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220413107016 CPDP

Contributor Personality Development Program

Michael Phelps
Please answer the following questions:
1. Do you know Michael Phelps?

Ans. Yes, I know Michael Phelps. He is an American former competitive swimmer and the
most decorated Olympian of all time, with a total of 28 medals.

2. How many medals did he win?

Ans. Michael Phelps won 28 medals at the Olympic Games, including 23 gold medals, 3
silver medals, and 2 bronze medals.

3. What are the other names of him?

Ans. Michael Phelps’s full name is Michael Fred Phelps II. He is also sometimes referred to
by his nickname, “The Flying Fish.”

4. Which disorder had he?

Ans. Michael Phelps has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and has spoken
openly about his struggles with depression and anxiety.

5. What are the basic three strengths of him?

Ans. Michael Phelps’s three basic strengths are:

i. Physical strength and endurance: Phelps is a physically gifted athlete with a large
wingspan, long torso, and short legs. This gives him an advantage in the water, as he
can generate more power and reduce drag. He also has incredible endurance, allowing
him to swim long distances and maintain a high level of intensity throughout his
ii. Mental toughness and focus: Phelps is known for his mental toughness and ability to
focus under pressure. He can stay calm and collected in high-stakes situations, and he
is always looking for ways to improve and improve. His mental toughness has helped
him to overcome challenges and achieve his goals, even when things have not been
going his way.
iii. Work ethic and dedication: Phelps is a dedicated athlete who is willing to put in the
hard work necessary to succeed. He is known for his rigorous training regimen and
his commitment to excellence. His work ethic and dedication have helped him to
become one of the greatest swimmers of all time.

220413107016 CPDP

What is his weakness at 7 years?

According to his autobiography, Michael Phelps struggled with attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) as a child. This made it difficult for him to focus on school and sit still for long
periods of time. However, his ADHD also gave him a lot of energy and creativity, which he
channeled into swimming.

What is his weakness at 9 years?

At 9 years old, Michael Phelps was still struggling with his ADHD. He was also very shy and
had difficulty making friends. However, he found that he was able to express himself through
swimming. He loved the feeling of being in the water and the challenge of pushing himself to his

How did he convert his passion in obsession?

Michael Phelps converted his passion for swimming into an obsession by working incredibly
hard and dedicating himself to the sport. He trained for several hours every day and never gave
up on his goals. He was also very driven and competitive, which helped him to stay focused and

Why has he declared the retirement?

Michael Phelps has declared retirement several times throughout his career. The first time was
after the 2008 Olympics, when he felt that he had accomplished everything he wanted to in
swimming. However, he eventually came out of retirement and went on to win more gold medals
at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics.

Phelps finally retired for good after the 2016 Olympics. He said that he was ready to move on to
the next chapter of his life and spend more time with his family. He also wanted to focus on his
mental health, which had suffered at times during his career.

Phelps is a role model for athletes and non-athletes alike. He showed that it is possible to
overcome weaknesses and achieve your dreams through hard work and dedication. He is also a
reminder that it is important to take care of your mental health, even when you are at the top of
your game.

220413107016 CPDP

Think Solutions
1. Simant has recently joined as the Head of the sales team of a company which
manufactures solar lamps. He has been given a tough target to sell 10,000 units in 3
months in rural India. Which of these goals can he focus on to ensure that he meets
the tough target?
a] The goal of finding “rich” villages in India where villagers can afford to buy the
solar lamps, so he is able to sell as many units as possible.
b] The goal of getting permission to recruit an experienced team which will allow
him to achieve the tough target.
c] The goal of helping villagers understand the benefits of using solar lamps so that
he can create the need to reach the target without fail. [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [c] The goal of helping villagers understand the benefits of using solar lamps so
that he can create the need to reach the target without fail.

