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Describe a film that you have recently seen.

You should say

what the film was when and where you saw it

what the film was about and explain
how you felt about this film.

Sample Answer

A film that I saw recently was called The Passion of the Christ. I was in my hometown of Changchun
when it first came out a few years ago.

The film was about the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life on earth. It showed when he was in the garden before
he was captured and brought before a trial all the way up to when he was crucified and rose up again
from out of the grave. It was actually quite moving because the director, Mel Gibson, actually put his
own money into

put his own money into making the picture, so he was able to just do it the way that he wanted it done.
This movie caused quite an uproar when it was released as some people really long time with a lot of
debating going on over it. It ended up making quite a bit of money for Mel Gibson.

Everything about it was very beautiful, from the cinematography to the actual scenery. The acting was
top-notch. I think the main actor deserved an Academy Award but anyway I enjoyed it very much. One
of the hardest scenes for me to watch in the movie was where Jesus gets whipped before he is crucified.
It was so realistic and I had to hide my eyes.

vocab main

Passion: Strong and barely controllable emotion.

Eg: Sudhir is a man of passion.

Crucified: Criticize (someone) severely and unrelentingly.

Eg: Suhana was crucified by her friend because she went late

Uproar: A loud and impassioned noise or disturbance.

Eg: There was an uproar in the assembly.

Whipped: Having been flogged or beaten with a whip.

Eg: I guess this dog had been whipped a lot

Cinematography: The art of photography and camerawork in film-making.

Eg: The cameraman has done good cinematography.

Speaking Part 3

1. What kind of films are the most popular in China?

Well, Hollywood blockbusters are very popular here, films like Titanic and Saving Private Ryan. Also,
Hong Kong films are very popular because the stars are well known here. Kung Fu films are popular
because this art form originated here. Of course, love stories are very popular as Chinese historical films.

2. Do old people and young people like to watch the same kinds of films? (Compare the

Well, I think that old people like to watch stories about their country since they were so involved in this
time period. They also like to watch a variety shows that show native singing and dancing from different
parts of China. Young people, on the other hand, go for foreign films, as I already mentioned. There are
some films that both young and old like to watch such as Chinese historical movies.

3What do you think people can learn from watching films or should films be considered as
entertainment only?

Oh, I think that people can learn so much from films. You know there is an old saying that goes “A wise
man learns from his mistakes, but a wiser learns from the mistakes of others.” Just by watching a movie
and seeing what a character does in certain circumstances, can help you to know what is right to do or
no to do. You can see picturesque sceneries that you might not be able to see if it were not for movies.
So definitely, you can learn from watching films.

4To what extent do you think films reflect real life?

Well, it is a big argument that has been around for a long time. Does art imitate life or does life imitate
art? I believe that each reflects on the other. Sometimes films observe life and comment on it and
sometimes life observes film and imitates it. Film is a powerful medium and brings many parts of life to
the public for observation.

5Do you think that film stars deserve the large incomes that some of them receive?

Absolutely not, I think film actor salaries have just gotten way out of hand, I know that some of them
are very good actors and do the job they have to do well, but when I think of all that money and what
else could be done with it, I just cant seem to justify it. When you pay people this much money, it
absolutely makes them larger than life and reality can become a little blurred.

6What do you think about censorship?

I believe in it. I think that some of the stuff that is available to the public is just pure garbage. Not
censoring would be like allowing garbage to be strewn around your living room. I believe in freedom of
speech and having a right to say what you think, but I believe that also goes along with a sense of
responsibility of who would be around to hear it. Some things are just not fit for all audiences. Maybe
censorship can go too far but if you have a good balance in what is censored it is not such a bad thing.

7Should films be classified before release?

Of course, this goes along with my previous answer. What are really with today’s films, some of them
could be classified as junk one and garbage too. I hope that you don’t think that I am being too negative
on this subject but realistically speaking expanding these ratings of classifications would not be a bad
idea. I think that the rating system is too simplistic and many more guidelines and ways to classify
movies are long overdue.

Vocabulary For Speaking part 3

Blockbusters: A thing of great power or size

Eg: Do you remember the movie which was a blockbuster?

