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J group VLE exam Summative

Spaces for you to type an answer (which will be a number) are represented by ⊡. Please
type over this with the number for your answer.

With a multiple choice question, similarly, type over the ⊡ with your indication of what
answer I, ii, vi etc is the correct one.

I.e if you decide that the correct answer is iii.

Where it says “Correct answer is ⊡”

You replace the box, so it now reads

“Correct answer is iii ”

Question 1
For each question, give the value of n . If n is not an integer, give your answer as a fraction.

a) x 5 × x 6=x n

n=⊡ 11 (1 mark)

b) √ x=x n
n=⊡ 0.5 (1 mark)

c) (x 5)6 =x n

n=⊡ 30 (1 mark)
1 n
d) 3 =x

n=⊡ -3 (1 mark)

Question 2
y=2 x + √ x +3

Which of the following options is the correct expression for ?

dy 2 5 2 2
i) = x + x +3 x+ c
dx 5 3

dy 1
ii) =4 x 3 + x 2 +3
dx 2
dy 3 1
iii) =8 x + x 2
dx 2

iv) =8 x 3+ x 2

(1 mark)
Correct answer is ⊡
Question 3
f ( x )=16 x −
Which of the following is the correct expression for ∫ f ( x ) dx ?
i) ∫ f ( x ) dx=8 x 2 + 2 x−4 + x + c
ii) ∫ f ( x ) dx=8 x 2 +3 x−2 + x+ c
iii) ∫ f ( x ) dx=16 +18 x−4 +c
iv) ∫ f ( x ) dx=32 x 2−12 x−2+ x+ c
(1 mark)
Correct answer is ⊡

Question 4

This diagram is not drawn to scale.

Given that a=7 and b=2,
Find the length of c to 2 decimal places.

length of c=⊡ 7.28 (1 mark)

Question 5

This diagram is not drawn to scale.

Given that a=8 and b=5 find the angles θ1and θ2. Give your answers in degrees to 2
decimal places.

θ1=⊡ 32.005

θ2=⊡ 58.0
(2 marks)
Question 6
Which of the following images shows the graph of
y=(x +3)( x−5)


(1 mark)

Question 7
Two points A and B are given as

(2 , 5) and (−3 , 6)

a) Find the distance between A and B. Give your answer to 1 decimal place.
(1 mark)
b) Give the coordinates of the midpoint between A and B.
midpoint =(⊡, ⊡) -0.5,5.5 (1 mark)
N.B. please make each answer box for b) worth ½ a mark.
c) Find the equation of the straight line that passes through A and B. Give your answer
in the form y=mx+c , where m and c are rational.

y=⊡ x +⊡
(2 marks)

Question 8
a) Complete the square for x 2+ 8 x+3 , so that it is in the form

(x +a) +b

(2 marks)
b) Hence, or otherwise give the coordinates of the minimum point of the graph.

Coordinates (x , y )=(⊡ , ⊡)(-4,-13)

(2 marks)

Question 9
The diagram below shows the graph of the cubic
3 2
y=x + 4 x +3 x

The cubic intersects the x axis at the points A , B and the Origin. Point M is a Stationary

a) Give the x coordinates of points A∧B .

x coordinate of A=⊡-3

x coordinate of B=⊡-1 (2 marks)

b) State the gradient of the cubic at the point M .

Gradient at M =⊡ (1 mark)

Question 10
Solve the following simultaneous equations.
y=2 x +12

3 x+ 10 y=5

y=⊡ 2 (2 marks)

Question 11
Describe the single transformation that changes f (x)

f ( x ) → f ( x )+7
The transformation is a
ANSWER FROM DROPDOWN MENU Translation, stretch, reflection.
In the

ANSWER FROM DROPDOWN MENU x direction, y - direction

F(x) translate by [0][7]
(2 marks)

Question 12
A curve is defined by y=f (x ), where f ' ( x )=3 x 2+ 6 x+3 . Find the x coordinate of the
stationary point on the curve.

x coordinate ¿ ⊡ -1 (1 mark)

Question 13
Point A has co-ordinates (3 ,−4). Point A is a point on the graph y=f ( x ) Give the x and y
coordinates for the image of A on the transformed graph y=6 f (x ).

x coordinate ¿ ⊡0.5

y coordinate ¿ ⊡-0.666
(2 marks)

Question 14
Solve the equation
5 sin ( x )+ 2=4
Where 0 ° ≤ x ≤360 ° . Give your answers to 1d.p.

smaller value of x=⊡ 23.6

larger value of x=⊡ 156.4
(2 marks)
Question 15
The following diagram represents the graph of the function y=3 x +2. The graph meets the y
axis at the point A . The dotted line represents the asymptote.

