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AY USL Ataris) Preface The American Language Cause (ALC) is «comprehensive, multilevel language program for eaching English fr socational and professional purposes. Is designed primarily for intensive English lngwge teaming ina classoom setting, bu an easily be adapted for slower paced instruction. The ALC'seuiclum, has been developed bythe Defense Language Insitute English Language Center (DLIBLC), which is US. Departncnt of Defense sehol under the operational contra of the US Air Force. The primary focus ofthe [ALE is fo provide a language curriculum fo a diverse intermational military population To that end, te ‘ours includes not only general English tops, but also military topics ofa general nature highlighting the {plea language military personnel will encounter in thee professional and vocational career elds, The ALC fas however, also been ver sucessfully used in non-military leaming environments and in US igh schools ‘vith immigrant student poalations. Course components ‘he coordinated instctionl packages fr Books 1-30 consist of the folowing: > Tnstmcto text (IT) > Student ext (ST) > Language laboratory ctvitics ext with audio scripts and answer key (LAT) > Audio recordings > Computer based taining (CBT) > Quiz kit > Optional waning aids Inquiries and orders Pease ales ingiries a requests for moe infomation about DLIBLC publication to DuBLCiLESL 2235 Andres Avenue IWSA-Lacdand, Teas 7586-5259 Email dielesworkeusatmi {©2006 by Defense Langunge Institute English Language Center and is licensors. Notie of Rights: AI hts reserved. No pat ofthis book may be tprodvced or transmit in any form or by any means, electronic, {nechanea, photocopying cording, or otherwise, seithout the price writen permission ofthe publisher. Second Eaton, Jansary 2006 Eleventh printing, March2014 BOOK 1S PRERACE ALC Book 13: Scope and Sequence, Lessons 1-5 1 |oesuewer Jeascatea | Ropace tutes smear] crete Tos srewmny” |The foodie seantio tte set 8 Swan pcamare [nets sea omesralcg, | Bets eet ‘Short superlative adverbs: answered in its text separa sence, | Trecreace tint) ion ou oe |” Banna chan se Este Unsere 2 [iota reope | Rampal — omeaarwmn dvs secs Fon peau rtin |” Soa Eee ay rcs | Congas eae Nou ahs compos ae, > te ita, boosie ‘Wihats your size? [> Role-say buying | Separable phrasal vorbs [> Listen & wre ope Finding yoursize | seinacthes |> il wakeyou ypatéam. |” titen & set tees ot > Measuring ‘accesses | Reported speech wih sag | ivoina text eas oad he mocis |» Posi wth dassrans ees Bom ot fray might can cous | Usten, summarize ro > Sho cvs a hard be atte ay bargain, Verb + -erAortotorm |» Read ite & selec info ‘nouns meaning ore who | likely 0 ben is text Soren > Read tite & select. Hews oton. Het my |” Suestors key tbe favorte vison answered ins txt > Timed racing (1 minut alaer6 questions 4 [ets play bait | Askior ana [How + adjective hr qusston| > Usten& wre opie Basan | 9veittomation | "about linear measuroment|- Rend text ake al Besta about near” | age, weight, temperature |” Sere >The height Imeasurerent | simple presenti aus + | Read ton & wit atbasketal present (general truths)” summary players Simple prosentitclause + |> Edita tox rewiteh, & » Staying in shape imperative underine the changes tor spons Indetite pronouns few > Comparing ‘it, ator. any, mary, USE mete | ‘much, ne, some 5 | Review Losson 5 reviews all vocabulary and structures inte in Lessons 1 4 ERICA LANGUAGE COURSE Notes to the Student ‘The American Language Course focuses on four components of language learning: vocabulary, grammatical structures, language functions, and skills. + ‘The lessons present vocabulary (individual words as well as expressions) that the earner needs to understand and use in order to communicate effectively in English, Bach new lesson builds on the vocabulary of the provious lessons, The language ineluded is appropriate for learners working in professional and vocational contexts, ‘A significant feature of the General English phase of the ALC is that military vocabulary is included wherever applicable. ‘+ ‘The presentation of grammar is carefully sequenced. The grammatical structures presented in the lessons are the forms a language learner needs in order to speak. fand write standard English. New grammar is often depicted in charts or tables that serve to focus the learner's attention on the particular structure being presented. ‘= Language functions are the ways we use a language to communicate. In each lesson, ‘exercises that focus on funetions show the learner how and when to use certain words, phrases, and sentences. + In addition, language and academic skills exercises are interspersed throughout the lessons. These focus on developing the learner's language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, ‘The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shows the eontent of the current book. The four columns outline the new material as it relates to the language ‘sequivition components deseribed shove, Rach lesson begins with a table of contents, followed by a preview page. The preview page provides a summary of the new material presented in the lessin, Each ALC book has four lessons introducing new material fand one review lessor. These are followed by a homework section and daily evaluation exercises. Various appendices are also included. "The homework and the evaluation exercises are at the back of this text. It generally takes about two hours to complete the daily homework assignments. The evaluation exercises are short qaizzes that give both the teacher and the student feedback on how ‘well students have learned the material ‘The appendices follow the fifth lesson, Appendix A provides an alphabetical list of new vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesson in which each word or phrase is introduced is provided next to the entry. Appendix B presents a list of grammatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided along with teach entry for easy reference. The other appendices are included as reference materials, ‘00K PRERCE— - USER NOTES - "NUERGAN LANGUAGE COURSE Book 13 LESSON 1: LESSON 2: LESSON 3: LESSON 4: LESSON 5: APPENDICES: B B: k a HOMEWORK: EVALUATION EXERCISES: Book PRERCE We're sure we'll win Materials people wse What's you size? Let's play bal! Review Word List Structure Lis, The English Alphabet American English Sounds ist of Contractions Spelling Rules for Regular Pat Tense Verbs Principal Parts of Some Irregular Verbs {Patterns of Irregular Verbs Punctuation and Capitan Lesson Resources BISL1 #1 Listening skil (Listening tex!) BISLI #2 Reading skill (Timed reading) BISL1 #3. Listening skill (Listening text) BISL2 #1 Listening skill (Listening text) BISL2#2 Listening skill (Listening text) BISL3 #1 Listening skill (Listening text) BI3L3 42 Reading skill (Timed reading) BISL3 #3. Listening kill (Listening tex) BISL3 #4 Listening skill (Listening text) BI3L4#1 Vocabulary (Ruler) BISL4#2 Listening skill (Listening ex!) BISLA #3 Listening skill (Listening text) __ Contents 1 3 37 85 109 FAL #13 As wa 9 au 323 425 Hw. BEI — USER NoTES — ~ RVERICAN LANGUNGE COURSE We're sure we'll win. VOCABULARY: READING: VOCABULARY: USTENING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: DiALoss: GRAMMAR: wrrnne: READING: 0K LESSON A look at today’s sports page ‘An interview after a basketball game Predicting a texts content from its ttle Homonyms: Examining a word's meanings Identifying the topic Coach Tom isn't like most coaches. Using ¢0 and not to replace a THAT beat / beaten certain doubt baliove certainly field coach farthest / furthest goal cbubt for sure jump imagine most ‘knot join positive match jump auite meaning Ikke 50 meter Tose ~* lost / lost surely player mateh toward(s) point. race uncertain, practice score race suppose reporter tie (up) rope ‘throw -+ threw / thrown, score ‘win -+ won / won, shoslacee stadium string tie NEW GRAMMAR STRUCTURES — LANGUAGE FUNCTION Do you think it’s going to rain today? I think so. IS very cloudy outside, Jane is sure (that) she'll win the tennis match ‘Sam ran the fastest of all the boys in the class, ‘Ask about and express certainty and ‘uncertainty, Do you think you did well on the tesi? No, I didn't. I didn’t have enough time to read all the questions. Are you going to the beach tomorrow? I suppose so, but I'm not really sure. ~RRERICAN LANGUGE COURSE MLAB A look at today’s sports page Sports Page The Flagwell Times |FLAGWELL FIRE WINS! | Ricky Jones scores final goal Ricky Jones seored his eam'swinning goal again, and Flagwell fans saw their favorite team win last night's soceer | game with a seore of 2 to 1 PP Without a doubs, Jones is a soccer | player with a great career ahead of him {Hlundreds of fans came to ace Jones and | the hometown team, the Flagwell Fire, {play the Jackson Jets. The fans were {certainly happy with the game they “Tones received a well-placed pass from | teammate Tim Smith in the last-minute of play. He Kicked it high over the goalie nto the right corner of the goal to score | the winning point. It vas a great finish |to an exciting game between two very |strong teams. Flagwells stadium was fall, and the home crowd was clearly [plecsed™ with “thir team winning BOOKS LESSONT ‘The Inst time the two teams met, the| Fire lost to the Jets. That game's fnal| score was 2 to 1, That's why Fire fans | were quite nervous about last night's Inatch. Our Flagwell Thnes reporter talked to Coach Travis after yestrday’ | game. “Our players practiced hard and | trere prepared fo play excellant roccer think they did a great joy” the coach | said T dont believe that wel lose any Inore games this year, We played wel tnd. beat. the Jackson Jets tonight. | They've always been a bard team to| boat” ooking ahead to next week, Flagwell | Fire meets the Texas Stars on Saturday | at the Plagwell stadium, The Fire plans | to win, and the Texas Stary weet want | to love, Last mighty the Stare ted with | the Lakeside Storm 1 to 1. Other games | around the country had these sors: | ‘The Stanley Smoke beat the Coronado | Cats to 1, and in the match between | the Bryan Blades and Milehigh Wind, | the Wind won 200 OUR READERS’ OPINIONS |) | Flagwell fans favorites: | 1. soccer A | 2. basketball Ce 3, baseball | | 4, footbat | Soccer is the most popular sport | among our readers. | What sports are the most popular in | your ety or country? i | J 1. twin —— 2 totie —— 8. tokick —— 4, toscore latch each item with its meanin a. to hit with the foot b. to make points in a game or sport ©. to have the same number of points 4. to get the greatest number of points HESSEN tater each tom with its meaning. —— 1. acoach —— 2 ateam —— 8. agoal —— 4 aplayer 4, a person who does a sport like soccer or football b, a point a player scores in a game or match 8 person who teaches a team how to play a sport 4. a g-oup of penple who play together on one side in a game HESEEEEEEEE Use the words in the box to filin the blanks. +d kicked mateh certainly quite point stadium tied score Many soccer fans came tothe _________towateh the between the Flagwell Fire and the Jackson Jets, The game was — —— exciting! The fans thought the Fire wasn't, going to win because the Jets the seore 1 to 1 five minutes before the end of the game. Then, Smith passed the ball to Jones, Jones the ball hard to seore a second ‘to win the game. The final was 2 to 1. For the fans, this the best game of the season! “AERICAN ANGUNGE COURSE (Alike to play tennis. >» ¢ “T don't like tennis. [like ( fat about you? playing on a team. My favorite \ What about y) Y q Ss sport is basketball Wi 1. Tike to wateh sports on television, 2. Tike playing on a team. _& Tenjoy sports that I can do alone, like swimming and running. 