکاراکنیکفرایمہاوراسےکابروروسخوکبراھےنےکےیلایکاجاتکساھت۔‬،‫امحث‬ ‫ویکہکناناکاامعتسلےلیبقیک‬،‫دولاورواسلئامہےھت‬

The Arabian Peninsula, located in Southwest Asia:

East: Bordered by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.

West: Bordered by the Red Sea.

North: Shares borders with countries like Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait.

South: Borders the Arabian Sea.

:‫ونجبرغمیباایشیںیمواعق‬،‫ج کربرہامنرعب‬
‫ک ت‬
‫وکثےسیجاممکلےکاسھترسدحںییایتٹنںیہ۔‬ ‫رعاقاور‬،‫اردن‬:‫امشل‬

Types of Arab
1.Arab Baida: This term refers to "White Arabs," individuals with lighter skin tones, often found
in regions of the Arab world with a history of Arab migration.


2. Arab Aariba: These are considered the original or native Arabs, primarily from the Arabian
Peninsula, whose mother tongue is Arabic, and they are often seen as the traditional Arab
‫اوراںیہنارثکروایتیرعبآیادیےکوطررپداھکی ا‬،‫نجیکامدریزیانرعیبےہ‬،‫اینبدیوطررپج کربرہامنرعبےس‬،‫ہیالص کایاقمیمرعبےھجمساجےتںیہ‬

3. Arab Mustariba: "Mustariba" denotes "Arabized" individuals or communities that have

adopted Arab culture, customs, and the Arabic language, even if they are not of native Arab

‫اچےہوہاقمیمرعبلسنےسیہویکںہنوہں۔‬،‫رمسورواجاوررعیبزیانوکاانپ کایےہ‬،‫ویمکنرںیہوہنجںےنرعباقثتف‬
‫"رتسمہبی"ےسرماد"رعیب"افراد کای ک‬

Ancient Governments
Ma'eeni: The Ma'eeni Kingdom was an ancient Arabian state located in what is now Yemen. Its
government was likely based on a monarchical system, with rulers governing the kingdom.

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬

‫سجںیمرمکحانیادشایہرپوکحمرکےتےھت۔‬،‫ایدقمیرعبر کیاسیھتوجابنمیںیمواعقےہ۔اسیکوکحماغابلًیادشایہاظنمرپینبمیھت‬

Sabaean (Sabaeans): The Sabaean Kingdom, also in Yemen, was known for its agricultural and
commercial success. It had a monarchy, with a king as its ruler.

‫سجاک ک‬،‫اییادشاہیھت‬
‫اییادشاہاھت۔‬ ‫اینپزریعاوراجتریتاکایمیبےکےیلوہشمریھت۔اسںیم ک‬،‫نمیںیمیھب‬

Hadramaut (Hadramout): Hadramaut, also located in Yemen, was another ancient kingdom
known for its trade and governance. It had a monarchy as well.
‫ا کیاوردقمیتنطلسیھتوجاینپاجترتاوررمکحاینےکےیلوہشمریھت۔اسںیمیادشاہیھبیھت‬،‫نمیںیمیھبواعقےہ‬

Qatabani (Qitbani): The Qatabani Kingdom was located in the southern part of the Arabian
Peninsula (modern-day Yemen). Like other ancient Arabian states, it was likely ruled by a

‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫قطیااینتنطلسج کربرہامنےئرعب(وموجدہنمی)ےکونجیبےصحںیمواعقیھت۔درگیدقمیرعبر کیاوتسںیکرطحاسرپیھباغابلًیادشاہیکوکحمیھت۔‬

Nabatean (Nabiti): The Nabatean Kingdom was situated in what is now Jordan and parts of
Saudi Arabia. It was known for its trade routes and the city of Petra. The Nabateans had a system
of kingship and a council that played a role in governance.

