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Prrt - A
1) Define market domand. (May/June 2012) P.No: 2

2) Whar is elasticity ofsupply? (May/June 2012) P.No: 3

3) Define'lau ofmarginol utility' (Nov/Dec 2012) P.No: 6

4) Distinglish betwcen 'market price' and 'normal price' (Nov/Dec 2012) PNo: 6
5) How is elasicity of demard used for forecasting? (Mayflune 2013) P.No: 6
6) Differentiate Monopoly and monopolistic competition. (May/June 2013) P.No: 5
7) Differcntiate betw€en the substation effect ard income effect in demand. CNov/Dec 2013) P.No: 6
8) State the conditions ofduopoly competition (NovDec20ll)P.No:6

Part - B
1) Explain the steps for scientifio approach to demand forecasting. (May/June 2012) P.No: 33

2) Explain any four methods ofdernand forecasting. (May/June 2012) P.No:34

3) Disouss about the various types of elasticity ofsupply. (May/June 2012) P'No:29
4) Explain the factors detemining elasticity ofsupply. (May/June 2012) P.No: 28
5) what is Enget Curve? the Engel CuR€s for necessitv, luxury and inferior good. (Nov/Dec 2012) P No: 30

6) Illustrate the methods measuring the €lastioity. (Nov/Dec 2012) P.No: l8

7) What is a market? How they are olassihed? (Nov/Dec 2012) P.No; 38
8) Describe about the various market (Nov/Deo 2012) P.No: 42
9) Explain the factors Goveming Elasticity ofDemand? (Mayrtme 2013) P.No: 2l
l0) How will you measure elasticity of demand? Illustrate how do you interpret the different
qpes ofelasticity. (May/June 2013) P.No: 15 & 18
I l) Explain how supply and determine the equilibrium price. What happens ifthe supply
curve shifts to the left? (May/June 2013) P.No: 53
12) Write the factors affectiry the elasticity ofsupply. (May/June 2013) P No: 28

l3) Describe the exceptions ofthe law ofdemand. (Nov/Dec 2013) P.No: 9

14) Enumerate the oauses ofchanges in supply. (Nov/Dec 2013) P.No: 55

l5) Detail the time elements in the determination ofvalue/price. (Nov/Dec 2013) P.No: 47
16) Compare lhe normal and market pic€ under perf€ct competition. (Nov/Dec 2013) P.No: 50

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