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Assignment 1: Networking

1. Contents and deadlines

a. Why this assignment?
Being involved in a well-functioning professional network is essential for today’s managers.
Sharing information, finding out who will be able to help you and knowing what you can offer
in return can be of vital importance to be successful. Therefore it is essential to start building
your professional network now.
Additionally, you are supposed to do an internship in the third year. Finding a company that
suits your needs and offers an experience that nicely fits your pathway to a successful career
might be attained through networking.

b. What is the task?

Writing a documented report on your networking skills so far and creating a professional
LinkedIn profile.
You will produce a report that will include your personal networking goals, your personal
elevator pitch, a critical report on your LinkedIn profile and experiences, and a reflection on the
real life networking experiences of at least one of the attended seminars or a meeting with a
business professional during a networking event, your study trip or at a trade fair.

c. Timing of the task

 Before the workshop: do all assignments of the learning path on Canvas – modules –
workshop 1 networking. PREPARING IS MANDATORY and graded (upload your
preparation in due time, cf. canvas assignment and always before the workshop starts)
 During the workshop: Bring your preparation to the workshop, cooperate and share
your experiences and networking insight with your fellow students. Don’t forget that
30% of your grades relate to active participation and interaction during the workshops
(see rubric on canvas).
 After the workshop: see plan of action. You will have to file a preliminary report on
your networking activities in your December portfolio (with personal feedback from
your coach in February) and an updated report in your final portfolio in May.

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022
d. Plan of action
Do all assignments below. Use your class notes and if necessary, take another look into the
information in the learning path on canvas.

 Part 1: Personal networking objectives

Write down your goals for networking in the coming academic year. Write them in a
SMART way (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound). Start from your
talents and the characteristics of a good networker (see appendix 1. Talent description
cards – scroll down to the bottom of this document) and mind the long-term perspective.
(include in portfolio December, updated version in final portfolio)

 Part 2: Personal elevator pitch

Write down your elevator pitch (see also exercise in class)and then record it. Enclose a link
to your video pitch. Note: don’t just read your pitch from the screen, rehearse it well so
your pitch comes across as spontaneous and dynamic. Do not use voice-overs. The
elevator pitch should be a short introduction of yourself, to be used at networking events
(cf workshop) (include in portfolio December, updated version in final portfolio)

 Part 3: LinkedIn profile

You have learned how to create a professional LinkedIn-profile by taking the LinkedIn
course and have started creating your own profile. Now write a short LinkedIn report,
heading this part with a direct link to your LinkedIn profile: describe the actions you took
on the platform and why + describe 3 new insights or 3 action points you developed
through these activities. (portfolio December + full update in portfolio May)

 Part 4: Real-life networking

Go to a business networking event and talk to a professional you do not know.
Alternatively, at one of the seminars you have to attend for this TMD2-course, engage in
real life networking activities with the speakers, introducing yourself and following-up on
your contact. Or, you could engage in real life networking activities with business
professionals during your study trip or at a trade fair. Document your efforts with pictures
and answer the following questions by writing a paragraph in full sentences: (portfolio
December + full update in portfolio May)
 What was the networking occasion + timing?
o Who did you approach and why is this a relevant contact for you?
o What difficulties did you encounter? How much time did you need to introduce
o Does your contact now have a clear idea of your main strength/characteristic? Will
the contact remember you? How will you follow up on this conversation?

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022
o How was the non-verbal behaviour of both parties?
o Was your objective for the talk clearly formulated in advance?
o What did you find the hardest during the conversation?
o What would your future approach at such events be?

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022
2. Competence-based criteria
Specific for this assignment :

 Students can engage in networking activities with people outside of their peer group
(LO 9, LO 18, LO 10)
 Students can use new media in order to get involved in business networks (LO 11)
 Students can create a professional online networking profile (LO 9)
 Students can write and deliver their elevator pitch (LO7, LO 11)
 Students can reflect on their professional actions in the area of networking (LO 11, LO

General Portfolio criteria, specific for this assignment

 Students can use the correct APA referencing skills on their own documents in this
report (LO 3/LO 7)
 Students can demonstrate an investigative attitude during class discussions and in
their portfolio work on networking (LO 3)
 Students can select the appropriate information on networking to compile their
portfolio (LO 3)
 Students can compile a portfolio that is according to the brief with regard to
completeness and correctness (LO 1/LO 11)
 Students can illustrate their reports on networking by means of relevant examples (LO
 Students can write reports on networking at C1 level (LO 7)

