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Read the text to answer question number 1-4

Sarah’s Diary

May 2020

23 Sunday. When I got up, I felt ill. I went back to bed.

Mom called the doctor but he couldn’t come, because he was ill too

24 Monday. The doctor came at 11 O’clock. He wrote a prescription for some medicine.

Mom bought it in the drug store. It was horrible, Yuck!!

25 Tuesday. Dad bought me model aero plane. I read the instruction, but I couldn’t make it, because the
cat ate the glue.

1. What happened at 23rd May to Sarah ?

a. She couldn’t come

b. She wrote the prescription

c. She felt it

d. She was sleeping

2. Who called the doctor?

a. Father

b. Sarah

c. Mother

d. Doctor

3. What did the doctor write at 24th ?

a. Instruction

b. Model aero plane

c. Address of drugstore

d. Prescription
4. Sarah couldn’t make the aero plane, why ? Because…..

a. She felt it

b. The cat ate the glue

c. The doctor was ill too

d. Mom bought medicine

Read the text to answer questions no. 5 to 9

Las holiday I went to Jogyakarta. I visited Keraton and sat in the public garden. A
friendly Bentor (becak motor) rider asked me to go around Jogyakarta to see some
historical places there, but I asked him to take me to Malioboro street and Bakpia
pathuk store. My holiday passed quickly, but I didn’t visit Bringoharjo Market, the
famous market on Malioboro street. On the last day, I got up early and I asked the
Bentor’s rider to take me to Bringoharjo Market. I bought some Batik shirts and slippers
for Souvenir.

5. What is the text about ?

a. Visiting Keraton

b. Visiting Malioboro Street

c. Visiting Historical Places

d. Holiday

6. What is the Generic Structure (tenses) of the text above ?

a. Simple Present Tense

b. Simple Past Tense

c. Present Continuous Tense

d. Simple Future Tense

7. Whom did the writer meet in Jogyakarta?

a. Friendly Rider of Bentor

b. Her friend

c. Postman

d. Mother

8. What was the first place the writer visited ?

a. Keraton

b. Public Garden
c. Her room

d. Post Office

9. What is Bringoharjo ?

A. a Bakpia Pathuk Store

b. a Batik Store

c. a Market

d. a Public Garden

Read the text then find the suitable words to complete the sentences!

Last week, I … (10) My grandmother’s house. I …. (11) public transportation to reach the
house. On the trip, I … (12) so many beautiful sceneries there. My grandmother greet
me, when I … (13) her house. She looked so glad. She … (14) me her delicious food, then
we … (15) together.

10. The suitable word forno. 10 is …

a. go to

b. goes to

c. went to

d. gone to

11. The suitable word for no. 11 is…

a. took

b, take

c. taken

d. takes

12. The suitable word for no 12 is …

a. see

b. seen

c. saw

d. sees

13. The suitable word for no 13 is …

a. came

b. come
c. coming

d. comes

14. The suitable word for no. 14 is …

a. give

b. gave

c. giving

d. gives

15. The suitable word for no.15 is …

a. eat

b. ate

c. eating

d. eats

Read the following text to answer questions number 16 to 18.

I’m so happy to have a close friend. She is my beloved classmate, Aliya. We’ve known
each other since we were in grade 7. We were in the same class, and we still are in
grade 8 until now.
Aliya is very kind and friendly girl. She is always ready to help other people. Although
she comes from rich family, she never looks down on other people. She is very sociable
and has a lot of friends. She can interact easily with people from different ages.
Therefore, she is also popular among teachers and parents.

16. What is the text about?

a. The writer’s sister

b. The writer’s family

c. The writer’s girl’s friend

d. The writer best friend

17. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

a. Aliya has good characters

b. Aliya comes from rich family

c. Aliya is a seventh grade student

d. Aliya is famous among neighbors

18. The underlined word in “She can interact easily with people …”has closest meaning to…

a. react

b. introduce

c. influence

d. communicate

Read the message to answer no 19-21

Dear Ferry,

I will arrive at home about 7 p.m, and your

father will arrive at 6 p.m. Take care at
home and don’t forget to turn on the lamps.