4. My counsry’s national sport is soccer. 5. Thave been a eoach for a sports team, believe children should play sports in school every day. 7. [think players on professional teams make too much money. ESERCEEEM Wiite 8 more statements about sports that are true for yo ‘After you write 9 statements, discuss the items you checked in Exercise D and the statements you wrote below with your elassmates, 1 BooKis WESSONT = Mele IEL An interview after a basketball game Read the conversation about the game. There are three speakers: Max Ellis isthe TV reporter Hank Carter isthe basketball player, and Brad Sims is the couch, Max; Hank, that was quite a game you Just played! Hank: It's nice of you to say that, Max, but ‘we really need to thank my teammates and Soach Sims. T believe everyone on our team has ‘worked very hard this season, Coach Sims: There's no doubt in my mind that this team is the best group of players I have ever coached. This was a great game, and it’s been a reat season. In my opinion, we won, this game because we've got a great team. Hank just joined our team this year, and he’s a wonderful player. But every one of the players ‘comes to praetice every day ready to work hard. Remember, basketball is # lam sport, We ean win when every player does his best. I was positive that this team could win tonight's game, and they did a great jab, Max: Hank, let’s tall about tonight's game, With only ten seconds left to play, the score vias tied 101 to 101. The fans were ealling, “Get the ball! Get the ball!" Yo. jumped up in the air to catch the ball, raced down the court towards the basket, and threw it in, Everyone in the erowd stopped talking, everybody was watching, and the ball went straight into the basket. Just then, the bell rang to end the game, That goal scored three points, and your team won. I imagine you felt wonderful Hank: Yes, as a matter of fact, I felt really good, Max. That was the farthest I have ever throwa the ball to make a basket. [truly doubted the ball could go in, but it did, Our team made 104 points, the most points we've ever Scored in a game! ‘Max: Again, it was a great game, Hank, and thanks to both you and Coach ‘Sims for taking time to talk to us this evening, a HEGRE Answer the questions. | What is Max’s profession, and what is he talking tothe two men abot? Whois the team’s coach, Hank Carter or Brad Sims? ‘What is the coachis opinion of his basketball team? How long has Hak Carter been on Brad Sims’ veam? What does the coech believe must happen ifa team wants to win? How much time was loft in the game when the score was tied at 101? Hank threw the ball a long distance to score the last basket. Is this the farthest. he's ever thrown a ball to make a basket? 8 9, What was the final seore of the game? Did Hank's team beat the other team? _ 1. Webeat a. every day? 2 Our team scored », Tim's twice this month ____ 8. Do the players go to practice €. 84 points ____ 4. ‘This week, Sally has thrown the ball d. the Fire to 1 today. John’s team has beaten ce. the farthest HEGRE atch the bogin ing of the sentence with the best ending. 1. Rody ksked a, and caught it again. ——_& Mary cosched b, the Thunder 55 to 55 —— & The Stars tied «. each other towards the goal 4. The players raced 4, the girls’ soceer team. 5. Did the team win , a goal to win the game! 6, "The boy shrew the ball up in the air the match? BOOK LESSONT ear) [EXEXESGIEN Cross outthe word that doesn't go with doubt MATCH ca SOCCER ick team coach lose stadium Write the new phrases you can make 1, a maten ball ———amatch = abut amatch = aul a soccer amatch = aba a soccer amatch = ____aball 8 soccer MEEESEGEAE Write sontonces with the new phrases above. Number 1 isan example 1. Lwent to soccer practice at school yesterday afternoon, Exd RICAN LANGUAGE COURSE | Reading | CIM Predicting a text's content from its title THE TITLE is the first thing we see or hear about an article, a book, a movie, or a song, canbe a sentence, phrase, ora single word, has special punctuation: * capitalize the first word, the last word, and all major words. + don’t capitalize words like a, an, the, and, of, but, to, from, in, on. + don't end with a 2eriod, but do end with a question or exclamation matt. EEEREESEW Rewrite these titles with correct punctuation. 1. foods americans like to eat 2. understanding your ear’s guarantee Read a til Circle information that might be in the te, “More than one answer is possible 1. Dangerous Sports in the USA a, why some sports are dangerous b. the number of players on a team, the number of people who get hurt each year 4. why people in some countries play sports 2. ‘The Cost of Hunting Weapons the best place to buy hunting weapons ‘keeping your weapon under lock and key how to make your own weapon the high price of weapons poor UESoNT Tos | HEEB head ihe tt. Setoct questions the tox might newer More than one answer is possibi 1. AStudent's First Day at a Language School 1a. What time does elass start? b. When is the lunch Ereak? © Who will eoach the soccer team? 2 City Baseball Team Loces First Game ‘a. What was the score at the end of the game? b, How many games has the team lost? Can you use vending machines during the game? 3. How to Get a Driver's License a. What kind of test must a new driver take? b. What kind of car will I drive to the testing office? Where can I got a book to study the rules of the road? ‘Read att, Write two or three things the text might say. |] Soccer - A World Sport = CNTR COURSE WYRE LANE Homonyms: Examining a word's meanings eas he = . ‘chee ) @ OD Wal, honong tonnes — menyin ae ents Gao . ‘John took off his jacket and loosened ‘The dog always ran away, so the man the knot of his tie. tied it up with a rope. ‘The man put on his shoes and ‘There was a tte in the men’s high started to tie his shoelaces. One jump. Two men each jumped 1.7 shoelace broke, He took a piece of meters. They tied for the highest string and used it to ¢ie that shoe, Jump. axe SOSOS~SOS—CS HOMONYMS. Ss tomionvns field (n.) area of land in the country where people keep animals or grow fruits and vvogetables: The farmer was working in the field. ‘area of ground marked for game or sport, for example, soccer or baseball: The teams took the field and the game began. B.a subject cx area of study or work: Patrick wants t0 study math because itis a field that is interesting to him, ‘goal (7,) Lin sports, ‘marked area at the end of a sports field that a player must Ick, hit, or pass the bell through to score a point: The soccer player kicked the ball into the onl. 2. in sports, when a player kicks or hits a ball into the goal area and seores the pint or points: Andy Denson. scored two goals for Team USA. His team won 201, 3. something a person plens or hopes to do in the future: My goal isto speak Spanish well Tm certain that PU beable do itt match (n,) 1. small psce of ‘wood! or paper that a person ean use to start a fire or ight a cigarette: need a match to start the fire, sports,a match is another word for a game bbotween two (or more) eople or ‘two teams: In tennis ysterday, Dan Peters won his match with Rob Green. The final sore was 63, 4-6, 6-4, The two men played 29 games to decide the Best player in this match. 3. something that looks the same or very similar to something else: bought you another eup. It's @ ‘match for the one I broke last week. 4. two things, for example clothes, that Took nice together because they are similar tor have the same colors: I con't lenow if the furniture in my hhouse and the paint I bought for my walls are going to be @ good match. —(,) 5. when twa or ‘more things are oF look the same, they mateh: Your socks don't ‘match. One is blue, and the other is black. You should wear ‘tw0 blue socks that match each other: 6.when two or more things look nice together heeause thoy have something similar ike talon hey mateh: Her scary ‘matches her gloves beautifully. » 7. to find a person or thing that goes together with another person or thing: Match ‘the word in the left column with ite meaning in the right column, point (n,) 1, what players score ‘and count in aports and games to decide who is the winner: Sam Miller scored 16 points for New Mexico University in last night's game with Texas State University. fe) 2 to hold outa finger, a hand, ora thin object like a peneil to make another person look at something: She pointed to the window and said, “Look, @ storm is coming.” "AVERICANANGLANGE COURSE MESES Lock at the undertined wor rite the number of its definitio Look at the page an the left. Sean to find the word and the meaning it has inthe sentence below. Number Lis an example. 2 1. Our soccer team beat the Texas Stars by 3 goals, 2 Claris new job isin the feld of international business. 8, Conch Tom prepared his team for the last mateh ofthe season, __ 4. Dallas tos their final game by only one point 5. The crowd became very excited as the players ran out onto the field 6, What kind of goals do you have for your career? 7. You should change that tie, It doesn’t matgh the shirt you're wearing, 8 When you go to the store, could you please get me a ox of matches? StH Banas] Read sentence pairs. Find one word that goes in both blanks. tied match goat lela point 1 Argentina's team finished one ___ ahead. Babies __ to things they want when they are very young. 2. My ______is to go to medical school and become a doctor. ‘The team scored one ___ in the first half of the match. 3, Meg wants to study in the ____ of mathematies at the university ‘The children are playing soccer in an open ___ near the school. 4, Our team ___the Jets 7 to 7. She the string around the package. 5, Ineeda___ to make a fire. Tm looking for a tie that will ___this shirt. in ae Identifying the topic THE TOPIC is the subject ofthe paragraph ¥_ is aword or phrase, a, Roles and signs >. Summer fan Safe swimming dd. How to swim 2 a, Children’s sports b. A sports doctor's job © Acoach's advice 4. School teams a. Children’s doctors b. Television and childzen Tired children 4. Free time for children Yes, I do. Pa like each school to Do you think ~ ~ give swimming lessons. In fact, (that everyone should strongly believe that children \Qearn how to swim? <¢ have to be able to swim by the ~ time theyre 8 years ald e.g FE TAINGE COURSE Wee AUIEIR Coach Tom isn't like most coaches. Kate: Look at those clouds! I'm certain itl rain, Do you suppose we'll have swim. team practice today? Mike: I believe so. Coach Tom won't let a little wind and rain stop us. Kate: Surely ifit rains hard, hell end practice early. Mike: 1 imagine go, But Coach Tom isn't like ‘most coaches. He won't stop until a storm gets close. We have some very important races tomorrow. So what's the problem? Kate; Well, Inced to eall my mom on my cell ‘phone to tell her what time to pick me up aller practice, but I'm uncertain about the time. Mike: Just wait until practice starts, and call her when you know. EEE creck Write your own question for Number 8. Ask your partner's opinion. Do you think think so. 1... tennis is easy to play? ao 2... soccer is more exciting than tennis? fe) 3, «« your country has the best soccer players? El) 4. .. sports are more interesting than books? Oo 5, .. books are mors interesting than movies? fe] 6. .. your country is the most beautiful in the world? L] 7.» English grammar is difficult to learn? fe 8. lel mT 1e boxes fo show your opinion. Discuss with a partner. {don't think so. a o000 Oo Oo En /_ Uhaven't seen (Sam today. Did he \ come to work? J ame ~ ih: ‘Instead of repeating information in a THAT clause, use so after words like believe, quess, hope, imagine, suppose, and think. MESEEEGEN Rewito theresponses usingsa. SSS Number 1 is an example. 