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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University of Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City
“Work Stress and Job Burnout on Turnover Intentions among Hotel Employees in
Dipolog City”

An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Business Administration

The Premier University of Zamboage del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

of the Course HMC-6 Research



June , 2023

Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University of Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City


In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course HMC-6 Research. This

and recommended for oral defense.


Research Adviser


DUMOLOP and JAY DUNQUE has been reviewed and approved by the Thesis Committee.




Research Unit Head/Statistician Member

Republic of the Philippines

Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City


with a rating of 2.4



Date Signed:


Research Unit Head Member

Date Signed: Date Signed:


Research Adviser
Date signed:___________________

ACCEPTED by the Associate Dean of College of Business Administration for the degree of



Associate Dean, College of Business Administration
Date Signed:__________________


The researchers express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the following people who

extended their unceasing support and who made remarkable contributions to the completion of this


To Sir Mark Andrew Bacordo who have always been there for them whenever they needed


To the respondents, who agreed to help the researchers by answering the questionnaires.

To our parents, for giving them financial and moral support in making this study.

Thank you very much to all the people who made this study a success.

Above all, to God Almighty, who allowed the researchers to live, guided them in their daily lives,

gave them strength and wisdom to be patient with the process, and gave everything they needed for

the success of the said endeavor.



This study is dedicated to our dear parents, who have always provided moral, spiritual,

emotional, and material support when we were on the edge of giving up.

To our brothers, sisters, relatives, mentors, friends, and classmates who, by their words of

advice and encouragement, motivated us to complete this study.

Finally, we thank the Almighty God for His guidance, strength, mental power, protection, and

abilities, as well as for providing us with a healthy existence, by dedicating our study to Him.

The Researchers











Introduction 1

Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework 3

Statement of the Problem 7

Significance of the Study 8

Scope and Delimitation 9

Definition of Terms 9



Research Method 24

Research Environment 24

Respondents of the Study 28

Research Instrument 28

Validating the instruments 29

Data Gathering Procedure 29

Statistical Treatment of Data 31

Ethical Considerations 33



Letter to the Adviser 36


Survey Questionnaire 38




1 Distribution of Respondents Profile 32

2 Point, Range and Verbal Analogy 33


1 Schema of the Study 6

Chapter One



Work stress is perceived to be among the phenomenal workplace health perils in the entire

world for employees. The word stress refers to force or pressure on the individual caused by

higher authorities. Job stress has been viewed as incapability, an adverse emotional state, burden,

response to job stressors, psychological state, and the trait dependence. Job burnout is typically

occurring when individuals feel overwhelmed, drained and unable to meet the demands of their

job. Burnout can affect anyone in any profession, from entry –level workers to top executives.

Occupational stress means the incompetence to tackle the challenge or pressure as a result of the

job owing to a pitiable fit amongst the capability of the workforce and the job conditions and


Duraisingam et al. (2019) suggest that intense stress at the workplace adversely impacts the

employees and lessens their association with the work, consequently affecting turnover intention.

Hotel employees also face a lot of provocations/challenges while accomplishing their tasks/jobs.

Experiencing a substantial amount of work, regular variations in conditions, dearth of the

feedback about performance, and truncated remunerations, they grow upset as well as exhausted

very easily,

Job burnout is a precarious issue calling for extensive attention from researchers and

managers. It has been associated with a variety of adverse retorts to the profession/job,

encompassing squat organizational commitment, job discontentment, and extraordinary


profession/job turnover intention. Job burnout serves as one of the most imperative predictors of

turnover intention and job satisfaction (Davis, K.,2018).

Hotel Employee turnover has given rise to a challenge for the hotel organizations as they had

always shown their concerns about providing the quality service to their clients. The hotel

industry is experiencing the labor shortages in the developed countries as well as the emerging

markets. Hotel employees are instrumental in building positive customer experiences that are

vital elements of the customer satisfaction as well as the evaluation of the service quality.

Employee turnover had posed a challenge for the hotel organizations for they had been

concerned with the provision of quality service for their customers. Most organizations would

begin to realize that the front-line employees who delivered the service, had provided assistance

with respect, care, and honesty that could create true value-added service for the customers

(Robbins, Stephen P. et al., 2019).

Therefore, the expected level of performance from employees will need careful

recruitment for the specific employee to be on duty to perform. This study seeks to determine the

work stress and job burnout on turnover intentions among hospitality employee in Dipolog City,

Zamboanga del Norte. To the best of the knowledge of the researcher, the present study will

contribute to filling the gap that exists in research on work stress and job burnout its impact on

employee turnover intention .


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The study is primarily anchored on Cognitive Appraisal Theory invented by

Richard Lazarus and colleagues (Folkman & Moskowitz, 2004) to elaborate on coping responses

to stressful situations was adopted. Appraisals are inversely related to dimensions in a way that

their explanation of features of events combine to cause particular emotions, while dimensions

are original genes of emotions. How an individual evaluates an encounter with the environment

in which he/she lives concerning his /her well-being is known as cognitive appraisal.

In primary appraisal, the person evaluates whether he or she has anything at stake in this

encounter. In secondary appraisal, the person evaluates if there is anything to outwit or prevent

harm or to improve the prospects for benefit. Primary and secondary appraisals link up to

determine whether the person environment transaction is seen as important for well-being, and if

so, whether it is primarily threatening (containing the possibility of harm or loss), or challenging

(holding the possibility of mastery or benefit).

Folkman and Lazarus (1985) defined coping as the dynamic behavior of an individual

and his/her management of inner and outer demands that are appraised and over his/her resources

on hand. In real-life events, how a person experiences something that has occurred will depend

on his/her instinct and conscience of what has happened. When there is no psychological arousal

concerning the happened event, the person will react positively or negatively to what happened.