2. Gehul’s assignment deadline is tomorrow and there is a lot to be done yet. If he

focuses on doing a perfect assignment, he cannot submit it on time. Which of the
following thinking shows solution thinking?
a] How do I submit on time an assignment that I’ll be proud to call mine?
[Contributor thinking]
b] I will ask for extra time and submit a perfect assignment. c] When time is less,
quality is less important. I will submit a simple assignment on time somehow.

Ans: [a] How do I submit on time an assignment that I’ll be proud to call mine?

3. Your friend Adin wants to start a business but even before starting he is already very
scared about failing in his new venture. He has come to you seeking help, what will
you advise him?
a] “Failure is the steppingstone to success, but you should try to fail less and succeed
b] “There is a lot of trial and error in taking a new idea and building a business
around it. You may not get it right the first time, but that’s okay. You would still
be moving forward”. [Contributor thinking]
c] “There is no doubt of your business not succeeding. You should not worry about
the failure and other problems that you will face”.

Ans: [b] “There is a lot of trial and error in taking a new idea and building a business
around it. You may not get it right the first time, but that’s okay. You would still be
moving forward”.

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4. A local clinic decided to organize an AIDS campaign in the nearby slum areas. While
setting up the campaign, the team faced aggressive opposition from the people living
in the area. Which of the following team members are thinking solutions?
a] Pomeli: “Let us find out why these people are opposing the drive and then find a
suitable way to re-design the campaign.” [Contributor thinking]
b] Misun: “This is a major issue which cannot be solved by us. We should reconsider
our location for campaign.”

Ans: [a] Pomeli: “Let us find out why these people are opposing the drive and then
find a suitable way to re-design the campaign.”

5. The mayor of the city has set up a committee to come up with a solution on how to
control the cases of Covid in the city. Who will you choose as the chief of the panel?
a] Mr. Finy: “Each group has different concerns. If we look at it practically, arriving
at a solution will be very difficult.”
b] Ms. Tabia: “We have been assigned with the task of finding a solution for this
problem. Let’s do the best that we can.”
c] Ms. Jhanvi: “We need to control the outbreak and protect the people. Let’s put
aside our comforts and do what has to be done to ensure that.” [Contributor

Ans: [c] Ms. Jhanvi: “We need to control the outbreak and protect the people. Let’s
put aside our comforts and do what has to be done to ensure that.”

6. Your younger brother is in the first year of engineering. He finds Chemistry tough to
understand. What would you suggest to him?
a] Focus more on other subjects that you enjoy and understand better. Anyways,
Chemistry is not your core subject.
b] Right now, you think that Chemistry is hard to understand. Why not challenge
yourself to love the subject? [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [b] Right now you think that Chemistry is hard to understand. Why not challenge
yourself to love the subject.

7. In spite of undertaking sufficient measures, farmers continue facing severe problems

like low production, poor quality etc. every year in our country. This means that –
a] We need to make some changes to the current plans and implement them better.
b] We now need to find new ways to solve the problem to do away with the problem
once for all. [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [b] We now need to find new ways to solve the problem to do away with the
problem once for all.

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8. Kayla has recently moved to a new city for her college, but she has been falling ill
every night because of the change in food, water, climate etc. What should she do?
a] She can start looking for some colleges in her hometown and move back.
b] She can keep taking medicines as she will slowly get used to it.
c] She can search for different ways to make herself healthy so that she can adjust
to the new climate soon. [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [c] She can search for different ways to make herself healthy so that she can
adjust to the new climate soon.

9. Loukit and his roommates notice that the water dispenser installed in their hostel is
not cleaned regularly. If they think like solution designers, how will they approach
this situation?
a] Gather as many students as possible to submit a complaint against the hostel
b] Inform all the students living in the hostel and find a different source to fill water.
c] Form a team and find different ways of cleaning the dispenser and ensure that it
stays clean throughout. [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [c] Form a team and find different ways of cleaning the dispenser and ensure
that it stays clean throughout.