Give the equation of the asymptote y=⊡2

Give the y coordinate of A . y coordinate=⊡ 3

(2 marks)

Question 16
Calculate the value of

∫ 6 x 2 dx
Answer ⊡2x3
(1 mark)

Question 17
For each question, calculate the value of x to 2 d.p.

a) 6 x+5=10
x=⊡ -3.71 (1 mark)
b) log 3 ( x )=0.7
x=⊡ 2.16 (1 mark)
Question 18
3 sin2 ( x )−7 cos ( x )=5
With the use of an appropriate identity, the above equation can be simplified. Which of the
following represents a simplified version of the above equation?

i) 3 tan ( x )−12=0
ii) 3 sin ( x )+7 sin ( x )−12=0
iii) 3 sin ( x )−sin ( x )−12=0
iv) 3 cos ( x ) +7 cos ( x ) +2=0
v) cos ( x ) +7 cos ( x ) +2=0
vi) 3 tan 2 ( x )−2=0
(1 mark)

b) Hence solve the equation

3 sin ( x )−7 cos ( x )=5
For 0 ≤ x ≤ 360 °. Giving your answers to 1 decimal place

smaller value of x=⊡

larger value of x=⊡
(2 marks)

Question 19
a) Solve the equation
2+ y
=√ 2
Give your answer in the form y=a+b √ 2, Where a∧b are integers.
Answer a=⊡
Answer b=⊡-2
(2 marks)

b) Solve the equation

z √ 8−6=
Give your answer in the form z=c √ d
Answer c=⊡ 3
Answer d=⊡ 2 (2 marks)

c) Solve the equation

−1 x
x = , where x >0
Answer x=⊡ 5 (1 mark)
Question 20
x +5 x −6
The curve C has equation y= .
a) Give the value of y at the point x=4

y=⊡ 39 (1 mark)

b) Which of the following is a correct expression for ?
3 −1 −3
5 2 5 2
i) x + x +3 x 2
2 2

3 x +5
ii) 1 2
iii) 3 x 2+5+ x 2
1 4 5 2
x + x −6 x
4 2
iv) 3
2 2

3 −1 −3
3 2 5 2
v) x − x +9 x 2
2 2
(1 mark)

c) State the gradient of the curve at the point x=4. Give your answer as a fraction.
Gradient=⊡ (1 mark)

d) Find the equation of the normal at the point x=4 . Give your equation in the form
Where a, b and c are integers and is positive.
(2 marks)
Question 21
2 log 3 ( x−5 )−log 3 ( x )=2, x >5

a) Which of the following represents a simplified version of the above equation?

i) 2 ( x−5 )−x=2
ii) 2 ( x−5 )−x=9
iii) 2
x −11 x +17=0
iv) 2
x −19 x+ 25=0
v) 2
x −11 x +16=0
vi) 2
x −18 x+ 25=0
vii) 2
x −9 x +25=0

(1 mark)
b) Hence solve the equation, giving your answer to 1 decimal place.
(1 mark)

Question 22
Solve the following simultaneous equations giving your answers as coordinate pairs, ( x 1 , y 1 )
and (x 2 , y 2 ) where x 1 , x 2 , y 1 , y 2 are integers or fractions and x 1> x2

y=5 x +1

2 y −4 y−175 x−373=0

( x 1 , y 1 ) =(⊡ , ⊡)(5 , 26)

( x 2 , y 2 ) =(⊡ ,⊡)(-1.5 , -6.5)

(4 marks)
Question 23

2x 72
y= −26 x−
3 x

a) Find the exact coordinates of the two stationary points where x >0.

give your answers as coordinate pairs, ( x 1 , y 1 ) and (x 2 , y 2 ) where x 1> x2

( x 1 , y 1 ) =(⊡ , ⊡)(6.45 , 0)

( x 2 , y 2 ) =(⊡ ,⊡)(-6.45 , 0)

(4 marks)

b) Determine whether each of these stationary points is a minimum, maximum, or

point of inflection

x 1 is a ANSWER FROM DROPDOWN MENU minimum, maximum, inflection point

x 2 is a ANSWER FROM DROPDOWN MENU minimum, maximum, inflection point

(2 marks)

End of exam. Total marks 60 marks.

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