Mentioned: refer to (something) briefly and without going into detail Eg: “I haven’t mentioned the
details of the project !”

Picturesque: visually attractive

Eg:” Isn’t this piece of art picturesque?”

Blurred: unable to see or be seen clearly. Eg: The old woman has a blurred vision

Censorship: the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered
obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.

Eg: Strict censorship is thrust on some movies

Here are some bonus cue cards for practice:

Getting started

Let’s go back to 1969, when the first verb sent over the Internet was a phrasal verb: log in. To log in is to
enter a code, key or password to gain access to the computer’s abilities. We have been logging in ever
since then. Sometimes we say we have to sign in to a web page.


Like now, we started a computer by hooking up wire cables and then powering it up or turning it on.
Some computers took a long time to boot up, or get ready to run programs.

Now, we do not have to wait as long. To install new applications on the computer, users run a set up
program. Then we click on the icon, or image, for a program to run it.

After opening a program, you choose commands from a menu. These menus are stored in a pull down
or drop down bar near the top of the screen.
A click of the mouse – the hand-held device that guides the cursor around the computer screen – shows
more commands on the bar. That bar is often called the navigation bar or nav bar.

This leads us to our first noun from a phrasal verb, pulldown. When we give instructions to a friend
about using a web page, we can say, “Look in the nav bar for the pulldown and choose a command.”

Another verb that describes up-and-down movement on the screen is scroll up or scroll down. A wheel
on the mouse allows you to scroll up or scroll down to read a web page. We can click on an arrow to
move to the next screen, too.

Storage and other problems

Installing upgrades can sometimes damage files. So, users should always back up their files. That is, copy
files and folders to another location, like an external disk drive. A user who stores many large files will
soon run out of room on the computer, so keeping files on an extra hard drive is a good idea.

This phrasal verb became a noun, too. Experts tell us, “Put your backups in a safe place.”

My parents used to print out their emails because they wanted to keep a permanent copy, and here is
another new noun: a printout.

The phrasal verb print out is a separable phrasal verb, like the ones we talked about in a previous
episode. That means you can put a pronoun between the verb and preposition, as in “Let me print it out
for you.”

Even when we use passwords, criminals have learned to enter a computer or a network without
permission. They are hacking into the network. Hacking can make computer systems go down, or stop

A disaster could happen if the hacker wiped out, or erased, all the information on a computer system.
That is why you back up your system.

Annoying advertising

Internet advertisements, or ads, pop up on the screen over a web page. This created a new noun from
the phrasal verb, popup. People said they needed a tool to block those annoying ads, so the “popup
blocker” was born. This feature is part of the browser software.
Speaking of browsers, another phrasal verb that became a noun is plug in. You know that you can plug a
wire into the wall. Now, we add small programs to perform specific tasks in the computer, and call them

Companies often will ask for your email address. They create a large list of users from their email
addresses. When we sign up to use a website, we key in our name and email address.

The organization running an online service usually asks us to opt in, or choose to receive email
messages. Usually those messages are asking us to buy products. There are so many of these emails now
that many people try to filter out all messages from advertisers – otherwise known as spam.

Getting off the grid

If you think that the Internet is full of too many advertisements, and your email is nothing but spam, just
click on the menu to shut down and turn off your devices for the day. Get off what we called “the
information superhighway” and take a walk outside. Wait! There is one final phrasal verb to describe
that: go offline.

For Learning English Everyday Grammar, I’m Jill Robbins.

And I’m John Russell.

Dr. Jill Robbins wrote this story for Learning English.

Now it’s your turn. Does your language borrow English phrasal verbs for computer terms? Do you know
any new expressions to talk about our digital life? Write to us about them in the Comments Section or
on our Facebook page.

