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December 1999
(DEP Circular 39/03 has been incorporated)


This document is confidential. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of Shell International
Oil Products B.V. and Shell International Exploration and Production B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands. The copyright of this document is vested in these companies.
All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means
(electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the copyright owners.
December 1999
Page 2

DEPs (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of:
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (Shell GSI)
Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. (SIEP)
Shell International Chemicals B.V. (SIC)
other Service Companies.
They are based on the experience acquired during their involvement with the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of processing units and facilities, and they are supplemented with the experience of Group Operating
companies. Where appropriate they are based on, or reference is made to, international, regional, national and industry
The objective is to set the recommended standard for good design and engineering practice applied by Group
companies operating an oil refinery, gas handling installation, chemical plant, oil and gas production facility, or any other
such facility, and thereby to achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.
The information set forth in these publications is provided to users for their consideration and decision to implement.
This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each locality.
The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual operating companies to adapt the
information set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements.
When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs they shall be solely responsible for the quality of work and the
attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not specifically
covered, the Principal will expect them to follow those design and engineering practices which will achieve the same
level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting
from his own responsibility, consult the Principal or its technical advisor.
The right to use DEPs is granted by Shell GSI, SIEP or SIC, in most cases under Service Agreements primarily with
companies of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group and other companies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI,
SIEP, SIC or another Group Service Company. Consequently, three categories of users of DEPs can be distinguished:
1) Operating companies having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI, SIEP, SIC or other Service Company. The
use of DEPs by these operating companies is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant
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2) Other parties who are authorized to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part
of a Service Agreement or otherwise).
3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2)
which requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said
users comply with the relevant standards.
Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI, SIEP
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All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in Shell GSI.
December 1999
Page 3

1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................4
1.1 SCOPE........................................................................................................................4
1.3 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................4
1.4 CROSS-REFERENCES .............................................................................................5
1.5 PROCESS DESCRIPTION AND BASIC REQUIREMENTS ......................................5
2. SELECTION OF REFRACTORY LININGS................................................................7
2.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................7
2.2 ANCHORS FOR REFRACTORY LININGS ................................................................9
2.3 LINING DESIGN OF SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT .........................................................10
3. INSTALLATION OF REFRACTORY LININGS ........................................................20
3.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................20
3.2 ANTI-CORROSIVE COATING..................................................................................20
3.3 BRICKED LININGS...................................................................................................20
3.4 ANCHOR WELDING PROCEDURES ......................................................................20
3.5 INSTALLATION OF CERAMIC FERRULES IN TUBE SHEETS..............................20
4. QUALITY CONTROL................................................................................................23
5. REPAIRS OF TUBE SHEET REFRACTORY LININGS ..........................................24
5.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................24
5.2 SURFACE REPAIRS OF TUBE SHEET REFRACTORY ........................................24
6. DRYING AND FIRING REFRACTORY LINED EQUIPMENT..................................25
6.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................25
6.2 DRY-OUT DURING COMMISSIONING ...................................................................25
6.4 COOLING DOWN .....................................................................................................26
7. REFERENCES..........................................................................................................27

APPENDIX 3 SPECIFICATION FOR CERAMIC FERRULES...............................................35
SYSTEM ....................................................................................................40
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This new DEP specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design,
installation and inspection of the refractory linings for the equipment of Claus and SCOT
sulphur recovery units (SRUs).
Typical refractory (brick-) lined equipment is: Claus burner and main reaction chamber, the
tube sheet of the waste heat boilers, line burners, reactors, condensers, SCOT burner and
reaction chamber, incinerator, flue ducting, stack and sulphur storage pit.
This DEP is applicable to new and existing SRU equipment.


Unless otherwise authorised by SIOP and SIEP, the distribution of this DEP is confined to
companies forming part of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group or managed by a Group company,
and to Contractors nominated by them (i.e. the distribution code is "C", as defined in
This DEP is intended for use in Sulphur Recovery Units.
If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more
stringent than in this DEP the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the
requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be
acceptable as regards safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all cases the
Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this DEP
which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local
regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned with the object
of obtaining agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible.