10. Two medical researchers are trying to develop a vaccine for a new kind of disease
that has been spreading rapidly. Which of these approaches do you agree with?
a] Sugam- “Developing a stable vaccine can take time; let me think of some
temporary medicine to control the disease.”
b] Kauli- “I need to try different combinations of active drugs simultaneously and
keep testing them till I reach the results.” [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [b] Kauli- “I need to try different combinations of active drugs simultaneously
and keep testing them till I reach the results.”

220413107016 CPDP

Value Thinking

1. Tori runs a food mess for hostellers. During holidays many students choose to stay
back to do extra courses and internships. If she sees it as an opportunity to add value,
which of these will she not do?
a] Provide a variety of healthy food in the menu.
b] Change the mess timings to suit students’ schedule.
c] Request the college management for permission to increase the cost of food items
on the menu as she is extending her services during vacation. [Answer]

Ans: [c] Request the college management for permission to increase the cost of food
items on the menu as she is extending her services during vacation.

2. During her vacations, Leya volunteers at an NGO which works to protect parks and
gardens in her city. Which reason shows that she is focusing on value for others?
a] These spaces are important and must be taken care of. [Answer]
b] Such volunteering work will keep her occupied during the vacation.
c] It will allow her to get a similar job later through which she can make a difference.

Ans: [a] These spaces are important and must be taken care of.

3. Sehel, a first-year college student, participates in a national-level robot-building

competition. However, he qualifies only till the first round. How should he think
about it? You can choose more than one option.
a] “I should participate only in local competitions, where first-year students like me
normally participate”.
b] “I should work on improving my understanding of building robots by continuing
to participate in such competitions”. [Answer, learning value]
c] “It is ok if I got disqualified; I had fun participating in the competition”. [Answer,
experiential value]

Ans: [b] “I should work on improving my understanding of building robots by

continuing to participate in such competitions”.

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4. Many telecom companies are trying to take internet services to rural India. Which of
these reasons for taking up the initiative shows that company is recognizing the
deeper value of service for the company?
a] This initiative will expand their business and increase their company’s worth in
the market.
b] This initiative will open up new ways of doing business, learning and
communicating in rural areas. [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [b] This initiative will open up new ways of doing business, learning and
communicating in rural areas.

5. A local coaching center built an open platform to provide recorded lectures and study
material free of cost to all the students. Which of these reasons show a value of service
for the coaching center?
a] They wanted to attract more students to their coaching center.
b] They wanted to help students who otherwise don’t have access to coaching
centers. [Contributor thinking]
c] They wanted to compete against famous coaching centers.

Ans: [b] They wanted to help students who otherwise don’t have access to coaching

6. In an advertisement, a coffee house, shows the full journey of coffee from careful
selection of coffee beans to finally serving it to customers. Why do you think that the
company is giving so much importance to the journey of coffee? Choose the option
that shows maximum value.
a] So that every coffee drinker is impressed with what happens behind the scenes.
b] So that every coffee drinker appreciates the advertisement.
c] So that every coffee drinker understands what goes behind the making of coffee
and values it. [Answer]

Ans: [c] So that every coffee drinker understands what goes behind the making of
coffee and values it.

7. Vidur likes to review TV shows and shares with his friends. They suggest him to start
a YouTube channel. If he was a contributor, what form of value would he focus on?
a] That he can gain many subscribers and start earning from his channel.
b] That people can benefit from his reviews and popularity and invest their time only
in the shows they like. [Answer, value to others & utility value

Ans: [b] That people can benefit from his reviews and popularity and invest their time
only in the shows they like.

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8. After a rigorous selection process, a steel company selected a few employees for a
3month tour to top steel manufacturing countries to study the latest in the field. Which
of them got self-growth value out of the experience?
a] Ajay: “It was a rare opportunity which few get selected for.”
b] Susan: “Now I know I can do so much more in my role.” [Answer]
c] Akram: “I connected with people who can be very useful.”