After these occurrences, the individual starts to develop some thoughts on the cause of the event.

A sequence of cognitive appraisal theory is realized in this scenario. There are particularly two

well-known functions of coping, First, controlling or managing stressful emotions (emotions-

focused coping). The second function has to do with changing the environment concerning the

discomfort (problem-focused coping). Previous research results showed that both coping mainly

involve both functions.

Why Appraisal Theory: A stressed person feels emotionally upset and uneasy in the

environment he/she has an attachment to. Appraisal theory will help to understand the theoretical

picture for examining emotional differentiation (Smith et al., 2014). As in most current

approaches to emotion (e.g., Frijda ,1987)), emotions are viewed as largely adaptive responses to

the perceived environmental demands confronting an individual, with emotion viewed, in part, as

a signal system

that serves important adaptation functions (Simon, 1967). Different emotions are

generated by situations that have different types of adaptation priorities.

In this research on the relationship between job stress and job burnout, job stress is mainly the

source of stress. Job burnout is a special reaction from job stress.

Wafer Cannon, a famous physiologist at Harvard University, first introduced stress into

the field of physiological psychology in his monograph in 1932. He believes that stress is a kind

of internal balance disorder under the influence of external factors; the body is in a continuous

state of awakening, which will eventually damage health.

Although there is a significant increase in research on job stress, researchers have not

agreed on the definition and nature of job stress. Hans Selyels (1980) argues that “stress is the

body’s non-specific response to any demand that acts on it. John M. Ivancevich and Michal T.

Matteson define stress simply as “an individual’s response to the environment”. T.A. Beecher and

J.E. Newman define work stress as “a state that originates from the interaction between people

and work, is characterized by human internal changes and causes them to deviate from their

normal functions”.

Fred Luthans combines these two definitions and generalizes them. Stress is defined as

adaptive response to external conditions, which leads to physiological, psychological and

behavioral deviations of participants in an organization”.

Many researchers acknowledge that job burnout is caused by long-term job stress.

However, job burnout and job stress cannot be substituted for each other. There are essential

differences between them: (1) conceptually, job burnout includes pairs of negative attitudes and

behavioral changes of service objects, work and organizations may not necessarily be

accompanied by these attitudes and behavioral changes.

(2) From the production process, pressure forms rapidly and manifests clearly, which

can be an immediate response, while burnout is not easily detected, which is the result of a long

process of subtle evolution. (3) From the scope of production, people at work may experience

it. When it comes to stress, only some people, especially those engaged in helping others,

experience burnout for various reasons.

From the perspective of function, stress has a positive side, which can be transformed

into motivation to stimulate people's potential to a certain extent, while burnout brings only

negative effects. Foreign studies have shown that job stress itself does not necessarily lead to

burnout, but if individuals are under long-term job stress, they cannot be solved. In the

meantime, there are no buffer resources and no support system, so these irregular pressures will

develop into job burnout.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Work Stress

Turnover Intentions among Hotel


Job Burnout

Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram of the Study


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the work stress and job burnout on turnover intentions

among hospitality employee in Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte.

Specifically, This study seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of hotel employees in Dipolog City in terms of:

1.1 sex;

1.2 age;

1.3 educational attainment;

1.4 job position; and

1.5 employment Status?

2. To what extent is the work stress among hotel employees?

3. To what extent is the job burnout among hotel employees?

4. To what extent is the turnover intentions by the hotel employees?

5. Is there a significant difference on the extent of work stress and job burnout by the hotel


6. Is there a significant relationship on the extent of work stress and turnover intentions by the

hotel employees?

7. Is there a significant relationship on the extent of job burnout and turnover intentions by the

hotel employees?


HO1: There is no significant difference on the extent of work stress and job burnout by

the hotel employees.

HO2: There is no significant relationship on the extent of work stress and turnover

intentions by the hotel employees.

HO3: There is no significant relationship on the extent of job burnout and turnover

intentions by the hotel employees.

Significance of the Study

The present investigation is deemed beneficial to the following:

Employees. This research shall help the employees to be heard by concerned sectors on

their struggles regarding on work stress and job burnout. Through this study they have the

awareness about the nature of work as set by hotel establishments.

Hotel Managers/Owners. This study shall allow to address the needs of the employees

as shown in their job performance. This would help them realize that there must be

motivational / appraisal action within an organization to set a stress free workplace atmosphere.

This also creates a better understanding to have a flexible and supportive work environment

among hotel employees.

Hotel Industry. This study shall aware on the efficacious factors as well as the causes

behind employees’ leaving the organization, they employ various effective policies and


for sustaining the efficacious human resources beforehand. Hence, studies are needed that

explore the effect of conflict in life and work and job burnout.

Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). This study shall optimize the

development and utilization of the manpower resources to have fair workloads in the hotel

industry. This will also give hints how to ensure equal treatment for employee.

Future Researchers. This study shall serve as future references for future researchers

researching the same subject.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

It shall use the descriptive quantitative survey method of research utilizing modified

questionnaire as its principal tool of gathering data. Further, it shall focus on the selected 5 hotel

industry in Dipolog City such as; Gwandalan Hotel, D’Hotel, Happytelle, Ariana Hotel &

Camila 2 Hotel

Operational Definition of Terms

The following term defined, operationally;

Age. This refers to a basic demographic characteristic of an individual to be analyze as target

respondents. This are data about an individual to be categorized by age.

Educational Attainment. This refers to the highest level of education that an individual has

completed. The level of schooling that an individual is attending.

Emotional Exhaustion. This refers to an accumulation from negative or challenging events in

life for every employee just to fulfill work load in their workplace.

Employers. This refers to a person or business that employs one or more people especially for

wages or salary. The duties are to pay the workman, the compensation agreed upon, or if there be

no special agreement such just recompense as he deserves. Indeed, employer is a legal entity that

controls and directs a servant or worker under an express or implied contract of employment.

