SBA - QUIZ Final

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11/3/23, 7:21 PM SBA: QUIZ (Final)

SBA: QUIZ (Final) Total points 24/30

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Pascua, Jayson, A.

Multiple Choice 24 of 30 points

The following are the common pricing strategies, except: * 2/2

a. Price Skimming

b. Physiological Pricing

c. Penetration Pricing

d. Discount Pricing… 1/13
11/3/23, 7:21 PM SBA: QUIZ (Final)

In a feasibility study, the financial aspect can be divided into the following *2/2
major sections. Which is the exception?

a. Major financial assumptions

b. Capital Requirements/Investments

c. Projected Financial Statements

d. Organization Structure

Heart Motors and Chiz Automotive each have the same total assets, the *2/2
same level of sales, and the same return on equity (ROE). Heart Motors,
however, has less equity and a higher debt ratio than does Chiz
Automotive. Which of the following statements is most correct?

a. Chiz Automotive has a higher net income than Heart Motors.

b. Chiz Automotive has a higher profit margin than Heart Motors.

c. Chiz Automotive has a higher return on assets (ROA) than Heart Motors.

d. All of the Statements above are correct

Which method of evaluating capital investment proposals uses the *2/2

concept of present value to compute a rate of return?

a. Average rate of return

b. Payback period

c. Accounting rate of return

d. Internal rate of return… 2/13
11/3/23, 7:21 PM SBA: QUIZ (Final)

The Martin Company had a finished goods inventory of 55,000 units on *2/2
January 1. Its projected sales for the next four months were: January -
200,000 units; February - 180,000 units; March - 210,000 units; and April -
230,000 units. The Martin Company wishes to maintain a desired ending
finished goods inventory of 20% of the following months sales. What is
the budgeted production in January?

a. 236,000

b. 181,000

c. 200,000

d. 219,000

A feasibility study's _____________ reveals the business's overall financial *2/2

standing, including operating cash requirements, profitability, and cash

Financial Aspect


Internal Rate of Return

Operating Capital… 3/13
11/3/23, 7:21 PM SBA: QUIZ (Final)

An approach of financial statement analysis which involves comparing *2/2

historical financial data over a number of accounting period to identify
trends, patterns, and changes in key financial metrics.

Trend Analysis

Vertical Analysis

Payback Period

Internal Rate of Return

This is considered as one of the best selection criteria and most widely *2/2
used in business as it addresses directly the goal of maximizing owner’s
wealth. It considers the magnitude and timing of cash flows and is
consistent with the objective of maximizing profits for the owners.

Profitability Index

Net Present Value

Internal Rate of Return

Horizontal Analysis… 4/13
11/3/23, 7:21 PM SBA: QUIZ (Final)

This is the process of evaluating and selecting long-term investment *0/2

projects that will ultimately maximize the firm’s goal of maximizing the
owner’s wealth.

CVP Analysis

Breakeven Analysis

Capital Budgeting

Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Correct answer

Capital Budgeting

A ratio that indicates how the business is funded by debt. * 2/2

Profitability Ratio

Activity Ratio

Quick Ratio

Debt-to-Equity Ratio

The financial aspect of a feasibility study presents the overall financial *2/2
picture of the business in terms of operating cash requirements,
profitability, and cash flows.


False… 5/13
11/3/23, 7:21 PM SBA: QUIZ (Final)

This refer to the estimates of future financial results that are derived from *2/2
past or historical data, an understanding of the business and its
operational strategy.

Financial Aspect

Cash Flow Statements

Financial Assumptions

Financial Analysis

These are the financial resources necessary for the business to achieve *2/2
its objectives.

Financial Requirements

Financial Assumptions

Cash Flows

Financial Analysis… 6/13
11/3/23, 7:21 PM SBA: QUIZ (Final)

This amount pertains to how much cash is needed to sustain the *0/2
operation of the business while waiting for the business to generate cash
to pay its cash operating and manufacturing expenses (if any).

Capital Contributions

Working Capital

Cash Flows

Project Cost

Correct answer

Working Capital

The proponent of the business needs to decide on the following: *0/2

a. How much funds are needed?
b. When and how long the funds are needed?
c. When and how long the funds are needed?
d. Whether the owner is willing to give up some control of the business in
exchange for investment?

a & b only

All except c

All except d

All of the above

Correct answer

All of the above

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