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Arguing with
Conditionals 2
Learner’s Module for English 9
Quarter 1 ● Module 5


Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

NAME:________________________ GRADE AND SECTION ________________

TEACHER: ____________________ SCORE _____________________________
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Published by
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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What I Need to Knowtives

Hello, Grade 9 Achievers! Welcome to our third topic in English Grade 9.

This module is titled “Ärguing with Conditionals 2” because it builds on the first
module on conditionals that tackled zero, present real, and present unreal
conditionals. In this module, focus will be on past and mixed conditionals.

Please go through the activities patiently. I would like you to take the review
part of this module very seriously as it will help you a lot to understand the next lesson.
If you have your notes in the first module on conditionals, you can use them when you
accomplish the review part, or the What’s In section, of this module.

Happy learning!

Learning Objectives

Specifically, this module has the following objectives:

 Review zero, present real, and present unreal conditionals.

 Use past and mixed conditionals to talk about current issues.
 Compose a dialog using past unreal conditionals.

What I Know

Do the following exercises that aim to know what you already know about the

A. Past condition with past result or consequence

1. If she had studied hard, she ________ (make) her parents proud.
2. He ________ (be) able to go abroad if he had processed his papers.
3. If the government had immediately closed our airports, COVID-19 ________ (enter,
not) our country.
4. If we had invested wisely, we ________ (lose, not) a lot of money.

B. Past condition with present result or consequence.

5. If I had taken law in college, I ________ (be) a lawyer today.

6. If we had not allowed the Chinese to build infrastructures in the West Philippine
Sea, they ________ (be, not) staying there now.
7. President Duterte ________ (threat, not) to close the telephone companies if these
had given good service to the people.

C. Past condition with future result or consequence.

8. If she had studied hard, she __________ (graduate) with honors next week.
9. If he had processed his papers, he ________ (go) to the US tomorrow.
10. Many companies ________ (put up) businesses if the telephone companies had
improved their services.

II. Check the statements that agree with the idea of the sentence inside the star.

Jose studied hard. Jose did not study hard.

If Jose had
studied hard, he
would have
received an
Jose did not receive Jose studies hard.
an award.

Jose received an award.

What’s In

Review our first lesson on conditionals with the following activity.

A. Present Real Conditionals. Complete the following sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in parentheses. Write your answers in the blanks.

E.g. If he ________ (respect) his neighbors, they too ________ (respect) him.

Ans. If he respects_ his neighbors, they will respect_ him, too.

1. If Baguio ________ (open) its tourist spots, people ________ (flock) in the city.
2. Many parents ________ (complain) if on-line learning ________ (become)
3. The President ________ (listen) if rebel leaders ________ (request) for a peace
4. If marijuana ________ (be) legalized, many farmers ________ (choose) to plant it.
5. I ________ (protest) if the government ________ (decide) to legalize marijuana.

B. Present Unreal Conditionals. Complete the following sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in parentheses. Write your answers in the blanks.

E.g. If classes ________ (be) delayed further due to COVID-19, students ________
(lose) their interest in studying.

Ans. If classes _were___ delayed further due to COVID-19, students _would lose_
their interest in studying.

1. If this pandemic ________ (continue), our economy ________ (collapse).

2. If doctors and scientists ________ (work) harder, an effective vaccine ________
(be) discovered sooner.
3. Corruption ________ (stop) if people ________ (be) not scared of exposing
corrupt officials.
4. Corruption ________ (stop, not) if people ________ (remain) quiet about it.
5. Our beaches, mountains, and parks ________ (become) cleaner if quarantines and
lockdowns ________ (continue).

C. Present Unreal Conditionals. Write present unreal conditional statements for

each topic given. Underline the verbs and verb phrases in your sentences.

E.g. Pollution
Ans. If people continued throwing garbage into rivers and canals, fish and other
animals would not grow in these ecosystems.

1. Philippine culture


2. Justice

3. Nature

4. Mother Tongue

5. Education

What’s New

Look at the man and the woman. What are they arguing about?

If the government Stop blaming the

had acted fast in government. This pandemic
combatting COVID- would have stopped if all
19, it would not citizens had followed
have spread. government guidelines.