Employment Status. This refers to respondents related to their current work status

whether regular or casual.

Hotel Employee. This refer to an individual who has hired by an employer to do a

specific job. Is hired by the employer after an application and interview process results in his or

her selection as an employee.

Hotel industry. This refers to a servicing business conducing another significant branch

in the economic development of the country. The service-oriented industry and the supervisors

and employees had to confront, manage, and endure with the needs to meet the guests’ demands.

Individuals in the supervisory positions would have to understand and overcome any stress

through their own unique ways of coping.

Job Burnout. This refers to a worker that would “appear at work.” but they had lost

motivation and would just try to survive the day unscathed.

Job Content. This refers to the factors controlled by employee / individual like job

performance, recognition and autonomy this re related to individual’s job.

Job Position. This refers to a description of the day to day responsibilities and specific

tasks in the workplace.

Role Conflict. This refers when employee is given different and incompatible roles at

the same, or their role overlaps with another worker.

Salaries. This refers to regular payment from an employer to an employee.


Sex. This refers to a variable essential for projections regarding fertility and life

expectancy. This data shall need to be accurate to understand the differences in the lives of

women and men.

Turnover Intentions. This refers to an employee who are eventually leaving the organization.

The intention to quit would usually start when an employee received an unfavorable situation

and he/she would start thinking about looking for another job. The decision to leave the

organization would usually be a much easier decision to make than the intention to.

Work Stress. This refers to an encompass control at work, working hours, job insecurity,

managerial style, overload, and underload. Occasionally, the situations calling for the behavioral

alterations might put any employee under stress.


Chapter Two


This chapter presents the review on related literature and studies purposely to augment

explanation on the theoretical and conceptual framework of the study.

Work Stress

Stress is man ‘s adaptive reaction to an outward situation which would lead to physical,

mental and behavioral changes. According to Matthews (2021) stress can be experienced from

four basic sources – the environment, social stressors, physiological and thoughts. In today ‘s

world, the degree of stress increased owing to urbanization, globalization that results into cut-

throat competition. Stress is inescapable part of modern life, work place is becoming a volatile

stress factory for most employees and it is rightly called as the Age of anxiety. Though stress

harms human beings in several ways, not all the stresses are destructive in nature. Appropriate

amount of stress can actually trigger your passion for work, tap your latent abilities and even

ignite inspirations. Stress is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an

opportunity, demand, or resource related to what the individual desired and for which the

outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.

Wager, (2019) found that employees who worked under two differently perceived

supervisors in the same workplace has significant health effects. Some studies have identified

links between problematic characteristic of work and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease

effect with bullying and harsh supervision, and lower the blood pressure working with a

favorably perceived supervisor.

The psychosocial risks caused by work stress can be classified into job insecurity, labor

intensification, and imbalance in the work and personal life. The businesses are unable to

continue their contracts, leading to a decline in jobs, and bringing about a sense of insecurity as

well as anxiety among the employees. They must handle a higher day-to-day workload and work

pressure on a daily basis. The pressure at work, greater workload, and insecure work may give

rise to the problems which the workforces hold over into their private lives. The work stress

results in adverse consequences. Loads of behavioral glitches are the result of work-related

stress, which encompasses disagreeable interactions among coworkers, increased rate of

absence, and steady loss of morale. Weiss (2019)

Work stress is divided into two key structural dimensions, namely role ambiguity and

role conflict. Role conflict spells out that when persons experience two or more expectations

about their role, they are unable to fulfill both expectations simultaneously. Role ambiguity,

alternatively, denotes the feelings of the employees when they are undecided or lack an

appropriate mastery of their role and are unable to attain vibrant role expectations at work.

Smith (2018)

Hotel employees who have lower stress levels will exhibit a lower level of intention to

quit. Moreover, Omar (2018) revealed a positive association between intention to leave and job

stress. The extraordinary stress of the employees increases their aspiration to leave the

workstation. Though every employee aspires to leave the work at diverse levels, work stress is

an imperative factor behind the intention to leave, and it increases the probability of resigning

from the work.

Huang et al. (2019) referred to the effect of avoidance, social support, and problem-solving as

the managing strategies for turnover intentions and occupational stress among the employees of

a hotel. They found that occupational stress was positively associated with the intentions of the

hotel employees regarding leaving the job. The study also elucidated occupational stress’s role

as an imperative facilitator in the association between the managing strategies.

Conflicts are very common in modern societies due to the scarcity of resources, division

of functions/tasks, diversity and organization roles in society (Madalina, 2019). Conflicts in a

society can stimulate creativity, independence and innovation (Gabriela et al., 2019) which are

desired outcomes of human interaction and behavior. However, conflicts in the working

environment of a business organization are different. They are usually attributed to

disagreements in attitudes, perceptions, needs and values, tasks and policies, and conflicting

interests. They can also be attributed to competition or negative behaviors and reactions of

organizational members. They can create many problems in any business organizations

including tourism and hospitality enterprises, such as miscommunication and dissatisfaction

(Bibi & Siti 2018). On the other hand, employees' conflicts in a business organization can be

viewed as important aspect for authentic involvement, empowerment and democracy. When

adequately exploited, conflicts can have productive consequences, such as: effective task

completion; effective problem solving; improved working relationships (Bodtker, 2018).

Role conflict, which are among the main antecedents of work stress (Piartrini, 2020),

occur mostly in large and complex organizational structures .A dynamic organizational

environment and a changing employment and technological structure are also situational

factors .This are common experiences in hospitality workplaces, due to the largely intangible

nature of the service, concurrent consumption and production, and the key role of employees in

producing the hospitality product.

