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Department of Computer Science HITEC

University, Taxila BS Computer Science

Program (Batch 2021)

CS-428 Database Management System

Section B

Lab Report # 3
Muhammad Jahangir
Basit Ali
Muhammad Alrayan
Instructor: Ms. Fatima Rauf
Lab Task 01
Install all the tools, libraries and CSS files.

In this task we download the the tool for database system which are given below
• Visit the official XAMPP website (
• Download the XAMPP installer for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
• Follow the on-screen installation instructions to install XAMPP.
• Start the XAMPP control panel, and you're ready to run a local web server.
Sublime Text:
• Visit the official Sublime Text website (
• Download the Sublime Text installer for your operating system.
• Follow the on-screen installation instructions to install Sublime Text.
• Open Sublime Text to start coding and customize it according to your preferences.

Click Next
Browse location where we want to install and Click Next

Click Install
Click Next
Click Next

Select Location to install and click next

Start Apache and Mysql

Lab Task 02
Develop the above mentioned Registration Form.
Connect the Form with Database.
This HTML code presents a comprehensive registration form for a university, intended to gather
essential information from users. The form includes fields for entering a first name, last name,
gender (with options for male, female, and others), email, password, and phone number. The data
submitted through this form is processed and stored in a MySQL database using a corresponding
PHP script called "connect.php."
The HTML structure leverages Bootstrap for responsive design, with the form enclosed within a
Bootstrap panel. This panel contains the university name, registration form title, and class
information for SE-4(B).
Additionally, a Bootstrap toast message is incorporated at the page's bottom, capable of displaying
notification messages that can be dismissed by the user. The "connect.php" PHP script handles
database interaction, connecting to a local database and inserting user data into a table named
In summary, this code offers a user-friendly and responsive registration form for a university,
connected to a backend script for securely storing submitted data in a database, with Bootstrap
for styling and notifications.
Connection Code

Registration Form
In this lab, we've created a registration form with a circular logo that partially overlaps the form
using HTML, CSS, and PHP. The HTML file includes the form structure with placeholders for
various input fields. The CSS file styles the form, places the circular logo above the form, and
customizes the appearance. The PHP script (connect.php) handles form data submission and
database connection. This setup allows users to register by filling out the form with their
information and saving it to a MySQL database. Make sure to replace the placeholders in the code
with your actual logo image and database credentials for a fully functional registration form.This
HTML code presents a comprehensive registration form for a university, intended to gather
essential information from users. The form includes fields for entering a first name, last name,
gender (with options for male, female, and others), email, password, and phone number. The data
submitted through this form is processed and stored in a MySQL database using a corresponding
PHP script called "connect.php."

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