Ans: [b] Susan: “Now I know I can do so much more in my role.”

9. Tenzing, a police officer, notices that a candidate of a political party is forcing people
to cast their votes for him. She decides to take immediate action against it. Why do
you think she does this?
a] Her action can make a difference to the issue. [Contributor thinking]
b] She can become known as the officer who fought against this issue.

Ans: [a] Her action can make a difference to the issue.

220413107016 CPDP

Engage Deeply

1. Sohain has been given a complex Mathematics assignment to complete. He doesn’t

know where to start and submission date is coming soon. Which approach should he
take to complete it as a Contributor?
a] He could break up the assignment into small components and solve each one
systematically. [Contributor thinking]
b] He could solve the parts that he is familiar with and finds easy. The professor will
surely understand that it was a complex assignment.

Ans: [a] He could break up the assignment into small components and solve each one

2. Falguni, an electronics engineer, has come up with an idea of building a product that
would make common check-ups easily available at the patients’ home, but she knows
that the product will be difficult to build. How can she approach this situation?
a] She can share this idea with her boss and request him to build a team of experts
for this project.
b] She can keep this idea as a side project and work on it as and when time permits.
c] She can take guidance from her seniors and other experts and find different ways
to build the product. [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [c] She can take guidance from her seniors and other experts and find different
ways to build the product.

3. Just an hour before the final show, Pormin, a dress designer, sees that there is a minor
fault in one of his dresses. What should he do?
a] Alter it so that the dress is perfect. [Contributor thinking]
b] Not worry about it as it is a minor issue.

Ans: [a] Alter it so that the dress is perfect.

4. Your friend has made a short film on 'life in a college campus'. He wants you to see
and give feedback for film. What are you likely to ask him?
a] “What kind of inputs do you want? I will keep that in mind while watching the
film.” [Contributor thinking]
b] “If I help you out this time, you better remember that you owe me a favor next
time!” “How long is the film? I will watch it if I find the time.”

Ans: [a] “What kind of inputs do you want? I will keep that in mind while watching
the film.”

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5. Your friend Ondrila is assigned a project topic that she finds boring. What will you
suggest to her?
a] “Request your teacher to assign a different topic which you are passionate about.”
b] “Find out the relevance and importance of the assigned topic so that it is of
interest to you.” [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [b] “Find out the relevance and importance of the assigned topic so that it is of
interest to you.”

6. Zirdaus has been asked to do market research for a new product. Now the work has
started to become exhausting. What do you think Zirdaus could tell herself to keep
going? Choose the option that shows a deep engagement approach.
a] “I can probably seek help, so it gets done before I give up.”
b] “I have to go on as I am getting paid for it.”
c] “Let me look at the kind of insights that are coming to keep me energized. After
all, this research will be useful for the product launch.” [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [c] “Let me look at the kind of insights that are coming to keep me energized.
After all, this research will be useful for the product launch.”

7. Somank owns a huge cloth making factory, but he personally checks every batch of
cloth before dispatching it. Why do you think he does that?
a] He wants to ensure that every product made in his factory is of high quality and
standard. [Contributor thinking]
b] He wants to check whether his employees are able to deliver as per his
expectations or not.

Ans: [a] He wants to ensure that every product made in his factory is of high quality
and standard.

8. Which of these show a deep engagement approach to one's career?

a] Develop a genuine love and curiosity for whatever career/ field you take up.
[contributor thinking]
b] Take up a career in an area that is easy for you and doesn't require too much

Ans: [a] Develop a genuine love and curiosity for whatever career/ field you take up.

9. As a software developer working on the digital paper correction system, Patang

should ensure that –
a] The software works reliably each time, every time. [Contributor thinking]
b] He finishes the work given to him on time, every day.

Ans: [a] The software works reliably each time, every time.