Here is a list of the phrasal verbs in this story:)

Words in This Story

preposition – grammar. a word or group of words that is used with a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to
show direction, location, or time, or to introduce an object

adverb – grammar. a word that describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence and that is
often used to show time, manner, place, or degree

informal – adj. (of language) relaxed in tone; not suited for serious or official speech and writing
cable – n. a group of wires, glass fibers, etc., covered in plastic or rubber and used to carry electricity or
electrical signal

upgrade – n. an occurrence in which one thing is replaced by something better, newer, more valuable,

browser – n. a computer program that is used to find and look at information on the Internet

specific – adj. having a particular function or effect

opt – v. to choose to do or be involved in something

filter – v. to remove (something unwanted) by using a filter

spam – n. e-mail that is not wanted or e-mail that is sent to large numbers of people and that consists
mostly of advertising


Use images to make an impression on your audience.

As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. This photo pairs well with an About Us
section to provide insight into Baking 101. In your brochure, choose an image that is characteristic and
organic to your brand and matches the brochure’s intent.

. Mix different types of imagery.

Photos are a very strong communication tool. But so are other types of imagery, such as icons,
illustrations, or graphics. The first brochure uses the theme of glasses throughout the design, with
images of models wearing glasses paired with a graphic illustration of their respective frames. This
emphasizes the messaging of glasses and points out each frame’s characteristic style. Play with themes
using different forms of imagery to drive home your brochure’s messaging.

3. Make icons your primary imagery.

Using icons rather than watercolor illustrations or photos as the main form of imagery typically
communicates a more modern idea or sentiment. Icons are also generally more playful and more
versatile. You can change their colors to match your design and make them as big or small as you’d like.
Explore how icons can support the statement you’re making with your brochure. You can start by
browsing through our selection of icons.

. Feature a full-bleed image.

With brochures, there are many ways to show off an image. You can divide it across one panel, split it
between two, or stretch it out across your canvas. This is a great strategy if you’re offering something
you want your readers to be able to experience for themselves, such as the refreshing breeze and
feelings of relaxation from the beach, as seen here. If you have strong image content to show off in your
brochure, prioritize that first and then implement spots for text and details second.

Crop creatively with daring designs.

Here we have a three-panel image with a title panel page in the middle that provides the hotel name
and description. We turn something ordinary into something extraordinary by adding an undulating
shape to both the top and bottom of the canvas, creating a dynamic border in the design. The border’s
silhouette is something playful and modern, pulling together all the elements at play. Use borders for
your photos, text blocks, or your brochure overall to make it stand out.

6. Divide up your design with color-blocking.

There are many ways to divide up information using design elements. One approach is with color-
blocking. Color-blocking uses complementary or contrasting colors to create blocks or distinct divisions
of space. This is an excellent tool for design as you can fill your color blocks with text or graphic content.
Be sure to use the colors you chose elsewhere in your design. See how one of these featured examples
features a deep navy blue on the middle panel? The design is then tied together by echoing the blue for
various text and elements elsewhere in the brochure.

Blue Environmental Water Conservation Brochure Brochure IdeasFree in app

Edit this template

Orange and Green Marketing Agency Brochure with Businesswoman Brochure IdeasFree in

Edit this template

Create your brochure now

7. Try cohesive color-blocking with filters.

This color-blocking approach is a little different from our previous examples, as this one demonstrates
color-blocking across a cohesive design. The Illusion Theater brochure uses colored filters to create
division through the panels and gives a nice artistic effect over the bridge photo that runs the brochure’s
length. The second example uses different hues and shades of pink, which creates the three different
sections, yet each remains pink overall. These are more subtle, unique ways of using color to create
8. Play with grid-like layouts.

A standard brochure is trifold, meaning there are two folds creating three sections per side. That gives
us six sections in total. You can divide up those sections even further by sectioning individual
components off in a grid-like layout. We love how the San Francisco brochure uses order with their
sections to create stairs, raising us as we read through the brochure. The Walk City Tours brochure, on
the other hand, uses color blocks to section off headers and footers from the photos and splits the
middle section in two to achieve space for two different types of content.

. Create patterns with layouts.

You can also create a pattern with your grid layout. The first example plays off diagonal symmetry,
creating balance with the photos and text boxes in opposite corners of the brochure to balance out the
solid panel in the middle. On the other hand, the travel brochure takes more of a checkerboard
approach alternating color boxes with imagery. The consistent filter applied to each image makes it
easier to see the pattern at play.