According to Davis’s (2019) study, hotel employees experience work stress on 40–62%

of workdays and the most common stress factors are inter-personal conflicts and role overload.

Discrepancies in the impact on multiple roles have been noted in recent literature. According to

the “enhancement expansionist theory”, eminent researchers have empirically shown that role

accumulation can benefit men and women in terms of buffering, social support, opportunities for

success and increasing sources of reference. In addition, empirical evidence has also shown a

common consensus that psychological stress is a result of numerous roles.

Role conflict indicate the high degree of attention of organizational studies on the

subject. Past research points to many direct and indirect negative outcomes. The meta-analysis

on 43 studies conducted by Gitelson (2020) shows that role ambiguity and role conflict have

negative effects on commitment, engagement, job satisfaction, and employee turnover.

Similarly, Jackson and Schuler (2019) conducted a meta-analysis on approximately

200 studies and found that role conflict cause low job satisfaction, stress, low commitment,

intention to leave, absenteeism, and low job performance.

According to Rizzo et al. (2020), employees experience stress, anxiety, low self-

esteem, low job satisfaction, low productivity, and hostile feelings toward their organizations.

Gullahorn (2018) defines role conflict as a situation which occurs as a result of

incompatible role demands. Role conflict includes two or more role pressures from various

sources. According to the classical organization theory, role conflict has no place in a well-

structured organization with a solid chain of command. A position in the organization must

come with a single role definition. On the other hand, modern organizations have to change

structurally according to environmental changes. Moreover, role conflict may arise not just out

of organizational issues but also out of human relations. Role conflict in organizations is studied

under various categories such as intra-sender conflict, inter-sender conflict, inter-role conflict

and person-role conflict. For example, a hotel employee may be required to play different roles

at work such as guest relations specialist, manager, subordinate and colleague. Lastly, person-

role conflict stems from incompatibility between the requirements of a role and the values,

needs, talents, and personality of the role owner. A religious or ethical employee might feel very

uncomfortable in fulfilling an unethical but essential instruction.

Role conflict cause many individual and organizational deficiencies. Past research shows

that low job satisfaction and low job performance are among the most important negative

outcomes (De Choudhury, 2019). Similar outcomes are observed in the hospitality sector.

Karatepe and Uludag (2018) emphasize that hotel employees, especially those in

frontline positions, experience severe role stress. And role conflict and role ambiguity are

behind. According to the data collected from 1645 hotel employees, role ambiguity has a direct

negative effect on service quality (Lin & Ling, 2018).

Levine (2018) mentioned that job description and job analysis are the core stone for

many function of human resources like recruitment and hiring, performance evaluation and

salary range, and that shows the important of job description in assisting the organization to get

people who will performed well in their position. Therefore, well developed job description is

needed to clear all the obstacle that the employee will faced while performing their tasks and

duties as cited by.

For the employee to perform any job its required specific knowledge, skills and ability

(KSA) therefore, it must be included in the organization job descriptions so that the applicants

knows the type of job they are going to faced. So, unclear description of job always leads to

poor performance and dissatisfaction (Royer, 2019).

The researchers and professionals agreed also that job description should be existing by

using job analysis, however, in practice that is not the issue because some jobs are new in nature

and that make the managers and human resources professionals to create job description with

what it will cover. Since the job is new it is difficult for the analyst to get more information

about the job from different sources such as staff, supervisors and etc (Brannick et al, 2017).

In addition, Jones et. al. (2018) stated that using job description to quantify aspects of a

job can be effective and efficiency rather than using traditional methods of job analysis which is

costly in term of time and financial.

However, in a major departure from life, work is meant to be captured in one number – an

employee’s salary. It is undeniable that an individual takes away much more from those 1,960

hours than a salary. Just think of the feelings above. Studies have shown that many employees

count at least one of their co-workers as one of their close friends 1. Many individuals

intentionally strive to create a positive impact through their work or to find some sort of

meaning from those 1,960 hours other than a salary. Nonetheless, in an economic sense, an

employee’s salary should respond to all of the examples above and, in that way, capture the

entirety of work. Viewed as a price for labor, an employee’s salary is flexible based on the

forces of supply and demand in all their forms.

Diener (2020) contributed to this area of research through their paper titled “High

Income Improves Evaluation of Life but Not Emotional Well-Being”. They used 2008 data

collected by The Gallup Organization on 450,000 US employees. Though this paper found

similar results to Diener et al, it focused more exclusively on salary. Emotional well-being,

which is synonymous to positive feeling and day-to-day experience, did not increase for

employees with salaries above $75,000. However, life evaluation continued to increase for


employees with salaries above that threshold, which further differentiates these distinct

categories of happiness.

Lazear (2019) Performance related pay directly impact the workers performance creating

the output through pay and workers are able to give more pay structure according to the


Mitchelle (2018) says that motivation of employee productivity can be enhance provide

Davis (2018) The rewards may be cash, recognition both to be acceptable that to achieve the

forgets they are performance is well rewards is the key motive to increase the employee

performance to expected well

Ritzwan (2018) research accomplished that may be form of individual and may be form

of multiple performance pay plan different, qualities can consider the efficiency of degree to

perform merit pay to performance and bonus long incentives ,first of all merit pay is form of

reward and individual function of their individuals performance and rating.

Bandied et al (2017) the relation of pay and performance is directly Connecting worker

has a fixed pay in a period of time and give incentive for their good performance, the pay for

shorter term incentive give the power job shorter oriented

effective recognition which provide the result improve the performance of organization.

Job Burnout

According to Simon (2018) many health and psychological problems for workers result

from job burnout, such as job dissatisfaction, low production quality, and work-related factors

such as constantly changing expectations, work pressure without an outlet for support, and

conflicting job roles that can cause job burnout syndrome. Personality traits such as work

orientation, need for assertiveness, and idealism can increase the risk of job burnout.

