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The Analysis Student Perception Toward Task Based Intruction using Podcast as a

media in Learning Listening Skill for Student English Department


In this chapter, the researcher will explain the reason of conduct the research
including the background of the study, identification of the problem, research questions,
research objective, significant of the study, limitation of the study, definition of the key

1.1 Background of the Study

There are many ways in improving language learners’ listening skills (Ince, 2015, p.
1). One of the most influencing media in language learning is audio media (Darwis, 2016, p.
80). It is considered that many of the learners have technological devices suchas MP3
players, computers and mobile phones that allowing them to listen to the audio files easily.

The problem of listening seems more manageable with the help of devices mentioned above.
One of them is a so-called podcasting, which has recently become very popular. The
term “podcast” was first coined in 2004, and it means the publishing of audio. Also, it has
been one of the hottest topics in education (Zhao & Jiao, 2012). The podcast itself is
definedas audio or video files on the web which can be downloaded to a computer or
Mp3 player (Sze, 2006). In line with that, Rajpal et al. (2011) describe Podcast as a
standard digital audio and video broadcast that can be downloaded and played
in mobile devices. .Research in podcasting for language teaching and learning English
has been investigated by many researchers(e.g., Bolliger et al., 2010; Kargozari &
Zarinkamar, 2014; Kavaliauskiene, 2008).
Kavaliauskiene(2008) investigated the use of podcasts as listening tools outside
the class, used by 27 students of psychology and law at Mykolas Romeris University,
Lithuania. The study showed that most of the participants respond to podcasts as a
good toolfor enhancing their listening skills. The findings from the review
underlined two things; first, podcasts greatly supportedthe students in improving
their English skills and other aspects such as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciations.
Second, most of the students showed good attitudes and perceptions towards
the use of podcasts in English learning.
A Task Based Intruction is an approaching which learning revolves around the
completion of meaningful tasks. In the task based intruction, the main focus is the authentic
use of language for genuine communication. Willis (1996) proposes three steps ofTBL
framework consist of (1) pre-task: introduced and define the topic, use activities to help
students learn useful word and phrases, ensures students understand the task instruction,
(2) task cycle: task, planning, and report, and (3) language focus: that consist of analysis and
This research will also be supported by three previous studies that were conducted on
task-based Intruction. The first research was from Sarinannur (2017) entitle “The Effect
Task-Based Intruction on Students’ Achievement Reading Comprehension”. The researcher
found that there was a significant effect of using Task-Based Learning on the students’
achievement in reading comprehension. It meansthat by using task-based learning the score
of the students achievment in reading comprehension increase, the increase in scrore can be
seen from the percentages of students score during the pre-test and post-test.
The second research was from Nasution (2012) entitle “The Effect of Task-Based
Intruction Method on Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Text at SMA N 2
Tanjung Balai”. The result of the analysis showed that the score of students achievment in
writting procedure text improved, it can be seen from the increase percentages of the student
The last research was from Rahmah (2016) entitle “The Use of Task-Based Intruction to
Improve Students’ Listening Skill in The Nine Grade of SMPN 8 Yogyakarta in The
Academic Year of 2016/2017”. Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded, that
the students' listening skill improved. With meaningful, challenging and interesting task and
good choice of material gained the student's enthusiasm in a listening activity.
Living together is a natural human instinct. Based on this statement, individuals need
communication by listening to what other people talk about to meet their needs and convey
their feelings. In addition, listening and speaking can present thoughts, desires, emotions and
desires. To be a complete life guide, therefore God gave us hearing aids so that we can
communicate through effective hearing as mentioned in the Qur’an (QS an-Nahl [16]: 78):

‫َو ُهَّللا َأْخ َر َج ُك ْم ِم ْن ُبُطوِن ُأَّمَهاِتُك ْم اَل َتْع َلُم وَن َشْيًئا َو َجَعَل َلُك ُم الَّسْمَع َو اَأْلْبَص اَر َو اَأْلْفِئَدَةۙ َلَع َّلُك ْم َتْشُك ُروَن‬

"Dan Allah mengeluarkan kamu dari perut ibumu dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui sesuatu
pun, dan Dia memberi kamu pendengaran, penglihatan, dan hati agar kamu bersyukur."