3. Assessment
This assignment is part of Portfolio evaluation. The following criteria apply and can be
used as a checklist by the student :

 Completeness and accurateness: Did I carry out the assignment completely according
to the plan of action? Did I document each of the different parts enough?
 Reflective skills: Did I focus on the right concrete and personal examples to illustrate
my networking actions – no vagueness?
 Communication: Did I write fluently in English?
 Personal initiative: Did I approach interesting contacts that are not in my immediate
environment? (out of the comfort zone) Did I go beyond talking to a fellow student for
my real life networking? Did I push myself and speak to a professional I did not know
 Personal initiative: Did I take into account my own goals for networking and are they
clear in the reflection about the networking event?

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022
 Personal initiative: Did I use a personal approach to my LinkedIn profile and elevator
 Research skills: Did I look at a sufficient amount of sources to improve my profile and
did I include what I have most learnt from them? Did I correctly reference these
sources? (APA)

4. Questions?
Don’t hesitate to contact your coach during the workshops or by email – do this assignment in
semester 1 already!

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022


I like to connect people’s interests. I don’t really I’m an intuitive thinker and I quickly see
like conflicts, but if confronted with one, I'm connections and patterns. ‘Supposing that…’ is a
looking for points of agreement. In this way, I question I often ask myself. I can easily think up
build bridges between people. If there are different scenarios to go from A to B and rely on
tensions, I notice them right away. I my intuition to choose and select. I can quickly
immediately notice who doesn’t agree and
put my finger on the problem, but I cannot put
those people usually get most of my attention.
my thoughts into words: I have a gut feeling,
but I am struggling to explain it to others.


I enjoy working with my hands and like to have
the feeling that I am creating something with Certain values, norms, principles and beliefs are
my own hands. I enjoy seeing something grow central to my life. I find it important to stay true
from nothing and get a lot of satisfaction when to them and to share them with my family and
it is finished. friends. In doing so, I sometimes get across as
being severe or a man/woman of principle.
Everything I do is in line with those convictions.
I like to look for/be surrounded by people with
equal values, norms and principles..



I know which direction I want to go and blindly rely I like to understand how something originated,
on this. I can motivate others and convince them to because I see a strong link between present and
take that same direction. I like it when I’m successful past. In my opinion, in order to understand
in making other people choose for the direction I something today and take decisions for the
had in mind. I have a small group of people that I
future, you should first look at the past. If I have
consult for feedback. They may be very outright;
to start something new, I first look up some
however, I don’t allow others to be that close to me.
In a way, I like a crisis: it makes me calm and background information. I am fascinated by
decisive. In those moments, I usually experience history and the lives of people.
some resistance and I am forced to take decisions
that are not fair to everyone. That is why I
sometimes have to clean up collateral damage


I like to take up responsibility and ideally I would say I like to push my own boundaries. I want to win
‘yes’ to everyone. In my opinion, you should always and be the best, that’s how I can improve
honor your commitments and I myself do whatever

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022
it takes to fulfill my duties. Actually, I say ‘yes’ to the myself. For this, I use my own performances or
person who asks me something, rather than to the performances of others as a reference. For
task. Sometimes I wish I could say ‘no’ more often. If instance, if I go swimming I count the laps or
something needs to be done, I will quickly volunteer want to swim faster than the person next to
to do it. While I’m changing my mind, I see my hand
me. If I go cycling or jogging, I keep track of my
go up. If someone calls me to ask me to do
average speed and try to improve it next time.
something, I say ‘yes’. By the time I have hung up the
phone, I am already thinking: ‘I should have said no.’


I’m very sensitive to problems and mistakes: I I like to think and to listen to different points of
notice them quickly. I’m not at ease till I have view and opinions: it helps me to form a well-
rectified the mistakes and solved the problems. founded personal opinion. I don’t find it easy to
I find it terrible if somebody points out a quickly express my opinion during a
mistake of mine, even more so if it happens in conversation: I need time to think new things
public. First of all, I will verify if I actually made
through and I keep thinking till the pieces of the
that mistake. If so, I will admit it but I will do
puzzle fall into place. This usually happens
anything to prevent it from happening again.
Something is not finished for me until I have the afterwards, in the car, in the shower, or after a
feeling that it is perfect: I’m a perfectionist. good night’s sleep. Then, you can expect a
thorough, thoughtful and well-founded opinion
from me.