‫ایاظنماھتاور ک‬
‫ایوکلسنیھتسجےنرمکحاینںیمرکداراداایکاھت۔‬ ‫ابنویتںےکیاسیادشایہاک ک‬

Arab Famous Tribes & Their Assignments

1. Banu Hashim (Siqayah, Emarah): Responsible for providing water (Siqayah) and
leadership (Emarah).
‫یاینفرامہرکےنےکذہمدار(اقس کای)اورایقدت(اامرہ)۔‬
2. Banu Ummaya (Liwa): Responsible for carrying the tribe's standard (Liwa) in battles.
3. Banu Nofil (Rifadah): Responsible for pasturing animals and maintaining livestock.
4. Banu Abd Dar (Hijabah): Responsible for protecting the tribe and maintaining security.
5. Banu Asad (Mashwarah): Known for their role in decision-making and giving advice to
the tribe.
‫اجی ا‬
‫ہلصیفاسزیںیماےنپرکداراورےلیبقوکوشمرہدےنیےکےیل ا‬
6. Banu Tamim (Qisas o Diyah): Responsible for overseeing matters related to retribution
(Qisas) and blood money (Diyah).
7. Banu Makhzoom (Harb): Had a role in war and conflict resolution (Harb).
8. Banu Adi (Sifarah): Responsible for arbitration and serving as intermediaries in disputes.
9. Banu Jama (Istikharah): Known for their role in seeking divine guidance and making
decisions through Istikharah (prayer for guidance).
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫اجیےہ۔‬ ‫جدایئرامنہیئاحلصرکےناورااختسرہ(دہا کثیکداع)ےکذرےعیےلصیفرکےنںیمانےکرکدارےکےیل ا‬
‫اجی ا‬
10. Banu Sahm (Amwal Muhajjarah): Responsible for managing the property and wealth of
immigrants (Muhajjarah).
‫اہمجرنی( جررہ)یکاجدیئاداوراومالےکااظتنمےکےیلذہمدار۔‬:)‫ونبمہس(اومالاہمجرہ‬

Trade Fairs
1. Dawmatul Jandal: Located in modern-day Saudi Arabia, Dawmatul Jandal was a
significant trade and cultural center in pre-Islamic Arabia.
‫دوعتالجیددللبقازاالسمرعبںیما کیامہاجتریتاوراقثیتفرمکراھت۔‬،‫یدورےکوعسدیرعبںیمواعق‬ ‫جد ک د‬
2. Bahrain: The island of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf has a long history of trade and
commerce, connecting various civilizations in the region.
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫وجےطخیکفلتخمذہتوبیںوک ا‬،‫رھکےہ‬ ‫جیلخافرسںیمرحبنیاکجر ک ربہاجترتاوراجترتیکا کیوطلییارخی ا‬
3. Amman: Amman, the capital of modern-day Jordan, has a history of trade and was a
notable regional trading hub.
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫رھکےہاورا کیاقبذرکالعاقیئاجتریترمکراھت۔‬ ‫اجترتیکا کییارخی ا‬،‫یدورےکاردناکداراوکحلم‬ ‫جد ک د‬،‫امعن‬
4. Aden: The port city of Aden in Yemen has been a vital trading center for centuries, with
connections to various trade routes.
‫سجےکفلتخماجتریتراوتسںےسراےطبںیہ۔‬،‫نمیاکدنبراگیہرہشدعندصویںےسا کیامہاجتریترمکرراہےہ‬
5. Ukaz: Ukaz was one of the most famous pre-Islamic Arabian trade fairs, located near
Mecca, where various tribes would gather for trade and social events.
‫اہجںفلتخمابقلئاجترتاورامسیجرقتابیتےکےیلعمجوہےت‬،‫وجہکمےک رف کثواعقاھت‬،‫ایاھت‬
‫اکعزاالسمےسےلہپرعبےکوہشمراجتریتولیمںںیمےس ک‬
6. Zil Majaz: Zil Majaz was another well-known trade fair in pre-Islamic Arabia, known for
its commerce and cultural exchanges.
‫اجیاھت۔‬ ‫لظاجمزلبقازاالسمرعبںیم ک‬
‫وجاینپاجترتاوراقثیتفابتدولںےکےیلاجیا ا‬،‫ایاوررعموفاجتریتہلیماھت‬
7. Mina: Mina, near Mecca, is significant in Islamic history as the site where the Hajj
pilgrimage takes place and includes aspects of trade and commerce during the annual
Hajj season.
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫وہیےہاوراسںیماسالہنجحزیسنےکدوراناجترتاوراجترتےکولہپشالم‬ ‫االسیمیارخیںیماساقممےکوطررپامہےہاہجںجحاکرفس ا‬،‫ہکمےک رف کثینم‬