1g $0 and not to replace a THAT-clause 7 NYO, ¢ V. c kecametowork ,) 1. A: Thaven't seen Sam today: Did he come to work? B: I believe (that) he came to work, believe to. 2. A: Doos Bill have a sister? B: I think (that) Bill has a sister, 3, A: The garden looks so dry. Is it going to rain today? B; Thope (that) it is going to rain, 4. A: [just saw the mail truck. Did the mail come? B: Timagine (that) the mail eame, 5. A: It’s after 8 a.m, Has Jehn left for work? B: I suppose (that) John’s let for work. 6. A: Ray looks tired. Did he play tennis yesterday? B: I guess (that) he played tennis yesterday. Lo a ~~ FERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE C ‘aresouiniog jowntown this 1 suppose not. > I dont think so. weekend? Timtoo busy Pac baa ce aa Tdon’t imagine so. v I don't suppose so. ° it i\ \ 1 suppose notis more common than ! don’t suppose so. White negative responses with “I” and the words in (). Number 1 isan example. 1. Do you think that the book quiz. will be hard? Thope not, hope) 2, Will your son goto California again this summer? (believe) 3, Are you and Ana still going to buy a new car? = _________Gouppose) 4, Max has been sick, Will he play in tonight's match? (guess) 5, It’s. long driveto Dallas, Will Barry and Gloria get there before dark? (imagine) 6. Allooks tired. Boos he still want to go to the movie with us? __(euppose) 11. Do you need to goto the dentist? hope) | MESTEXEEERGM to pois, ask and answer those questions. Sd Respond using the verbs inthe bax and so or not. ‘think imagine hope suppose believe guess 1, Will the weather be pleasant tonight? 2. Wilt rain tomorrow? 3. Are you going tc study tonight? 4, Are you going te relax this weekend? Will you ever travel to New York City? Will you ever drive a race ear? 7. Will you ever enjoy grammar? Write 2 more questions to ask your partner. ( Areyougoingout >, < tonight? ) @ wwii ) a isk Cinema) Will you pass the test tomorrow? Using adjective + THAT-clause Pmeure Tpput the cookies) ‘on the table, TT certain | from} fr I put the cookies on the table. positive | Hee We rarely use that when speaking. FEEEEXEEEEE complete the sentences with your opini 1 ______ that it wit rain tomorrow. 2 ___ the weather wil be terrific next weekend. 3, it won't snow tonight 4, ___ 111 pass the book quit easily. 5, ___Mlexereise for more than 10 hours this month. 6 that Pl end more than 25 books this yer: iy favorite sports team will win this year: moors Lesson a_i HEEEEEEEER Wark the place where that could go. Number 1 is an example. 10. “he you positive ‘the traffic light Are you sur¥you're all right? ‘Are you certain it’s going to rain tonight? We're positive we'll win the game. Tim not positive you ean smoke here Are Bob and Al sure there are lots of fish in this lake? Is Julie certain she passed the test yesterday? Tm not sure the boss will let you take a vacation next week, ‘The writer is positive his article does not have any mistakes, ‘The police are sure the young man caused the terrible accident. Are medical professionals certain Americans eat too much fast food? ANE RICAN LANGUAGE COURSE MEGA Rewrite ne Number 1 isan example, 1, We won't fail this course. We're sure. We're sure (that) we won't fail this course, 2, ‘There was a meeting at 3 o’lock. Was Mary certain? 8. Tan finish my work on time, I'm positive. 4, The sergeant mailed the letters. Are you sure? 5, Lt York had an accident. The captain isn’t sure, 6. Our son hasn’: saved enough money to buy a ear, We're positive. 7. The customer wanted a refund. The manager was certain. 8, Your relatives don't want to visit us this year, Are you sure? 9. The new cashier took the money. Are the police positive? 10. Lean make it to your office at 2 p.m. I'm not certain, moore eSONT IP MeY EA Expressing certainty and uncertainty Workers ages 18-25 say what's most important in a job. 25% 13% 10% 506 0% Read the dialog below with a partner. Read the dialog again and underine the phrases expressing certainty and uncertainty. Steve: Hi, Mark. I haven't seen you in a long time. I wasn’t certain that you were still here at the university. Are you finishing your studies this spring? Mark: Yes, I'm graduating this year for sure. My father says I need to find a job soon, Business is my field of study, but I'm uncertain about the kind of job Td like to have, What about you? Steve: I'm looking for work, too. I may decide to work for one of my uncles. It would be a very interesting job, but I'm not really positive that I want to ‘work for a relative. There's a lot to think about for sure. ‘Mark: What do you mean? Steve: Well, this is what I am sure of I know that I want to work for a business that will help me get ahead in my career. I don’t believe that money is the ‘most important thing in a job. Pd like to work with nice people who are interested in the work they do, and I won't mind working long hours if the work is interesting. ‘Mark: Great! You know whet you want, Then what are you not sure of? Steve: Well, I doubt that I'd like to be tied to the clock, I don’t want a job that: makes me sit at a desk eight hours a day. Where I work is certainly also important. I'm uncertain about how far I'd like to drive to work. I doubt that I want to drive much more than 20 miles each way. The furthest I will drive is 25 miles each way. My uncle's company is that far from my home, Mark: Steve, you should really think hard about the job your uncle's offering you Td surely like to have it.I guess that it’s time T started thinking about what T want in a job, =” "REGAN LANGUAGE COURSE BESET Liston and chock (v) the six phrases you hear. |. wasn't certain that Pm uncertain about . Timagine se . [suppose not. without a doubt . for sure et 2 3. 4 5. Tm not really positive that 6 4. 8, what I am sure of 9. Pm certain that 10. Ta surely like PEEGIOISIG ead Steve's statomonts again and answor the questions. Nurnber 1is an example. 1, What does Steve say about working for a relative? _He's not really positive that he wants to work for a relative. 2, What does Steve say about the money he needs to earn on the job? 3, What does Steve say about working long hours? 4, What does Stove say about working at a desk job for eight hours every day? 5, What does Steve say about driving to work? Mit ee EEEGSSN Write statements anc out what's important for you in ajob. | Use the phrases in Bxercise A to write about workplace and career choices you think are important. Look atthe topic in eeck box. Tell what you are certain and uncertain about ( woney AWEEK INTHE OFFICE in or uncertain about ‘hen | ook for a job In my career fe Ss ——— TRAVEL TIME FROM HOWE TO OFFICE /ORK CLIMATE | X = J ‘QUESTIONNAIRE: What's important for you in a job? Place an Xin the correet column, Yes No Not sure 1. Lots of money [ 2. Work schedule of 40 hours a week 3. Pleasant office or nice workplace 4. Office or workplace elose to home 5, Tobe my own boss [ 6. Lots of vacation time } = ae CLAIRE COURSE Using superlative adverbs Rie runs Matt runs Jim runs fat > foster than dim, DP the fastest. ms Aved fpr “4 rm. Jim runs: ‘fast. Rick | rune | fasterthon | sim. | Matt | runs | thefasterr | (otal. | Uncerline both parts of the superlative adverbs. ‘Then cirele the verbs they describe, Number 1 is an example, Paul studies harder than Ann, Pete Lt Long traveled farther than Lt Kane. Lt Lee traveled the farthest. Gio the hardest ‘Ted is walking slower than Gary. Ben is walking the slowest ofall Lt Wells arvived at work later than Lt Dale. Lt Lane arrived the latest ofall Pat will graduate sooner than Beth, Tom will graduate the soonest Meg drew a line straighter than Jake, Bob drew a line the straightest Sid climbed higher than Grant, In fat, Sid climbed the highest of al ‘Mr, Watt left the meeting earlier than Mr. Mills, but Mr. Peters left the meeting the earliest of all ooK Te LESSON Complete the chart with comparative and superlative adverbs. Spolling changes ‘Adverb Comparative For most short adverbs ‘Superlative: L. straight _straightor than the straightest > add -er or -est 2 fast 3. slow 4. high S 5. low 6. soon *For adverbs that end 7. hard. in a silent -e: — > drop the - Boas > add-er or est 9. late® Early > changey tof 10. early earl > add-er or-est Far (2 forms) > add -th Lifer fartwer than > adder or -est KEES wit ne corectioms ofthe adverbs, further than to the school than Jeff, — ofall, or can airplanes than Mike? than Dan last year than Bob, 1, near Sam lives but Ilive the 2 low Can helicopters fly the fly__________ than helicopters? 3. soon Who will graduate —_ Will Mike graduate the 4. high Gary climbed ‘Tim climbed the of all 5. hard I didn't think anyone worked but Sue said she worked the 6. straight Joo can shoot his rifle the x= of all the hunters. "RVERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE WESTERN head te chart. Liston and write for yes orNtorno, | tow [wen | marr | Pa eo) ere jee |oeae | tam | 15m | am | 195m "Boss | om | arm | am | am 9 sco past 11.47 see. | 12.1 see, | 12.14 see. | 11.46 see 1 5. 6 3 1 4 8 HEGRE Write 3 more questions and answers with superlative adverbs. Use the information in the chart above. Then ask another student. Number 1 és an example. 1. @__Who jumped the lowest in the high jump? A Tom jumped she lowest, 7 2 @ rp eorpePr soos lesovT = Talk about these q 18 In groups. Then, report to the class. Write your own questions for Nember 5 and Number 10 Of all the students in your group who has traveled the farthest to get to this school? who can run the fastest? 1 2 3. ... who ean swin the farthest? 4, ... who has elimbed the highest? 5. who Of all the vehicles in the world 6. ... which one caa go the fastest? 17. .«. which one ean fly the highest? 8. ... which one eaa fly the farthest without extra gas? 9. ... which one ean go the deepest in the ocean? 10... whieh the longest? Sa COURSE BUT porn rn ose Read Parographs 1 and 2. They are very similar, ut in Paragraph 2, the writer changed Ito Ihe, Pronouns and verbs elso had to be changed. The writer underlined all the changes Paragraph 1: Llove to play soccer. Sometimes I play with my friends after work, [believe that soceer is good exercise for me. [know that it helps me stay in shape, and it also relaxes me after a long day at my desk, Ldon’t play for a long time each evening, but Imake sure that Iplay every chance I get. Paragraph 2: __ He loves to play soccer: Sometimes he plays with his friends after work, He believes that soever is good exercise for him. He _knows shat it helps him stay in shape, and it also relaxes him _after along day at his desk, He doesn’t play for a long time each evening, but he makes sure that he plays every chance he gets, Change the subject and rewrite the paragraph. Change the subject from we to she, Make any other changes necessary. We often sing in the musie program at the university, We think it's entertaining, and we enjoy it very much, Many of our friends also believe that itis good because the program's selectien offers a wide variety of music. We're glad our friends invited ‘us to go with them, Boo LESSON INZTI Ig Reading faster for better comprehension Listen for instructions, Your teacher will tll you when to start, You will have I minute to read the paragraph. After reading, answer the questions below without looking at the paragraph again. 