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Diploma In Mechanical

Engineering (ME5I)

Academic Year 2023-2024

Students Name Enrollment No
Siddhant Ganage 2100150324
Shubham Sutar 2200150667
Shubham Gaikwad 2200150682
Maruti More 2200150690

In Partial Fulfilment Of The 5th Semester

Of Diploma In Engineering And Technology
In Mechanical Engineering
Under The Guidance Of
Prof. M P.Kulkarni


This is to certify that the following students

Students Name Enrollment No

Siddhant Ganage 2100150324
Shubham Sutar 2200150667
Shubham Gaikwad 2200150682
Maruti More 2200150690

Of 5th Semester Of Diploma In Mechanical Engineering Of Institute

Government Polytechnic, Solapur (Code: 0015) Have Completed The Micro
– Project Work Satisfactorily Under My Supervision Guidance In Emerging
Trends In Mech. Engg. (22652) The Academic Year 2023-2024
As Prescribed 5th Semester I-Scheme Curriculum.

Prof. M.P.Kulkarni Sir Prof. A.S.Kappikeri Dr. Ashok Upadhyay

( Guide ) (H.O.D) ( Principle)

We Are Hereby Declaring That The Project Entitled “COMPONENTS OF

Polytechnic, Solapur” Affiliated To ‘Msbte’ For The Award Of The “Diploma
In Mechanical Engineering”. It Is Further Declared That The Information Has
Been Collected From Genuine &Authentic Source Of It Is Not Submitted This
Project Report To This Or Any Other University Of Diploma Or Degree.

First & foremost, we offer our sincere gratitude to our project guide
Prof. M.P.Kulkarni who has supported us through this project with utmost co-
operation & patience and for helping us in doing the project.

We would like to express our gratitude to A.S.Kappikeri HOD of

Mechanical Engineering Department for their support and for motivating us to
complete this project with complete focus and attention.

We are also thankful to the Hon. Principle Dr. Ashok Upadhyay for
providing us with all the resources in the college to make this project. We thank
him for his valuable time and suggestion to give our best in project.

We would also like to than all the supporting staff of the Mechanical
department and other department who have helpful us directly or indirectly in
making the project a success.
We are also thankful to our parents and with utmost co-operation and for helping
us in doing the project.
1 Introduction 6

2 Basic Component Of Robotics 6

2.1 End Effector 7

2.2 Manipulator 8
2.3 Actuators 9

2.4 Controller 10
2..5 Sensors
2.5.1 Type Of Sensors

2.6 Processor 12

3 Degrees Of Freedom :

4 .
Types Of Basic Configurations Of Robot : 14
4.1 Cartesian Configuration Robots 15
4.2 Cylindrical Configuration Robots 15
4.3 Spherical Configuration Robots 16
4.4 Articulated Configuration Robots 16
5 Conclusion 17

6 Reference 18

Robotics is an inter disciplinary branch of computer science and engineering. Robotics involves design,
construction, operation, and use of robots. The goal of robotics is to design machines that can help and
assist humans. Robotics integrates fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, information
engineering, mechatronics, electronics, bioengineering, computer engineering, control
engineering, software engineering, mathematics, etc.
Robotics develops machines that can substitute for humans and replicate human actions. Robots can be
used in many situations for many purposes, but today many are used in dangerous environments (including
inspection of radioactive materials, bomb detection and deactivation), manufacturing processes, or where
humans cannot survive (e.g. in space, underwater, in high heat, and clean up and containment of hazardous
materials and radiation). Robots can take any form, but some are made to resemble humans in appearance.
This is claimed to help in the acceptance of robots in certain replicative behaviors which are usually
performed by people. Such robots attempt to replicate walking, lifting, speech, cognition, or any other
human activity. Many of today's robots are inspired by nature, contributing to the field of bio-inspired
Certain robots require user input to operate while other robots function autonomously. The concept of
creating robots that can operate autonomously dates back to classical times, but research into the
functionality and potential uses of robots did not grow substantially until the 20th century. Throughout
history, it has been frequently assumed by various scholars, inventors, engineers, and technicians that
robots will one day be able to mimic human behavior and manage tasks in a human-like fashion. Today,
robotics is a rapidly growing field, as technological advances continue; researching, designing, and
building new robots serve various practical purposes, whether domestically, commercially, or militarily.
Many robots are built to do jobs that are hazardous to people, such as defusing bombs, finding survivors
in unstable ruins, and exploring mines and shipwrecks.