1. Jews: Judaism has a historical presence in the Arab world, with Jewish communities
living in various Arab countries.
‫ت‬ ‫ک ت‬
‫فلتخمرعباممکلںیموہیدی ک ر‬،‫اییاریخیوموجدیگےہ‬ ‫وہیدثیک ک‬ ‫رعبداینںیم‬
2. Christians: Christianity has been practiced in the Arab world for centuries, with diverse
Christian communities, including Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant denominations.
‫وھتیککلاوررپوٹنٹسٹفرےقشالمںیہ۔‬،‫نجںیمآروھتڈوسک‬،‫سجںیمونتمعیحیسمبرادر کیاںںیہ‬،‫اسیعتیئرعبداینںیمدصویںےسراجئےہ‬

3, Hanifi: The term "Hanifi" typically refers to followers of Hanifism, a pre-Islamic monotheistic
Arabian religious tradition that predates Islam. Hanifism emphasized belief in one God.

‫ک ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫رواثےہوجاالسمےسےلہپےہ۔تیفنحےن ک‬
‫ایجدا‬ ‫وجاالسمےسےلہپیکوتدیحرپسرعیبذمیبہ‬،‫االطصح"یفنح"اعموطررپتیفنحےکریپواکروںیکرطفاشارہرکیتےہ‬
‫رپنیقیرپزورد کای۔‬

3. Sabi: The Sabians, also known as Sabaeans or Mandeans, have a distinct religious
tradition practiced in some parts of the Arab world, particularly in Iraq and Iran. Their
faith has ancient origins and includes elements of Gnostic and monotheistic beliefs.
‫ک ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫رواثرپلمعریپاےہ۔انےکدیقعے‬ ‫رعبداینےکھچکوصحںںیماخصوطررپرعاقاور کابرانںیم ک‬،‫اجیےہ‬
‫ایاگلذمیبہ‬ ‫ےسجاصیب کایڈنیم کیانیھباہک ا‬،‫اصیب‬

5. Atheist: Individuals who do not hold any religious beliefs and do not believe in the existence
of deities.

Famous Idols

The idols you've listed, including Laat, Manat, Uzza, Sowa, Yaghus, Ya'uq, and Hubul, are associated with
pre-Islamic Arabian polytheistic beliefs. These idols were worshipped by various Arabian tribes before
the advent of Islam. They represent a polytheistic belief system that included numerous deities, spirits,
and idols, each associated with different aspects of life, such as fertility, protection, and guidance. With
the rise of Islam in the 7th century, the worship of these idols was replaced by monotheistic beliefs, with
the Arabian Peninsula embracing Islam as its primary religion.

‫لبقازاالسمرعبےکرشماکہناقعدئےسواہتسبںیہ۔االسمیکآدمےسلبقرعب‬،‫اورلبح‬،‫وعیق‬،‫ کیاوغس‬،‫وساع‬،‫زعہ‬،‫انمت‬،‫ومشبلالت‬،‫نجوتبںوکآپےندرجایکےہ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ت‬
‫نجںیمےسہر ک‬،‫روںیحاورثشالمںیہ‬،‫ایرشماکہندیقعہےکاظنمیکامندنئیگرکےتںیہسجںیمدعتمددوییا‬
‫ایزدنیگ‬ ‫ےکفلتخمابقلئانوتبںیکوپاجرکےتےھت۔وہ ک‬
‫ج کربرہامنرعب‬،‫انوتبںیکوپاجیکہگجوتدیحیاقعدئےنےلیل‬،‫وںیدصیںیماالسمےکرعوجےکاسھت‬7‫ظفحتاوررامنہیئےسواہتسبےہ۔‬،‫ےسیجزرزیخی‬،‫ےکفلتخمولہپؤں‬

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