Siu (2020) asserted that job burnout is, as a matter of fact, a rejoinder to personal and

emotive stressors at the occupation/job, resulting in negative feelings such as dearth of

accomplishment, low productivity at work, and inefficiency. Emotional exhaustion, ranging

from mild boredom to severe depression, unemotional treatment of people, and a dearth of a

sense of individual completion are seen as the main causes of job burnout.

Job burnout means a condition that pops up due to the recurrent exposure to stressful

situations at work that cause physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. Job burnout continues

to adversely affect workers in many organizations, which results in an impact on the efficacy of

the institutions besides bringing about unacceptable effects on the employees. Risk factors

associated with the job burnout encompass lack of support by the organization, lack of

motivation, dearth of clarification, incompetence, increased responsibilities, and unrealistic

expectations. Sgeridan (2020)

It also includes manifestations of controlling interpersonal relationships and withdrawal

symptoms, family problems, health issues, and low performance. For this reason, all managers

must implement appropriate strategies which will facilitate them in making an advantageous

workstation atmosphere to protect the employees from going through the issues linked to


Penney ( 2023) stated that job burnout increases alcohol addiction, which can often lead

to violence and aggression within the work environment. Reasonably, once employees are

content with their profession/jobs and feel extra efficient, they become able to voluntarily assist

others in their related work. Similarly, when they find themselves less capable and less skillful at

their work, they perceive that they are unable to control their irritability, and exhaustion causes

mood swings that lead to mistreatment of others. Unfortunately, there is little interest in the

affiliation between the mistreatment of co-workers and job burnout, and sabotage from poor

work environments.

Emotional exhaustion would appear first which could be displayed by chronic excessive

work requirements that would deplete a person’s emotional resources (Boles et al., 2020)

Job burnout has been considered as a type of stress, which is one. In contrast, Maslach

(2019), who developed the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which is the most widely known

instrument used to measure burnout (Maslach et al., 2018), claimed that burnout is a multi-

dimensional construct that consists of three distinct components: emotional exhaustion,

depersonalization, and diminished personal accomplishment. They defined burnout as “a

syndrome of emotional exhaustion and cynicism that occurs frequently among individuals who

do ‘people-work’ of some kind”. Originally, job burnout research focused on human service jobs

because assumed that job burnout occurs only in the human services environment. It has been

recognized as an occupational hazard for various people-oriented professions such as social

service and education.

Job burnout studies then were conducted on people working in human services and

education. Vallen (2020) studied about organizational climate and burnout, and consequently

found a strong relationship between burnout among hospitality industry employees and

identifiable organizational characteristics. In particular, hospitality organizations that generate

employee distrust, demonstrate a close control over the employees, and do not encourage

teamwork, were found to produce significantly more burnout among workers.

In many cases, the resources available to people are limited and environmental factors

such as uncivilized work (uncivilized colleagues, clients, managers) quickly deplete these

resources. When these resources fall to a certain level, these people are exhausted (Neveu, 2017).

The COR theory also suggests the loss of physical, emotional, and cognitive resources due to the

uncivil behavior of colleagues. In addition to the mechanisms of resource availability, the loss of

resources due to the uncivil behavior of colleagues seems to depend on human reaction. The

reduction of resources is an important aspect of emotional distress .

Like COR theory, AET helps explain how rude behavior from colleagues affects

emotional fatigue in frontline workers. In particular, workplace accidents are believed to be one

of the main causes of employee emotional reactions. The work environment (i.e., uncivilized

colleagues) is not only the emotional state of the staff (i.e., fatigue, anxiety, misery, anger) but

also their behavioral reactions (emotional work, quality of service, organizational commitment).

Given the relationship between stress, emotional exhaustion, and job performance in the

Koeske (2018) , the current study highlights the negative effects of emotional fatigue on the

performance of front-line staff. This is confirmed by the COR theory, which shows that people

always suffer negative psychological consequences that cause emotional fatigue in the face of the

demands of social interaction and the threat of loss of resources. Therefore, the following

assumptions are made


Turnover Intentions

Turnover is viewed as the movement of employees outside the boundaries of the

organization. Employee turnover denotes the phenomenon of employees’ saying goodbye to an

organization willingly. The decision of an employee to say goodbye to an organization is

exorbitant for the organization as well as the individual.

Turnover intention refers to the chances that a person will leave the current job within a

short period of time. In simple words, it is the employee’s intention to change the job [ 51]. The

turnover intention may be explicated as an intention of saying goodbye to a job. High turnover is

generally explicated as bad, and it is presumed expensive as it threatens quality. Another

negative is the endless need for hiring and training new employees.

Labor turnover was seen as a two-dimensional concept, divided into voluntary and

involuntary turnover, between an individual leaving a job and joining another workplace.

The study by Nicholson (2018) investigated the reasons for restaurant managers'

turnover. They indicated that the issues of pay; treatment by supervisors; work hours; and job

pressure would lead to the intention for turnover. They added that that those people who left

their job were experiencing various forms of stress. A research work conducted in Australia by

Marwick (1991) revealed, in summary, the reasons for turnover, and some of the reasons were

stress, the lack of understanding on industry work conditions, and that they were too young to

cope with job demand (particularly in the front-line positions).

Turnover intentions would be a vital stage before the actual turnover occurred. The

turnover intentions could lead to the employees eventually leaving the organization. According

to Liao (2019), the employees that quit from their current job would take place after he/she

started thinking of staying or to leave; though in the short term, the employee could have high

intention to quit.

The decision to leave the organization would usually be a much easier decision to make

than the intention to leave. Voluntary or involuntary turnover would be the eventual decision of

the employees. Lee (2018) contended that the intention to quit would usually start when an

employee received an unfavorable situation and he/she would start thinking about looking for

another job.