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10. Divyambar has been asked to make a report on the progress in the latest project
undertaken by the company and asked to give an estimate of when he is likely to
finish it. Which of these approaches would he take if he is a ‘Contributor deep diver’?
a] He calculates an estimate of how much time it takes based on past progress reports
and number of days it took for them to complete it. Adds a few days buffer in case
something new comes up in this project.
b] He finds out the purpose of the report and details needed in it like the right people
to work on it and their availability, where would he get his data from, etc. He then
creates a broad work approach before he decides on time estimate. [Contributor

Ans: [b] He finds out the purpose of the report and details needed in it like the right
people to work on it and their availability, where would he get his data from, etc. He
then creates a broad work approach before he decides on time estimate.

220413107016 CPDP


Enlightened Self-Interest

1. Shaheen, a journalist, is writing an article on the ongoing strike of farmers regarding

the latest Government policy. Which of the following should she highlight in her
a] “What are the problems faced by all stakeholders - the farmers, the Government,
the traders, etc. and why these are not getting resolved.” [Contributor thinking]
b] “How the farmers have to be protected from the system as they are being sidelined
and not being given their due.”

Ans: [a] “What are the problems faced by all stakeholders - the farmers, the
Government, the traders, etc. and why these are not getting resolved.”

2. A salesperson is likely to be more successful at work when –

a] s/he executes a sale with high profits for the company.
b] s/he executes a sale that benefits both the company and the customer. [Contributor

Ans: [b] s/he executes a sale that benefits both the company and the customer.

3. Aruk, a successful online writer, has recently started mentoring online writers for a
small fee. According to you, which of these is the true benefit of such an initiative?
a] “This forum will help the creation of an online writer community, who can assist
and guide each other.” [Contributor thinking]
b] “Interacting with other online writers will lead to more followers while enriching
my understanding of online writing.”

Ans: [a] “This forum will help the creation of an online writer community, who can
assist and guide each other.”

4. Lakhir makes it a point to pick up his daughter from school at least twice in a week.
And once a month, interacts with her class teacher to understand about the activities
in school and offers his help. Which of these reasons show that he is thinking win-
a] At least two times a week, he gets a chance to spend more time and bond with his
b] If he did that regularly, then the teacher is likely to give proper attention to his
c] With regular interactions, teachers, and parents (like him) can work together to
support development of students. [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [c] With regular interactions, teachers, and parents (like him) can work together
to support development of students.

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5. A group of bank employees approach the Branch Manager and complain about one
co-worker who doesn’t behave well with everyone. As a contributor, what action
should the Branch Manager take?
a] Call for a meeting with all the employees to understand the issue & address the
complaint. [Contributor thinking]
b] Talk to all the senior employees and take a decision.
c] Take note of the complaint and act swiftly against the person, so that there is no
damage to the reputation of the bank.

Ans: [a] Call for a meeting with all the employees to understand the issue & address
the complaint.

6. Post Covid, many companies are planning on introducing new ways of working in
office to improve both employee safety and productivity. Why should they invite
suggestions from different groups of employees before creating a new policy?
a] To ensure that everyone will readily accept the new work policy.
b] To have minimum number of complaints when they introduce the new policy.
c] To ensure the policy addresses the needs and concerns of the employees.
[Contributor thinking]

Ans: [c] To ensure the policy addresses the needs and concerns of the employees.

7. Sohang works as a designer for a large advertising firm. He has been asked to make
an advertisement to increase the sales of an herbal tea brand. Which of the following
thinking shows a contributive mindset?
a] “The entire sales depend on my design; I need to ensure that my design is
attractive enough to impress the client.
b] “My design should help in increasing the sales, so I can talk with the sales team,
some customers etc. and use their inputs.” [Contributor thinking]

Ans: [b] “My design should help in increasing the sales, so I can talk with the sales
team, some customers etc. and use their inputs.”

8. While deciding a timeline for delivery of a report to its client, a company’s primary
focus should be –
a] To choose a timeline that will be agreeable by both the client and the employees
to produce an excellent report. [Contributor thinking]
b] To decide on a deadline with the client, assuming employees will support
whatever has been promised.

