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Form 1 – English Literature – 1st Mid Term

Toothie and Cat (Gene Kemp) - Vocabulary

Word Meaning
bracken a tall fern
tramp beggar
greasy hat shinny hat
his Prime his good time
dumped threw away
Streak of a cat Spots and stripes of a cat
his tatty fur ugly fur
alley a narrow passage
relied depended
Rampage across Rush around in a violent manner
wailing Making a harsh cry / crying in anger
Grazed his leg Broke surface of his skin
raiding Attacking a place suddenly
spat Quarrel
content satisfied
Stripping the leaves Removing the leaves
stirred Trembled
yowling Making a loud cry
Fortnight later Two weeks later
forlornly Alone
slew A violent turn
gleaming shining
immaculate Clean / spotless
scrumptious delicious
seized grab
Fiendish Cruel
pandemonium chaos
dodged Avoided
tripped Jumped
confused confused
triumphant Winning

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