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(Under Government of Kerala)

Subject: RDBMS

Register No. Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks:100

I. Fill in the blanks. Answer ALL questions. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. SQL stands for ____________

2. In SQL, ____________ statement is used to modify existing records in a table.
3. ____________ is used to store shared SQL.
4. ____________ is a technique for reducing disk accesses for direct access.
5. A domain is a set of ____________ values.
6. A relation is defined as a ____________ of tuples.
7. ____________ key is used to identify tuples in a relation.
8. The relational model represents the database as a collection of ____________
9. DDL stands for ____________
10. A tuple is a ____________ set of values.

II.Explain briefly. Answer any TEN questions. (10 x 4 = 40)

1. What you meant by database abstraction?

2. What are the advantages of DBMS?
3. Define Program Global Area.
4. Write a note on database schema.
5. Briefly explain the concepts of Hashing.
6. Compare and contrast DDL and DML.
7. Briefly explain about views in database.
8. Discuss the concept of buffer management.
9. What do you meant by functional dependency?
10. Draw an ER diagram for student and school.
11. Write a short note on data redundancy.
12. Write a short note on ACID property.
13. Briefly explain the basic structure of SQL.

Code No.Q17FEB 140 [P.T.O]

III.Answer any FIVE questions. Explain in detail. (5 x 10 = 50)

1. Explain the advantages of DBMS over traditional file system.

2. Explain about File Organization.
3. What are the fundamental operations on Relational Algebra?
4. What you meant by Normalization? Explain different types of Normal Forms.
5. Explain the concurrency control mechanism in database.
6. Explain different types of join operation with example.
7. Discuss about various database system architectures.


Code No.Q17FEB 140

(Under Government of Kerala)
Subject : RDBMS
Register No. Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100

I. Fill in the blanks. Answer ALL questions. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. Duplicate data is referred to as ________.
2. SQL stands for ___________
3. _________ is an SQL command to create a table
4. A ________ is a stored program that is attached to a table or a view.

5. A ________ is a program that performs some common action on database data and that is
stored in the database.
6. DML stands for ________
7. A rectangle represents ________in an ERD.

8. _______ is the he process of organizing the columns and tables of a relational database to
reduce data redundancy

9. A _________ refers to a database component such as a table.

10. A _________key is a field in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table

II. Explain briefly. Answer any TEN questions. (10 x 4 = 40)

1. Define DBMS and RDBMS

2. Define data dictionary.
3. What do you mean by client-server architecture?
4. What is DLL?
5. Write down the format of select query with some condition
6. What is indexing?
7. Define primary and foreign key.
8. Define view
9. Define JOIN query
10. Write short notes on data independence
11. Describe multi-valued dependency
12. What is a nested sub query? Provide one example
13. Describe commit and rollback.

Code No. Q18FEB 140 [P .T .O]

III. Answer any FIVE questions. Explain in detail. (5 x 10 = 50)

1. Explain any two normalization in detail

2. Explain various data manipulation techniques.

3. Write down the SQL statements to insert, select, update and delete records in a table.

4. Explain relational data model in detail

5. Describe various database models

6. Describe the features of SQL.

7. Explain BCNF in detail with an example

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Code No. Q18FEB 140

(Under Government of Kerala)
Subject: RDBMS
Register No. Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks:100

I. Fill in the blanks. Answer ALL questions. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. Employee (EIDnumber, name, designation, salary) In this query, ____________ attribute form

the primary key.

2. The ____________ operator takes the results of two queries and returns only rows that appear in

both result sets.

3. In the ____________ normal form, a composite attribute is converted to individual attributes.

4. An entity set that does not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key is termed a _________

5. DML stands ____________

6. Minimal Super Keys are called ____________ key.

7. ODBC stands for ____________

8. The property of an entity is called ____________

9. SQL stands for ____________

10. Number of attributes in a relation is called ____________

II. Explain briefly. Answer any TEN questions. (10 x 4 = 40)

1. What are the characteristics of a database?

2. Briefly explain about data abstraction.

3. Write a short note on data independence.

4. What do you mean by cardinality?

5. Write a note on database schema.

6. What are derived attributes?

Code No.Q19FEB 140 [P.T.O]

7. What are COMMIT and ROLLBACK in SQL?

8. Briefly explain 3rd Normal Form (3NF) with an example?

9. How can we avoid deadlock?

10. What is mean by nested queries?

11. Briefly explain the following keys with examples

a) Primary key b) Candidate key

12. Write a short note on ACID property.

13. Draw an ER diagram for student and school.

III.Answer any FIVE questions. Explain in detail. (5 x 10 = 50)

1. What are the different database system architecture? Explain.

2. Explain in detail about relational algebra.;

3. Explain the following relationships with examples

a) One to one b) One to many c) Many to many d)Many to one

4. What are advantages and disadvantages of DBMS?

5. Explain the different type of joins.

6. Explain in detail about SQL.

7. Explain the concurrency control mechanism in database.


Code No.Q19FEB 140

(Under Government of Kerala)
Subject: RDBMS

Register No. Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks:100

I. Fill in the blanks. Answer ALL questions. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. A __________ is an organized collection of logically related data.