Thus, This research will be different from the previous studies above, this research
investigates how the students’ perception towards task based intruction using of podcast as
a media in learning listening skill problems that the students may encounterare also

1.2 The Scope of the Study

The main focus of this study is to investigate about Task Based Instruction using
Podcast. This study will try to find out the perception in Task Based Intruction using podcast
as a media for learning listening skill student in Eglish Department at the State Islamic
University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This study will focus on 15-20 male and
female in Second semester students to be involved in research.

1.3 Research Question

Based on the background above,Therefore, the researcher will answer the following
question in this study:

1. How English Deparment Student Perception toward Task Based Intruction

using podcast as a media?
2. How Does Task Based Intruction using podcast affect English Department
Student Listening skill?
1.4 Research Objective
Based on the results of the identification above, the researcher formulates the
objective of this study as follows:
1. To analyze English Department Student perception toward Task Based
Intruction using Podcast
2. To investigate the effect that comes from Task Based Intruction using
Podcast as a media in Learning Listening Skill.

1.5 Significance of the study

The result of this study is supossed to analyze the English Department students
perception toward Task Based Intruction using Podcast as a media in learning Listening
skill. The researcher believes this study will give a contribution for those who desire to
investigate the future study with Task Based Intruction using Podcast as a media, especially
in Learning Listening Skill. In addition, this study is intended to investigate the perception pf
learners. It is expected to supply any significant information for those who want to
investigate more about this research.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

In this subs chapter, the researcher defined some key terms used in this study.
It aims to give a better understanding. The researcher provide the following key

1. Students : A learner who is enrolled in educational institution

2. Perception : The representation of what is perceived; basic component
in the formation of a concept (Wordweb)
3. Podcast : A podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital
audio files that a user can download to a personal device
for easy listening
4. TBI : Is an activity that focuses on the use of authentic
language and on asking students to do meaningful tasks
using the target languange (Wikipedia)
5. Media : Is the communication outlets or tools used to store and
deliver information or data that will learning
easier (Wikipedia)
6. Listening skill : Listening is the ability to identify and understand what
others are saying. This skill involves the understanding of
speaker's pronunciation and accent, grammar and
vocabulary, and comprehend the speech meaning (Howatt
and Dakin, 1974)


This chapter will be focused on the theories that will be used to strengthen this
study. It will be consist of some primary variables. By supporting theories is needed
to help in conducting the research. They are Task Based Intruction, Perception,
Learning Media, Podcast and Listening skill
2.1 Task Based Intructional

2.1.1 Definition of Task Based Intruction

Task-based Instruction can be defined as an approach in whichcommunicative

and meaningful task play the central role in language learning andin which the process
of using language in communication carries more importancethan more production of
correct language form. Therefore, Task-based Instructionis viewed as one model of
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in terms ofregarding real and meaningful
communicative as the primary feature of languageteaching (Richards & Rodgers,2001).
According to Iwashita and Li (2012) pointed out that Task-based Instruction
encouraged learners to participate in classroom interaction by givingeach other
feedback. This can lead them to recast non-target utterances, and also,to more
successfully incorporate that feedback in the production of modifiedoutput.
Moreover,Task-based Instructioncontributes to shaping and improvinglearners’ oral
skills such as fluency, listening comprehension, and vocabularybuilding skills (Chacon,
2012); increasing learners’ use of the target language(Tinker Sachs, 2007), and
enhancing learners’ ability to transfer what they learnedin the classroom to the outside
world (Macias, 2004).

2.1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of Task-Based Instruction

There are advantages and disadvantages oftask-based instruction:

a) Task-Based Instruction is suitable for all ages and backgrounds, especially young
learners. All children have learned their first language in a contextualized setting,
learning grammar and structure inductively. Their focus is on meaning, not form. A
special consideration for these learners is that their language skills are still
developing and teachers must be careful to create appropriate tasks for their level.
b) Task-Based Instructionare that it can be used to teach content as well as language,
can be combined with more traditional teaching methods, can provide motivation
due to tasks being relevant and immediate, and can be a useful method for students
who do not do well in more traditional types of classroom learning or where
teachers have little autonomy over their lesson planning.