1. What does foolish mean? It’s a person who a. doosn't think before doing something , doesn't want to bresk a city’s laws likes to do things in a different way 2. This newspaper wrote about-a man who is from a __ the newspaper office, a. town near b. country far from © state that isn't near 3, ‘The man wanted to for the cigarettes a. pay cash b. write a check use a credit eard 4, ‘The cashier gave the man almost 1. three thousand dollars b. thirteen dollars three hundred dollars 5. The police caught the man easily because - a.__he gave his information to the cashier . the police saw him drive too fast the cashier describei the man’s face 6. ‘The writer of this article thinks that the man is a. cautious b funny ©. careless eee ee oe | | Materials people use| VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: VOCABULARY: READING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: piaLogs: GRAMMAR: READING: Books LESSON? Materials Lackland Air Foree Base recycles. How to count materials Recycling at home Using compound nouns Shopping for jewelry with only $75 to spend Sunumarizing « paragraph ovaly ‘A man-made material that’s easy to care for Using coutd to politely ask permission More ways of asking permission ‘Modal review Writing summaries . 33 37 38 a 52 56 NEW VOCABULARY ao ee pl = jewelry ae material onl metal pe NEW GRAMMAR STRUCTURES Meet me at the train station, Verbs allow appreciate bbe made (up) of could do did / done over pay ~» paid / paid back put ~* put / put out throw -» threw / thrown away throw ~ threw / thrown out wake + woke / woken up LANGUAGE FUNCTION Politely ask permission, Give and deny permission Could I borrow the ear tonight? No, you can't. May I borrow your book? ‘Yes, you can, Do you mind if turn on some music? No, [don't mind, Is it okay if | smoke? Sorry, but you can't smoke in the building. "RUERICAS ANGUAGE COURSE WOYEAZIEIAYM Materials Lackland Air Force Base recycles Lackland Air Force Base is a large military base in San Antonio, Texas, The Lackland Recycling Center does an important job for people living and working on base. The thousands of people who work and live there use many different materials overy day. After people use these ‘materials, they throw them away or reeyele them. ‘Thebase collects hundreds of pounds of different materials that people throw out. The Reeyeling Center divides the recyclable materials by type, washes them, and then sells them to civilian companies. It collects materials like paper, glass, plastic, metal, rubber, rock, and stone. ‘The largest amount of material recycled by the Lackland Reeyeling Center iseardboard. Boxes are made of cardboard, which is a very heavy, strong paper, that is usually brown in color. Almost everything that Lackland AFB buys comes in a box, That is why more than half the material Lackland reeyeles is cardboard. ‘The Reeyeling Center sells most recycled materials to civilian companies outside the military. The materials these companies buy most often are recycled paper, glass and plastic bottles, empty metal cans, old rubber tires, and ‘newspaper. These companies take the items and use them to make other things. For example, iron, which is a strong, hard metal, is used by factories to make machine parts, ‘The Lackland Recy:ting Center can't sell some materials because civilian companies can't use them, Ammunition, which is made of metal, is one of them. The Recycling Center cuts it into very small pieces. Then, this metal is used to make ammunition again. Certainly, the Lackland Recycling Center does very important work for the people who live and work on the Air Force Base. It also makes sure the base doesn't throw out ‘material that someone may be able to use again. Race MGEEEIEEGEN Discuss these questions frst, and then write tho anewers.) 1. What do people at Lackland AFB do with things after they've used them? 2. Why does Lackland AFB have a reeycling program? 3, Name five materials people recycle at Lackland AFB. 4, How does the Recycling Center prepare bottles and eans for reeyeling? ‘How do companies and factories use recycled iron? 6. Lackland AFB recycles ammunition. What is ammunition made of? 7. Can the US military sell metal from ammunition to civilian companies? 8, Which material does Lackland AFB recycle the most? 8. Does your city or town Lave a recycling program? Describe it MESES Listen and soiect te topic. =] 1. a, writing different materials wrapping things in paper ©. materials for making paper ‘wrapping up boxes, ‘washing different materials € reeycling at home colors plastic materials eo ESI eo on BOOKS LESSON? h paragraph. Name the mat People use this material to write on. It ean be made from wood, but other materials ean also be used to make it. Hundreds of ‘years ago, it was made from the skins of animals. Today, factories ‘sometimes make it from reeyeled newspapers and old clothes, Every day we use many things made of this material. It’s light, and strong, It can be hard or soft. When you heat it, you can easily change its shape. ‘This is a hard material that you ean see through. It comes in many colors, but windows made of it usually have no color. Bot:les are frequently clear, green, or brown. Car tires are usually made of this material. A tire isa thiek ring tha; fits around the edge of the wheel of a vehicle. . This is a metal people find in the ground, Factories heat it and putit together with other metals to make it stronger and harder, ‘They ean use it to make strong parts for ears and buildings. ‘There are many different kinds of this material that you can find in the earth. All over the world, countries use it used to make coias. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters are made of it ‘This is a hard material that covers parts of the earth. You can pies up a small piece of it on the ground next to a river or in a field, but you can also find large amounts of it in one place. The tops of some mountains are completely made up of this material. ‘There is another hard material that we can find in the ground. It is often used for buildings like houses and office buildings. Stairs on the outside of houses are also frequently made of this. Some pieces of this material are very beautiful and can be used in jewelry BONUS: This material is made from the skin of animals. We have to prepare the skin in certain ways to make it soft and also to make it last a long time, We use this material to make things like purses, wallets, shoes, and belts. MESES ead th sontonces. Write Yor tue and for alse.) —— 1. Iron isa metal used in ears, __ 6, Good tres are made of metal —— 2 Paper can be madeofstone, __ 1 You cannot reeyele rubber, —— 4 Allmaterials areman-made, __8, People can reeycle old tires. —— 4 Allstoves are made of plastic. __ 8, Throw away means throw out. —— 5. You ean find rocks in the ground, ___ 10, Money is mau of gla. ESSE Fin You may use a word! more than ence. lank with a word from ia ‘material paper made wood throw glass plastic metal rubber stone 1, Tables and chairs are usually _____ of wood. 2 Glass is a hard that you can see through, 3. When people finish using a newspaper, they usually it away. 4. Drinks eome in bottles which can be made of _____ or 5, A-material that factories can use to make the bottoms of boots is, 6. We use metal coins for money, but the bills we use are made of 7. Furniture can be made of many different kinds of material, for example, ——E 8. If a__hits your ear window when you're driving, the window break. =a a A CANGLGE COURSE MeYe AVI EIaY How to count materials Lots of things are made of mare than one hind of material. Look at your pen. It's probably made of plastic and metzl Tt has ink inside it. Look around the classroom. Find things made of just one or mostly one material, Write them in the chart, The word window is an example. GLASS [PAPER PLASTIC | METAL | WOOD window Most materials are noncount nouns. In order to count a material, place infront of ita measurement word, container, or form of the material that you can count. pound of | plastic | ‘metal [metal | | apiece of metal [RESETS ead and underline phrases that allow you to count the paper._| Sinn: Anne: Tim: Anne: aim: Can Thorrow some paper from you? I don’t think I brought much paper. Let me check to see how many sheets of paper I have, I'm sorry, but I eft my big notebook at home. I have only 1 few pieces of white paper with me. I also have several pieces of blue paper, but Idoubt that you want that color don't need much, just some for writing down new information, I ean use any color since it's for my own notes, If you don’t mind, you can just give me two sheets of blue paper. Id really appreciate it. No problem, Il use the blue ones. You ean have these two pieces of white paper, I have to leave early today because I have an appointment. I certainly won't be using much paper during this class. ‘Thanks a lot. I guess [ owe you a few sheets of paper now. I'l pay you back the next time we have class. aoocis LESSONE =e Mele TNET NN Recycling at home ‘When people want to reeyele paper, plastic, glass, and metal at home, they have to collect the materials they have used. They put the bottles, eans, and newspaper they want to recycle into plastic bins or cardboard boxes. Sometimes they write the name of the material on the outside of the bin or box. Then everyone in the family knows where to put their reeyeling, In some towns and cities, people have to deliver the materials they've collected to a recycling center. In other places, poople can put out their reeyeling in front of their houses, and the city’s recycling truck will pick it up. Once a week, they carry out their bins and put them rext to the street. On that day, a collection truck drives past to pick up and take away the recycling they've collected. Every week, people repeat these steps and do them over again. First, they collect reeyeling materials, ‘Then, they divide them by type. Finally, they put out their bins or boxes. ‘Sometimes people forget to put their bins out. Ifthe sound of the truck wakes them up and they're quick, they ean still put out the things they need to throw away. But if they're late, the truck driver won't see any bins, and he'll drive past and not stop. Then, they'll have to wait for the next recycling collection date. WEENIE Anewer these questions with yourclass. = ‘What things do people throw away that they ean reeyele? How do people collect the things they want to reeyele? Where do people put out reeyeling for pick up by the city? How often does city recyding collection usually take place? Ifa city does not piek up recycling, where can people take the things that they need to throw out? 6, In your home, what happens to the different: materials you ean recycle? =n ~~ TEFIGAN LABGUNGE COURSE HEGRE inteview a cassmate. Check (v) each VES eel RECYCLING IN YOUR COUNTRY — WHO DOES IT? N COUNTRY RECYCLING RECYCLNG —-RECYCLNG RECYCLING NORECYCLING 7 nen et Soe ae ee CL | | L l me | mn | | name 7 ee | wea, | «| | ROCK OR STONE i 1 i (4) i | 1 oO | omen | [ ia | ee — | BEEING Report what your partner said about recyeling in his country._] / “Woo dia you tal ta = 2a ee ao? (3 T talked to Karl. He said every house in Germany i must recycle all material ‘i 60K LESSON HESTEEESIN Fin the tianke with words rom ihe box.) thrown out woken up wakes up do over throws out, puts out woke up threw away pile up 1. David needs to some work he did for his boss yesterday, 2 ‘The boy __ the chewing gum because he didn’t want it. 3, Ted is wife in the morning because she sleeps so deeply: 4, Every morning, Susan __her eat because she doesn't like to leave it in the house when she's at work. 5. On Saturdays, Jim ______old magazines, 6. Children like to ‘small stones and play with them, 7, Stan has __his ehildven late every morning this week hecause his alarm clock broke. 