1. What are the man and the woman arguing about?

2. What does the man’s remark imply?


3. What does the woman say in response?


4. Who do you agree with more, the man or the woman? Why?

What is It

Read and understand the following sentences.

1. If the government had acted fast in combatting Covid-19, it would not have spread.

2. This pandemic would have stopped if all citizens had followed government

Notice that in Sentence 1, the speaker is implying that the government did not
act fast in combatting Covid-19 and that is why the virus spread. On the other hand,
the speaker in Sentence 2 is implying that not all citizens followed the government
guidelines; if they had followed, the pandemic would have stopped.

Sentences 1 and 2 above are examples of past unreal conditionals.

The Past Conditional

The past unreal conditional is used to talk about imaginary, or contrary to fact,
situations in the past. Thus, the condition expressed in the past unreal conditional is
contrary to what really happened or what did not happen. Study the following
examples on the next page.

What really happened or did not
Past Unreal Conditional
happen in the past
If the airports had been closed The airports were not closed
immediately, the virus would not have immediately; thus, the virus entered
entered our country. our country.
If the opening of schools had not been The opening of schools was
postponed, many parents would have postponed; thus, many parents did
complained. not complain.
You would have passed the test if you You did not pass the test because
had studied hard. you did not study hard.
More Baguio residents would have been Fewer Baguio residents were infected
infected with Covid-19 if the local with Covid-19 because the local
government had not imposed lockdowns. government imposed lockdowns.

Activity 1. Complete the following table by stating what actually happened or did
not happen based on the given past unreal conditional statements. The first one has
been done for you.

What really happened or did not

Past Unreal Conditional
happen in the past
1. If schools had opened earlier, many Schools did not open earlier; thus,
parents would not have enrolled their many parents did not enroll their
children. children.
2. If the DepEd had not done a survey on
learning modalities, it would not have
known which learning modalities were
preferred by Filipino families.
3. Teachers would have been confused if
the DepEd had not given them enough
4. Some private schools would not have
closed if the pandemic had ended earlier.
5. If a vaccine had been discovered
earlier, the opening of classes would not
have been delayed.
6. Many Filipino children would have
been endangered if they had been forced
to go to school amidst the pandemic.

The Structure of the Past Unreal Conditional

To construct past unreal conditionals, we use this structure: If… had + past
participle (pp)…, … would + have + past participle (pp)…. Study the table below:

If … had+pp … … would+have+pp …
fast in
the would not have
If had acted combatting it
government spread.

had been would not have our
If the airports immediately, the virus
closed entered country.
had not
the opening many would have
If been
of schools parents complained.
had many would not have their
If schools earlier,
opened parents enrolled children.

In our first module on conditionals, we mentioned that the if clause may be

placed at the end of the sentence. In that case, the structure of the past unreal
conditional would be: … would + have + past participle (pp)…. if… had + past
participle (pp)…. Study the table below:

… would+have+pp … if … had+pp …
This would have had government
if all citizens
pandemic stopped followed guidelines.
would have had
You the test if you hard.
passed studied
More Baguio would have been with the local had not
if lockdowns.
residents infected Covid-19 government imposed
would have been had not
Teachers if the DepEd enough
confused given

Other modals instead of “would”

The modals “could,” “might,” and “should” can be used instead of “would” in
constructing past unreal conditionals. Thus, the sentence “If the government had
acted fast in combatting Covid-19, it would not have spread” can be written:

If the government had acted fast in combatting Covid-19, it might not have spread.

And the sentence “This pandemic would have stopped if all citizens had
followed government guidelines” may be written:

This pandemic could have stopped if all citizens had followed government

Mixed Conditionals

All our examples above talk about past condition with past consequences.
However, we can also have past conditions with present or future consequence.
Study the following examples:

E.g. Past condition with present result or consequence

1. If we had found a vaccine earlier, the number of infected persons would not be
as high as it is now.
2. If you had studied well in college, you would be enjoying a good life at present.

E.g. Past condition with future result or consequence.
1. If you had done your job well, your contract would be extended when it expires.
2. If we had taken care of nature, our children in the future would enjoy a clean and
healthy environment.