Reliable information on employee turnover would be very important because

organization would need sufficient time to train their new employees to ascertain that they were

ready to assume their new jobs, and it would be some time before the organization would get

good result out of them. If an organization continued to train their employees or retained them, it

would ensure that their productivity level would be maintain regardless of high turnover rate.

But, the productivity level would be low if the organization ignored the risk and did not prepare

itself well in high employee turnover situations. To keep employees motivated, the organization

would need an open communication system whereby employees could approach the managers

on work-related problems. Therefore, the expected level of performance from employees will

need careful recruitment for the specific employee to be on duty to perform (Van Yperen &

Hagedoorn, 2020).

Chapter Three


This chapter deals with the research methodology used in this study. These are presented

in the following sections: methods used; research environment; respondents of the study;

research instrument; validating the instrument; data gathering procedure and statistical treatment

of data.

Research Method

The study shall utilize the descriptive quantitative survey through adaptive questionnaires

which serves as the data gathering instrument. This method used to analyze data by accessing

data that has been collected. A type of quantitative design used in the study on the various factors

that would have an association with the burnout and employees’ intention to leave variables...

For this purpose, the researcher has collected primary data from 50 employees from 5 reputed

hotels in Dipolog City through survey and their responses are considered for assessing the

different hotel practices among selected employees from each hotel. For employee, it is

randomly selected as respondents of the study.

Research Environment

This study shall be conducted among hotel employee in Dipolog City Hotel

Establishments. Dipolog is the capital city of the province of Zamboanga del Norte, the province

that occupies the northern part of Zamboanga Peninsula in the Mindanao island of the

Philippines.It is commonly known as the “Bottled Sardines Capital “due to its sardine production

and most popularly the “Gateway to Western Mindanao” being accessible from Dumaguete,

Cebu and Manila. There are 26 registered hotels in the city which is mostly visited among clients

from other places.

Table 1. List of Hotel Industry in Dipolog City

Hotel Industry Best Practices of the Hotel

Gwandalan Hotel  The hotel features a garden, shared

lounge, a terrace and restaurant in

Dipolog. This 4-star hotel offers a

bar. The accommodation provides a

24 – hour front desk, airport

transfers, room service and free

WIFI throughout the property.

 The hotel offers a continental or

Asian breakfast.

D’Hotel & Suites  Offers a budget friendly environment

alongside many helpful amenities

designed to enhanced stay.

 Rooms offer air conditioning

providing exceptional comfort and

convenience to guests with free WIFI.

 Offers an on-site restaurant .


Happytelle  Offers a guest air-conditioned rooms,

32 LED cable table, hot and cold

shower, direct dial telephones, 24

hour receptions and security.

 Display good guest relations by

making every guest wish be granted.

Like asking what guest want and give

them proper attention. This way guest

is pampered and surprise with the

unique approaches.

Ariana Hotel

 Hotel observe the following enhanced

safety measures and social distancing.


They accept cash basis only.

 Invented and collected the most

valuable tools for realizing objectives

that would ensure that there should be

a right person in the right place who

are responsible for providing the

hotel with suitable, motivated and

skilled management professional


Camila 2  Created a virtual environment to

collect and distribute ideas and tools

to assist guest and colleagues in hotel

to meet targets and exceed guest


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be selected hotel employee in Dipolog City hotel

establishments. A total of 5 hotels will be utilized in the study. They are randomly selected to

give answers from the questionnaire to be collected and analyze. Purposive sampling will be

employed in the study. There are 26 presently registered hotels in the Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI), Provincial Office, Zamboanga del Norte.The said establishments are still

operating amidst COVID 19 pandemic.

Table 2. Respondents of the Study

Hotel Establishment Number of Employees Actual Respondents

Gwandalan Hotel 11 10
D’Hotel & Suites 27 10
Happytelle 19 10
Ariana Hotel 35 10
Camila 2 hotel 17 10
Total 109 50

Research Instruments

This study shall use a standardized questionnaire tool of gathering data. The

questionnaire shall be composed of 4 parts. The Part 1 will be the Hotel Employees Profile; sex,

age, educational attainment, job position, employment status and type of hospitality industry

while Part 2 will be discussed the work stress experienced by the hotel employees.The items in

this part was adopted from parker and De cotiis (1983 cited in Yhong et al. ,2018) Part 3 will be

the job burn out experienced by the hotel employees. The items in part 3 was adopted from

Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) General survey. (Maslach et al. ,1997 cited Wen et al. ,2020).

The last part of the questioner discusses the turn over intentions among Hotel employees. The

three items in this section was adapted from Abdon et al. (2022 as cited in Salama et al. ,2022).

A 5-point Likert scale like strong agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree will be use

to interpret the levelof agreement to a statement of each hotel employee respondents.


Validating the Instruments

The adaptive questionnaires which will be formulated by the researchers and will be

submitted to the research experts to determine its validity and also for perusal for possible

corrections or modifications. The final, corrected and modified questionnaire will be checked

and validated by the research validators before the researchers shall use the questionnaire for

data gathering.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers, upon recommendation from the Board of Panel to commence data

gathering, shall ask permission from the Dean of the College of Business Administration for

their referral to tourism establishments and destinations. The main data collection instrument

used for the study is questionnaire administration with the selected sample population. When all

the preliminaries will be accomplished, the researchers shall distribute the questionnaires to the

respondents of each hotel establishments and will ask them to answer diligently the questionnaire

to the best of their knowledge and to what they perceived as actually happened. Primary Data

were collected via face-to-face, on-site interviews with structured and unstructured, open-ended

questions directed at employees at the operation level in the organization. The interviews were

conducted by 5 trained research assistants. Secondary data was gathered though published

research reports and scanning of articles in the various academic journals and proceedings, and

also from documents and reports from the organization. The secondary information collected

would form the basis and framework for this investigation. After the respondents answered the

questionnaire, the researchers shall collect the same, tally and will refer to a statistician for

statistical work.