8. Last week, Julia played very loud music and_______ the neighbors. 9, Its only 9 a.m., and Ray has already ____ today’s newspaper. Lo LANGUAGE COURSE baseball aglove a baseball glove The first noun in compound noun is always singular: baseball glove. Jit plays basebell, He’s a baseball player He plays the game on a large field, Part of the field is in the shape of diamond (©), Each comer of {he baseball diamond has a base witha player who stands near i. “Fim plays.on a baseball team with eight other players. A baseball game is between fwo teams with sine players on each team, Bach team tries (o hit a Irseball. fa player hits ihe then tries to-run around the four bases of the baseball diamond befre the other team You can use several nouns together to mean one thing, for example: baseball glove, aplastic salad fork. can return the ball or touch him with it. Jim always wears a baseball eap when he plays baseball. When it’s his turn to hit the baseball, he uses a bat: made of a piece of wood that’s about 3% feet long. Some players use baseball bats made of metal, but Jim likes wood. When his team is catching instead of hitting, he uses a large baseball glove made of leather to catch the ball. Baseball is Jim’s favorite sport. He's a good player and enjoys it BEXGEEEEEEN Compiete the sentences with noun + noun from 1, Baseball teams play the game on a 2, Jim likes to wear his He hits the ball with a _ A baseball player uses a leather etext. ‘on his head when he plays. _ made of wood. to cateh the ball. 5. BONUS: What do we call the uniform the players wear?, ‘BOOK Ta LESSON? — HEED Wie noun compounds and noun enaun——] ‘Turn tothe page before this one. Read the four paragraphs again. Number 1 is an example, ie een cece cecccca eccccceccsasedm ~ 2 6 _ ———— ~ 4, 8, MESSI Fi inthe tanks with noun + noun, — ‘The store next door sells shoes, It's a___ Cindy takes classes at night. She takes — ‘This lesson is about grammar, This is a ‘The machine in the hall makes ies. It's an Alordered soup. He needed a spoon to eat it, He asked for a Mark likes stores that give diseounts, He likes Henry has an ache in his stomach, He has a .. ‘his paper gives you the news, Read the Work with There are more words than you reed, and you may use some words more than once Numbers I and 2 are examples, = sop 1. soko teks a 2, library book. credit mae 3 bath book, i library fe plane =a dining driver a ‘ovis acount ‘ tank tacos shoe ticket 7. eee cook station 8 on hal on ri one ——— WY ABIETR Shopping for jewelry with only $75 to spend Lt Barnes: Good afternoon, ma'am. You have some beautiful bracelets in your store window. Could I see them? Clerk: You certainly may, Our bracelets are made of gold, silver, or copper. Lt Barnes; My mother's very fond of gold. She likes to wear ita lot. Could you show me the gold bracelets? I plan to give her jewelry for her birthday Clerk: Take @ look at this one, It's a chain with ten diamonds. t's beautiful ‘on a woman's wrist, We also have a matching necklace. If your mother likes to wear rings on her fingers, we have a ring to go with it as well, Lt Barnes: Diamonds are so expensive. Do you have anything else? I saw in the newspaper today that you're having a sale. Mother’s Day Sale! S100 Galen’ Jory Shr, 111 Main Shot Clerk: That's right, we are having a sale. How much do you want to spend? Lt Barnes: Only about $75. Clerk: Well, then, allow me to offer a solution to your problem. The beautiful pair of gold earrings that you saw in the newspaper costs just $59. ‘Those earrings are only on sale this week because of Mother's Day. If your mether’s fond of gold, she'll surely wear them often, Lt Barnes: ‘They're beautiful. Il take them. Could you put the earrings in a box and tie it up with some gold string? I have a few days of leave, and I'm going away to visit my mother today. Clerk: Certainly, sir. 'd be happy to make a pretty package for you. Books LESSONZ = Fill in the blanks with words from the box. glass diamond silver stones bracelets necklaces gold copper fond of earring chain rings 1. Gold and silver are two metals which are harder than 2. Both silver and copper are less expensive than 8. Women wear around their necks 4. US hospitals put medical ____on patients’ wrists for identification, 5. Aring with a glass stone s less expensive than one with a 6, Some people have a hole in each ear into which they can put an — 7. A gray metal that coins and jewelry can be made of is 8, Glass in jewelry are man-made and not natural materials, 9. Windows are usually made of clear_____ that lets in sunshine. 10. Most children are __ playing games and collecting things. a. ——_1s made of metal rings. Each ring is connected ta the ring in front of it and the one after it. 12, Aman and a woman often give each other matching _ when they get married. ‘Match the phrase on the left with a word on the right. —— 1. the hardest natural material we ean find in the earth a. ring —— 2 apiece of jewelry a person wears around the wrist b. diamond —— 8. a shiny gray metal shat jewelry ean be made of e. silver —— 4. a shiny yeliow metal thatis very expensive a. bracelet —— 5. acircle of gold, silver, or other metal forthe finger e. gold Ez LEVI) Summarizing a paragraph orally Write the topie ofthis paragraph. US Army soldiers wear a uniform for everyday work. In the year 2004, the Army. made some important changes to it and gave soldiers a new combat uniform. To make the new uniform, they chose a material that is easier to wash, dry, and keep looking nice. They also changed some of the things on the uniform. First, they moved the bottom pockets to the shoulder sleeves to make the them easier to reach, Then, they used zippers instead of buttons because zippers are easier to open with one hand, These three changes and some others, too, have served to lower the price of ‘the uniform, make it better to wear, and easier to use. Soldiers know that a good uniform that fits right, feels good, and looks professional will help them do their jobs: well org, gives the main idea and the most important information does not show your opinion of the reading Wis very short Use the space nest to the photograph for your notes ‘BOOKS LESSON ss — Vocabulary @¥iruea raterial that's easy to care for Adam: Emily: Adam: Enily Adam: Emily Honey, ean you come here to take a look at this Smith Brothers’ advertisement? It’s for a shirt with a matching silk tie. I really like the way they look together. Smith Brothers’ ‘Yos, it looks nice, but the shirt’s not 100% cotton. It’s a man-made material that's 65% cotton, 30% polyester, and 5% nyion. I don't think you'll like it. Oh, but I'm sure I will. This ‘kind of material is really easy to care for: My friends fat work have it. They say that you just wash it in eold ‘water and hang it up to dry. You can wear it again in less than an hour. It's perfect for parade piethehd Smith Brothers’ finest summer shirt ‘made of 65% cotton, 30% polyester, and 5% nylon material always looks perfect with or without the matching sill tie Ifthat’s true, a wash-and- wear shirt would be good to have. Right now, you have only cotton and wool shirts Tike them because they're made of natural materials, But this shirt might be a .good choice for the summer. ‘The tie also matches nicely. Smith Brothers’ ‘Fine Clothes for Men, Women, & Children. ‘800.555.5555 | I think I'l go to thestore and buy it during their summer sale. I need to get a brown leather belt, too. Did you know that I have a little extra ‘money? Tim paid me back the $75 he owed me. You remember he borrowed ‘money from me last month. Wall, I was able to throw away his IOU today. Tim sure you appreciate getting your money back. Do you mind if I eome to the store with you? With the extra money, maybe we can get something for me, too, = LANGUAGE COURSE [EQEEEGEN Fin the bianks with words tromthebox ‘Some words will be used more than once aylon, Teather polyester silk pay back appreciate owe wool cotton man-made ‘Many beautiful ties are made of 2, In cold elimates, people wear sweaters made of ___ to keep warm. 8, Belts and shoos are usually made of 4, Polyester, nylon, plastic, and glass are _materials, In stores, you ean usually find shirts made of different materials, like — — 6, Store clerks like to be helpful. Most customers __ good service. 7. Jennifer wrote him an 1OU note that said, “l____ you $30. Pi return the money next Wednesday.” 8, When I lend friends money, I like them to _____ the amount the next day. [EEE et your classmates guess the em you are thinking of. | (77 Wwitmade ofa VV VY {( naturalor man-made)! The teacher's ) a naterial) 7( THajeecners LDA eee ID h Tsit a piece ofjeweley? Co Gan 1500 through it? OK 7s LESSON LtTran: Could I please bo-row your dictionary tonight? Lt Como: Sure, you can have it until tomorrow morning. Ms. Pim, could we leave ten minutes early today, please? ‘Teacher: I'm sorry. You can't, We have ton much work to do before class ends, FeCun Could | I (please) borrow your dietionary? we leave early today (please)? Use could to ask permi in the same way you use may and can. YES answers NO answers Yes, you can, No, you can't Certainly. | te coe | Pm sorry. You can eae (Pm) Sorry, but... We usually add an explanation to a NO answer. WEEN tiatch each question with the covet response. +d ‘Then, repeat after your instructor 1, Could T use your pen, please? a, 'm sorry, but I won't be home. 2, May I borrow your book? Certainly. I have my ID right here. 3. Can Task you a question? 1T'm sorry. You can't It doesn't work, 4, Could we visit you tonight? |. Yes, you can, Here's another piece, 5. May we smoke here? , Sorry, but I have to return it today, 6. Could Ihave some more cake? f, Of course. What do you need to know? 7. Can Isee some identification? g, No, you can't. Please go outside, Lo ~ AVERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Complete each question with your own ideas. ‘To make your questions, use the words in the box below or select other words and phrases that you know. When you've finished, ask your partner the questions you've written. If your partner gives you a negetive answer, ask him or her to explain why you do not have ‘permission. Then, switch roles and answer your partner's questions. Ww chair car light book. curtains pen ‘camera desk window door dictionary radio CD player 1. Could I borrow cs = —_? Cte 2 8, Could I close — —? 