Again, the if-clause may be placed at the end of the sentence. Thus,

1. The number of infected persons would not be as high as it is now if we had

found a vaccine earlier.
2. Your contract would be extended when it expires if you had done your job well.

Also, even without the adverbs of time, it is understood that the result or
consequence is in the present or future. Compare the following:

1. A. The number of infected persons would not be as high as it is now if we had

found a vaccine earlier.

1. B. The number of infected persons would not be as high as it is if we had found a

vaccine earlier.

2. A. If we had taken care of nature, our children in the future would enjoy a clean
and healthy environment.

2. B. If we had taken care of nature, our children would enjoy a clean and healthy

What’s More

Name: ____________________ Date: _______________

Section: _____________

Activity 2. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in
parentheses. Remember the structure If… had + past participle (pp)…, … would +
have + past participle (pp)….

E.g. If Baguio ________ (allow) tourists to come to the city, many residents
________ (be) infected with Covid-19.

Ans. If Baguio had allowed tourists to come to the city, many residents would have
been infected with Covid-19.

1. If Baguio ________ (be) very strict with illegal settlers, the problem on squatting
________ (become, not) worse.

2. If city officials ________ (take) care of the Baguio Convention Center, it ________
(deteriorate, not).

3. Traffic ________ (be) better if the engineers ________ (build) wider roads.

4. Our roads ________ (be) wider if the local government ________ (allow, not)
individuals and companies to build structures on the sides.

5. If Baguio ________ (limit) the businesses along Session Road, it ________ (retain)
its beautiful atmosphere.

Activity 3. Complete the following past conditional statements with present or future

E.g. If you had not violated the law, ___________________________________.

Ans. If you had not violated the law, you would not be in jail right now.__

1. If they had followed their parents’ advice, ________________________________


2. If you had spoken out about the problem, ________________________________


3. If Maria and Pedro had helped each other, _______________________________


4. If we had been more careful, __________________________________________


5. If schools had been firm about bullying, _________________________________

Activity 4. Complete the following present or future result or consequence by

supplying appropriate past unreal conditions.

E.g. Our children would think well of us if _____________________________

Ans. Our children would think well of us if we had observed honesty and

6. The air would be cleaner now if _______________________________________.


7. Filipino families would not be missing a father or a mother if _________________


8. We would afford to travel to other countries if _____________________________


9. Our economy would continue to grow if __________________________________


10. The Filipino people would be seeing a brighter future if ____________________


Activity 5. Write a suitable response to each given statement using the past unreal
conditional with past result or consequence.

Mining continued to operate despite opposition from some

sectors in society.

__ If mines had closed, many people would have lost their


Some young children were forced to work in the mines to earn a

little for their families.

1. ________________________________________________

Many forests and mountains were destroyed because of

2. ________________________________________________

Some families improved their lives and sent their children to

school because of mining.

3. ________________________________________________

Many animal and plant species died because of the destruction

of their habitat.

4. ________________________________________________

The government earned a lot of money from the taxes paid by

mining companies.

5. ________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature over Printed Name


What I Have Learned

Name: ____________________ Date: _______________

Section: _____________

Summarize what you have learned in this module by completing the table.

Things I Learned

Things I Want to Know
More About

Thing I Enjoyed Doing

Parent’s Signature over Printed Name


What I Can Do

Name: ____________________ Date: _______________

Section: _____________

Create a dialog between two persons who are arguing about a certain topic.
Choose one of the suggested topics below. If there is an issue that you want to talk
about, feel free to write about that topic. Use past conditional statements in your
dialog. Use the back page for more space.

______________________________________ _______________
Parent’s Signature over Printed Name Date


Without looking at your answers in the “What I Know” section of this module,
do the following activities again. Be responsible enough to review what you did not

A. Past condition with past result or consequence

1. If she had studied hard, she ________ (make) her parents proud.
2. He ________ (be) able to go abroad if he had processed his papers.
3. If the government had immediately closed our airports, COVID-19 ________ (enter,
not) our country.
4. If we had invested wisely, we ________ (lose, not) a lot of money.