Gantt Chart

Table C. Project Schedule.

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 16- Feb Mar Apr
27-30 5-7 8-9 10-13 14-15 18 9-20 16-20 13-17

Project Planning

Title Making


Review of



Research Proposal


Statistical Treatment of Data

The data obtained from the responses of the respondents through the use of the

questionnaire which were classified, tallied, tabulated and statistically treated in order to

determine work stress and job burnout on turnover intentions among hotel employees in Dipolog


Specifically, the study sought to answer the following:

1. To determine the profile of the respondents, the simple percentage was used.

P= f x 100


P=the percentage

f= the frequency

N=total number of respondents

2. To determine the work stress and job burnout by the hotel employees in terms of job


role conflict, salaries and emotional exhaustion , the weighted mean was used.


Where: Wm=the weighted mean

Wi=the respective weight of each response

Xi=the number of respondents in a particular response

N=the number of sample

Hence, the level of the weighted mean in the five-point scale with the following descriptive

equivalents are as follows:



Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.41-4.20 Agree
3 2.61-3.40 Uncertain
2 1.81-2.60 Strongly Disagree
1 1.00-1.80 Disagree

3.Chi-Square Test (x2) was utilized to evaluate the significant difference to the determine

the work stress and job burnout on turnover intentions when grouped according to its


× =∑ ¿ ¿

Where: x2 = Chi-square test

fo = observed frequency

fe = expected frequency

Ethical Consideration

The researcher during the conduct of this research shall ensure that the research

respondents will not be subjected to harm or intimidation in any ways whatsoever. Prioritized

and respect the respondents of the study. Full consent among the respondents as well as the

establishment will be obtained prior to the distribution of the questionnaires. Moreover, research

respondents have the rights to withdraw from the study at any stage if they wish to do so.

Likewise, the researcher shall ensure the protection and privacy of the research respondents and


level of confidentiality of research data will also be ensure. Anonymity of individuals

participating in the research will also be ensure.


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Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Turno, Dipolog City
Letter to the Adviser
CORE VALUES March 2023
Humane Trust
Innovative Excellence
Transformational Communication

Dear Maam;

A dynamic, inclusive and regionally – Good day!

diverse university in southern
Philippines. The undersigned are BS-HM III students of Jose Rizal Memorial State
University, we humbly ask your permission to be our adviser for our study entitled

MISSION “Work Stress and Job Burnout on Turnover Intentions Among Hotel Employees
Jose Rizal Memorial State University
in Dipolog City”. We have chosen you as our adviser for we know that you have
pledges to deliver effective and efficient knowledge and expertise to guide us throughout the making of the study.
services along research, instruction,
production and extension. We are looking forward that you will critique our work so that we may
know if what aspect we are going to improve.
It commits itself to provide advanced
professional, technical and
technopreneurial training with the aim of
producing highly competent, innovative
and self-renewed individuals. Thank you and God bless!

GOALS Respectfully yours,

G – lobally competitive educational
R – esilent to internal and external risks
and hazards; JOHN KETH DAMAENG
I – nnovative processes and solutions in
research translated to extension CHRISTINE DUMOLOP

P – artnerships and collaborations with JAY DUNQUE

private enterprise, other HEIs,
government agencies, and alumni;
Approved/Disapproved by:
S – ound Fiscal Management and
Participatory Governance Prof. MARK ANDREW BACORDO
Jose Rizal Memorial State University, a Research Adviser
believer of holistic humane development,
excellence and quality service, provides
quality training to students. It shall commit
to provide adequate, suitable, and relevant
resources and services with continuing
Noted by:
quality management system for clients and
customer’s satisfaction thru an efficient and MARIBETH R. SY
effective quality system which conforms
with national and international statutory and Research Instructor
regulatory requirements.

Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Turno, Dipolog City

● Innovative Excellence

● Transformational
This is to certify that this undergraduate thesis entitled “ WORK STRESS

VISION IN DIPOLOG CITY”, written by John Carlo G. Angana, JOHN KETH

A dynamic, inclusive and regionally – DAMAENG, CHRISTINE DUMOLOP and JAY DUNQUE
diverse university in southern

. The instrument used has been checked and validated by the
research committee experts.
Jose Rizal Memorial State University
pledges to deliver effective and efficient
services along research, instruction, Given this____ day of ____2023 at Jose Rizal Memorial State
production and extension.
University, Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City, Philippines.
It commits itself to provide advanced
professional, technical and
technopreneurial training with the aim of
producing highly competent, innovative MARIBETH R. SY, MBA
and self-renewed individuals.
GOALS Validator I
G – lobally competitive educational
R – esilent to internal and external risks
I – nnovative processes and solutions in
research translated to extension
engagements; Validator II
P – artnerships and collaborations with
private enterprise, other HEIs,
government agencies, and alumni;
S – ound Fiscal Management and
Participatory Governance
Jose Rizal Memorial State University, a Validator III
believer of holistic humane
development, excellence and quality
service, provides quality training to
students. It shall commit to provide
adequate, suitable, and relevant
resources and services with continuing
quality management system for clients
and customer’s satisfaction thru an
efficient and effective quality system
which conforms with national and
international statutory and regulatory

Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City


Dearest Respondents;
The researchers will be conducting a study entitled “Work Stress and Job Burnout on
Turnover Intentions among Hotel Employees in Dipolog City”; in relation to this, the

researchers will provide this survey questionnaire for you to answer in order to assess your work
performance. Your honest answer will contribute to the success of this study.