19. Who write a message?

a. Ferry

b. Ferry’s mother

c. Ferry’s father

d. Ferry’s friend

20. Who will arrive earlier at home?

a. Ferry

b. Ferry’s mother

c. Ferry’s Father

d. Ferry’s friend

21. What must Ferry do at home?

a. Come earlier

b. Arrive at home about 5 p.m

c. Turn on the lamps

d. Lock the doors

The following text is for question no 22-23

Dear Rama,

There is a computer exhibition at Expo

Centre. Would you like to accompany me to
go there tomorrow afternoon? I am going to
buy a Bluetooth Speaker.


22. Why does Ikbal send a message?

a. To remind Rama to visit a computer exhibition

b. To invite Rama to attend a computer exhibition

c. To Suggest Rama to buy a Bluetooth speaker

d. To ask Rama to accompany him to visit an exhibition

23. What will Rama probably do after reading a message?

a. Buy a Bluetooth speaker for Ikbal

b. Visit the computer exhibition by himself

c. Reply the message by stating his willingness

d. Accompany Ikbal to visit a computer exhibition

The following message is for no. 24-26

Dad, I am at Mr. Ahmad’s house to

accompany Nana, his little daughter.
Mrs .Ahmad took her sick father to the
hospital just now. Mr. Ahmad is still on
his way home. I will go home after he


24. Sarlito sent the message to his father …

a. To take a leave

b. To explain his condition

c. To help Mr. Ahmad Family

d. To inform Mr. Ahmad condition

25. What is Sarlito like?

a. Helpful

b. Humble

c. Confident

d. Generous

26. “I will go home after he arrives.”

The bolded word refers to….

a. Sarlito

b. Mr. Ahmad

c. Sarlito’s father

d. Mrs. Ahmad’s father

Read following text to answer no 27-30

Picasso was one of the most outstanding and important artists of the 1900’s. He was
best known for his paintings. Almost every style in modern art was represented in
Picasso’s works.
Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, as a son of an art teacher. He studied
painting with his father and also in Madrid.

From 1895 to 1901, he painted realistic works in a traditional style. Then he entered
what was called the Blue Period. During this time he only used shade of blue in his
paintings to show poverty in Barcelona.
After 1907, he entered the style of cubism. Among his well-known cubist paintings are
“the three musician” and “The man with a guitar” which depicted to destruction of
Spanish town. Picasso died in France in 1973.

27. Picasso used shades of blue in his paintings during the Blue period, because …

a. He was sad to live in a traditional Barcelona

b. The Blue show the poverty in Barcelona

c. The blue represented modern art of these paintings

d. Blue was Picasso’s favorite color in his painting

28. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

a. Picasso used shade of blue in his paintings

b. Picasso died in France on 1973

c. Picasso was taught by his father

d. Picasso entered of cubism

29.”… which depicted the destruction of Spanish town.” (paragraph 4).

The underlined word has same meaning as …

a. Drawn

b. Described

c. Painted

d. Presented

30. From the text we know that …

a. Picasso used his paintings to describe his environment

b. Picasso loved listening and playing guitar

c. Picasso was born, raised, and died in Malaga, Spain

d. Picasso only used blue paint in all his paintings

Dialogue 1.

Nadia : “ Do you like watching the movie?’

Andini : ………………………..
Nadia : “What is your favorite movie?’
Andini : “My favorite movie is The Fast and Furious”.

31. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue 1 is …

a. I love watching movie

b. I dislike watching movie

c. I hate watching movie

d. It’s not my favorite one

Dialogue 2.

Laila : “How do you feel about this omelet?

Anissa : “It is very tasty.” I like this food
Laila : “me too.”
32. From the dialogue we know that…

a. Laila likes omelet

b. Anissa doesn’t like omelet

c. Anissa likes omelet while Laila hate it

d. Laila and Anissa like omelet

Read the following Text carefully !

My Brother is a Postman.

I have a brother. His name is Hanan. He is a postman.

My brother works at the Central Post Office. Everyday he delivers letters to many
people. He usually starts his job at 8 a.m.

First, he goes to the addresses near his office. Then he continues to the addresses
far from his office. He stop working at 2 p.m.