Then the disadvantages of Task-Based Instructionare:

a) Students may prefer more traditional types of teaching. TBI relies heavily on
student motivation and commitment. Students, who are used to a teacher-
fronted classroom with little interaction on their part, might feel uncomfortable,
and even unwilling to take some of the language risks involved in completing
the tasks, especially if the tasks occur outside the classroom.
b) Another difficulty is that teachers will probably find evaluating
students’performance in task-based instructionchallenging unless a specific
rubric for assessment is created. In weighing these pros and cons of task-based
teaching, I believe it would be beneficial to integrate this method with the more
traditional methods that include a focus on language form. Language acquisition
is a complex process, and TBI is one good way to connect form with meaning,
comprehensible input and context of use.
2.1.3 Components of the Task-based Instruction Framework
The Task-based Instruction framework consists of their phrases; provide 3basic
conditions for language learning, as following Ellis (2003) is:

a) Pre-task (including topic andtask) prepares learners to performtask in ways that

promote acquisition.
b) Task cycle: offer learners the chance to use whatever languagethey already
know in order to carry out the task and then toimprove their language under the
teacher’s guidance whileplanning their reports on the task. There are three
components of a task cycle:
1. Task: learners use whatever language they can master, working
simultaneously, in pair or small group achieve goals in the task.
2. Planning: learners plan their reports effectively and maximizetheir learning
3. Report: is the naturally condition of task cycle: in this stagelearners tell the
class about their findings.

c) Post-task stage: provides an opportunity for students to reflect ontheir task and
encourage attention to form, in particular toproblematic forms which
demonstrate when learners haveaccomplished the task.
2.2 Perception
2.2.1 The Concept of Perception

Cited from The word “perception” comes from

the Latin perceptio, the meaning is gathering or receiving. It is the organization,
identification, and interpretation of sensory information to interpret and understand the
information, (Daniel ,2011). The word perception is closely related to human
psychology. In layman’s term, the perception is defines as a conscious act of a person’s
environment through physical sensation which establish individuals ability to
understand. Unumeri (2009) stated that perception defined as conformity with someone
views and opinion about something. However, someone opinion of others depending on
the available information and the extent to which they can interpret the obtained
information. In conclusion, some people might get the same information with the others
in a certain situations, but, someone or a group of people might have a different
conclusion because of individual difference capacity to interpret the obtained

