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Second Semester, School Year 2020-2021

I. Course Number: CA 322

II. Course Title: Therapeutic Modalities

III. Course Description This is a two-unit course which covers the different therapeutic
modalities, treatment models, treatment programs, and policy or program intervention for
both in Institutional and non-institutional corrections. The forging of partnerships,
involvement and engagement of Government Agencies, Religious Sector, Private Foundations,
Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations focused on the
Detainee’s/Inmate’s/Person Deprived Liberty’s total welfare and well-being.

IV. General Objectives:

After successfully completing this course, students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate competence and broad understanding in correctional therapeutic

modalities promoting public safety and criminal justice.
2. Ensure offender’s welfare and development through therapeutic modalities for their
re-integration to the community.
3. Collaborate the different therapeutic modalities effectively and independently to all
types of person deprived of liberty.
4. Engage in lifelong learning and devising therapeutic modalities for all types of
person deprived of liberty.
5. Apply professional, social, and ethical standards in the practice correcting

V. Grading System

Midterm Grade = 2/3 x Class Standing + 1/3 X Midterm Exam

Tentative FG = 2/3 x Class Standing + 1/3 X Final Exam

Final Grade = 2/3 x TFG + 1/3 x MG

VI. Course Requirements & Classroom Policies:

All students are expected to:
1. Participate in online class
2. Proficiency Test/Quiz
3. Submit individual and group activity
4. Take the Mid-term and Final Examinations.

VII. Course Outline:

A. Standards on Treatment and Rehabilitation of Prisoners/Inmate/PDL’s

▪ Order and Safety
▪ Condition of Confinement
▪ Health Care Program
▪ Rights
▪ Prior Release and Reintegration Program

B. PDLs Admission Process and Procedures in the BJMP, Provincial Jails & BUCOR
C. Treatment Programs and Rehabilitation of the Different Confinement Facilities of
Persons Deprived of Liberty
D. Treatment Programs of Convicted Persons placed under Non-Institutional correction
programs/Community Based Program
E. Therapeutic Modalities: Making Jail/Prison Facility as Therapeutic Community (TC)
F. Developmental Aspects of Therapeutic Modalities

VIII. References:

Correction and Rehabilitation accessed at


BJMP Operations Manual accessed at

Republic Act No. 10575 accessed at

Alarid, Leanne and Reichel, Philip (2018). Corrections, 3rd Ed. Pearson

De Leon, George (2000). The therapeutic community: Theory, community and method.

Smith, Alexander and Berlin, Louis (1988). Treating the criminal offender, 3rd Ed. Springer

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