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A Place I Would Like To Visit

Categories: My Interests Place Visit

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There are a lot of wonderful places I wish to visit. However, most of all I would
like to visit Hollywood and I have many reasons to do. So if my rich uncle offered
me a trip, it would be great. This is because I really want to see how the movies
are made, meet famous actors and actresses and just have a good time.

Firstly, Hollywood is a place famous for making movies there. For example, I like
films and spend a great amount of my free time watching new and old films,
especially made in Hollywood.

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And when the film attracts me I wish to know how the director made such
wonderful and awesome films, what kind of technologies he used, and how the
actors made dangerous things. It seems to me that the Hollywood is the best
place to satisfy my interests in films.

Also, almost all famous American actors and actresses live in Hollywood.
Therefore if I visit this place I will probably have an opportunity to meet them,
take autographs and even have a talk with them and ask them about their
feelings during the film and after watching themselves in already-made films.

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Visiting Los-Angeles will have a lot of opportunities of meeting famous people.

Moreover, Los-Angeles is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It has a
lot of beaches and as it is always hot there, you can spend your time swimming.
There are also a lot of parties organized every day, where you can have a drink
and enjoy your time in the city.

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Therefore besides watching films I will have a great opportunity to get away from
my everyday life and enjoy my time by dancing and swimming.

All in all, the place that I most like to visit is Hollywood. I do understand that
there are a lot of interesting places I would like to visit too. However, I come to
conclusion that Hollywood is the best place for me to understand something I
wish most of all.

Places I’ll like to visit

Name one place you would like to visit and explain why? I would be a fool to sit
here and choose one place when there are so many beautiful countries, islands,
cities, and even states that I have never visited. Ultimately, my dream place to
visit will be somewhere surrounded by a full body of water. This place must be
exotic enough to take my mind off my student loans. My idea getaway would be
anywhere on the Malaysia Island which is because of the beaches, rain forest,
and Mulu National Park in Sarawak. The Malaysian Island gives a good view of the
ocean and the breeze that blows around the beaches is rumored to be refreshing.
In Malaysia, I would like to visit one of the five star beach luxury resorts. The
resorts are situated between the rain forest and beautiful sandy beaches. I have
also read according to “Tourism Malaysia About Us” the beach gives a good view
of the sun setting. The rain forest make the sea coast warm, by blocking winds
that would cause cold effects to the beach and this will make the environment
suitable for tourism attraction sites. With that in mind, I could imagine taking
advantage of the services that is offered on the beaches. I would enjoy my
experience in the refreshing environment and at the same time gaining
knowledge of this gorgeous island.

The beaches of Malaysia are known to have the added advantage of being
relatively unknown. The rain forests in Malaysia are mostly dominated by trees
and are known to be suitable for a tourism attraction site. The rainforests of
Malaysia, for example, contain about 6,000 species of trees according to the
“World Wildlife Fund.” Even as Malaysia’s rain forest yields to clearing and over-
exploitation national parks provide some opportunity to explore their primal
richness. The equator which marks the hottest place on Earth runs right through
the nation of Malaysia to create a warm, highly moist region that is ideal for plant
life. The Malaysia rain forest is so dense with growth, I would have to travel
several meters deep into the plant layer to find tropical flowers. Many varieties of
tropical flowers can be found deep within the forest. The Hibiscus, known to
Malaysian’s as the Bunga Raya, which is the national flower of the country
because it is so widely spread throughout the nation.

The Hibiscus is considered to have medical uses in Chinese Herbology. It may

have potential in cosmetic skin care for example, an extract from the flowers of
Hibiscus shown to function as an anti-solar agent by absorbing Ultraviolet
radiation. The red color of the flower is said to symbolize courage, it appears to
be that Malaysians find inspiration in flowers. The impressive wildlife diversity in
the Malaysia rain forest includes large, dramatic animals that biologist call
“charismatic megafauna” these are represented by such creatures as the
orangutan and the clouded leopard which lives in the rainforest. Malaysia’s most
internationally recognized limestone area, famed for its monstrous caves and
stately pinnacle is Mulu National Park in Sarawak.

The Mula National Park contains significant natural habitat for conservation of
biological diversity and protection of threatened species and according to
“Tourism Malaysia About Us.” It is rumored that Mulu National Park is naturally
beautiful and a place for the entire family to enjoy. They offer cave activities,
forest activities, eating, and sleeping up to 80 people per night in a range of
accommodations. Mulu’s concentration of caves, it is geomorphic and structural
characteristics are an outstanding resource, which allows a greater
understanding of Earth’s history. Mulu also has outstanding scenic values,
including the natural phenomenon of millions of bats and swiftlets leaving and
entering the caves in a superlative. After gathering all this information, I was
convinced to visit Malaysia Islands, considering Mulu’s spectacular scenery and
its biological significance. It does not surprise me that United Nations
Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization successfully listed Mulu as a
World Heritage Site in November 2000. In conclusion, initially when I was asked
my first impulse was somewhere on the Malaysia islands because what I was
told about the island significant natural habitat.

The magnificent views of the ocean will blow my mind. I can vision visiting the
Malaysian islands and indulging in the excursions the beaches has to offer. Plus,
having the opportunity to take advantage of taking a tour of the rain forest in
Malaysia will be more than a lifetime experience. To put the icing on the cake,
camping overnight in the cave would be a tremendous adventure at the Mulu
National Park. After seeing pictures on Google’s website of the island, I cannot
imagine anyone not seeing or hearing the Malaysian’s Island Airline flight 370
traveling to Benjing. While visiting the island I could inquire about people
thoughts or feelings towards flight 370 this could be interesting.

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A Place I Would Like To Visit. (2016, Sep 12). Retrieved from


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