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What are the possible directions for insufficient distribution of goods and services in Market

 Under Investment in Public Goods

 Behavioral Biases
 Information Asymmetry

2Q). From the following options below choose the weak effect of monetary policy.

 When intrest rate decreases it does not mean Investment will increase, as
investment depends on future outcome.
 When banks are not lending money to Public.
 Liquidity Trap

3Q). If any change increases the willingness of consumers to acquire the good , the demand curve
shifts towards _______ (Supply & Demand)

 Left
 Right
 No Movement
 None of the above

4Q) When price elasticity of demand (Ed >1), what is the impact on total revenue when price
 Total revenue Increases
 Total revenue decreases
 None of the above

The model of perfect competition rests on three basic assumptions:(1)

price taking,(2) product homogeneity, and (3) free entry and exit.

5Q). People decide to hold money instead of bonds when interest rates get ____

 High
 So low
 So high
 None of the above

6Q) consider the following statements

a). the production decision of firms are analogous to the purchasing decision of consumer

b). the amount of goods and services produced by the firm are called factors of production

 Only a
 Only b
 Both a & b
 None of the above

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