Furthermore, Adediwura and Tayo (2007) in their research have showed the process
of having a perception. They explain “everything come from outside become an
impression, something we heard and see becomes our consciousness that drafted off in
our certain directions, making a connection with other materials that has already there,
and final become a our reaction.” So, it is clear that perception is our reaction that
elicited when an impression is perceived from without after making a connection with
other materials in the consciuousness (memory). From the explanation above, we can
conclude that perception cannot just appear. It comes from the background information
someone have then it produce a reaction.
Perception might be supported by the individual attitude at a particular moment, the
present and past experience, the human interest, the level of interest, and the
interpretation of the perception (Adediwura and Tayo, 2007: 166). In addition, Mc
Goldrick and Caffrey (2009) defined students’ perception as students’ ability to
justify their own statements and distinguish it from the study that presented in the
2.2.2 Factor that Affecting Perception
According to Walgito (2003), the perception is influenced by factors that have been
classified, as follows. First, internal factors. It is factor that come from the ability of
someone in finding and creating something that comes from a relationship with mental,
mental, intelligence, and bodily. Second is external factor. It is comes from the stimulus
and traits that stand out beyond the objects that comes from someone determination
such as: social and environmental.
According to Setiyana (2012), functional and structural factor also influence
individual’s the perception. First, functional factors or personal factors are some factors
that relate to the individual's understanding of the impact from the stimuli, it can be
referred to the benefits of stimuli generated. Second, structural factors or situational
factors are external factors that affect an individual's understanding of the existing
2.3 Learning Media
2.3.1 Definition of Learning Media
Media is defined as a tool that used as a mediator to communicate, or connecting
something to something else. According to National Education Association (NEA)
media are kind of communication can be printed or audiovisual and its equipment.
The media itself can be manipulated, can be seen, heard, and read.
In the education sector media is interpreted as an element or a tool that can
stimulate students to learn. Meanwhile, learning media defined as an instrument to
deliver learning information to students and it is expected to help students to improve
their achievement. Branch (2009), claimed that educators can use media as an
effective aid to construct knowledge and skills because using media allows
information to be dispersed quickly to the learners. In the other hand, Jalmur (2006)
stated that learning media is a method, technique or a tool used to make the teaching
communication or interaction process between teacher and students more effective
and efficient.
Based on those definitions above, we can conclude that learning media is
a device use to conduct learning materials and provide more convenience
learning to students in achieving the learning objectives. If there is a change in
student. behavior, the learning process regarded to be succeed. Therefore, the
more effective learning also more effective learning process will be.
2.3.2 Benefit of Learning Media
By using Media program as a package, it makes the materials become clearer,
more interesting, and more complete for students. Using learning media to present the
material can also arouse curiosity between students. Arsyad (1997) mentioned some
benefits of teaching using media such as: First, learning media make the massage and
information presented clearer. So, it can improve the learning outcomes. Second,
learning media can improve students’ attention so it could lead to improve students’
learning motivation and improve students’ direct interaction to their environment and
allows students to learn on their own interest and abilities. Third, learning media can
be a solution to overcome the space limitation. Learning media provide students the
same experiences close to their environment cases, and sustain a direct interaction
with their teachers, their environment, and community.
We can conclude Arsyad’s opinion about the benefit of learning media that
learning media can excite students’ respond to their environment physically and
emotionally so it can help the learning process.

2.4 Podcast
2.4.1 Definition of Podcast
Podcast is a downloadable audio or video file from the internet. Podcast is
usually played in electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets or mp3
players (Kargozari & Zarinkamar, 2014). Bolliger et al. (2010) mention that there are
three types of podcast available to be used; audio podcast, enhanced podcast and video
podcast. Different types of podcast with different contents are available in many
websites in the internet. VOA, for instance, has changed their television or radio
program into podcast and uploaded to their website.
2.4.2 Types Of Podcast
There are different types of podcast available on the internet. Currently, there
are three types of podcast being produced and widely used that are classified by the
format of content: audio podcast, enhanced podcast and video podcast (Bolliger 2010).
Audio podcast is the most popular and easiest to use. It contains audio only and
requires a small storage space. Mostly, it is in MP3 format and can be played using all
MP3 players. Different from audio podcast, enhanced podcast is a combination of audio
and digital images. Meanwhile, video podcast contains audio and video in one format.
Usually, video podcast is produced in MP4 format and require larger storage space.

2.5 Listening Skill

2.5.1 Definition of Listening Skill

Listening is the most critical communication skill. Students are involved in

various listening situations 65% to 90% of the time, but most students have little
or no listening instruction. Little listening instruction may be due to the lack of
preparation, time or material .In addition, teachers may be uncertain whether they
are good listeners themselves and may, therefore, hesitate to teach this skill

“Listening is a fundamental language skill, but it is often ignored by foreign and

second language teachers“ (Rebeccal, 1993).

Basically, Listening skill is related to hearing sense, but it has a distinct process
from hearing itself. In contrast with hearing, listening skill need an active and
contiguous analysis of the streams of the sound but hearing means perceiving sound in
a passive way. According to Rubin in Helgesen and Brown (2007), listening is an
active process of selecting and interpreting auditory and visual information by listeners
which come from auditory and visual clues. Furthermore, listening skill is an active
process of receiving and responding to spoken message. In the education field listening
skill is one of the subject learned that students not only hear a spoken message but also
analyze the message. According to Helgesen (2003) listening is an active, purposeful
process of making sense of what we hear. When we hear something more often also the
more we can understand it.