The Researchers


Part 1. Personal Information

Listed hereunder were personal questions. Please answer it religiously. Rest assure that
your answer will be treated with utmost secrecy. Please mark on the space provided for as to the
answer best suited to your personality.

Scale Interpretation
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Moderately Agree
2 Strongly Disagree
1 Disagree

Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female

Age: ( ) 18 – 27 years old ( ) 28 – 37 years old ( ) 38 – 47 years old
( ) 48 – 57 years old ( ) 58 years old and above
Educational Attainment: ( ) Elementary Level/Graduate
( ) High School Level/Graduate
( ) Vocational
( ) College Level
( ) Bachelor’s Degree Holder
( ) Master and/Master’s Degree Holder
( ) Doctorand/Doctor’s Degree Holder
Job Positions: ( ) Rank and File (Front Service ( ) Supervisor ( ) Managerial
Employment Status:
( ) Regular/Permanent Employee
( ) Casual Employee
( ) Seasonal Employee
Part 2. Work stress among hotel employees

Work Stress Indicators 1 2 3 4 5

1.I have felt fidgety or nervous as a result of my job.
2.Working here makes it hard to spend enough time with my
3.My job gets me more than it should.
4.I spend so much time at work, I can’t see the forest for the trees.

5.There are lots of times when my job drives me right up the wall.
6.Working here leaves little time for other activities.
7.Sometimes when I think about my job I get a tight feeling in my
8.I frequently get the feeling I am married to the company.
9.I have too much work and too little time to do it in.
10.I feel guilty when I take time off from job.
11.I sometimes dread the telephone ringing at home because the
call might be job- related.
12.I feel like I never have a day off.
13.Too many people at my level in the company get burned out by
job demands.
Source: Parker, D.F., & DeCotiis, T.A. (1993). Organizational determinants of job stress.
Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 32,160-
177.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0030-5073(83)90145-Job burnout among

Job burnout among employees

Job burnout Indicators 1 2 3 4 5

1.I feel emotionally exhausted because of my work.
2.I feel worn out at the end of a working day.
3.I feel tired as soon as get up in the morning and see a new
working day stretched out in front of me.
4.I can easily understand the actions of my colleagues /
5.I get the feeling that I treat some clients / colleagues
impersonally, as if they were objects.
6.Working with people the whole day is stressful for me.
7.I deal with other people’s problems successfully.

8.I feel burned out because of my work.

9.I feel that I influence other people positively through my work,
10.I have become more callous to people since I have started

doing this job.

11.I am not really interested in what is going on with many of my
colleagues .
12.I find it easy to build a relaxed atmosphere in my working
13.I feel stimulated when I been working closely with my
Source: Maslach,C., & Jackson,S.E.(1981).Maslach Burnout Inventory –ES Form
(MBI) [Database Record]. APA Psyc Test.https://doi.org/10.1037/t05190-000

Turnover Intentions among hotel employees

Turnover Intentions Indicators 1 2 3 4 5

1.I would quit my present job for a similar position with better pay
in another organization at the least opportunity.
2.Continuation with my present employer will not fulfill my life
3.As soon as I can find a better job, I will quit this organization.
4.I often think about quitting my job.
5.I will probably look for a job outside of this organization within
the next 3 years.
6.It is very unlikely that I would ever consider leaving for this
7.I prefer very much not to continue working for this organization.

8.I will likely actively look for a new job in the next year.
9.Deciding to stay or leave my workplace is not a key issue for me
at the moment.
10.I’ve been in this workplace as long as I wanted to.
11.For me, this is the best place to work.
12.I am really interested in the destiny of this organization.
13.I feel inspired to do my best by the fact that I work in this
Source: Abdon,E.et al (2022) Visualization Research and Analysis of Turnover Intention”.

E3S Web Conferences 253

(2021): 02018.http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202125302018.

Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University of Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City


Asso. Dean, CBA
JRMSU- Dipolog City
Dear Ma’am;

We are the students of College of Business Administration in Jose Rizal Memorial State University
Dipolog Campus taking the course of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management. We are currently
taking the subject Research 1 (Research Hospitality 1). As part of the requirements of this subject we are
conducting a research study entitled “entitled “Work Stress and Job Burnout on Turnover Intentions
among Hotel Employees in Dipolog City”. In this regard we respectfully request the permission to
allow us to gather data and conduct survey within the scope of JRMSU College of Business
Administration Department as well as the City’s Five hotel establishment namely: D’ Hotel and Suites
Dipolog City, Camilla 2 Hotel, Ariana hotel Dipolog City and Top Plaza Hotel and Dipolog City.

I hope you will be able to accommodate our request for the success of this study. Rest assured that their
responses will be treated with absolute confidentiality

Thank you and God bless!

Very truly yours,




Noted by:


Research Adviser
Approved by:
Associate Dean, CBA


Larayan Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte
Cellphone Number: +639852756986

E-mail address: elton.guimbarda@gmail.com


BIRTHDAY: May 15,2000
BIRTHPLACE: Dipolog City
AGE: 23 yrs. old
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
FATHER’S NAME: Leonardo T. Angana
MOTHER’S NAME: Rosalinda G. Angana


TERTIARY: Jose Rizal Memorial State University

Turno, Dipolog City

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management



Dipolog City



De Venta Perla Polanco
Zamboanga Delnorte
Cellphone Number: +63985232186

E-mail address: jkdamaeng@gmail.com


NICKNAME: yanyan
BIRTHDAY: December 4,2000

BIRTHPLACE: De Venta Perla Polanco

AGE: 22 yrs. old
RELIGION: Roman Catholic
MOTHER’S NAME: Elvira Egham


TERTIARY: Jose Rizal Memorial State University

Turno, Dipolog City

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management


SECONDARY:Sergio Osmena National High School

Dipolog City


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