1.3.1 General definitions

The Contractor is the party which carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a
facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.
The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party which manufactures or supplies equipment and
services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.
The Principal is the party which initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and
construction. The Principal will generally specify the technical requirements. The Principal
may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the
The word shall indicates a requirement.
The word should indicates a recommendation.

1.3.2 Specific definitions and abbreviations

Applicator party that applies the refractory linings specified by the
bricks bricks and special shapes
MRC main reactor chamber
refractory materials, dense, insulating, acid-resistant and/or special composite
products and linings refractory materials
SCOT Shell Claus Offgas Treating process
WHB waste heat boiler
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Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made, the referenced section
number is shown in brackets. Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed in (7).


1.5.1 Process description

SRUs are used to recover sulphur from refinery process gases. Typically, an SRU has a
main reaction chamber to burn hydrogen sulphide with air, producing elemental sulphur and
sulphur dioxide at a temperature of typically 1250 °C.
The gases are then cooled down to approximately 165 °C using a heat exchanger and
condensers recovering most of the sulphur. The higher the initial combustion temperature,
the higher the recovery of sulphur.
Thereafter, the gases are fed through catalyst-filled reactors to convert more of the H2S and
SO2 into sulphur.
At the end of the process the remaining tail gases can either be further treated in a SCOT
unit to recover the remaining sulphur or completely burnt in an incinerator before releasing
the gases to the atmosphere via a stack.
Generally, the condensing and liquid sulphur flows by gravity from the various condensers
into an underground reinforced concrete tank (a sulphur pit), which is lined with acid-
resistant refractory, for intermediate storage and for removal of the last traces of H2S before
it is shipped. The collected gas is burnt in an incinerator.
A typical layout of a Claus unit is shown in Figure 1-1.

1.5.2 Basic requirements for refractory

Refractory linings are required in SRUs to protect the equipment against operational
conditions such as high temperature and temperature fluctuations, high sulphur and sulphur
dioxide loads, strong oxidising atmospheres and acidic/wet flue gases.
In the various stages of the process, the refractory materials are required to perform
different functions.
Refractory brickwork should be selected as the lining material of burners, reaction
chambers, mixing chambers and sulphur pits. Monolithic refractory may be applied in
reactors and in those areas where brick constructions would be too complicated. For the
tube sheet front of the WHB, ceramic ferrules and cast or poured monolithic refractory
material should be applied rather than pneumatically or vibrated rammed mixes.
Proprietary systems such as hex-head ferrules, 2-component hexagon ferrules etc. may be
used for tube sheet linings.
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Page 6

Figure 1-1 Typical layout of a Claus unit

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Page 7


With the technical proposals, the Contractor shall submit the thermal design calculations,
indicating temperature profiles, refractory thicknesses, anchor systems and the proposed
refractory material selection.
Standard shaped refractory bricks should be used, however monolithic refractory materials
of equivalent performance may be used. The choice of materials and the method of
application shall be in accordance with DEP, DEP and
the requirements specified below.

2.1.1 Performance conditions

Due to the strong acidic nature of the gases, the backup refractory lining in particular shall
be designed to resist attack by any sulphur components penetrating through the linings
together with the water vapour which is present due to the process conditions.
This means that the refractory shall:
• be a low-iron grade, due to the strong reducing process conditions and the possible
formation of iron sulphide;
• contain low levels of lime in order to avoid calcium sulphate formation; and
• be highly resistant against sulphuric acid and/or ammonium-bisulphate.
At a sufficiently low temperature the sulphur dew-point will be reached resulting in very low
pH values. The catalysed conversion of sulphur dioxide into sulphur trioxide may cause
dew-point corrosion of the metal vessel. Consequently the lining shall be designed to keep
the wall temperature above the dew-point at all times, except during shutdown periods. The
design shall prevent the presence of “cold bridges”.
Important side reactions during combustion of H2S are the combustion of ammonia and
• Unconverted ammonia may result in the formation of ammonium salts, which will
crystallise out at temperatures below 150 °C (e.g. in flue gas ducts or at “cold-bridges”).
For complete removal of ammonia the flame temperature must be above 1250 °C.
• Undesired hydrocarbon carry-over may result in runaway temperatures and therefore
appropriate control is necessary. Light hydrocarbons burn more rapidly than H2S and
this will influence the stoichiometric combustion process.