2. Data is represented in the form of __________
3. In ACID property ‘D’ stands for __________
4. Projection is __________operation in relational algebra.
5. In RDBMS, R refers to __________
6. An attribute in a relation of a database that serves as the primary key of another relation in
the same database is called a __________
7. Number of attributes in a relation is called __________ of the relation.
8. Over representation of a database is known as __________
9. DML stands for __________
10. ‘AS’ clause in SQL used for __________ operation.

II.Explain briefly. Answer any TEN questions. (10 x 4 = 40)

1. What is database? Mention the advantages of DBMS.

2. Describe the three levels of data abstraction.
3. Write a short note on cardinality.
4. Briefly explain the components used in ER diagram.
5. Write SQL statement to create table student with rollno, name, age, class and totalmark.
6. Briefly explain about distributed system.
7. What is functional Dependency?
8. What is the difference between a DELETE command and TRUNCATE command?
9. Briefly explain the following relationships with examples
a) One to one b) Many to many
10. Describe various types of file organizations.

Code No.Q23FEB 140 [ P.T.O]

11. Describe about the different types of keys.
12. How many aggregate functions are available in SQL? List them.
13. Write the basic structure of SQL.

III.Answer any FIVE questions. Explain in detail. (5 x 10 = 50)

1. Explain various data models in detail.

2. What is meant by ACID properties in DBMS? Describe with examples.
3. What are the set operators in SQL? Describe with examples.
4. What you meant by Normalization? Explain different types of Normal Forms.
5. What do you mean by join in SQL? What are the types of joins? Explain each with
6. Explain about DDL and DML commands in SQL with Examples.
7. What do you mean by deadlock? Explain its detection and prevention.


Code No.Q23FEB 140

(Under Government of Kerala)
Subject: RDBMS

Register No. Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks:100

I. Fill in the blanks. Answer ALL questions. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. __________ is the lowest level of data abstraction.

2. __________ is a collection of multiple relations.
3. Set of permissible values for an attribute is called __________
4. In relational model, row of table is known to be __________
5. The __________operation performs a set union of two similarly structured tables.
6. DBA stands for __________
7. A row in the table is called __________
8. Projection is __________ operation relational algebra.
9. SQL stands for __________
10. Manipulated data is known as __________

II.Explain briefly. Answer any TEN questions. (10 x 4 = 40)

1. Write a short note on database schema.

2. What do you mean by data independence?
3. Write a short note on First Normal Form.
4. Describe the properties relational tables.
5. What do you mean by data?
6. Write a short note data base trigger.
7. What do you mean by commit and rollback?
8. Briefly explain about ACID property.
9. What is SQL?
10. Write a note on entity and entity set.

Code No.Q19JUN 140 [P.T.O]

11. What do you mean by query?
12. Write a note on transaction server.
13. Write a short note on DDL and DML.

III.Answer any FIVE questions. Explain in detail. (5 x 10 = 50)

1. What do you mean by ER model? Explain in detail with example.

2. What do you mean by file organization? Explain its different types.
3. Explain in detail about data base keys with suitable example.
4. Explain in detail about the fundamental operations of relational algebra.
5. Explain in detail about the advantages of DBMS.
6. Explain different types of database system architecture.
7. What do you mean by aggregate function? Explain in detail with suitable example.


Code No.Q19JUN 140

(Under Government of Kerala)
Subject: RDBMS

Register No. Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks:100

I. Fill in the blanks. Answer ALL questions. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. ____________ specifies the set of permissible values for a tuple.

2. DDL stands for ____________
3. Data about Data is known as ____________
4. In an ER data model ____________ is represented by ellipses.
5. In DML, ____________ query is used to update values for a tuple.
6. ____________ keyword is used to eliminate duplicate values from a tuple.
7. ____________ represents value from a blank field.
8. ____________ is used to ensure consistency and integrity from RDBMS.
9. ____________ level defines the lowest level of data abstraction.
10. Minimal super keys are called ____________

II.Explain briefly. Answer any TEN questions. (10 x 4 = 40)

1. Compare DBMS with RDBMS.

2. What is data independence?
3. Briefly explain the features of hierarchical data model.
4. What is a candidate key?
5. State the difference between primary key and foreign key.
6. Write the concept of referential integrity.
7. What is a database trigger?
8. Write a short note on transactions in databases.
9. Compare BCNF with third normal form.
10. Briefly explain the disadvantages of normalization.
11. Briefly explain the purpose of using joins in databases.
12. Write the concept of multi-valued dependency.
13. What is a stored procedure?