2.5.2 Teaching LearningActivities

Listening activities are usually subcategorized as pre-listening, while-listening,and

post-listening activities:
a. Pre-listening Activities
Schema theory provides strong evidence for the effectiveness of pre-listening
activities which includes the outline for listening to the text and teaching cultural key
concepts. Listening teacher may select certain words, difficult grammatical structures
and expressions to be explained through the discussion about the topic, and may also
ask students to predict the content or what speakers are going to say, based on the
information they have already got.
The teacher could follow with a listening comprehension activity, such as two
people having a conversation about their daily life. Students must answer true or false
questions based on the previous listening activity.An example of a controlled practice
activity could be a drill activity that models the same structure or vocabulary.
b. While-listening Activities
Listeners who participate actively in the listening experience are more likely to
construct clear and accurate meaning as they interpret the speaker‘s verbal message and
nonverbal cues. During the listening experience students verify and revise their
predictions. They make interpretations and judgments based on what they heard.
Listening teacher may ask studentsto note down key words to work out the main points
of the text. Students answer comprehension questions while listening to the text and

select specific information to complete the table provided with the text.

c. Post-listening Activities
Post-listening activities are important because they extend students’ listening skill.
Post-listening activities are most effective when done immediately after the listening

2.5.3 Types of listening activities

There are some activities to improve listening skill that provide by Ur, they are:
a. Listen to English pop song, includes write a summary, sing along with the
melody, do a close exercise, andd dictate lyrics.
b. Listen to TV programs or videos, includes follow instructions without looking

the screen, cover the subtitle and watch the first language version in advance.
c. Listen to film, includes read film reviews, make a gap-filling exercise, cover
the subtitles and read the novel of the film.
d. Listen to the radio, includes listen to fast speech, approach other resources in

advance, listen to colloquial expressiona and write a summary.



In this chapter, the researcher will focus on how to obtain, gather and arrange the
data collection. It also covers discussion about the research design, research setting, and
technique of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

In conducting this research, the researcher uses qualitative method focusing on case
study technique. It aims analyzing student perception toward task based intruction using
Podcast as a media in learning listening skill for english Department students’. The
investigation for this study will be focused at English education department students of
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Especially, the students in
second semesters . This case study research is focusing on social phenomena from the
perspective of the participants of this research. It is an intensive analyis of an individual
or community emphasizing on the developmental factors in relation to the environment.
According to Bassey (1999) a case study in educational term is an empirical enquiry
which conducted among localized boundary of space and time into interesting aspects of
an educational activity, or system, or institution, or programs, mainly in its natural
context within an ethic of respect for persons. In order to inform the judgements and
decisions of practicians or theoreticians or policymakers who are working on in such a
sufficient way the data collected the researcher will explore significant features of the
case and create plausible interpretations test for their trustworthiness and construct a
worthwhile argument to convey the argument convincingly to the audiences.
In this researcher, an interesting aspect of educational in the learning activities of the
Task Based Intruction method of the English Education Department through Podcasts.
The researcher observes and draws from the phenomenon as clearly as possible without
manipulation. Finally, researchers will report result of Analyzis Student Perception
toward Task Based Intruction using Podcast as media in Learning Listening Skill.

3.2 Data Source

The source of the data is a significant part of a research. The researcher requires the
data source for getting the information and dealing with problem formulations.
According to Arikunto (2002), data source is all facts and figures that the researcher
used as material to compile information, while information is the result of data
processing that is used for a purpose.
The data of this research is theinformation of English department students of
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim perception toward talk based
intruction using Podcast as a media in learning Listening Skill. Here the primary data
source is the questionnaires answered by English department students. While field note
and pictures during observation were as the secondary data.

3.3 Research Instrument

In order to do this study, the researcher uses some instruments, those are interview,
questionnaires, documentation to help the work more effective and efficient. In this
study. The researchers will employ a set of surveys which belong to qualitative data
collection techniques. Furthermore, to get deeper meaning from students’ questionnaires
result and to complete the data, the researcher will collect information from the
interview that will be conducted at English Department of Universitas Islam Negeri
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. It consists of questionnaires (Google forms: Free
online survey), interviews, audio or video recordings and note taking.
The participant of this study will be the students of English Department of UIN
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. They are 5-10 male and female students from the
second semesters The research is held from early March up to Mei 2021.