In robotics, an end effector is the device at the end of a robotic arm, designed to interact with the
environment. The exact nature of this device depends on the application of the robot.
In the strict definition, which originates from serial robotic manipulators, the end effector means
the last link (or end) of the robot. At this endpoint, the tools are attached. In a wider sense, an end effector
can be seen as the part of a robot that interacts with the work environment. This does not refer to the wheels
of a mobile robot or the feet of a humanoid robot, which are not end effectors but rather part of a robot's

A] Pick& Place

B] Machine Tending

C] Packaging & Palletizing Processes

D] Assembly Tasks


A robotic manipulator arm is a reprogrammable and multifunctional mechanical device

responsible for moving materials, parts, objects, or tools through programmed motions in order to perform
various tasks. These mechanical devices are composed of a series of jointed segments that form an arm-
like manipulator. A robotic manipulator is capable of moving or handling objects automatically depending
upon its given number of degrees of freedom. Those degrees of freedom are also known as axes. Each axis
of a robotic manipulator correlates to the number of motors within the robot. Robotic manipulators can
range from two axes to ten or more. Most robots used in industrial settings have between four to six
axes. Six-axis robotic manipulators are the most common since their range of motion is similar to the
human arm. This provides the flexibility needed to automate many industrial processes with robots.


The actuator are the drives use to actua the joints of manipulators . They produce realtive rotary
or linaer motions between the two links of joints. In short they are muscles of manipulator the actuator are
controlled bye controller
• Common types of actuator
servo motors, stepper motors, pneumatic cyclinder, and hydrolic cyclinder.
Application :-

An actuator that can generate sufficient force has suitable load-speed characteristics, works in the operating
range with high efficiency, and comes with a robust design is considered ideal for a given application

A robotic controller is one of the main components of an industrial
robot. The robot controller is a computer system that connects to the robot in order to control the
movements of the industrial robot arm. In addition to the robot arm, the controller is also responsible for
the end-effector and to prevent interference from occurring within the robots work area. All industrial
robots are paired with a controller in order to be able to operate. The FANUC Lr Mate 200id is paired with
the R-30ib controller, while the FANUC LR Mate 200ic is paired with the R30ia controller.
Application :-

A] Security
B] Space Expolartion
C] Health Care
D] Underwater Expolartion


2.5 SENSORS :-
Robotic sensors are used to estimate a robot's condition and environment. These signals are passed to a
controller to enable appropriate behavior.
Sensors in robots are based on the functions of human sensory organs. Robots require extensive
information about their environment in order to function effectively
Classification :-

Sensors provide analogs to human senses and can monitor other phenomena for which humans lack explicit

• Simple Touch: Sensing an object's presence or absence.

• Complex Touch: Sensing an object's size, shape and/or hardness.
• Simple Force: Measuring force along a single axis.
• Complex Force: Measuring force along multiple axes.
• Simple Vision: Detecting edges, holes and corners.
• Complex Vision: Recognizing objects.
• Proximity: Non-contact detection of an object.

Applications :-

In a parts feeder, a vision sensor can eliminate the need for an alignment pallet. Vision-enabled insertion
robots can precisely perform fitting and insertion operations of machine parts.


• Tactile or contat sensor
• Non contact sensor


Choosing the perfect processor for your robotic vision system is easier
said than done given all the factors to consider. So, let’s look at the key features of the world’s most popular
processors - from NVIDIA Jetson to Intel Atom to Google Coral, and more
Undoubtedly, the camera solution can make or break robotic vision systems given that one of the primary
tasks of most of the robots is to provide high-quality sharp images. But just as important are the processors
used to process the images obtained from these cameras. Selecting a processor that is best suited for your
robotic application’s requirements is easier said than done. It requires a thorough understanding of what a
processor can do – and how it can be utilized to increase the performance of your robotic vision systems.



