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Unit 1 – Handout

I. Lý thuyết ngữ pháp:

1. Ngữ pháp cơ bản:
1.1. like/love/hate:
When you talk about repeated actions, you can use –ing or to…after these verbs
So you can say:
- Do you like getting up early? or Do you like to get up early?
- Stephanie hates flying. or Stephanie hates to fly.
- I love meeting people. or I love to meet people.
- I don’t like being kept waiting. or … like to be kept waiting.
- I don’t like friends calling me at work. or … friends to call me to work.
(1) We use –ing (not to …) when we talk about a situation that already exists (or existed).
For example:
- Paul lives in Berlin now. He likes living there.
(he lives there now and he likes it)
- Do you like being a student? (you are a student – do you like it?)
- The office I worked in was horrible. I hated working there. (I worked there and I
hated it)

(2) There is sometimes a difference between I like to do and I like doing:

I like doing something = I do it and I enjoy it:

- I like cleaning the kitchen. (= I enjoy it.)

I like to do something = I choose to do it (but maybe I don’t enjoy it):

- It’s not my favourite job, but I like to clean the kitchen as often as possible.

Note that we use –ing (not to …) with enjoy and mind:

- I enjoy cleaning the kitchen. (not I enjoy to clean)
- I don’t mind cleaning the kitchen. (not I don’t mind to clean)

2. Ngữ pháp mở rộng/trường hợp đặc biệt:


2.1. prefer to … and prefer –ing

When you say what you prefer in general, you can use prefer to … or prefer –ing:
- I don’t like cities. I prefer to live in the country. or I prefer living in the country.
You can say:
prefer something to something else
prefer doing something to doing something else
rather than (doing) something else
prefer to do something rather than (do) something else

- I prefer this coat to the other one.

- I prefer driving to travelling by train. or
I prefer driving rather than travelling by train.
- I prefer to drive rather than travel by train.
- Sarah prefers to live in the country rather than in a city.

2.2. would prefer (I’d prefer …)

We use would prefer to say what somebody wants in a specific situation (not in general):
- ‘Would you prefer tea or coffee?’ ‘Coffee, please.’

We say ‘would prefer to do something’ (not usually would prefer doing):

- ‘Shall we go by train?’ ‘I’d prefer to drive.’ (= I would prefer …)
- I’d prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.

2.3. would rather (I’d rather …)

I’d rather = I would rather. I’d rather do something = I’d prefer to do it.
We say I’d rather do (not to do). Compare:
‘I’d rather drive.’ (not to drive)
- ‘Shall we go by train?’
‘I’d prefer to drive.’

- Which would you rather do,

go to the cinema or go shopping?
Which would you prefer to do,

The negative is ‘I’d rather not …’:

- I’m tired. I’d rather not go out this evening, if you don’t mind.
- ‘Do you want to go out this evening?’ ‘I’d rather not.’

We say ‘I’d rather do one thing than do another’:

- I’d rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema.

2.4. I’d rather somebody did something:

We say ‘I’d rather you did something’ (not I’d rather you do):
- ‘Who’s going to drive, you or me?’ ‘I’d rather you drove.’ (= I would prefer this)
- ‘Jack says he’ll repair your bike tomorrow, OK?’ ‘I’d rather he did it today.’
- Are you going to tell Anna what happened, or would you rather I told her?
We use the past (drove, did etc.) here, but the meaning is present not past. Compare:
- I’d rather make dinner now.
I’d rather you made dinner now. (not I’d rather you make)

I’d rather you didn’t (do something) = I’d prefer you not to do it:
- I’d rather you didn’t tell anyone what I said.
- ‘Shall I tell Anna what happened?’ ‘I’d rather you didn’t.’
- ‘Are you going to tell Anna what happened?’ ‘No. I’d rather she didn’t know.’

II. Từ vựng:
1. Từ vựng cơ bản:
No. Word Meaning Notes
1. Adore (v) Yêu thích, mê thích

2. Addicted (adj) Nghiện (quá thích) cái gì

3. Beach game (n) Trò chơi thể thao trên biển

4. Bracelet (n) Vòng đeo tay

5. Communicate (v) Giao tiếp

6. Community centre (n) Trung tâm văn hóa cộng đồng

7. Craft (n) Đồ thủ công

8. Craft kit (n) Bộ dụng cụ làm thủ công

9. Cultural event (n) Sự kiện văn hóa

10. Detest (v) Ghét

11. DIY (n) Đồ tự làm, tự sửa DIY = Do It Yourself

12. Don’t mind (v) Không ngại, không nghĩ ngợi

13. Hang out (v) Đi chơi với bạn bè

14. Hooked (adj) Yêu thích cái gì

15. It’s right up my street! Đúng vị của tớ!

16. Leisure (n) Sự thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi
17. Leisure activity (n) Hoạt động thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi

18. Leisure time (n) Thời gian thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi

19. Netlingo (n) Ngôn ngữ dùng để giao tiếp

trên mạng
20. Satisfied (adj) Hài lòng

21. Socialise (v) Giao tiếp để tạo mối quan hệ

22. Weird (adj) Kì cục

23. Window shopping (n) Đi chơi ngắm đồ bày ở cửa

24. Virtual (adj) ảo (chỉ có ở trên mạng)

2. Từ vựng mở rộng/nâng cao:

No. Word Type of word Meaning Source

1 Boxing ring n Sàn đấm bốc
2 Serve v Phát bóng
3 Captain n Đội trưởng Mindset 2
4 Surf the net v Lướt web
5 Train v Tập luyện

III. Luyện tập:

No. Book Exercise Page Skill

Lesson 1
1 Destination Unit 26 208-215 Vocab
2 English Vocab in Use Unit 44 94-95 Vocab
Free time
3 Check your vocab for FCE 61 Vocab
4 English Grammar in Use Unit 58-59 116-119 Grammar
Lesson 2
1 Grammar in Context Unit 8 212-251 Reading, Grammar
2 Mindset 2 Unit 2 28-47 All
Oxford_Word_Skills_- Unit 16-Unit
3 52-72 Vocab
_Intermediate 23
Grammar, Vocab,
4 Use of English B2 Tests Unit 6 50-59
Ready_for_FCE_- Grammar, Vocab,
5 Unit 2 14-25
Coursebook Reading, Writing
Lesson 3
New_Enflish_File_- Unit 2B 17-19 Grammar, Vocab,
_Workbook Unit 6A 54-56 Reading
New English File - Upper- Reading, Vocab,
2 Unit 5A 44-46
Intermediate Workbook Grammar, Listening,
Grammar, Vocab,
3 NEFIPlus_Student_Book Unit 6A 84-87 Speaking, Listening,
Writing, Reading,
Grammar, Vocab,
4 Navigate - B2 - SB Unit 5 46-55 Speaking, Reading,

Grammar_in_Context_3_6t Grammar, Reading,

5 Unit 8 212-251
h_Edition Writing

Lesson 4
Gerunds and
1 Grammar Practice - Inter 78-86 Grammar
Grammar in Context 3 - 5th
2 Unit 7 275-326 Grammar, Reading
3 FCE - Use of English Unit 2 15-30 Grammar
English_Grammar_in_Use_ Question and
4 53-68 Grammar
Intermediate_2019_5th-Ed auxilary verbs
5 Intermediate_2019_5th- 132-142 82-88 Grammar

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