Ans: [a] To choose a timeline that will be agreeable by both the client and the
employees to produce an excellent report.

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9. In a particular cricket match, what is more important for a bowler is, that –
a] The team wins irrespective of how the bowler plays. [Contributor thinking]
b] He plays a significant role in winning the match for his team.

Ans: [a] The team wins irrespective of how the bowler plays.

10. Taiba focuses on only completing the task assigned to her in a team project. Why do
you think it is important for her to also get along with her team members?
a] It increases the overall quality of the team’s work. [Contributor thinking]
b] It helps in building friendly relations in the team and this will benefit her in times
of crisis.

Ans: [a] It increases the overall quality of the team’s work.

220413107016 CPDP


Imaginative Sympathy

1. You are coordinating the final round of interviews in a campus recruitment drive of
the organization and are responsible for ensuring that the panelists interview all the
shortlisted students. You suddenly get a request from a student candidate to
reschedule their interview. What action can you take?
a] Explain to the candidate that rescheduling will mean resetting the time calendars
of the interview panel who have busy schedules.
b] Investigate the reason for the request and if valid, offer alternatives to reschedule
at a mutually convenient date. [contributor thinking]
c] Assure the candidate that if any other candidate backs out, s/he will be informed

Ans: [b] Investigate the reason for the request and if valid, offer alternatives to
reschedule at a mutually convenient date.

2. Why should a bank employee stay back beyond her office hours to help a customer
who came in just when she was closing the counter?
a] The work for which the customer has come, will get done. [contributor thinking]
b] The bank employee would be appreciated by her seniors.
c] The customer would speak well about the bank to others.

Ans: [b] The work for which the customer has come, will get done.

3. A senior travel agent is welcoming a new joinee in his office. Which advice is more
important for him to give the newcomer?
a] Ensure you find out about the guest’s experience at the hotel after the vacation.
[contributor thinking]
b] Ensure the hotel reservations that you confirm are in order each time every time
with zero errors.

Ans: [a] Ensure you find out about the guest’s experience at the hotel after the

4. As a founder of a start-up, which of these software programmers would you want as

your team member?
a] The one who thinks that programming is nothing but a way of interacting with
the user. [contributor thinking]
b] The one who thinks that programming is a sophisticated way to bring in efficiency
in business processes.

Ans: [a] The one who thinks that programming is nothing but a way of interacting
with the user.

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5. When writing a ‘Statement of Purpose’ (SOP) while applying for admission, into a
college, what would you focus on?
a] Writing your aspirations in a clear and structured way, so that the selection panel
members can easily understand it. [contributor thinking]
b] Presenting yourself well through the SOP, so that you can make a good
impression on the college authorities.
c] Writing the document perfectly with no errors, so that it meets the requirement
for the admission process.

Ans: [a] Writing your aspirations in a clear and structured way, so that the selection
panel members can easily understand it.

6. Nakul is the Editor of a newspaper. He invites citizens to write on social issues. What
is the value of doing such a thing? So that –
a] The voice of people reaches the government and other people. [contributor
b] More people are likely to read/ write for the newspaper.
c] Even common people can feel proud to see their names in the newspaper.

Ans: [a] The voice of people reaches the government and other people.

7. A customer asks for fitness equipment and provides detailed specifications of the
features he wants. In the company, the experts recognize that these specifications are
for a lower grade product. Therefore, as experts…
a] We should use the opportunity to educate the customer and upsell the highergrade
products to the customer.
b] We should understand what the customer is going to use the equipment for and
why he needs the low-grade product. Based on that, suggest an alternate product
if need be. [contributor thinking]
c] We should trust that the customers are educated enough to know what they want
and why they want it. The customer maybe short on budgets, so, there may not
be any value in negotiating with them.