B. Past condition with present result or consequence.

5. If I had taken law in college, I ________ (be) a lawyer today.

6. If we had not allowed the Chinese to build infrastructures in the West Philippine
Sea, they ________ (be, not) staying there now.
7. President Duterte ________ (threat, not) to close the telephone companies if these
had given good service to the people.

C. Past condition with future result or consequence.

8. If she had studied hard, she __________ (graduate) with honors next week.
9. If he had processed his papers, he ________ (go) to the US tomorrow.
10. Many companies ________ (put up) businesses if the telephone companies had
improved their services.

II. Check the statements that agree with the idea of the sentence inside the star.

Jose studied hard. Jose did not study

If Jose had
studied hard,
he would have
received an Jose studies hard.
Jose did not receive
an award.

Jose received an award.

Additional Activities

A. The following pages contain a discussion on past and mixed conditionals with
exercises that you can do online. After doing the exercises, you can check your
answers immediately.



B. The following exercises on the use of past conditionals are found on pp. 206-207
of the English 9 Learner’s Material.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of past conditional verbs in

1. If Roderigo ________ (exert) more effort, he ________ (pass the test).

2. If Daisy ________ (go) on ahead, you ________ (be) able to reserve seats for all
of us.
3. If they only ________ (ask) Jean, she ________ (give) the tickets to the ballgame.
4.If money ________ (blind, not) Jean, she ________ (marry) her childhood
5. If Shakespeare ________ (write) nothing but this sonnet, he still ________
(become) one of England’s greatest poets.
6. if Girlie ________ (follow) the doctor’s advice, she still ________ (be) alive today.
7. If Cris ________ (walk) more slowly, he ________ (stumble, not).
8. If Nelson ________ (campaign) more vigorously, he ________ (win).
9. If freedom of speech ________ (be, not) curtailed, incidence of graft ________
(report) by the press.
10. If Francis ________ (offend, not) Ms. San Diego, his teacher, he ________ (go)
home sooner.

Complete the phrases below.

1. If Louisa had eaten less, _____________________________________________

2. If Joanne had watered the plants, ______________________________________
3. If Shiela had gone home early, ________________________________________
4. If cooler heads and not intervened, _____________________________________
5. If conditions had not been different, _____________________________________
6. The swimming would have been more enjoyable if _________________________
7. We would not have been late if ________________________________________
8. The business would have prospered if __________________________________
9. The house would have been completely demolished if ______________________

Answers to Activities 3-5 vary.
1. had been, would not have become
2. had taken, would not have deteriorated
3. would have been, had built
4. would have been, had not allowed
5. had limited, would have retained
Answers to Activity 2 (p. 10)
2. The DepEd did a survey on learning modalities; it knew which learning modalities were preferred by Filipino
3. Teachers were not confused; the DepEd gave them enough instructions.
4. Some private schools closed; the pandemic did not end earlier.
5. A vaccine was not discovered; the opening of classes was delayed.
6. Filipino children were not endangered; they were not forced to go to school amidst the pandemic.
Answers to Activity 1 (p. 7)
1. opens, will flock 2. will complain, becomes 3. will listen, request
4. is, will choose 5. Will protest, decides
1. continued, would collapse 2. worked, would be 3. would stop, were
4. would not stop, remained 5. would become, continued
C. (Answers vary)
Answers to What’s In (p. 4)
1. would have made 2. would have been 3. would not have entered
4. would not have lost 5. would be 6. would not be 7. would not threaten
8. would graduate/would be graduating 9. Would go/ would be going
10. would put up/would be putting up
The following sentences agree with the idea of the sentence inside the star; the rest do not.
Jose did not study hard.
Jose did not receive an award.
Answers to What I Know and the Post Assessment
Answer Key

“Conditionals.” Accessed from https://www.perfect-english-

Department of Education—Republic of the Philippines. A Journey Through Anglo-

American Literature: English 9 Learner’s Material. Pasig City: Department of

Hopkins, Diana & Pauline Cullen. Cambridge Grammar for IELTS. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Picture Credits:

(Title Page)

(Page 5)

(Boy silhouette, pp. 11-12)

(Girl silhouette, pp. 11-12)

For inquiries or feedback, please write of call: Department of Education-
Schools Division of Baguio

Office Address: #80 Military Cut-off Baguio City

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