Gateway To Moscow

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NEAR SMOLENSK, JULY 13, 1941: The German pincers belonging to Guderian’s Panzergruppe 2
closed in on Smolensk, the historical ”gateway to Moscow” threatening to encircle large Soviet
formations. The Red Army launched energetic, even fanatical, counterattacks. Meanwhile, bypassed
Red Army units were desperately trying to break out west. Guderian’s spearhead, elements of the 29th
Motorized Infantry Division attacking towards Smolensk, found itself under heavy counterattacks but
also had to deal with desperate trapped Red Army units fleeing west.

Balance / Variation: Board Configuration

Increase game length to seven turns. 16 19

Add one module of 81mm mortar OBA support.

Replace four 4-2-6 squads with 4-4-7s.

Add one Radio and with a random OBA module.

Add a -2 sniper that may set up anywhere north of hexrow W

on board 16.

To win, the German player must be the last to occupy the following buildings: 16T9, 16O3, 16L6,
19K3 and 19I8 with an unbroken squad. All buildings are considered to be in Soviet hands at the
beginning of the scenario.


German moves first

Soviet sets up first

v 2 3 4 5 6 END

Elements, 29th Motorized Infantry Divison, set up on board 16 south of hexrow Y and west of the GG6-Z3 road:

9-2 9-1 8-1 8-0 4-6-7 8-3-8 MMG LMG Radio 2-4-7
Mortar c
Inf Gun c

2 2 2 13 4 6 2

Elements, 61st Rifle Division, set up north of the road 19I1-19A5:

10-2 8-0 MMG 76*
4-4-7 2-3-7 LMG
Inf Gun


TURN 1: Various fleeing elements, enter along the west edge north of hex U10:

8-0 4-3-6 4-4-7 LMG

15 3

SPECIAL RULES AFTERMATH Taking maximum advantage of their superior training and
tactics, the the German infantry was able to repulse the Soviet counterattacks
1. The Soviet 10-2 leader represents a commissar. The commissar counter functions
as well as break up the desperate fleeing Soviet troops, taking scores of
as a normal leader in all respects except that his leadership modifier may not be used
prisoners in the process. It was however countless actions actions like this
in any combat-related die rolls but only for rally and morale purposes. Rally attempts over the vast landscapes of Mother Russia that, in the end, took a heavy toll
by the commissar never have “Desperation Morale” penalties (except his own self- of the strength of the German infantry. It would be felt bitterly a few months
rally) . If the commissar goes berserk all squads in that hex automatically goes later.
berserk as well.
2. Neither side have any off-board artillery.
3. Reflecting the chaotic Soviet command structure, the Soviet player must roll one
die at the start of his Mph during Turns 1-2. The resulting number is the number of
squads that may move in the MPh / AdvPh in that Turn. Squads stacked with the
commissar may move freely and may disregard this SSR. Soviet units move freely
after Turn 3. This SSR affects only the Soviet units that set up on board, the “fleeing
units” entering the board may move freely.

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