Mechanics, degrees of freedom (DOF) is the number of independent variables that define the possible
positions or motions of a mechanical system in space. DOF measurements assume that the mechanism is
both rigid and unconstrained, whether it operates in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. The
number of degrees of freedom is equal to the total number of independent displacements or aspects of

Degrees of freedom applies to two types of motion: translational and rotational. Translational motion refers
to movement that is both linear and non-rotational. Rotational motion is just the opposite. An
unconstrained, rigid mechanism in two-dimensional space (planar space) can potentially have three
independent degrees of freedom: two translational and one rotational.

For example, Figure 1 shows a block in a planar space. The block, which can represent any rigid,
unconstrained mechanism, can move linearly forward and backward along the x-axis, or it can move left
or right along the y-axis. Both types of movements are considered translational motion. The block can also
rotate around the z-axis, which means that it also supports rotational motion. However, the block cannot
rotate around the x-axis or y-axis, nor can it move linearly up and down the z-axis.


4 Types of basic configurations of robot :-

4. 1 Cartesian configuration robots
4.2 Cylindrical configuration robots

4.3 Spherical configuration robots

4. 4 Articulated configuration robots


4.1 Cartesian Robot :-

Also known as: Linear Robots/XYZ robots/Gantry Robots

A Cartesian robot can be defined as an industrial robot whose three principal axes of control are linear
and are at right angles to each other.

Using their rigid structure, they can carry high payloads. They can perform some functions such as pick
and place, loading and unloading, material handling, and so on. Cartesian robots are also called as Gantry
robots as their horizontal member supports both the ends.

Cartesian robots are also known as linear robots or XYZ robots as they are outfitted with three rotary
joints for assembling XYZ axes.

Cartesian robots can be used in sealing, handling for plastic moulding, 3D printing, and in a computer
numerical control machine (CNC). Pick and place machines and plotters work on the principle of the
Cartesian robots. They can handle heavy loads with high positioning accuracy.

4.2 Cylindrical configuration robots :-

Cylindrical Robots have a rotary joint at the base and a prismatic joint to connect the links. The robots have
a cylindrical-shaped work envelop, which is achieved with rotating shaft and an extendable arm that moves
in a vertical and sliding motion. Cylindrical Robots are often used in tight workspaces for simple assembly,
machine tending, or coating applications due to their compact design.

Application :-
The cylindrical congiguration robots are used for loading and unloading of machine tools .


4.3 Polar Robots ( spherical ) configuration robots :-

Polar Robots, or spherical robots, have an arm with two rotary joints and one linear joint connected to a
base with a twisting joint. The axes of the robot work together to form a polar coordinate, which allows
the robot to have a spherical work envelope. Polar Robots are credited as one of the first types of industrial
robots to ever be developed. Polar robots are commonly used for die casting, injection molding, welding,
and material handling.

The Polar Configuration Robots Are Used Arm Spot Welding And Manipulation Of Heavy Loads

4.5 Articulatedconfiguration robots :-

Articulated robot can be defined as a robot with rotary joint and these robots can range from simple two-
jointed structures to systems with 10 or more interacting joints.

These robots can reach any point as they work in three dimensional spaces. On the other hand, articulated
robot joints can be parallel or orthogonal to each other with some pairs of joints parallel and others
orthogonal to each other. As articulated robots have three revolute joints, the structure of these robots is
very similar to the human arm.


Articulated robots can be used in Robots palletizing food (Bakery), Manufacturing of steel bridges, cutting
steel, Flat-glass handling, heavy duty robot with 500 kg payload, Automation in foundry industry, heat
resistant robot, metal casting, and Spot Welding.


5. Conclusion :-
Today we find most robots working for people in industries, factories, warehouses, and
laboratories. Robots are useful in many ways. For instance, it boosts economy because
businesses need to be efficient to keep up with the industry competition. Therefore, having
robots helps business owners to be competitive, because robots can do jobs better and faster
than humans can, e.g. robot can built, assemble a car. Yet robots cannot perform every job;
today robots roles include assisting research and industry. Finally, as the technology
improves, there will be new ways to use robots which will bring new hopes and new

6. Reference :-

1 .
2. Degrees of freedom (mechanics) - Wikipedia

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