2.1.2 Brick linings

Insulating and dense refractory bricks shall be in accordance with DEP
Standard arch and key bricks shall be used in circular or curved areas. The use of non-
standard bricks shall be avoided as far as possible in order to reduce the quantity of spare
parts. An air-setting, high temperature mortar shall be used which shall be non-slagging
and chemically compatible with the operational conditions. The mortar grade shall be
suitable for at least the rated temperature of the bricks and may be of air or heat setting
type depending on the operating temperature. For the insulating back-up brick linings an air
setting and chemical bonding mortar should be used.
For refractory brick-lined sulphur pits, an acid resistant mortar (e.g. a halogen-free
potassium silicate mortar) shall be used.

2.1.3 Anti-corrosive coating of equipment

The sulphuric acid dew point temperature under normal operating conditions will vary
between 150 °C and 200 °C, depending on the ambient conditions. An anti-corrosive
coating will not be required if the steel temperature will always be above that temperature
but if lower temperatures are anticipated, an internal coating shall be applied that is capable
of withstanding the process conditions. If applied, the coating should be permanent, viscous
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Page 8

and non-oxidising (such a coating will normally be bituminous and shall be suitable for a
maximum continuous temperature of 205 °C).
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Page 9


Ceramic anchor bricks shall be used for burner chambers and areas where temperatures
exceed maximum metal anchor temperatures. Steel claws may be used for connection to
the casing provided the steel grade is suitable for the interface temperatures and is
resistant to the chemical load. Allowance shall be made for expansion of the lining.

2.2.1 Metallic anchors

Anchor material dimensions and grades are specified in DEP and
For monolithic linings, V-anchors shall be used for single refractory layers, and shaped
V-anchors shall be used for dual-layer refractory linings. The Contractor may propose other
suitable anchors for the approval of the Principal.

2.2.2 Metallic anchors for tube sheets

Anchors should only be placed in the centre area of the tube sheet and should not be
placed within a one-third radius of the circumference. The placement of anchors shall be
governed by the space available between the boiler tube pitch layout and shall be at
approximately 100 mm centres, but not exceeding 150 mm.
As far as possible, there shall be at least 10 mm clearance between anchor tips and
ferrules. If specified by the Principal, the tips of anchors shall be coated with a thin coat of
shellac or equivalent varnish. Thin plastic caps may be used on the tips. Asphalt mastic
coatings shall not be used.
No distinction is made between the types of anchors used for cast or rammed applications.
The steel grade shall be chosen to suit the governing temperatures.
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Page 10


ISO-standardized refractory bricks and sizes should be used. For clarification and typical
layout of the refractory linings, reference is made to Appendix 1.
Although DEP and DEP are generally applicable,
typical specifications of some refractory materials for the applications mentioned below are
listed in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3.

2.3.1 Main reaction chamber and Claus burner

A typical layout of a main reaction chamber is shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1 Typical layout of a main reaction chamber Claus (LMV) burner

Based on normal operating conditions, the refractory lining of a Claus burner consists of
two layers, as shown in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Refractory materials for Claus (LMV) burner
Lining °C Thickness Group
Hot face 1600 minimum 115 mm minimum HA58-HA65, Sillimanite/Andalusite-based
Backup 1400 minimum 115 mm Group IFB 140 or minimum FC 45

2nd back-up 1250 minimum 40 mm, 1250 °C Group IFB125 or insulating board (2 ply
board up to 40 mm overlapping)

Note: The above temperatures are typical only.