I experience a unity between my mind and I like to organize things. As soon as I get started,
body, and think it's great to be working with a scenario of what should happen starts to
both. I want to make things happen by using my unfold in my head. I am also good at executing
body and being in contact with products and those ideas and know exactly what to do. I have
no problem with multi-tasking, because I have a
raw materials. I like to touch other people and
clear picture of the goals in mind.
use a lot of physical contact.



I like being part of a club, group or community. I It’s important for me to mean something to
like to go to places that are full of people and others. Recognition is what keeps me going. I’m
that give me the feeling of being part of a at my best when people notice me or when I
bigger whole. It makes me feel good. I also play perform in public. I’m most satisfied when
my part: being part of something does not only
someone I look up to acknowledges me and
give you rights, but also obligations. I like to
appreciates me for what I do. I don’t want to
take my responsibility for this.
work for just anyone and have to value the
organization or the boss that I work for.

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022
I always ask myself: ‘Where will this take us?’ I
only get energy when I have a clear goal in I can easily approach new people, and vice
mind. The things I do should contribute versa. I’m known to be a good host and like to
relevantly to achieve this goal. Ineffective meet new people. I also like to bring people in
meetings make me agitated. I’m very task- touch with each other. When there is a silent
oriented and I efficiently focus on my goal by moment in a conversation, I can easily break it. I
means of to-do lists and an organized planning. try to involve people who do not take part in
the conversation


I’m a visionary: it’s very clear to me what long-
I like new things. I have a strong drive to learn term goals are. Moreover, I can easily
and stay on top of the latest developments. determine the steps we should take to achieve
Starting something new gives me a lot of energy this long-range plan. I’m usually two steps
and contributes to developing a high learning ahead of other people: if someone has an idea
capacity. However, as soon as the novelty wears or proposal, I readily see how it will look like in
off, I feel my energy and attention decrease: the distant future.
that’s the sign for me to do something new


I like to have profound contacts with people
and don’t like superficial, shallow relationships. I enjoy taking care of people by creating an
I have a small group of friends, but I know them environment in which they can excel. Taking
inside out. I can tell them anything, that’s why I care of these people gives me energy and I get a
don’t feel the need to give away a lot about lot of pleasure out of seeing them shine.
myself to others. I get energy from building However, I prefer to enjoy it in silence, behind
good, productive and authentic relationships the scenes.
with the people I work with. However, this
doesn’t happen overnight and I can get
annoyed by people who regard me as their best
friend too soon.


Doing useful and meaningful things helps me to I can spend hours making existing things more
recharge my batteries. At the end of the day, I beautiful or making new things nice. I really
want to have the feeling that I’ve achieved enjoy beauty and aesthetics. I also think it’s
something, otherwise I feel frustrated at night. important to look good.
When I’m in a situation from which I cannot get
away and which doesn’t interest me, I get
restless and start thinking of all the things I
could have done meanwhile. When I relax I

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022
deliberately choose to do so, it’s not a spur-of-
the-moment decision. However, I don’t always
get to it because I always see more work to be



I like to get my teeth into complex issues. I can I get energy from seeing potential and progress
process a lot of information and see patterns in in other people. I get satisfaction from any
complexity quite easily. Furthermore, I can gain progress they have made and each little step
insight into cause-effect-relations quickly. I am forward. For example, in a conversation I try to
able to share the structures I see with others offer a different perspective or challenge the
without any effort, simply by explaining other with new experiences. I like to support
complex issues in a simple way. others in their development.