He never bored with his job. He is happy to be a postman.

Adapted from English in Focus

33. What time does Hanan start his job?

a. at 8 in the morning
b. at 8 in the afternoon
c. at 2 in the afternoon
d. at 2 in the morning

34. Where does Hanan go first to deliver the letters?

a. the addresses near his home
b. the addresses near the post office
c. the addresses far from his home
d. the addresses far from his office

Ubay : Do you like Seblak?

Fatih : No, I don’t like
Ubay : What food do you like ?
Fatih : I like soto betawi and Ketoprak

35. Who dislike Seblak?

a. Ubay
b. Fatih
c. The writer
d. Ubay and Fatih

36. Fatih : “No, I don’t like

The underlined expression expresses…
a. like
b. satisfaction
c. dissatisfaction
d. dislike

There was a table tennis championship in Japan in1971. An American and Chinese

Played together for fifteen minutes. The American missed his bus, but the Chinese
player invited him onto his bus. The Chinese player gave the American a present. The
American was happy, and he wanted to give a present back. He bought a T-Shirt for the
Chinese player. They became friends. The next year, The American president went to
China for a historic visit.

37. Who gave T-shirt to Chinese player?

a. The American president

b. The American player

c. The Chinese president

d. The Chinese player

The following text is for no. 38-41

Corla has a pet. It is a funny pet. It is a monkey. Its skin is not interesting, neither is its
sound. But, its action is funny. It can dance, walks with two legs, and acts as if as a
boy. It can bring something such as a pail, a bag, a glass, and many others. It can
entertain us in the leisure time. Many children like to give Corla’s monkey some peanuts,
bread, or fruits.

38. What kind of animal is a monkey?

a. Omnivores
b. Herbivores

c. Carnivores

d. Mammals

39. A monkey is a …. a Gorila.

a. The same as

b. Almost the same as

c. Far different from

d. Exactly like

40. The following statements are correct, except …

a. Monkey is able to climb a tree easily

b. Monkeys have many skills, such as bring bringing something

c. The writer hates a monkey

d. The writer likes monkey, because it is funny

41. “ … but its actions is funny..”

The underlined word stated in the text, except …

a. Dance

b. Smile

c. Walk

d. bring something

Kajol : “ Hi, Ernes! Could you please help me with the home work?

Ernes : “ Sure, Kajol. What is it?’

Kajol : “ I need to ask about your parents. What does your mother do?”

Ernes :” ……………….”

42. What is the best response for Ernes?

a. She is not at home

b. My mother is a chef

c. I don’t think I could help you with that one

d. She is beautiful

43. Gabriel : Jen, your brother is a lifeguard. That’s sound interesting. What does a

Lifeguard do?

Jenny : ……….

a. a lifeguard monitors areas around the pool

b. He is not a lifeguard

c. a lifeguard assists swimming lesson

d. a lifeguard is an occupation

44. Which of the following occupation is not in hospital?

a. a veterinarian

b. a nurse

c. a pediatrician

d. a lifeguard

45. Wiwin : What does your father do?

Deny : He is a …. His job is to catch fish and sell it

a. labor

b. Electrician

c. Seller

d. Fisherman

46. Uncle John : Who is ……., Alea or Heni?

Unty Rara : I have no idea.

a. Heavy

b. Heavier

c. Heavily

d. The heaviest

47. That bag is too small. I think you need this one. It is ….

a. Big

b. Bigger

c. The biggest

d. more big

48. Is December ……. Month of the year in Indonesia?

a. Colder

b. Coldy

c. The coldest

d. The most Cold

Complete the text with suitable words into the right ones!

The students and the teachers of SMPN 10 Tangerang celebrated Teacher’s Day last

They ……(49) a Himne Guru song together. The song was very touching. The students
…..(50) some gifts to their teacher, such as Flower’s Bouquet, and other presents. The
students and The teachers looked very happy and enjoyed the beautiful moment.

49. The suitable verb for no 49 is …

a. Sing

b. Sang

c. Sung

d. Singing
50. The suitable verb for no 50 is …

a. Give

b. Gives

c. Gave

d. Giving

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