3.4 Data Collection

In this study, the researcher has to use and combine some method and instruments.
Denzin & Lincoln (2005) said that instrument of collecting data is a tool chosen and used
by the researcher in his or her activity of collecting data in order that the activity
becomes systematic and easy. The method used by the researcher in conducting the data
collection in this study as follows:

3.4.1 Interviews
Interview is one of data collection technique which is done by asking
open-ended question to the participants of the research. It can help the researcher to
understand, and explore subjects’ behavior, experiences, and opinions to gain depth
information based on the phenomena researched. Bungin (2007) stated that depth
interview is a process to gain information needed for the aim of research by face to
face questioning between the interviewer and interview, with or without the use of
an interview guide.
In this study, the researcher focus on interviewing 10-5 participants consist of the
second semester of English Department Students. In conducting the interview, the
researcher prepares a list of question as a guidance to know Student English
Department perceptions toward Task Based Intruction using Podcast as a media in
learning listening skill. In collecting the data from interview, the researcher used steps
as follow. First, the researcher prepared some questions that would be asked to selected
English Department students. The researcher also prepared recorder to record the
respondents answer. Second, the researcher talked and ask prepared question to the
respondents in friendly way. Finally, the researcher record respondents’ answer. This
method conducted to get deep information about the impact of using talk based
intruction method in litening skill.
3.1.1 Questionnaires

Questionnaires are a list of questions based on the topic that the researcher wants to
explore. The aim of conducting the questionnaires is to gain the important information
from the respondents. In this day, the questionnaires can be conducted by an online
survey such as google form to be more effective and efficient. The set of question in
this study might consist of students’ interest, need, like, or dislike about talk based
intruction method using Podcast as a media in learning listening skill.

3.1.1 Documentations
Ary (2010:442) stated documents refer of a wide range of written, visual, and
physical including what other authors my term artifacts. Moreover, according to Lodico
(2010:126) “Documents and artifact produced before the study by the participants
generally include things like public records, personal writing, or instructional
materials”. In this study, some pictures which could be used as data to answer the
research problems were as the evidence that the researcher did the research and to
support the interview and observation.
Here, the documents were included picture during observation. These pictures were as
the secondary data.
5.1 Data Analysis

According Bogdan and Taylor (1975) data analysis is the process of planning effort
formally to find the theme and to formulate hypothesis as suggested by the data and as
an effort to help the theme and the hypothesis. So, it can be synthesized that data
analysis is the process organizing and put the data into the right category, pattern, and
the basic unit in order to find the theme and formulate the hypothesis based on the data
In accordance with the research objectives, researcher use data analysis procedure
from Miles and Huberman (1992) that consist of three flows activities: data reduction,
data display, verification and conclusion. First, data reduction is started by selecting the
basic thing and focus on something important to the content of data and simplify it. The
data here is student perception toward talk based intruction using podcast as media in
learning listening skill.
The researcher will summarize it by separate the accurate and inaccurate data. Second,
Data display is how the researcher present the data collection in form of word, sentences,
narrative, table and graphic to make it easier to understand and to arrange the next step to
take an appropriate conclusion. Third, verification and conclusion, this is the last step
where the researcher’s conclusion will be verified to the notes taken and furthermore. It
aims to bring the perfect conclusion by drawing the conclusion from the clear data and
good statement. After getting the data collected, the researcher will analyzed the data
continuously and verified about the validity to draw a significant and clear conclusion.


STUDY BASED ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS. Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian, 1(4),
Chou, M.-H. (2016). A Task-based Language Teaching Approach to Developing Metacognitive
Strategies for Listening Comprehension. International Journal of Listening, 31(1), 51–70.
Brown, S. (2018). Task-Based Approach to Listening. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English

Language Teaching, 1–6.

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