Brick layers shall be constructed in full stretcher-bond configuration, half-size or three-

quarter-size offset.
If a ramming or plastic mix will be used as the hot face layer, the upper section shall be
adequately supported with ceramic anchor bricks (see Appendix 1).
If insulating board will be used, the width of board sections shall be governed by the radius
of the vessel in order to minimise the open spaces behind. Board strips should be placed
as 2 layers overlapping each other. Alternatively, the upper two-thirds of the circumference
may be fitted with a semi-rigid insulating board.
The burner face should be constructed from specially shaped bricks or prefabricated and
prefired blocks.
In order to prevent the burning away or bulging of the heat-resistant steel air-nose, the
typical detail shown in Figure 2-2 should be incorporated.
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Figure 2-2 Typical air-nose layout

Note: The air nose is normally supplied as an integral part of the burner Main reaction chamber

For normal operational conditions, the refractory lining of the main reaction chamber
consists of at least two layers, as shown in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2 Refractory materials for main reaction chamber
Lining °C Thickness Group
Hot face 1600 minimum 115 mm Minimum HA 55, Sillimanite/Andalusite-based
Backup 1400 minimum 115 mm Group IFB 140 or minimum FC 45

2nd. Backup 850 maximum 25 mm 1050 °C grade insulating board
Baffle wall 1600 230 mm minimum HA 70, Mullite based (special creep

NOTE: The above temperatures are typical only.

The connection of the burner to the reaction chamber lining shall be continuous, without a
construction joint. The hot face refractory lining shall be designed to prevent burner bricks
shifting into the chamber due to thermal cycling.
A radial and longitudinal expansion allowance of at least 80% of the induced expansion
movement shall be provided in and between all subsequent refractory layers.
Special care shall be taken at nozzle protrusions to account for refractory expansion and
Brick layers shall be constructed in full stretcher-bond configuration. Transitions may be
constructed in separate rings of either keys or end arches, provided that the diametrical
difference is not more than one third of the layer thickness. Larger transitions may be built
up with combinations of key and end arch bricks, thus forming the required conical shape.
The optional second backup lining shall have a compressive strength of at least 2 N/mm2,
or more if needed to withstand the expansion loads induced by the inner refractory lining,.
In case of enhanced ammonia destruction, the typical lining layout shown in Figure 2-3 may
be used.
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Figure 2-3 Typical layout for enhanced ammonia destruction

In the hot face layer, individual standard 114 mm side arch bricks shall be replaced with
standard 152 mm side arch bricks in both the longitudinal and cross-sectional directions at
regular distances, e.g. every second or third brick.
The length of the mixing section, which is commonly the length of the cylindrical section of
a main reactor chamber (MRC), shall be as specified by the Principal.
To prevent excessive cooling of non-insulated lined equipment a shield may be fitted
around the shell with a suitable gap in between. An exhaust should be placed on the top of
the shield to provide adequate ventilation. See Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4 Protective shield Baffle wall

A baffle wall should be placed in front of the tube sheets to protect them from high
temperature excursions, especially when hydrocarbon carry-over and/or direct flame
impingement can be expected.
The baffle wall shall have a thickness of 230 mm or 305 mm (i.e. standard brick length) and
shall have a free passage area of between 2.5 and 3.5 times the free passage area of the
tube sheet. Circular matrix-blocks may be used provided the stability of the wall is assured.
The Contractor shall provide calculations with regard to the intrinsic pressure.
The openings in the baffle wall shall be created by arranging the refractory bricks in
chequer configuration and they shall be distributed gradually over the entire baffle wall
area. The dimensions depend on the size of standard bricks used, typically a width of one-
half brick length and a height of one brick thickness. If the baffle wall is also used as part of
a transition from the main chamber into the heat exchanger, the free passage area shall be
arranged within the smaller diameter (see shaded area in the cross-section of Figure 2-5).
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Figure 2-5 Typical baffle wall layout and cross-section detail

Because the manhole is normally located in this section, provisions shall be made to open
up the baffle wall for inspection of the main chamber. A refractory cast lintel or low arch
may then be used to prevent bricks from dropping down. Man-way
The refractory lining around man-way openings shall be designed in accordance with
Figure 2-6 and such that the stability from all surrounding refractory layers is assured. At
least the hot face layer shall be arranged with relief arches on the top and bottom in a fully
integrated and bricked and cut-to-suit lining design.
If monolithically cast specially shaped blocks are used, stepped joints shall be formed, at
least in the top half section, to prevent the sagging of blocks. The connection of the man-
way lining to the specially shaped ring shall be designed to prevent separation of the layers
and penetration of hot combustion gases and/or foreign matter.
Figure 2-6: Typical detail of man-way lining design