Ans: [b] We should understand what the customer is going to use the equipment for
and why he needs the low-grade product. Based on that, suggest an alternate product
if need be.

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8. When working on a project involving multiple stakeholders – customers, internal

colleagues, vendors, partners, etc. - which of these is NOT an ‘unsaid or invisible’
a] Alignment between different stakeholders.
b] Deeper customer needs.
c] Project deadlines. [correct answer]
d] Stakeholder views.

Ans: [c] Project deadlines.

9. Here are 3 Air Hostesses who explain what is most important about their role. Who
is practicing Imaginative Sympathy?
a] “The most important part of my role is to make every passenger’s journey
comfortable.” [contributor thinking]
b] “The most critical part of my role is to provide meals on time to passengers before
they start complaining.”
c] “In my role, it is important to be available whenever the passengers call me.”

Ans: [a] “The most important part of my role is to make every passenger’s journey

220413107016 CPDP


Trust Conduct

1. Akanksha finds out that a teacher is taking tuition classes for her own students beyond
school hours. This is normally not advised by the school authorities. What could
Akanksha ask this teacher?
a] “Have you thought about the impact on other students who are not taking your
tuitions?” [contributor thinking]
b] “Is it that you need additional income?”
c] “What if the school authorities find out?”

Ans: [a] “Have you thought about the impact on other students who are not taking
your tuitions?”

2. Jalaja's team leader asks her to take on a new project. She already has more than
enough work and responsibilities to take on one more. What should she do?
a] She could communicate the delay that she expects and do what it takes to meet
the timelines. [contributor thinking]
b] She could accept the project now and inform the team leader about the delay
whenever it happens.
c] She could take up the project and find a way out when the delay actually happens.

Ans: [a] She could communicate the delay that she expects and do what it takes to
meet the timelines.

3. In a typical large organization, all employees are part of a hierarchy where there are
many layers of leadership. One such leader, Probjot needs to make a decision. Which
of these actions by him will break down trust?
a] He thinks-through a decision in minute detail and communicates the final
decision to his subordinate. This prevents any scope for error during execution.
[contributor thinking]
b] He discusses the decision with his subordinates such that all sides of the decision
are taken care of.
c] He speaks with everyone who will be affected by the decision, discussing its
intent, value, and implication for them.

Ans: [a] He thinks-through a decision in minute detail and communicates the final
decision to his subordinate. This prevents any scope for error during execution.

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4. During a natural disaster/ crisis, which is a better way for the Government to earn
the trust of the people?
a] The Government should create trust in people’s heart by sharing the work they
are doing widely.
b] People will trust the Government more when they see specific steps being taken
to manage the crisis well. [contributor thinking]

Ans: [b] People will trust the Government more when they see specific steps being
taken to manage the crisis well.

5. When a famous person goes to a restaurant and finds all the tables booked, what
should she expect from the restaurant manager –
a] To give preference to whoever has reserved in advance. [contributor thinking]
b] To somehow find a table for her but in a non-obvious way.
c] To give her some preference as she is a special customer.

Ans: [a] To give preference to whoever has reserved in advance.

6. All students are working in multiple teams for an upcoming Seminar – social media
marketing, registrations, sponsorships, events, speakers etc. The sponsorship team
has just got to know that one of the big sponsors is withdrawing their funding.
Which of these immediate actions will help build trust amongst each other?
a] Warn all the teams that they may have to rethink their work based on lesser funds.
[contributor thinking]
b] Take up the matter immediately with the Principal/ HOD and Faculty in-charge.
c] Start looking for alternate sponsors so that other teams don’t have to change their

Ans: [a] Warn all the teams that they may have to rethink their work based on lesser

7. When is it okay for a restaurant to charge different rates for different people when
they are ordering food online?
a] As long as customers know about it before placing their order. [contributor
b] As long as other restaurants also follow the same policy.
c] As long as customers don't complain about it.

Ans: [a] As long as customers know about it before placing their order.

