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Construction Tools for Carpentry Part 2

Learning Objective: After reading this information sheet the student will be able
1. identify construction tools applicable to a specific construction job.
2. classified according to its function as per job requirements


Rough facing tools are the so called “Striking Tools” because they are used
through a series of blows. They are also called “inertia tools” because the cut
produced were rough.
The different kinds of rough facing tools are:
1. Hatchet- is generally a utility tool
used for sharpening stakes and
cutting down timber to rough sizes.

2. Axe- a tool used for splitting wood

or hewing timber.

3. Adze- roughly, an adze is a hatchet

in which the blade is at right angle
with the handle.


In carpentry work, the toothed cutting tools is of utmost importance
considering its versatility and service demand.
1. Saws- The most important of this
kind of tools are classified according
A. Cross cut
B. Rip cut
C. Combined rip and cross cut

Shape of the blade

A. Straight
B. Narrowed
C. Thin back
D. Skew back

According to its use:

A. Cabinet E. Buck or wood
B. Joiner F. Compass
C. Miter G. Key hole
D. Stair H. Coping
F. Floor I. Hack
2. Files- a metal tool of different
shapes and sizes used for abrading,
reducing or smooth cutting metal,
wood or other materials.


A-chisel-is an indispensable tool in carpentry which is also considered as
the most abused tool oftenly used for prying, can opener, open cases or as screw
driver etc.
1. Paring Chisel- a light duty tool used
to plane long surfaces parallel with the
grain of wood. Paring chisel should
not be driven by blows but only
manipulated by means of hand

2. Firming Chisel- used for medium

duty work usually driven by hand
pressure in paring or by the used of
mallet blow in mortising work.
3. Framing Chisel- a heavy duty tool
designed to absorb a severe strain in
framing work where deep cut is

4. Draw Knife- is used in trimming

work by drawing towards the worker.


Smooth facing tools are sometimes regarded as “guided sharp edge cutting
tools”. These tools are actually chisels with frames to guide and limit the cut and
make it smooth.
Different kinds of smooth facing tools are:
1. Spoke Shave – a modified kind of
draw knife with an adjustable blade
like a plane to limit the thickness of
the cut.

It is used in smoothing boards or other surfaces for framing and moulding.
Plane is also used to make wood surfaces into uniform thickness.

1. Jack plane- for heavy rough work

2. Fore plane- for smoothing and
straightening the rough or irregular
cut of the jack plane.
3. Trying plane- is used to obtain the
smoothest finish.
4. Jointer- a trying plane is a simple
small jointer.
5. Smooth plane- s small plane used
for smoothing uneven surfaces in
wood even those with minor

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