Large incoming lines (such as gas inlet lines and secondary combustion air inlet lines for
incinerators etc.) shall be designed so that acute angles are avoided and that a thermo-
mechanically sound and reliable refractory lining is assured. Other nozzles (e.g. instrument
connections, peepholes etc.) shall enter at as large an angle as possible in order to avoid
unnecessary brick cutting or use of monolithic materials.
Instrument nozzles, particularly thermowells, should be placed in the head of cylindrical
lined vessels in order to accommodate the thermal expansion of the linings.
December 1999
Page 14 Tube sheet of the heat exchanger (WHB)

For normal operational conditions, the refractory lining of the tube sheets is as shown in
Table 2-3.
Table 2-3 Refractory materials for tube sheet
Lining Temperature Thickness Group
Hot face 1650 minimum 75 mm minimum MW 175-1.4-L, or Dense 175 with
ceramic fibre backup
Ferrules >1650 Manufacturer's minimum HA 70, Mullite/Corundum based, wrapped
standard 3
in 1.5 mm ceramic fibre paper, 1600 °C, 240 kg/m

NOTE: The above temperatures are typical only.

The required thickness shall be based on heat transfer calculations, governed by the
maximum allowable tube and tube sheet temperature (thickness of tube sheet should be
maximum 40 mm) and the maximum operating temperature in the MRC. These
temperatures shall be specified by the Principal.
The inside diameter of the ferrules should be such that the inlet velocity is less than 2.5
times the tube gas inlet velocity.
The ceramic ferrules shall be in accordance with Figure 2-7. Inside the tube the ferrules
shall extend at least 20 mm beyond the back face of the metal tube sheet. The inlet of the
ferrule shall be flush with the hot face of the refractory lining on the tube sheet.
For installation details of the ferrules, see (3.5).
Figure 2-7 Typical contours of ceramic ferrules for tube sheets

The ceramic ferrule's outside diameter shall be smaller than the internal tube diameter, to
provide a total gap of between 3 mm and 5 mm depending on the design of the ferrule. The
steel tube shall be clean and without burrs or flaws, otherwise it shall be machined at least
over the length of the inserting ferrule.
If the tubes have been rolled before welding, there will be recesses in the tubes near the
backside of the tube sheet; in which case the smallest diameter shall govern.
An extra collar is sometimes used around the ferrule in order to ensure application of the
nominal required lining thickness. This method facilitates installation and also results in a
smooth lined surface.
Proprietary systems for tube sheet linings (e.g. hex-head ferrules, 2-component hexagon
ferrules) may be used if the Manufacturer/Supplier can provide evidence of long term
reliability of such systems to the Principal.
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2.3.2 Line burner and chamber

Based on normal operational conditions, the refractory lining of line burner mixing
chambers is as shown in Table 2-4.
Amended per
Circular 39/03

Table 2-4 Refractory materials for line burner

Lining Temperature Thickness Group
Burner 1800 minimum 115 mm, Group IFB 180 or MW 180 castable
1400 back-up, minimum Group IFB 140
115 mm
Front section 1600 minimum 115 mm minimum HA 65, Sillimanite/Andalusite-based,
Backup 1400 minimum 115 mm Group 140-L IFB or minimum FC40
Rear section 240/210/195 minimum 115 mm minimum FC 35
(for line burners 1,
2 and 3,

NOTES: 1. The above temperatures are typical only.

2. The burner may be delivered as an integral part of the line burner

2.3.3 SCOT catalytic incinerator burner and chamber

Based on normal operational conditions, the refractory lining of the incinerator is as shown
in Table 2-5.
Amended per
Circular 39/03

Table 2-5 Refractory materials for incinerator

Lining Temperature Thickness Group
Burner 1800 minimum 115 mm, Group IFB 180 or MW 180 castable
1400 back-up, minimum Group IFB 140
115 mm
Front 1600 minimum 115 mm minimum HA 65, Sillimanite/Andalusite-based, Group
section 140-L IFB or minimum FC40
Rear section 350 minimum 115 mm minimum FC 35
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2.3.4 Thermal incinerator burner and chamber

Based on normal operational conditions, the refractory lining of the thermal incinerator is as
shown in Table 2-6.
Amended per
Circular 39/03

