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Glossary of Abbreviations

Glossary of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Full form

AA Assessing Authority
AC Air Conditioned
ADM Additional District Magistrate
ADSR Additional District Sub-Registrar
AETC Auto Emission Testing Centre
AG Accountant General
ARA Additional Registrar of Assurance
ARAI Automotive Research Association of India
ARTO Additional Regional Transport Officer
BE Budget Estimates
BED Act Bengal Electricity Duty Act
BL&LRO Block Land and Land Reforms Officer
BoBS Bon-o-Bhumisanskar Sthayee Samity
BPDR Act Bengal Public Demands Recovery Act
BS Bhumi Sahayak
CAATs Computer Assisted Auditing Techniques
CAG Comptroller and Auditor General of India
CCT Commissioner of Commercial Taxes
C&I Department Commerce and Industries Department
CESC Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation
CF Certificate of Fitness
CFT Cubic Feet
CMV Rules Central Motor Vehicles Rules
COP Conformity of Production
CORD Computerisation of Registration of Documents
CST Act Central Sales Tax Act
CTC Calcutta Transport Corporation
CTP Contractual Transfer Price
CTPL Celex Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
DAIT Directorate of Agricultural Income Tax
DAW Data Analysis Wing
DCT Directorate of Commercial Taxes
DED Directorate of Electricity Duty
DG Diesel Generator
DIGR Deputy Inspector General of Registration

Audit Report (Revenue Sector) for the year ended 31 March 2017

Abbreviation Full form

DL Driving Licence
DL&LRO District Land and Land Reforms Officer
DLR&S Director of Land Records and Surveys
DP Draft Paragraph
DR District Registrar
DSDA Digha Shankarpur Development Authority
DSR District Sub-Registrar
DVC Damodar Valley Corporation
EC Eligibility Certificate
e-TD Electronic Transit Declaration
FLA Collector First Land Acquisition Collector
GIS Geographical Information System
GOI Government of India
GOWB Government of West Bengal
GVW Gross Vehicle Weight
HC Head Clerk
HDA Haldia Development Authority
HHT Hand Held Terminals
HSRP High Security Registration Plates
HT High Tension
IAW Internal Audit Wing
IC Act Indian Copyright Act
IFMS Integrated Financial Management System
IGR&CSR Inspector General of Registration &
Commissioner of Stamp Revenue
IMPACT Information Management for Promotion of
Administration in Commercial Taxes
IO Inspecting Officer
IR Inspection Report
IR Act Indian Registration Act
IS Act Indian Stamp Act
ITC Input Tax Credit
I&W Irrigation and Waterways
JIO Junior Inspecting Officer
KLR Act Kolkata Land Revenue Act
KMC Kolkata Municipal Corporation
LDC Lower Division Clerk

Glossary of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Full form

LMV Light Motor Vehicle
LR Land Revenue
L&LR Department Land and Land Reforms Department
LRC Land and Land Reforms Commissioner
LT Low Tension
LTS Long Term Settlement
LTU Large Taxpayers Unit
MMDR Act Mines and Minerals (Development and
Regulation) Act
MoRTH Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
MPR Monthly Progress Report
MRP Maximum Retail Price
MV Market Value
MV Motor Vehicles
NHAI National Highway Authority of India
NDRF National Disaster Response Force
NIC National Informatics Centre
PA Performance Audit
PAC Public Accounts Committee
PAG Principal Accountant General
PCIN Permanent Consecutive Identification Number
PTO Profession Tax Officer
PUCC Pollution under Control Certificates
PVD Public Vehicles Department
RA Registering Authority
RC Registration Certificate
RI Revenue Inspector
RO Revenue Officer
RoR Records of Right
RTA Regional Transport Authority
RTO Regional Transport Office
SDL&LRO Sub-divisional Land and Land Reforms Officer
SIB Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau
SMS Short Message Service
SMSL Subba Micro System Ltd.
SRO Senior Revenue Officer
STA State Transport Authority

Audit Report (Revenue Sector) for the year ended 31 March 2017

Abbreviation Full form

STDS Sales Tax Deducted at Source
TAC Type Approval Certificate
TCS Tax Collection at Source
TCTP Taxable Contractual Transfer Price
TDR Tax Demand Register
TDS Tax Deducted at Source
TOS Turnover of Sales
TP Act Transfer of Properties Act
UDC Upper Division Clerk
VAT Value Added Tax
WBAT & OTMV Act West Bengal Additional Tax & One-time Tax on
Motor Vehicles Act
WBEA Act West Bengal Estate Acquisition Act
WBFR West Bengal Financial Rules
WBL&LR Manual West Bengal Land and Land Reforms Manual
WBLR Act West Bengal Land Reforms Act
WBMM Rules West Bengal Minor Minerals Rules
WBMV Rules West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules
WBMVT Act West Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax Act
WBPCB West Bengal Pollution Control Board
WBREP Act West Bengal Rural Employment and
Production Act.
WBS (PUI) Rules West Bengal Stamp (Prevention of
Undervaluation of Instruments) Rules
WBSEB West Bengal State Electricity Board
WBSEDCL West Bengal State Electricity Distribution
Company Limited
WBTIDCL West Bengal Transport Infrastructure
Development Corporation Limited
WBVAT Act West Bengal Value Added Tax Act
WEBEL West Bengal Electronics Industry Development
Corporation Ltd.


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