220413107016 CPDP

8. The filmmaker requests the public not to watch pirated copies of the new film. The
public should follow it –
a] Only because that is what is expected from film viewers. [contributor thinking]
b] Only if they admire & respect the filmmaker.
c] Only if the film deserves to be seen on the big screen.

Ans: [a] Only because that is what is expected from film viewers.

9. When a project is nearing its completion, what is the most important question the
manager should ask?
a] Have we met all the commitments made in the contract? [contribution thinking]
b] Have we given our best?
c] Have we made any profits from this project?

Ans: [a] Have we met all the commitments made in the contract?

10. The dance teacher spends more time with his talented students and leaves the rest of
the class to his assistants. Your view?
a] He will be able to spot new talent only if he engages with all the students.
[contributor thinking]
b] His time is used best for grooming the talented students.

Ans: [a] He will be able to spot new talent only if he engages with all the students.

TITLE: “How Contributors widen the scope of
their contribution in their work”

Name : Rishi Shori

Enrollment No : 220413107016
• To recognize "contributor qualities" in
action,and understand why
contributors are wanted /sought
after by all who work with them.

• Who is contributor?
• Difference between Contributor and Non Contributor
• Difference between Static Personality and DynamicPersonality
• A Presentation on a Contributor
• Conclusion
• Contribution = Values + Effectiveness
• A person or thing that contributes something,in particular.
• A person who donates to a cause in a positive manner.
• A contributory factor in the existence or occurrence of something.
• Ex.A person who writes articles for a magazine or newspaper to
motivate people by his motivational articles.
Contributor: Non Contributor:

• Contributors defined • Non-contributors

themselves in terms of usually defined
what they will become themselves in terms of
or accomplish. what they haveacquired
in life.
• Capacity to deliver,
commitment and • Qualifications,position,
ownership of the years of experience,etc.
organization's purpose,
Static Personality : Dynamic Personality :

• Non contributor have a Static • Contributor have a Dynamic

identity . identity .

• This is a static identity,based on • This is a dynamic identity,based

your past glories or past failures on your "being" and "becoming“.
• Such an identity lets you choose
• This static identity leaves you to live a better future .
tripped in history .
1. He emphasized upon Socialism as the bed rock for Indian Democracy which sought to attain
equality and justice into the society by dismantlingthe class structure wherein there is a
division between "HAVES" and "HAVE N OTS" .

2. Individual Liberation - in thoughts ,ideas and opinions which lately got materialized inArticle
-19(1) of the constitution which is right to freedom of speech and expression.

3. Secularism - via emphasizing upon the hindu muslim unity for attainment of collective goals
of the society.

4. He propagated the ideals of Nationalism and patriotism which served as the guiding light for
the future generation of the country.

5. Exposed the ills of British rule in India through powerful speeches during Meerut conspiracy
trial which eroded the supremacy of the British rule in India.
CONCLUSION: • Self confidence • Discipline • Managemen
t skills
• Leadership • Positive attitude • Influence
• Here, we have learnt that for any presentation or anyassignment,team members have to give equal
contribution for making an event successful.

• Every team member must possess unity.

• If a person represents any group,then he must represent them as being a leader of the group and not as a

• A leader always works together with team and motivates the team to achieve a specific a task or goal and if
they fail,then he would not blame the team members for that.

• A leader always has a dynamic perspective towards the team and team goal.

• A contributor is who has an ability and characteristics like creation,innovation,humanity etc...

• Contributor has an ability to create value for self,for family,forteam,for society,for organization.

• Contributors are not instruction-oriented,solution oriented.

• Contributors have both human values as well as functional effectiveness;They get the job done,but also do
it in the "right way".

• The Contributor acts appropriately in each situation.

• Also,while working on assignment at leadership position,you should take care of these important points:to
select person by its communication,knowledge,nature and a person possessing team attitude.

• We must always be a "group leader" and not a "group boss".

Thank you

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