10. Play with exciting shapes and angles.

Lines, shapes, and angles can be used to create a dynamic effect that takes the reader’s eye on a journey
across your design. If your content aims to communicate something edgy, modern, or thrilling, consider
diagonal lines and shapes to break up space and add movement. This effect works well in the context of
space exploration, as it reflects the excitement that comes with intergalactic travel.

. Choose bold, impactful fonts and colors.

Make a statement with a unique font choice that matches your brochure’s branding. If you’re making a
professional brochure, you might want a more traditional or modern font. But if you’re making a
brochure for something fun and creative, explore all the possibilities. We love the font choice in the
poké brochure as it feels like it was fashioned out of neon lighting itself – a fitting choice for the overall
aesthetic. The Nightmare brochure is also exciting because of the font choice and the font sitting
sideways. Experiment with styles,

colors, and placement to find the strategy that works best for you.

12. Showcase a quote, slogan, or motto.

Quotes are an excellent way to communicate a sentiment. You can use quotes that are recognizable to
create a shared understanding between you and the reader or feature a specific quote to provide insight
into your brand or business. In design, quotes are generally emphasized more than other texts. Make it
bold text when next to regular-sized copy. Type it out in a striking font different from the rest of the
design. Or, as we see here, you can put it on its own panel, on a contrasting background, taking up a
good amount of space to truly command your reader’s attention. Use quotation signs or attribute the
original author to indicate that you’re providing a quote.

13. Be bold by layering images, text, and graphics.

As you craft your brochure, allow yourself to think outside the box and try something unconventional.
Find a captivating, relevant photo, then overlay shapes on top of it – in this case, opaque and semi-
transparent ones. For imagery that has important details, like the calavera artwork, keep those
prominent and easy to decipher. On the other hand, the tacos are there to communicate the notion of
the food, so it’s okay to have them serve as a background image and let the artwork and restaurant
details shine. Take a collage sort of approach as you layer in all your creative elements.

Design with a motif, theme, or intention.

We’ve talked a lot about cohesive design. Why is it important to have things that relate to each other in
a design? In the same way, when you’re speaking to someone, you want to share your thoughts in a
clear way that your listener can comprehend. We tie words and phrases together in ways that make
sense to tell a story. The same applies to design. Here, we have a traveler’s guide to Tokyo that is
emphasized by depicting many Japanese motifs. We have the red circle from the flag, the yen symbol,
the torii (an iconic Japanese gate), and even the Japan is placed in a vertical line the way you might read
traditional Japanese. All these nods to Japan help take us there.

How to make a brochure with Adobe Express.


Start with Inspiration.

We hook you up with thousands of professionally designed templates, so you’re never starting from a
blank canvas. Search by platform, task, aesthetic, mood, or color to have fresh inspiration at your
fingertips. Once you find a graphic to start from, just tap or click to open the document in the editor.

Remix to make it your own.

There are lots of ways to personalize the templates. Change up the copy and font. Sub out the imagery
with your snapshots or short video clips. Or browse from thousands of free images right in Adobe
Express. Spend as little or as much time as you want to make the graphic your own. With a premium
plan, you can even auto-apply your brand logo, colors, and fonts, so you’re always #onbrand.

Amp up the flair.

It’s easy to add extra flair and personality to your projects with our exclusive design assets. Add
animated stickers from GIPHY or apply a text animation for short-form graphic videos in one tap. We’ve
taken care of all the boring technical stuff so you can focus on your message and style.

Resize to make your content go further.

Once you’ve landed on a design you like, you can easily modify it for any social network by using our
handy resize feature. Duplicate the project, hit resize, and select the platform you want to adapt it for,
and we take care of the rest.

Save and share your custom brochure.

Once your design is complete, hit that publish button and share your design with others. Adobe Express
saves your designs, so you can always revisit your project if you need to update it in the future.