In everything that interests me and that I
Like a spider in a web, I’m in direct contact with consider important, I strive for excellence and
the people around me. On these strands, I feel the sky is the limit. I’d rather ignore the things
the smallest vibration that indicates tension or that don’t interest me or that aren’t important
emotions of others. At those moments, I like to to me. I like to be involved in the decision-
do small things to make them feel better, but I making process, not out of a desire for power
can get very upset when this goes unnoticed. I but because I want to have an influence on the
feel that I’m part of a much bigger picture, that decisions made. I only want to learn from the
we all have a common ground we share and best, mediocrity frustrates me. However, I often
which binds us together. I approach each feel guilty about this: I’m never completely
situation I find myself in from a broader satisfied.
perspective. To me, past, present and future are


I can easily put my thoughts into words.
Sometimes it’s a bit difficult, but once I manage I like to reflect on how things went. I like to be
to say or write something down exactly as I had alone for a while after events, conversations or
it in mind it gives me great satisfaction. If you encounters so that I can think things through
ask me a question, words come out and reflect on it. If this brings new insights, I get
spontaneously. I usually think while talking: a lot of energy. I’m good at sharing those
sometimes I repeat things in another way insights with others and helping them to
because I want to make sure I convey the continue their own development process.
message accurately. When I have written a nice
text, I sometimes catch myself reading it again
for my own enjoyment.

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022

My world should be predictable. I like order and I continuously ask myself: ‘How’, ‘who’, ‘what?’
structure: it makes me at ease and gives me the I’m very good at putting ideas to practice. If I
feeling of being in control of the situation. I get/hear a good idea, I immediately know what
divide a project into subparts that have their the first step should be. I don’t like to think
own timing. I meticulously carry out these about things for too long. In this way, I have an
plans. In this way, I can keep my productivity up energizing effect on others.
regardless of chaos or distractions.


If other people ask me if I have a lot of stress, I I like new information. Not that I always do
always say: “What do you mean by stress?” I something with it: I’m just inquisitive. I like
don’t experience stress like other people do: I documentaries, browsing the Internet, reading
take days as they come and try to make the and discovering new places. It gives me energy.
most of it. I don’t suffer from my agenda, I’m in I get excited by interesting discoveries and new
control of it. A day that goes according to plan information can hold my attention for a long
is fine, but unexpected events give me extra time. I like to read before going to sleep
energy. because it helps me to relax.
I live in the here and now and do what is
important now. I’m not really concerned with
the future: if the day has a certain basic quality,
I’m satisfied. After all, you build the bridge as
you walk on it.



‘If the roof comes down, we at least get to see In one way or the other, I always manage to
the blue sky!’ However hopeless the situation create a context that feels so safe that people
may be, I always see the positive aspects and tell me more than they intended. I’m after this
opportunities. For me, the glass is always half type of conversations, because they give me
full and my infectious enthusiasm motivates energy. During such a conversation, other
people to continue. I use humour to defuse things simply don’t matter: it’s just me and the
tensions. other person. While I’m listening, I vicariously
experience the story. My interlocutor also feels
this, which makes it possible to have in-depth
discussions with him/her. When I’m stressed, I
actively look for conversations like this, because
they help me to relax.


I believe that everyone is unique and that I have a well-developed inner compass. I know
everyone has unique qualities. I’m good at what the right thing to do is and dare to go for

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022
identifying the strengths of people, how to get it. This doesn’t mean I never doubt, but I
the best out of people and how to approach remain calm, know what I’m worth and rely on
them. I’m a team player who can build highly that. I can deal with new situations without
productive teams effortlessly: I know what forgetting myself.
people can contribute with their own unique
talents. I’m not a loudmouth and I don’t like
being in the spotlights, but I like it when others
acknowledge my talents and invite me to
contribute to the team from my own strengths.
I have a strong sense of justice.


When I have to take a difficult decision, I don’t
‘Give credit where credit is due’ is my motto. I take it lightly. I give the impression of being
treat everyone equally, despite their status. In doubtful, but actually I’m assessing all the risks
this way, I always approach people without involved. I’m good at this. Before making
prejudices. I find it important that everyone important decisions, I weigh up all the pros and
gets equal opportunities to show what they are cons. I do everything I can to reduce the risk as
capable of. much as possible before taking the decision.
However, that’s not always possible and that is
why I may have trouble taking decisions at
critical times.



I am good at connecting things that appear to

have nothing in common. What I invent isn’t
always new, I often combine existing ideas into
a new concept. During brainstorming sessions I
can feel an endless flow of ideas.

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022
Examples for this talent My own short description My networking style
Talent 1 (*) =

Talent 2 =

Talent 3 =

Talent 4 =

Talent 5 =

(*) based on Talent description cards (appendix 1)

TMD2: Assignment 1 AY 2021-2022

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