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VPN and VPN logging Policy Issues on Management

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Management has existed since the dawn of time. Management becomes apparent

whenever there is an urgency to successfully carry out an assignment. Communication,

coordination, planning, and division of labour are all aspects of management when multiple

individuals are involved (Alzoubi et. al., 2022). Management is frequently the most

discussed skill within any organization. Each organisation offers a variety of training courses

to help managers improve their skills (Carroll and Brown, 2022). Management-related

programmes are available at a variety of management learning institutions and schools.

Leadership and management have their own coverage space in the mainstream press (Draft

and Marcic, 2022). In brief, management is ubiquitous and the most debated and desired

skill. Despite its longstanding existence and prevalence, "management" is still not any

easier. Diverse teams, 24 by & operations, remote working, and global operations have

made it more challenging than ever. The paper looks at some of the issues associated with

management and the various ways in which we can overcome them. Over the past two

decades, everyone around the world has been concerned about the security of

telecommunications networks (Kyriazakos et. al., 2022). Telecommunication facilities such

as internet connectivity, data, voice, and video, were found to be highly susceptible to

multiple types of attacks. A number of these kinds of attacks may result in loss of network

confidentiality, loss of network integrity, and denial of services (Ahmad et. al., 2023). Thus,

safeguarding these kinds of networks from attacks is an essential component that must not

be overlooked. This paper identifies some of the major security challenges confronting

today's telecommunications networks and suggests security measures that can be executed

to reduce not only infrastructure insecurity but also the risk of attacks from hackers.

Management Issues

Decreased Performance Levels

Workers might encounter instances when they are less effective than usual. A drop in

output can have an influence on teammates and general objectives, so it's essential to keep

staff motivated. Managers who frequently evaluate company procedures and processes can

boost productivity (Carroll and Brown, 2022). Conduct a workflow analysis to evaluate

the current systems and reorganize weak points. Another approach to this issue is to pose

inquiries and provide remedies to their challenges. Individual conversations are an excellent

opportunity for managers to restore normal work hours and efficiency standards.

Lack of Communication

An additional challenge that managers encounter when supervising groups revolves around

guaranteeing effective interaction. Since every group member has a distinctive personality,

there is frequently the likelihood of misunderstandings (Draft and Marcic, 2022). Rise in the

rate of communication to make sure staff understand what is expected of them and when

it's necessary for them to accomplish it. Redefining guidelines that support the

organization's objectives and goals. Consider setting up an organizational messaging

structure which enables everybody to communicate swiftly. Tell the team members if

the preferred method is to contact over another.

Poor Teamwork

When staff members devote a lot of their time on particular duties, they could lose

attention to working together. Managers ought to reconsider the intent of a project to

restore cooperation. Supervisors who take the time to distinguish the achievements of their

workers and establish the objective of their job frequently see a rise in motivation.

Managers should think about grouping their team members into partners so that they can

collaborate on a particular task (Alzoubi et. al., 2022). Teamwork activities are a great

method to teach everyone how to operate better in tandem. The subject matter of trainings

should be grounded on the problems that the team is encountering. Concentrate on

developing relationships, for instance, if both parties wish to get to understand one another

more successful.

Pressure to Perform

Supervisors, particularly novel supervisors, may be overstretched to accomplish success

from the commencement of their employment. If the managers are frequently stressed

regarding their leadership status, they should take some time to reflect on why they were

employed in the first place (Carroll and Brown, 2022). Recognize that leaders learn from

their errors and practices. While planning is beneficial, managers will almost undoubtedly

experience unexpected situations. The capability to lead is replicated in how one address

disagreements and respond to problems.

Time Management

Managers generally have difficulty with managing their personal assignments since they are

tasked with supervising everyone on their staff as well as interacting with the heads of other

departments. Planning time during the day to do particular tasks constitutes a way

to prioritize our own duties. Let the team know when managers will be willing to assist them

and when they will be concentrating on their work (Alzoubi et. al., 2022). Frequently modify

the calendar and communicate it with colleagues so they are aware when they can

communicate with the managers.


Difficult Employees

Managers are occasionally in control of employees who trigger battle in the work

environment. A frequent obstacle that managers encounter is determining how to

effectively deal with every problem prior to they turn into serious concerns. Managers

should demand responses from the colleagues to gain knowledge regarding any problems

they may be having with finishing work or interacting with their colleagues (Draft and

Marcic, 2022). Execute any possible recommendations to demonstrate that as managers

we are focusing to the team. Pay attention to their issues and study all they can about the

circumstances at hand. If they are fixed for ideas, think about asking the help of a human

resources manager at the organization. Their education aids in resolving disputes and other

elements related to relations with workers.

Weak Workplace Culture

When groups consider they are detached from other members of their organization, their

motivation may suffer. Groups that feel like they are part of the organization have a greater

trust and confidence (Alzoubi et. al., 2022). Organizing lunch excursions and recognising

workers who surpass objectives are two ways of encouraging an effective work culture.


Teams frequently challenge management's openness when they feel disconnected from

their managers, particularly when some staff members believe they are putting in a greater

job than others. When individuals believe they are not an element of the strategy, their

confidence is eroded (Carroll and Brown, 2022). In the majority of instances, transparent

and open dialogue assist address scepticism as they build trust between a worker and their

supervisor. The manager should explain why they assigned the assignment and the manner

in which it adds to the general objective when delegating duties.

