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Dear Students and Parents,


We bring you a learning activity to support career and college decision-making and make the
process better. This activity is in collaboration with the IC3 Institute and research partners
Vijaybhoomi University and University of Waterloo as a part of the 2023 Annual Student Quest
research with students, parents, and counselors and includes short reflective surveys for all
three stakeholders.

The surveys aim to explore your perspective on the choices available in today’s rapidly
changing environment, the decision-making processes, and the steps involved. Please take a
few minutes to answer the respective surveys:

Student Survey

Parent Survey

We look forward to your active participation. Your thoughts matter to us!

Background of Student Quest: Over 18,000 individuals have participated in the IC3 Annual
Student Quest Survey over the years. Student Quest gathers insights from primary sources to
learn about the process, impact, influencing factors, and advancement of the career and
college counseling field. The reports are made available to all stakeholders to develop
resources, strategies, programs, and interventions to meet the needs of this field, keeping the
well-being of the students at the core. Previous years’ reports are available on the website.

Disclaimer: The IC3 Institute upholds the highest global data integrity standards, with no
personal identifying information requested from any participant. The data collected through
the survey will be kept confidential and only used for academic research and to make
recommendations to relevant stakeholders and government organizations.

Thank you for your participation!

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