Part 1;

1. Why are vacations/holiday are important to you?

Answer : - Holidays are essential for me because they give me a chance to relieve my stress, and
I get quality time to spend with my family, which helps me to strengthen my relationship with
- A holiday is a perfect time for recharging my batteries after a year full of challenges and
obstacles, having some me time, and planning for the upcoming year.
-I value holidays very well because they are a rest period. Also, it is time to renew my
strength and spend time with loved ones.
2. Where do you like to go on vacation/holiday?
Answer : - I would like to visit New York and also Switzerland. These are my most favourite and
desired destinations because of their scenic beauty and also the people who are very generous
and sweet.
- I spend my holiday in my hometown, Lagos, because of the serenity the place provides.
- If I get a chance, I want to spend my holidays in a hill station because I have never visited it
ever and I really want to enjoy the beauty of nature. And I searched about some hilly areas
such as Shimla and Manali.
- I have always dreamed of visiting Paris because I heard it is a beautiful country with good
scenic spots. Therefore if I have the opportunity to choose a place for vacation, it would be
- That’s a fascinating question. If I get an opportunity to spend my holidays in a foreign
country, then I would definitely like to visit the United States of America because there are
numerous places that I want to explore, for example, the Statue of Liberty, which is famous
3. What do you usually do on vacation/holiday?
Answer : - Sometimes I travel to broaden my horizons, to admire the beauty of nature and
to plunge myself into the picturesque landscape in other regions in my country. Every now and
then, I just stay at home with my family and have a little get-together to celebrate the holidays.
- I prefer visiting various museums and places of interest. For instance, on my last vacation I
was to Rome and I visited 12 museums. It was fantastic! Of course, sometimes I go shopping
with my friends or relatives too... But I don't find it near as exciting...
- I do varieties of activities during the holiday period. Firstly, I use most of it to spend time
with family and friends because my work is demanding and I hardly have time outside on
holiday to relax at home. Also, I go on tours to beautiful places in the country with them to
relax and enjoy nature.
- Well, Holidays give me an opportunity to relieve my stress. If I have holidays for a longer
period, I usually explore new places with my family; however, if the holidays are short, I stay
home to read books and clean my house.
4. What do you like to do when you have a day off from work?
Answer : - Day off is a rare thing for me due to my occupational engagement. I am a gymnasium
instructor by profession and thus I have to remain busy round the week or month.
- If I could get a day off, suddenly, I will do only a single thing. Though there a wide number of
tasks to pass a day off, I will follow a different idea. I like to watch Hollywood movies and in
fact, I am a fan of action and drama movies made in Hollywood. So, when I will get the day
off, I would like to watch movies. I have a huge collection of DVDs but I cannot enjoy those
for the want of time. I have a plan to watch as much of the movies possible in a single day.
Thus, I have accumulated the movies and waiting for an unexpected day off from the role of
a gym instructor.
- Life is getting busier. Managing extra times for leisure is rare in the current days. With the
modernization of the civilisation, people are getting engaged with their respective activities.
So, they cannot perform the desired things they want to do. I am also like the other
common people who are always busy. So, having a day off is of great importance to me.
Despite being a movie lover, I cannot manage enough time to enjoy movies. Due to my
engagement with the gymnasium, I have to be occupied. A good number of people come to
the gym at different times of the day and I have to instruct them accordingly. So, if I could
get the day off, it would be of great help to me. It will allow me enjoying the movies that I
have been longing to watch for a long time.
- I love to participate in outdoor activities. If I get a day off, I would like to spend the entire
day amid the outdoor activities. This is a great question to answer and thank you for it. Here
is a brief description of the day.
- I will spend the entire day in various outdoor activities. I have a plan to pass the day by
hiking or by cycling in the hiking trails. Besides, I also wish to visit some of the historical
places of Greece that will enrich my knowledge. Moreover, I have another plan to spend the
evening sitting near a beach to enjoy the sunset.
- The first and most important thing I need for the purpose is the day off. I am in need of it
very badly. In fact, working as a sales executive does not allow me to enjoy the day off
properly. Whenever I am on a day off, I get phone calls from my office or from any potential
client to meet with them in a specific time and place. So, I need to move out of the home in
here and there even if it is my day off. Besides, I will also need some money to bear the
costs. In fact, the expenses are still in a tolerable limit in here but I will need to reserve some
money for unwanted situations.vv

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