Inadequate Support

Managers may require authorization from the board of directors or the

business proprietors prior to schedule with a project. When the decision-making procedure

takes longer than anticipated, it may impede the group's overall development. The most

significant aspect to recall in this scenario is to be honest with the teammates (Alzoubi et.

al., 2022). Encourage them that managers are awaiting updates from the board of directors

and, if practicable, give them time to focus on additional tasks. Schedule an individual

meeting with the decision-makers to speed up the procedure.

Implications Associated with Current and leading-edge Telecommunications and


Attacks on telecommunications networks may be executed by a variety of criminals with

malicious intentions as well as without any legitimate reason. In certain instances, their

conduct may be motivated by an urge to disrupt entire communication or produce illegal

profits. Telecommunications network dangers and attacks can be categorized as illustrated

in Fig. 1.

Figure 1: Categories of Telecommunication Network Attacks and Dangers

Terror Attacks

Attacks able to causing major interruptions to network services can take any manner. One

type is caused by territorial disputes. Some military disputes result in the physical

destruction of telecommunications infrastructure as an intentional military approach,

particularly by terrorists. This is especially true in areas that are currently or recently

undergoing some form of military dispute. In (Willshire, 2015), Columbia, India, Syria, Iraq,

Afghanistan, and Nepal have been identified as nations that had telecommunications

networks destroyed because of rebellion or warfare. Between the years 2001 and 2013, the

Taliban demolished at least 300 telecommunications towers in Afghanistan (Willshire,

2015). The transmission structures and outdoor structures have been targeted and

demolished in both instances. Terrorists' decision to go after facilities is most likely

influenced by their view of telecommunications companies compromising their safety

through call tracking to the advantage of law enforcement forces.

Technological Threats

Other than physical assaults that result in asset annihilation technological threats are

another type of telecommunication threat. This includes threats posed by the technologies

themselves. These dangers tend to be associated with telecommunication business's

corporate clients. In certain instances, the threat or attack may result in substantial

monetary losses. A long unconnected call is an illustration (Kyriazakos et. al., 2022). This

type of threat is related to private branch exchanges, which are used by a variety of

businesses and companies. In this particular instance, a personally cancelled call could not

be appropriately separated by the private branch exchange or could stay on hold without

the user's permission or information. Since it is not cancelled, such a call could truly stay

"connected" for several days. In the instance of a global approach call, this might culminate

in a significant revenue loss.

Criminal Attacks

This is yet an extra kind of attack that makes use of multiple technical techniques with a

spiteful purpose. In this instance, the participant's tasks include the application of different

fraudulent means to commit conventional scams. These kinds of attacks put both the

telecommunications firms and clients at risk. As illustrated in Fig. 2, criminal attacks can be

categorized as follows:

Figure 2: Categories of Criminal Attacks


Splicing into telecommunication cabling is an illicit entry to a telecommunication network.

The major goal of such behaviour is to establish illegal relationships. This is an issue that

occurs in areas where the PSTN with a centralized network is still functional. Hacking Private

Branch Exchanges (PABX) is also an unsafe method of criminal behaviour (Kyriazakos et. al.,

2022). Modern branch exchanges are specialized communication devices for personal use

that have a wide range of roles. This gadget necessitates the use of skilled service

technicians for management and allows remote management access via the telephone


General Threats/ Attacks

Participants such as special government agencies are involved. It is a type of hacktivism with

governmental backing. In three distinct instances are utilised to demonstrate the kind of

such attacks:

Case 1: Government agencies are progressively focusing on telecom operators' applications

and facilities in order to conduct undercover surveillance. Very complicated persistent

threats (APT) are employed (Ronarch et. al., 2006). APT allows advanced actors to conduct

undercover investigations while functioning unnoticed for extended periods of time.

Case 2: Considering that telecommunications companies control vital facilities, any

disruption has a significant financial effect (Ronarch et. al., 2006). For instance, throughout

the major petroleum-related disaster in Nigeria in mid-2015, telecommunications providers

were impacted since they rely on diesel generators; as a result, banks and

other organizations were unable to maintain their usual services.


Case 3: Another significant and high-impact target is information about clients. It is

customary for telecommunications companies to sign up their many clients. They usually

keep private data about all of their clients, which includes financial information, their

names, and addresses, in this manner (Ronarch et. al, 2006). This confidential information

becomes a tempting target for hackers or employees looking to steal money, commit

identity theft, manipulate consumers, or the introduction any other kind of attack.


To protect critical telecommunications infrastructure and assets, the necessary technology

should be implemented. The organisations should also introduce the operational security

(OPSEC) that prevents the vital information from leaking to the general public or

unauthorised hands. Organizations or businesses should devise an organised way of

preventing or combating attacks in their place of work (Ahmad et. al., 2023). Employees

should be educated and evaluated for conformity on a regular basis. Telecommunications

areas, pathways, and equipment rooms should all be protected and regarded as restricted

zones. Access to these regions should be monitored, regulated, and restricted

to authorized and security-cleared individuals only. A company's critical procedures and

regulations should be backed up by a safety framework which comprises numerous security

layers, as in the "Defense-in-Depth" method. This approach enables multiple layers of

security, so that a breach in a single safety layer fails to expose the entire network to



Cyber-attacks on communications networks are common. This is due to the fact that they

design, control, and operate critical networks that are frequently utilized for communication

and the storage of enormous quantities of confidential information. Globally, a

telecommunication network is a combination of fixed and mobile phone networks that

provide traditional accessibility for crimes associated with computers or cybercrimes such as

spoofing, hacking, and cybercrimes to be perpetuated. The attacks may result in destruction

like confidential data being released and security records becoming accessible, putting both

people and impacted organizations at risk.


Figure 3: Threats and the likely Outcomes



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