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‫َو الَّص َالُة َو الَّس َالُم َع َلى َاْش َر ِف‬، ‫َاْلَح ْم ُد ِ ِهلل َر ِّب اْلَع اَلِم ْين‬

.‫َو َع َلى آِلِه َو َاْص َح اِبِه َاْج َم ِع ْين‬، ‫اْلُمْر َس ِلْين‬

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. All praise is due to
Almighty Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of this world. May the peace and mercy of Allah
be upon His Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions, and followers.
Ya Allah, with your Mercy and protection, we are able to gather here on this beautiful
morning for the Aiming A+ English for SPM.
Ya Allah, we thank you for this opportunity to learn new skills and gain new insights
for our personal and professional growth. We thank you for the organizers of this seminar,
for the speakers who will share their expertise and experience, and for the participants who
will contribute their ideas and questions.
Ya Allah, as we begin this seminar, we ask that you would grant us wisdom,
understanding, and curiosity. Help us to listen attentively, to speak respectfully, and to
interact constructively. Help us to apply what we learn to our daily lives and work. Help us to
honour you with our minds and hearts.
Ya Allah, make our gathering here a blessed one, and our dispersion thereafter a
guided and protected one, and make not any among us a wretched or deprived one. Ya
Allah, make easy for us every difficult thing, because with your special favour and kindness,
it is easy for you to make every difficult thing easy.

‫َر َّب َن ا آِتَن ا ِفي الُّد ْن َي ا َح َس َن ٍة َو ِفي اآلِخَر ِة َح َس َن ٍة َو ِقَن ا َع َذ اًبا‬

،‫ َو َص َّلى هللاُ َع َلى ُم َح َّمٍد َو َع َلى آِلِه َو َاْص َح اِبِه َو َس َّلم‬. ‫الَّن اِر‬
. ‫َو اْلَح ْم ُد ِهَّلِل َر ِّب اْلَع اَلِم ْين‬

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