4. Could Imove 6. 2 Could I turn on ce ao, room io 7 teal, OOK 9 LESSONZ = LIE MY EM More ways of asking permission ‘Read the dialog and underline the words that ask for, give, or deny permission. ‘Mr. Wilson: Do you mind if T smoke? Ms, Lopez: No, I don’t mind. But you can't smoke inside this building, Mr. Wilson: Is it okay if | smioke outside? PLEASE ‘Ms Lopez: Yes, it's okay. Bat you may only PUT OUT ee YOUR CIGARETTES Mr. Wilton: Thanks, Where can I put out IN THE ASHTRAYS. my cigarette? ‘Ms. Lopez: ‘There's a sign outside that says to put cigarettes out in the ashtrays. HSER Listen ana inthe bianks. Thon, repeat after your teacher. | 1. Bob: Do you mind if I bring my friend to your party? Dan: 2. Student: Could I please drink my coffee in the classroom? ‘Teacher: —__ 3. Tom: Jay: Sure. Tl get it for you, 4. Lt Fisk: Is it okay ifwe take pictures of the graduation? Lt Cole; —___ 5. Student; Sanaieaial ‘Teacher: Please, don't. There's too much noise outside. 6. Capt Jobs: __ Capt Wolf, No, you ean’t, Captain Miles is going to sit there. ica AGRE CORE [EEGEEEGEE Setect one situation and role-play it with a partner. ‘+ Boss of a busy garage ‘You have several customers who are ina hurry to get their ears back. Several of your mechanies did not report for work th:s morning. ‘+ Furniture store manager Your store is having trouble ‘making enough money. You ‘think you night have to close ‘your store in the next six months, * Customer in restaurant ‘You are cating alone at a table for two. Several customers just ssat down at the table next to you. They want your extra ‘chair, but earlier a friend said he might meet you for dessert. ‘+ Mechanic [Ask the hoss to allow you to leave three hours eariy today. ‘You need to go to the airport to pick up a relative who doesn't speak English. ‘= Salesperson ‘Ask the manager for more ‘money. You've been working here for years and have many happy customers who come back year after year. You don't ‘know the store has money problems. + Server Several customers have come in. They want to sit together. ‘Their table needs one more chair. Ask the customer at the table next to them to let you take the extra chair. ‘Write a situation for 2 other ‘BOOK LESSON ED vn Present ability Totalkabout...| Modats | Examples Tmay stay late atthe office tonight if T have too ae much work to do. Coded REA | They might not come with us if they arrive late ould rain tonight Look at those clouds! can | She can swim to miles, but she can't do it quickly. be able to | He is able to speak French, could | be able to | He was able to run six miles yesterday, ‘Sam couldn't come to the party yesterday. Permission may canld ‘May I borrow your pen? ‘Can we smoke in here? Could Tuse your phone? [EEEEEEEE Compete the sentences with could, might, or may. J ‘Think of things that are 50% likely to happen or 50% possible to do, Number 1 is an example. 1, Ifyou don't study hard, you could fail the test / you might not pass the test 2. Ifyou ran a red light, 8. Ifyou never exercise, 4, Ifyou drive too fast, 5, Ifwe don't have any homework tonight, 6. Ifthe weather is nice tomorrow, 7. IfThave any free time this weekend, 8, IFT don't pass the test, .. ~~ ERIGAN TANGUAGE COURSE : Tot know (Look at this thing >) Tt could be some Kind of machine. BEEN Arower the questions with font know and a guess. Use may, might, or could in your answer (© 1 Doyou think itt >) rain tomorrow? (8. Sara didn't come (© toelass today “2, Tean't find the \ key to the desk.) Where is she? Where init? 4 x ey, NE (4 That man over (3. When's Harry's ») there looks famous, \ \ birthday party? who taba?” Sete BEEXEISEIGN Ask your pariner questions about abiiy: Check the anewers. —] ‘Are you able to Can you ... ? 1. run five miles every day? 2. lift 50 pounds? 3, stay awake all night? 4, stand on your head? 6. sing well? 6, read an American newspaper? an airplane? Rewrite the questions in Exercise C in the past tense, With your classmates, ask and arsiwer the questions you've written. Then. talk about the ‘changes in what you ean do now and what you could do then. Nuraber 1 isan example. ~"Ten years ago, were (CO No, Teouldn'. ) you abie to run fivemiles _) “Could you? os. 1 were you able to / could you run five miles every day? 2. Ten years ago, ... accion Maich the sentences that are similar in meaning. 1 1. May [sit here? ‘a, Wore you able to repair it? T couldn’t hear the teacher. bb. Ttmight be a machine, 3, Can I borraw your pen, please? Is it okay if sit next to you? 4, Could you fix my ear yesterday? d. I'm not able to prepare hot food. 5. Imay go. don't know. . Lcould fail the test, __6, I might not pass the test. £ wasn't able to hear her: _7. Are you abie to run very fast? _g. T might go. 8. It eould bean appliance. 1h, Do you mind if | use it? 9. Tean't cook, i, Can you run quickly? (ESEEEEEE tatch each sentence with a purpose. Wi b,c, ord. Ra ie |} —— don ean't swim very well eee Could I speak to you, sir? may 3, ___. May I borrow your car tonight? a. 50% possibility | might . : could 4, Ann may be going on vacation in July. | 5. Fred wasn’t able to visit us last resent ability | CA ‘Saturday b. Present ability | 1. able to 6, __ Sara's able to name all the countries in the world : could 1 Bafore his accident, Mike could Co tee) be able to. play soccer very well. 8, __ We might have a new student in class tomorrow: 4. Permission | can 9. Students, you ean leave the room could after you finish the test. ‘BOOK 13 LESSONZ = IST Writing summaries Read the two paragraphs below and write a short summary for each one Paragraph 1 Steel is a metal that people use every day. It's a man-made material that is made of iron plus smaller amounts ef one or more other metals, In factories where they make steel, workers heat iron and the other metals together to a very high temperature. When the metals cool, the workers ean make the steel into thin pieces or thin sheets. Steel is a very good material because it is harder and stronger than iron, because factories ean make it into different shapes, and because the metal keeps its shape better than ircn. Also, different from iron, steel doesn't easily rust, which is what happens when water and air change iron, Steel is a metal used to ‘make vehicles and machines. Is also in many things you can find in the home, like refrigerators, stoves, and washing machines, and even knives, forks, and spoons, Paragraph 2 Many stones that are used to make jewelry look like diamonds, but they're not natural diamonds. Some are glass, others are zircon (a natural stone that is not as hard as diamonds), and some are cubie zirconia (which is a man-made stone).'These other stones don’t shine the way diamonds do, and that's how professional jewelers ean see the difference between them and diamonds. People who don't have a lot of ‘money to spend usually can’t uy real diamonds, but they may be able to buy the other stones. While it is true that zircon and cubie zirconia cost more than glass, they're certainly less expensive than diamonds, = NIT TANTAGE COURSE What's your size? VOCABULARY: READING: GRAMMAR: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: READING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: DIALOGS: aooxis tes Finding the right size... oe Measuring reerits for their frst uniforms. 6 Using the ttle to predict contents 65 person who teaches is a teacher: 66 Coats on sale at 50% off... 68 Using modals in reported speech 2 Reading faster for better comprehension... . 78 ‘That woman drives a hard bargain! a Using separable phrasal verbs. 78 Asking a salesperson for help 82 NEW VOCABULARY wew oo 7 as = = dressing room Verbs on sale fabric ee percent (%) fit bla sales height enniee: special Ee discount . a sew -» sowed / sewn pair try on NEW GRAMMAR STRUCTURES LANGUAGE FUNCTION Jack Smith drives a bus, He's a bus driver. ‘Jim is going to hang up his clothes. ‘Jim is going to hang his clothes up, Jim is going to hang them up. What did Mr. Rogers tell you? He told me he might see me at 2 p.m. ‘Ask and respond to questions relating to the buying and seling of clothes and ‘accessories ina role-play betweon a ‘customer and a clothes store clerk, May I help you, sit? ‘Yes, I want to buy a pair of pants, but I don’t know my size. ‘Lot's measure your waist and check the length. Then we'll know what. size you wear, "RERIGAW LANGUAGE COURSE Vocabula Finding the right size Smith Brothers WINTIOR SAILS STARTS TODAY. SHOP 9 AIM.TO 10 PM. 40% AND 60% OFF MEN'S CLOTHING 40% off regular prices for suits and jackets 60% otf regular prices for shirts and pants* Smith Brothers Fine Clothes for Men, Women, & Children 200.555.5555 | smithbrothers buy Harry: I'm interested in buying a sports jacket. They're 40 pereent off, right? Clerk: Yes, they certainly are, Do you know your size, sir? Harry: I'm sorry, but I don't, [think T usually wear a medium jacket. Clerk: Well, si you don't mind, Td like to measure you. Our jackets are very well made, and we have exaet sizes — not just small, medium, and large, ‘When I know your measurements, I'l be able to fit you betier. Clothes that fit well always look best. A good fit usually feels better, too. 'm sure we'll be able to find that special jacket that looks great on you, Harry: What measurements do you need? Clerk: Ineed to measure your sleeve length, around your chest, and the length from your shoulder to your waist. also like to get a pants measurement. ‘You may waat to buy some other items during our sale today, perhaps a air of pants or a shirt, For the pants, I'll take your waist measurement and leg length. soos lessons = BEEEXEISGEN feed th sentences. witeT for rue and Forfa, 1. The customer knows his jacket size. 2. Medium is the size that the customer usually buys. —— 8. The store only has jackets in sizes small, medium, and large. 4. The clerk wants to measure the customer's waist fora jacket 5. Theclork says that clothes look best if they fit well 6. Fora pairof pants, the clerk needs two measurements. —— 1. The customer wants to buy three items from this store. 8. The storois selling sports jackets at 40 pereent of Fill in the bl ks with words from the box. measure special items ‘medium fit waist measurements size length pair Toffind your pants size, __ around your waist, People often wear ___ shoes when they play sports, John bought a__ of diamond earrings to give his wife on her birthday. Aleather belt around your _ looks nice with wool slacks. Excuse me, maam. I'd like to buy a new suit, but I don’t know my ‘This dress is too large. Do you have it in a size? How many different. — do you have in that hig box you're carrying? Irboth the small and the large jackets don't __, maybe medium will, 9. When you buy pants, you sometimes need to know the ___ of your leg, 10. For a jacket, the sales clerk needs to take three different sleeve length, around the chest, and the length from shoulder to waist. a REIGN TANGLAGE COURSE BEERS 10 pairs, use a tape measure to fill in the lengths in centimeters. In the US, body measurements for clothes are usually in inches. In other countries, measuremerts are often in centimeters. People use a tape measure to take clothes measurements, A tape measure is usually 60 inches long or about 152 centimeters, Look at the pieture of the tape measure below. Its length is 64 inches or about 16%4 contimeters, Take a look at the 1 inch mark. Compare inches and centimeters, ‘You'll see that 1 in, = 254 em, Now look at Items 1 — 8 below. Use the tape measure to find out which centineter amount compares most closely with the inch amount, rerprey mpg tuft copy ‘Number 1 isan example 1. 