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Wildlife of Ladakh

Ladakh is to home to exotic wild life

including snow leopards, Himalayan brown
bear, etc. Hemis National Park,
Changthang Cold Desert Wildlife
Sanctuary, and Karakorum Wildlife
Sanctuary are protected wildlife areas of
Ladakh. The Mountain Institute, Ladakh
Ecological Development Group and Snow
Leopard Conservancy work on
"Ecotourism Opportunities in Rural
Ladakh".[1] For such an arid area, Ladakh
has a great diversity of birds — 318
species have been recorded (Including 30
species not seen since 1960). Many of
these birds reside or breed at high-altitude
wetlands such as Tso Moriri. The fauna of
Ladakh have much in common with that of
Central Asia generally, and especially
those of the Tibetan Plateau. An exception
to this are the birds, many of which
migrate from the warmer parts of India to
spend the summer in Ladakh.

Courtship dance of the male black-

necked crane before its female

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