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DA - 1

1. Electrical Wiring On roads and farms

 Brief introduction of the chosen issue

In India all the wiring happens on the road sides. In the
farming areas wires goes all over the farms. This causes
difficulty in farming as farmers cannot take the vehicles
like crop cutting combine in farm. Because of the height of
the electrical wires it restrict the farmers to cultivate their
land in that area.
Farmers don’t have any opinion in the wiring process
although the land is theirs. Also this leads to death on
many famers due to electric shocks. Wiring being spread
all over streets also leads to many cases of electric shocks
specially in rainy seasons. In Storms, these polls fall down
and wires remain on road so id any animal steps over the
wire may lead to the immediate death. Birds sitting on the
wires may also get shock if wire remains naked.

 Why did you choose this issue?

I belong to a place full of farms. I see these kind of things
happening very often. News like somebody died of
current while working in farm is common. Keeping that in
mind I recognised this as a social issue.
Sometimes farmers have the choice to weather give their
land for wiring polls or not. So government give money to
those who allows. Sometime in greed of the money
people tend to give the land but later pay the

 As a social marketer, how can you bring behavior change?

We need to find new technology to transfer electricity
from one place to another. We can use underground
wiring instead of normal way.
Farmers needs to be educated that how these wiring will
affect them so they need not allow these wires over their
farm until and unless they don’t have to use machines in
that area.
Proper safety measures should be taken to prevent any
such mishap by providing proper signboards.
Farmers should be educated on the risk of those wires
before installing it into the farm.

• Write a SWOT in bringing a behavior change

 Underground wiring is possible.
 We need to educate certain set of people.
 Major part is played by electricity department.

 Majority of farming is done in rural area.
 Less educated people.
 Wiring already installed
 Seek help from farming and electricity departments.
 Show presentations in farmer rally.
 Educate farmers at farming events.

 Government do not want to change the system.
 Underground wiring is not feasible everywhere.
 Farmers may not want to understand.
 A huge setup is already made.

• Photographs
2. Disposal Utensils (one time use)

 Brief introduction of the chosen issue

Due to corana virus, people have started avoiding the use
of normal steel or any other metal utensils. Rather they
have started to use the one time disposable
plastic/thermacol made utensils. They have become more
common in public places, dhabas etc. People feel that they
are safer to use as they come packed and untouched. Tea
makers have replaced the glass cups with plastic cups.
Waste disposal is directly responsible for environmental
degradation, disposing waste materials were disposed of
through time and where, also determining whether
disposal methods were suitable or improper is important
issues in environmental condition.

• Why did you choose this issue?

These changes will have a huge impact on the
environment. These effects may not be seen at this point
of time but in near future they will show the impact. In a
country like india, where waste disposal is already a major
issue, we will have to focus on this issue so that we do not
end up with blocked pipes, dirty sea and river water. This
will also impact the fertility of the ground.
• As a social marketer, how can you bring behavior change?
I will try to create the awareness among people that how
these one time use plastic made things are affecting the
environment. We will encourage people to use the utensils
made up of metals or if they want a one time use things
then go with the biodegradable materials.
We can place posters in public places and near shops to
educate people regarding its impact. We will encourage
people to use biodegradable material like jute, cotton
made bags rather than plastic bags. Government can also
ban these plastic made utensils.

• Write a SWOT in bringing a behavior change

 Marketing is not difficult.
 Easier to make people understand the need.
 Biodegradable materials are more widely available
than before.

 Plastic made materials are very popular.
 They are easy use so people prefer using them.
 Use and through - so no need to carry used utensils.

 WHO focusing on environmental issues.
 UNO also trying to reduce the pollution.
 Plastic ban is a topic on heat.
 Finding alternative of plastic.

 Outbreak of Corona virus.
 More usage of gloves, hats and other plastic
materials in marriages, parties etc.
 Not able to find the alternative.

 Photographs
3. Wearing Helmet
 Brief introduction of the chosen issue
Using helmet while riding a motorcycle is a very essential
thing. But it is being neglected by majority of the
population. People tend to wear helmet only to rescue
from challans and fines, not for their personal safety.
In case of accidents helmet proofs to be life saver. If
someone has not wearing a helmet is at a high risk of
getting a head injury at the time of accidents. Head injury
are very dangerous. As it may take life of a person or
sometimes also cause serious injuries in brain leeding to
loss of eyesight, damage of mental health etc.

 Why did you choose this issue?

This is a most common issue in India. People are not aware
of helmet usage and its advantages. Strict laws cannot
help as in a big and developing country like India it is very
difficult to implement these laws effectively.
According to me, Need of creating awareness is more than
the making strict laws. If people start to use the helmet
keeping in mind their personal safety rather then fear of
fines. That day we will be successful.
 As a social marketer, how can you bring behavior change?
We can place posters banners at parking areas which will
remind to wear helmet before starting.
A beep sound should be their in bike and it keeps beeping
until you wear the helmet.
Educating student during school and college to use helmet
and also tell their parents.
We will have to make an impact to ask your loved ones to
wear helmet. This will be a mutual movement where
everyone ask their close persons to wear helmet for

• Write a SWOT in bringing a behavior change

 Helmets are in abundance.
 Helmets are not very costly.
 Helmets are easily available in every area.
 Everyone knows the importance.
 Laws and rules for helmet usage.
 People avoid using helmets.
 Young boys feels that helmet will temper their image
and style.
 Parents do not insist their child to wear helmet and
 Laws not implemented properly.

 With the use of new technology we can find a way
that Bike do not start until and unless you wear a
 With increase in literacy rate more people will
become aware about it.
 Special subject r chapter should be included in
 Youth preferring fasion and style over safety.
 Parents not insisting the use of helmet
 Helmet treated as burden on head.
 Photographs
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