Code No.Q17JUN 140 [P.T.O]

III.Answer any FIVE questions. Explain in detail. (5 x 10 = 50)

1. Compare and explain the features of traditional file systems with database systems.
2. Explain the different data models.
3. Explain the different normal forms with examples.
4. What is a deadlock? Explain the concept of deadlock avoidance and prevention.
5. Explain the concept of concurrency control and lock based protocol.
6. Explain the different types of joins in DBMS.
7. Explain how we can create Forms and Reports in PL/SQL?


Code No.Q17JUN 140

(Under Government of Kerala)
Subject : RDBMS
Register No. Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100

I. Fill in the blanks. Answer ALL questions. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. Relational Data Model was proposed by ___________.

2. Set of permitted values of each attribute is called ___________.

3. Minimal super keys are called ___________ key.

4. In an ER data model, ____________ is represented by diamonds.
5. In DDL, ___________ query is used to change the dimension of a table.
6. The attribute that can be divided into other attributes is called ___________ attributes.
7. A transaction completes its execution is said to be ___________.
8. If every non-key attribute is functionally dependent on the primary key, the relation will be
in ___________ normal form.
9. UML stands for ___________.
10. A functional dependency between two or more non-key attributes is called ___________


II. Explain briefly. Answer any TEN questions. (10 x 4 = 40)

1. List out the features of RDBMS.

2. Briefly explain the features of Object Oriented Data Model.
3. What is a super key?
4. State the difference between Primary Key and Foreign Key.
5. What is Referential Integrity?
6. Compare Database Trigger with Stored Procedures.
7. Which SQL query is used to change the contents of an existing table? Explain with an
8. Compare BCNF with Third Normal Form.
9. What is Denormalization?
10. Write the purpose of inner joins.
11. What is Multi-valued dependency? In which Normal Form it is applicable?
12. What is a view?
13. Write the purpose of indexing in databases.

Code No. Q17NOV 140 [P .T .O]

III. Answer any FIVE questions. Explain in detail. (5 x 10 = 50)

1. What is a Deadlock? Explain the concept of deadlock detection and prevention.

2. Explain the different data models bringing out the features with examples.

3. What is Normalization? State the different Normal Forms with examples.

4. Differentiate between DBMS and RDBMS.Expalin the features of both in detail.

5. Briefly explain Forms and Reports in Developer 2000.

6. List out the different types of joins in DBMS with examples.

7. Explain the concept of Concurrency control and Lock based protocol.

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Code No. Q17NOV 140

(Under Government of Kerala)
Subject: RDBMS
Register No. Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks:100

I. Fill in the blanks. Answer ALL questions. (10 x 1 = 10)

1. A RDBMS consists a collection of ___________

2. The term attribute indicates ___________ of a table.
3. In relational model, the row of table is known as ___________
4. RDBMS stands for ___________
5. Query language is a language in which a user requests, true or false ___________
6. Minimal super key is called ___________
7. In the relational model, cardinality is termed as ___________
8. Cartesian product in relational algebra is ___________operator.
9. ‘AS’ clause in SQL used for ___________operation.
10. In Hierarchical model records are organized as Graph or Tree ___________

II.Explain briefly. Answer any TEN questions. (10 x 4 = 40)

1. What do you mean by data redundancy?

2. Briefly explain about ACID property.
3. What are ER diagram? Briefly explain.
4. Write a short not foreign key with suitable example.
5. Write a short note on sub query.
6. Briefly explain about the characteristics of DBMS.
7. Write a short note on Normalization.
8. Write a short note on entity with example.
9. Briefly explain about DML trigger.
10. Write the basic structure of SQL.
11. Write a short note on view in a database
12. What do you mean by data independence?
13. Write a short note on cardinality.

Code No.Q19OCT 140 [P.T.O]

III.Answer any FIVE questions. Explain in detail. (5 x 10 = 50)

1. Explain different types of join operation with example

2. What do you mean by deadlock? Explain in detail.
3. Explain the advantage of RDMS over traditional file processing system.
4. Explain about deadlock and its detection methods.
5. What are the fundamental operation in relational algebra?
6. Explain different types of file organization
7. Explain the following
a) Parallel system b) Distributed System


Code No.Q19OCT 140

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