Naskah Storytelling Lutung Kasarung

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Naskah Storytelling

Hanna Maria Thomas 12 MIA 3

Lutung Kasarung
Once upon a time, there was a king named Prabu Tapa Agung who had led a kingdom

in West Java for a long time. He was getting old and therefore wanted to choose a successor. But

unfortunately, he had no son. He thought of choosing one of his daughters, Purbararang and

Purbasari. But it wasn’t an easy choice. They were both very pretty and smart. The only

difference was their temperament. Purbararang was rude and arrogant, while Purbasari was kind

and caring.

Purbasari never considered herself the king's daughter. She gets along with everyone, even with

ordinary people. Not surprisingly why people love him. Prabu Tapa, his father also knew about


With those considerations, Prabu Tapa Agung finally chose Purbasari to be his successor.

Purbararang didn’t agree with her father’s decision.

Purbararang : “It’s supposed to be me, Father. I’m the eldest daughter!”

Then Prabu Tapa smiled.

Prabu Tapa : “Purbararang, to be a queen takes more than age. There are many other qualities

that you must have,” explained Prabu Tapa wisely.

Purbararang:“What does Purbasari have that I don’t?”

Prabu Tapa Agung: “You’ll find out when Purbasari has replaced me,” Prabu Tapa Agung

Purbasari ruled the kingdom wisely. She inherited all the gentleness and kindness of her father.

Purbararang was very annoyed. She still doesn't accept it. "I should be queen!" She said.

Driven mad by her anger, she came to a witch and asked her to send rash all over Purbasari’s

body. Before going to bed, Purbasari started to feel itch all over her body. She tried applying

powder to her body, but it’s useless. Instead, the itching grew even worse. In the next morning,

there were scratch mark all over Purbasari’s body.

Purbasari's body skin had black spots. Some of them emit smelly pus.

“Huhuhu, why did it become like this? "My skin is very itchy and sore," Purbasari cried. Seeing

her sister crying, Purbararang did not feel sorry. She even persuaded her father to exile Purbasari.

“Dad, maybe this is a contagious disease. She must be exiled! You don't want the whole country

to be attacked by this terrible disease, do you?"

Hearing her sister's words, Purbasari cried even more. "Don't axiled me, Father” she said.

the palace physician also did not understand what happened to Purbasari.

“Purbararang is right. If this is an infectious disease, the entire population could be infected. I'm

sorry Purbasari. This is for everyone's good.” Prabu Tapa said.

Finally Purbasari was exiled to the forest. There, the palace governor made her a simple house.

Purbasari began to spend her days in the forest. Even though there is no one to talk to, she can

joke with birds, ants and butterflies.

One morning, Purbasari was picking flowers. Suddenly from the top of the tree, there was an

animal swinging. “Oh there are lutung!” shouted Purbasari.

That lutung came down, then handed Purbasari a mango. Purbasari was very happy.

Now she has friends. Even though he couldn't talk, the lutung really understood Purbasari. He

helped Purbasari look for food. He also listened to all Purbasari's complaints. Purbasari called

the langur "Lutung Kasarung" which means a stray langur. Purbasari has been living in the forest

for months. But the disease did not heal either. She looked in the mirror, looking at her face

which looked terrible. "My God, when will my illness heal?" she asked sadly.

Hearing Purbasari's wailing, Lutung Kasarung then picked many flowers and gave

them to Purbasari. “You want me to wash myself with these flowers?” asked Purbasari.

Lutung Kasarung nodded, “It's useless. My body odor is too bad..." Purbasari refused.

But Lutung Kasarung continued to insist. He took Purbasari into the forest. There turned out to

be a large lake whose water was clear and smells really good. Purbasari then washed herself with

lake water and flowers picked by Lutung Kasarung.

Wonderful! Purbasari's skin disease is gone! Her skin is now clean again, without

spots. "Thank you Lord!" Purbasari never stopped giving thanks. She then planned to return to

the palace. Arriving at the palace, Seeing Purbasari, Purbararang became curious. “How did you

get better?” Purbasari also told everything. Hearing this, Purbararang then racked his brains so

that Purbasari would not return to the palace.

"My dear sister, you can return to the palace and become queen on one condition, namely that

you must defeat me." Purbararang let down her hair.

"If your hair is longer than mine, you may return to the palace." Purbasari also let down her

hair.Turns out her hair is longer! Living in the forest for months means she never cuts her hair.

Still not wanting to lose, Purbararang then gave one more condition.
“This is Indrajaya, my husband. He's so handsome. If you have a future husband who is

more handsome than him, then I will return the throne of queen to you." Purbararang said.

Purbasari was silent, she had no future husband. When she was about to open her mouth to admit

defeat, Lutung Kasarung suddenly pulled Purbasari's finger and pointed at himself.

“Oh you want to be my husband? But you..." Purbasari whispered confusedly. Lutung Kasarung

nodded while continuing to point at himself.

“My future husband is him.” Purbasari pointed to Lutung Kasarung.

Suddenly Purbararang and Indrajaya burst into laughter.

“Lutung? Your future husband is a langur? How could he possibly beat Indrajaya's good looks!"

Purbararang and Indrajaya turned around, when Purbararang took a step, she heard a strange


Wonderful! Lutung Kasarung's body suddenly changed into a man who was much more

handsome than Indrajaya.

“Wh-who are you?” Purbararang was scared. She examined the man from head to toe.

"I am Lutung Kasarung, Purbasari's future husband."

Purbasari was shocked and Lutung Kasarung told him about his origins, which turned out to be a

prince. As a baby, he was cursed by his father's enemies. The curse will disappear if a kind

woman recognizes him as her future husband.

Purbararang then admitted defeat. Not long after, Lutung Kasarung came to propose to Purbasari.

They got married and lived happily ever after.

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