1 in, = about 2% em 5. 1% in, = about em 2 Bin. = shone em 6. 2% in, = about em 4 in, = about em 7. 4% in, = about em 4, 6 in. = abot om 8. 5M in, = about em THE TOPIC Is the subject of tre paragraph. is a word or phrase. Books iessONS Mele ISIEIaY Measuring recruits for their first uniforms ‘When new recruits join the military, the first thing they get is a uniform.'The Uniform must fit well becauso a person in the military must always look: professional. To select a new recruit’s uniform, the military carefully measures each, person to find his or her eorract size. WOMEN’S MEASUREMENTS FOR UNIFORMS AND JACKETS usa sie (Reg | 6 | ¢ | 10 | 12 | | 16 | 1 | 20 frausot [Europeansize | 36 | 38 | ao | 42 | as | ee | aa | 50 SMLXL Size | Smal | Medum | Large [Extra Large Bust a[elelalalslaw]« Waist a |e [9 | [3 [a5 | or | oo Hips a7 {wlio la [els [alo Inseam 0 | 30 [0 [0 [0 [30 [0 [a0 [at shoulders | 6% [17 [arm | 1a [1am | 19 [ton [ 20 Sleove 30x [am | or [or | xe [oon | os [ow] ot Colar Waist | 7 [rx | 18 | 18m | 184 | tem] 19 | ow] ax Height Regular 65 in~68 in. Tall68in-71 in WOMEN'S SIZES: To find out a woman's size, the military takes three measurements, ‘They measure around the bust, waist, and hips. A bust measurement is around the widest part of a woman's back and chest, They take this measurement under the arms. For the hip measurement, they put the tape measure around the widest part of the body below the waist and above the top of the legs. Some sizes for women are 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14, A woman who is 67 inches tall and measures 38-28-38 probably fits in size 8 or 10, Lc "AVERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE MEN'S MEASUREMENTS FOR UNIFORMS AND JACKETS Jusaszeon| | os | os | o | ao | | os | oe jon Ewropeanse | 44 | 46 | 40 | so | so | 54 | 56 | 30 saixtsze | Smal | Medium | Large | Extra Large (Chest “ls lelolelalele st 0 [se [a4 [96 [a8 [ao [a2 [ae igs 36 | 38 [40 | 2 | [a [a8 | 0 Inseam 30_| 20% [2o% | 30 [sox | som [oom [ot [ate Shoulders | 7 | 18 | t84| 19 | 19%] 20 | 20m [ at Sleeve 20 | 2 [om | se [on [a4 [om [os [a [cotar-waist [-9x | 19% [19% | 20 | 20u [20% [aon] 21 | 2% Height: Regular 65in—68 in, Tal 68 n= tn. MEN'S SIZES: For shir:s, the military measures the cireumfarence of the neck for the shirt collar and the length of the arm for the sleeve. For the arm measurement, the recruit must hold his crm straight out at shoulder height. They will measure from ‘the center of the back :o the wrist. Far pants, they first take a waist measurement, and then they measure the length of the inside of the leg down to the ankle—this is called the inseam, For example, a man 67 inches tall might wear shirt size 1514-82 (neck-arm) and pants size 30-82 (waislinseam), MEN'S MEASUREMENTS FOR PANTS: Uusasizeeg)| 28 | s0_| so | os | a6 | 98 | 40 | 42 | rasnon European Sie | 44 | 46 | 43 | so | se | 54 | o | 50 Waist wo [| | of | o | [a Hips | | 40 [ae | a | as | ae | 50 inseam w[ex[elelelelelel ALTERATIONS: Uniforms don’t always fit exactly right. Pants are often too long or too short. A tailor can change or alter them. A tailor is a person who can sew an item of clothing to make it shorter or longer, looser or tighter. Alterations for the first uniform are free, that is, there is no charge. For other uniforms, the reeruit will have to pay both uniform and alteration costs. [BOOK 13 LESSONS =n Fill in the blanks with words from the box. measured ft inches length size ‘measurements, Allen: Can you help me? Ineed to buy a shirt to go with my uniform, Clerk: Certainly, sir. What_____do you wear? Allen: I don’t know. They — me before, but I've forgotten what my Clerk: Okay, then, well find out. First, I'm going to measure your neck, and then the of your arms. Let’s see, that’s 16 aa the neck and 32 for your arm length. Allen: I guess that means that a size 16 ~ $2 shirt should ‘me quite well Fill in the blanks with words from the box. free pair waist hip items ‘measure sow amount Clerk: Good afternoon. Are you looking for anything special today, ma'am? Sylvia: Yes, Inced to buy several __of elothing. The first thing I need is anice of slacks. Clerk: Your size, please, ma'am, Sylvia: I'm sorry, I don't remember it. Could you me? Clerk: Certainly, that’s no -rouble at all. 'U need to get your — size and also your___ measurement. Sylvia: Tm not very tall. [usually ask a tailor to shorten my slacks. But if that’s expensive, Tean — them at home. Will you add an extra to thesales price if your tailor shortens the slacks? Clerk: No, ma‘am. If our tailor shortens or lengthens the pant legs, thatTl be ‘Wealso don't charge for changes to the waist ara CURE IVE Using the title to predict contents A title is often the first piee of information you get about « text A ttle may tell you what witl be inthe text. Before good readers begin reading, they fake time to imagine what the text will say. Use the titles below to make guesses or predictions about each tet Read a ttle, Circle information that might be in the paragraph. | More than one answer i possible. 1. College: The Key to Your Future a ~ College: The Key to Your Future! That ) sounds interesting. —_/ a. carer fields . dining hall food college courses classroom furniture - 2. Know Your Medicine a, the best way to ask a doctor for information how to study to be a doctor where to read sports magazines 4d. medical advico on the internet 8. Best Vacation Places a. hotels b. hospitals © beaches d._ basic training HEGRE ead a ttle. select q jons the paragraph might answer. 1. Land and Climate in the State of Arizona ‘a, How hot is it in the desert? b, How many colleges are there? Does it ever freeze at night? 4. Do you need a better job? 2, Bieyele Racing fa, What kind cf shoes do racers wear? b. Who made the first bieycle? ¢. Which bieydes are the lightest and fastest? d. At what time does the bicycle shop open? moos ase |_| A person who serves food in a A person who collects stamps restaurant is a serves is a stamp collector. % Aading -erand -or to some verbs makes nouns that mean “someone who.” ‘An appliance which makes coffee ‘A tool which opens cans isa coffee maker. is a can opener, Adding -er to some verbs makes nouns that mean “something which.” 1. Ken drives a truck. He's a truck 2: Laci the mai he nat os 2, This ple aces de Ks es 4. Usthistody ours ahaie ue 6 dlcnsts ten, Shean oe 6. Thi tldhages pen 1 ene aoe 7. Please visit me often. Terjoy having beginner 8. You can freeze food with this. It’s a. ae ae 9. Al just began learning French. He's a suishyashet ne na arr ml NANCE COREE BEEEDIGEEN change the underined verbs tonouns with -eror-or | ‘The Miller Family Mark Miller owns a company that builds houses, He's a__. On the ‘weekends, he likes to play tennis, He's a good tennis —__ Sara, his wife, ‘manages a small bank, She's been a bank for a long time. Sara enjoys collecting coins, too, so she's also a coin ____. Their son, Carl, is still in school. He enjeys writing short stories for the school newspaper. He wants to bea ___. Their daughter, Ann, likes to sing and play the piano. She's a very good and piano ___. Sometimes, the whole family ‘g0es to the mountains and spends a weekend mountain climbing. They are good mountain ___. Every month they visit Mark's parents. His parents like having __. They wish they could see the family more often. WEEE Fick words ana describe thom for your partner to guess. __| Inyour description, use words that are differnt from the noun your classmates will sa. This person goes from one place to ca another Sometimes he uses a eat Sometimes ne fies on plane to get Ces a aveter) tvhere he wants to go, What is he? y THINGS [ PEOPLE heater reseiver traveler owner lighter shopper planner educator hanger marker Tearner—dancer—=—=—_reporter toaster fastener gardener swimmer operator shaver sipper Geaner —fellower——_Lender timer stopper speaker reviewer borrower hairdryer refrigerator renter mover. guarantor caller reader rider catcher smoker seller | sir goal keoper buyer moore so a MLEITIETAE Coats on sale at 50% off Sid: Hit Your sign says you're having a sale and giving a. percent, | iscount of 50 Clerk: That's right, Our year-end sale started taday. We have some good deals at, low prices. I'd be happy to fit you with a winter coat. What’s your size, sir? Sid: Iwear a 40, Clerk: Try on this coat. The fabric is 100% wool. I'l keep you wonderfully warm. ‘This coat just went on sale today at-50% off the regular price, It was $500, now it’s $250. Sid: I soe. You've reduced the price by half because winter's half over. Will your prices decrease more? Clerk: I doubt that we'll discount our coats much more. Our prices are already uite low. You know, you really should buy now because our state's sales tax is going up soon. The percentage the state adds will inerease from 6% to 7.5% on January 1st, This year you pay $30 in sales tax on a $500 coat, Next year, you'll pay $37.50. Everything's going to be more expensive. Sid: The price you're asking for this coat is $250 plus 6 pereent tax. That. amounts to $265. That's too expensive for me, but thanks for your help. MGSEESGW Asc and answer these questions withapartner | ‘What kindof sae is the store having? By how much is the store reducing its coat prices? What size dos Sid wear? What isthe price ofthe at ater the 50% discount? Does the clerk believe the store will duce its prices more this year? What percentage of sales tax will Sid pay on the price of coat this year? How much ill the sales sax increase next year? Do you pay a sales tax in your eountry? If yes, what pereentage do you pay, and ‘what do you call the tax? x aa "AMERICAO LANGUAGE COURSE BEEEEEEEN wi a partner, tin the bianks with words from the boxes. 1 fee or ed cr ee ‘The Coat Store is having a this week on its winter coats Every coat in the store is ___at half price, At 50__off, a coat for gale at.a price of $750 is $3 the regular price, ‘That's a very good 2. tax ameuntsto items increases onsale amount ‘The store adds s:ate sales ___to an item when someone buys a coat. That ___ the amount the store charges the customer by 6%. For example, for a $500 coat, the store's eashier must add $30 to the sales price, ‘The final price that the customer has to pay ___ $530. When. clothing goes ‘at lower prices, the state always gets a smaller af sales tax because the the store sells cost less. 3 jinereases decreases amount’ sales tax free In my opinion, one thing that never ___is taxes, But I know that the state earns a large —__ — of money from the taxes it collects. This ‘money helps to pay for our children's schools, our eity streets and sidewalks, our state's highways, our police, and many other things. These things are certainly not In fact, they cost a lot. T guess the best way to pay for them is to make everybody pay a___. Thope ours doesn't go up soon, When the state___ taxes, itis hard on a person's wallet. noe eS =a | (Gare yon wing Heit eee Lect bat >) (Wha athe ones) FCT sit ye) e2ntainsoy?_) y i ae VW ® r Iv if q LiGrey Capt Lane LiGren ——L¢Gray eo Ge) y Tecainaia | [000] [oe] Foe] [amas ] Some modals change in ported speech. Some pronouns do, too. Direct Speech Reported Speech | may | might mut | oa could am/is/are able to was/wore able to a ee "AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE ESSE vniert ‘Then, repeat after your instructor: Number 1 is an example. I the parts that show repor dspeech. 1. Randall: “You might want to wait for better weather.” What did he tell you? He told us that we might want to wait for better weather. 2, Ms, Kap: “Your taacher may not come because he's sick.” What did she say? She said that our teacher might not come because he was sick, 3, Set Bag: “Private, you ean go to the library when I return.” What did he say? He said I could go to the library when he returned, 4, Jackie: “We couldn't take a break yesterday.” ‘What did she tell you? She told me thatthey couldn’t take a break yesterday. 5, Mr, Dell: “The new secretary isn’t able to type fast.” What did he tell you? He told me the naw secretary wasn't able to type fast. 6, Lt Cort: “My men are able to do anything I ask them to do.” What did he say? He said his men were able to do anything he asked them to do. 1. Goorge: “We might go out tonight* He told me that they go out tonight. 2 14 Lash: “Sergent, you can leave early benuse you're finished.” She said I___ leave early because —__ finished, 3, Lt Pace: “I coulda’ understand the second speaker at the meeting.” He told us that he __ understand the second speaker. 4, Harvey: “Im not able to play because my foot hurts.” He said he __ play because 5, Pamela: “I can’t hear you hecause you don’t speak loudly.” She said she ___ hear him beeause __ speak loudly. 6, Sgt Poe: “All themen are able to swim faster this month.” He told the lieutenant all the men __ swim faster this month, BooKis LESSONS WEEE Wie answers to the questions. Use modals for reported speech] Numbers Land 2 are examples, 1. LtPinn: Capt Jobb: Lt Heinz Lt Pinn; 2 Philip Linda: George: Philip: 8. Capt Yale: Maj Roger: Capt Mill: Capt Yale: 4, Capt Boat: Lt Ream: Lt Holms: Lt Ream: 5. Mr. Lind: Mr. Hart: Ma. Lind: Mr. Lind: 6. James: Kevin: Allen: James: Captain, can we take a break now? Not now, Lieutonant, What did the captain say? He said we couldn't take a break now. Linda, what are our plans for this weekend? Well, my parents may visit us on Sunday. Philip, what are you doing this weekend? Linda said tha: her parents might visit us on Sunday, Sir, eould I speak to you this afternoon? ‘Yes, I believe TI be free at 1430, What did the major tell you? He told me that I How are the mon doing? Great. They're able to run faster and farther than before. ‘What did you tell the captain about the men? Mr. Hart, will you be able to repair that old bieyele? ‘No, I'm not able to fix it ‘What did Mr. Hart say about the bieyele? Did you win the soccer game yesterday? ‘We couldn't pley because the weather was too bad. Did Kevin tell you who won the game yesterday? No, he said ___ Lo "AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE L od Fill in the blank with the correct verb and a pronoun. Number 1 isan example 1. Jim’s ready to come home, Ted will __Piekhim up __ soon, Pielke up 2. Poway doesn't understand those words. She has to Took up 3, Itscold. Your sweaters in the closet. You should = put on 4, Your shoes are wet. You must__________now. take off 5, Bob's awake now because Tim __________ five minutes ago. wake up 6. Larry will ask Barbara to marty hin, but she'l = ‘um down 7. Andy's homework was wcong. He had to do over Lo "RVERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE BEECHES Anowor the questions using pronouns andthe words in(). | [Number 1 is an example. 1, When is Jeff going to pick up his sister? (Thursday) He's going to pick her up on Thursday. 2. Did Patricia tum down that job? (no) 8, Who turned on she TV? (Tom) 4, Will Robert fill out the deposit slip at the bank? (yes) 5. Where did Sam put out his cigarette? (ashtray) EXEREISEEGN Write questions using the words Number 1 is an example 1, He wrote down Kelly's address, (What/Jim) What did Jim write dow 2. Yes, Pat turned it down. (Didsjob) 4, Tey ath overheat xn ‘Boonis LESSONS TEX EM Asking a salesperson for help Listen and repeat the dialogs about buying and selling clothes. _] 1. Clerk: May Ihelp you? Customer: Yes, thank you. I'd like to buy a pair of jeans. Clerk: What size do you need? Customer: I'm not sure. have a 27 waist, but I think I need a 38 length, Clerk: I'm sorry, sir, We don't have that size, Would you like to try a 28-33? 2. Customer: Could you help me, please? Clerk: Certainly. What can I do for you? Customer: Pd like to try on this pair of slacks, Clerk: OF course. Please follow me, Our dressing room's over here. 3. Customer: Excuse me. How much do these wool slacks cast?” Clerk: They're on sele for $29.99, Customer: That's a bargain! Til take them, 4. Clerk: Can I help yeu, sir? Customer Yes, I'd like to buy a long-sleeved eotton shirt, Clerk: What size do you want? Customer: Ineed a 1544collar and 37 sleeve, Clerk: I'm sorry, sir.All our cotton shirts come only in small, medium, and large sizes. You might try medium. I think itll fit you well. Yes. 1 like to buy a > ‘wool jacket. a cane COURE WEES 1 pairs, write cach word in the box inthe correct eategory. | iomond jacket wool silver old sotton sweater wallet dress leather earrings bracelet chain coat nylon shoes necklace belt ring cap MATERIAL CLOTHING ITEM | JEWELRY parentheses (). [EEGIESSEEN Replace the underlined words with the words EXAMPLE: Exause me, please. May I try on this silk blouse? _—_(wool/oat) Excuse me, please. May I try on this wool coat? 1. Excuse me, please, Pd like to buy a pair of blue jeans. (eilver/esrrings) 2. Can you help me?I'm looking for a size medium wool coat. _(cotton/sweater) 8. Pardon me, sir. Could you show me a pair of rubber boots? _(Ieather/shoes) 4, Would you help me? I'd like to try on these two nylon shirts (gold/rings) 5, May I ask your advice? Should I buy this leather belt? (wooVeap) 6. How much is the sales tax on this silver chain? (Giamond/necklace) 7. wear size 16-35.Can you please show me a cotton shirt? (wooljacket) 8, What percent tax do I have to pay on this gold ring? (nylonibelt) ‘OOK Ts LESSONS = © Clerk in a clothing store Go to the customer Ask if you can help him or her. You have only full sizes in shirts, no half sizes. You have shirts in many colors, but no blue ones. Your store has expensive Jewelry. You only have items ‘made of natural materials, ‘Your opinion is that when someone spends money, it should be on the best their dollar can buy. + Salesperson in amen’s store ‘You seo a customer with a box from your store. Your store does not give refunds on sale items. Ask if you czn help the customer, + Owner of a jewelry store * Customer ‘You want to buy a shirt for a friend. His measurements are 1614-87. Youtd like to have a light blue shirt, * Customer buying a ring | San at te ge | spel tend Yon ber ote of pple a pattie hf oy age i ag te Sustain aot tas ode. * Customer carrying a box. You received a shirt for your birthday. It’ still in the box ‘The shirt’s too small. You'd very much like to get a eash refland for it. FEES Listen to roiepiay. then summarize i for the lass. t ik aunt ‘The man wanted a blue shirt. The clerk didn’t have a blue one. } o ‘man bought _reen on. ~ RERIIBANGLNGE COURSE Let’s play ball! VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: DIALoas: GRAMMAR: WrITINa: READING: BOOK LESSONS Basketball in the USA How big are professional basketball players? Staying in shape for a basketball career. ‘The conditional: General truths and commands ‘Comparing US and motrie measurements ‘The length, width, and depth of sports facilities Asking questions with How + adjective ‘There's only so much room in an airplane. Using indefinite pronouns . Editing a paragraph for text changes Summarizing a paragraph 103 104 107 108 NEW VOCABULARY mile/mi, Syabols strength. x (by) = NEW GRAMMAR STRUCTURES LANGUAGE FUNCTION If you're cold, close the window, ‘Ask for and give information about measurements. What do you do if you arrive :o work late? How wide is the teacher’s desk? talk to the boss if [arrive late Homage. the) ‘What is the desk’s wideh? Idon't have any quarters forthe vending It’s 47 in, wide. machine. Can I borrow a few! How deep is the swimming pool? comms Mele ABIEL AYR Basketball in the USA BASKETBALL QUIZ 11. What do the letters NBA mean? 2. About how many men play professional basketball for the NBA? a. 950 b, 425 © 275 3, How many points does a team get for each hasket (or goal)? a. 1,2,0r8 b. 2or3 e 2 4. How may men play on each team during a game? a. 10 b, © 5 5. How long does z professional basketball game last? a, 48 minutes b, 120 minutes ©, 30 minutes ook LESSONS — 4d ‘THE UPHILL ROAD TO THE NBA‘ ‘Basketball is the third most popular sport in the US after football and baseball, Men and women as well as boys and girls play it. They play in sehools, colleges, universities, and on professional teams, After graduation, ‘the best high school basketball players often go on to play on college teams, Many of the young men who play basketball hope to become rich and famous professional basketball players after college, but only a fow great players make it to the pros. The NBA selects only about 60 new players each year, The new players, who are ealled rookies during their first year in the NBA, usually come fom American colleges, Occasionally, the NBA recruits players who have just graduated from high school. A few come from countries outside the United States. “National Basketball Association WLI TIETN | How big are professional basketball players? Most American men are about 5 feet 10 inches tall. That is the same as 70 inches, or about 178 centimeters. NBA players are usually much taller. Many are a whole foot (12 inches) or more taller: Most NBA players stand at a height of about 6 ft. 7 in. or 201 em. A lot are taller than 67 and a few are almost 8 feet tll. NBA players may look thin, but they often weigh a lol, Most American men weigh abcut 190 pounds, or 86 kilograms. Professional basketball players usually weigh about 225 Ib, or 102 kg. Usually, a person who weighs 200 Ib, or more looks fat, but a basketball player's great height allows him to be heavier and still look thin, Occasionally, a player gains too much weight, and his coach will tell him to go on a diet. That means the player will have to choose healthier foods like fruits and vegetables and eat smaller meals and fewer snacks. He may have to get on the seale once ‘a week to show the coach that he is in fact losing the extra weight. A few players have to watch their weight all the time, but most players diet for only a short time because they need to lose just a little, One famous player, who is very tall at height of 71", had to go on a diet because he weighed 25 Ib, He didn't have to lose mueh, only about 15 pounds, Now at $10 Ib, he is much quicker on his feet, He remains one of the NBA's best players. = ERC LANGUAGE COURSE

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