Table 2-6 Refractory materials for thermal incinerator

Lining Temperature Thickness Group
Burner 1800 minimum 115 mm, Group IFB 180 or MW 180 castable
1400 back-up, minimum Group IFB 140
115 mm
Front section 1600 minimum 115 mm, minimum HA 65, Sillimanite/Andalusite-based
1400 back-up, minimum Group 140-L or minimum FC40
115 mm
Rear section 800 minimum 115 mm minimum FC 35
800 back-up, minimum Group IFB 125 or minimum FC 35
64 mm

2.3.5 Reactors
Based on normal operational conditions, the refractory lining of the reactors is as shown in
Table 2-7.
Table 2-7 Refractory materials for reactors
Lining Temperature Thickness Group
Internal 400 - 850 minimum 50 mm MW 125li (-L) castable, or
Group FC35 refractory bricks

NOTES: 1. The lining shall be applied to at least 100 mm above the catalyst bed level. The internal surface
may be completely lined.

2. Temperature depends on type of reactor and position in process.

2.3.6 Condensers
In order to avoid stagnant sulphur in the inlet and outlet headers of the condensers, the
bottom sections are filled with a layer of refractory material, as shown in Table 2-8 and
Figure 2-8.
Table 2-8 Refractory materials for condensers
Lining Temperature Thickness Group
Inlet 300 sloped 100 - 25 mm dense 130li castable (left side of Figure 2-8)
(bottom section only, level
with bottom tubes)

Outlet 300 bottom section only, flush dense 130li castable

with N5 and N6 (right side of Figure 2-8)
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Figure 2-8 Sulphur condensers

2.3.7 Liquid sulphur storage General
The design of liquid sulphur storage facilities depends largely on local conditions and
The preferred storage method is a free-standing, externally-insulated steel tank in a
reinforced concrete pit (
Internally-lined reinforced concrete pits below ground level ( were often used in the
past and are included in this DEP for maintenance purposes. Underground concrete pits

Underground pits allow shorter transport distances and the use of gravity to drain the
sulphur from the condensers.
The refractory lining of the traditional reinforced concrete pit is as shown in Table 2-9.
Table 2-9 Refractory materials for traditional reinforced concrete pit
Lining Temperature Thickness Group
Hot face 150 minimum 115 mm minimum FC 35,
laid in halogen-free, potassium-silicate
Backup, 150 minimum 30 mm, cellular glass (embedded in bituminous
optional plus membrane mastic)
or LW 100li (-L) castable (see note) plus
bituminous membrane

NOTE: Castables shall either be acid-resistant (e.g. Sauereisen type 72” or equivalent) or a selection shall be
made in accordance with DEP, Appendix 1 (4.3).

Underground sulphur pits consist of a reinforced concrete pit with an internal acid-resistant
refractory lining and an impervious membrane, mainly because concrete is not resistant to
the sulphuric acid which can be formed (e.g. from sulphur dioxide formed during H2S-
degassing or by other causes such as steam coil damage).
The pit is closed with a reinforced concrete slab. An adequate coating shall be applied on
top to avoid attack of the concrete after spillage or leakage. See Figure 2-9.
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Figure 2-9 Typical example of underground concrete pit

Weir Concrete pit

Acid-resistant brickwork

The major disadvantage of such a pit is that it is virtually impossible to inspect the
reinforced concrete structure once the lining has been placed. Moreover, if the pit is partly
or completely below the ground water level, water ingress could occur over time, causing
unnoticed serious corrosion and decay of the concrete and the lining. An external
impermeable membrane shall therefore be applied.
Unless the pit remains completely above the ground water level, an additional cellular glass
lining should also be applied, for two reasons:
a) properly installed cellular glass is impermeable and gas tight;
b) as an insulating material it reduces the thermal load induced on the reinforced concrete
The structural design of the pit, i.e. reinforcement and type of concrete, shall be in
accordance with local regulations with regard to the imposed thermo-mechanical loads.
Depending on the overall dimensions of the pit, the lining walls should have a slight
outward curvature to increase its stability.
Expansion joints, if they are needed, shall be adequately designed for the intended duty
and shall be sealed against ingress of liquid sulphur. To form sufficient slope for draining
sulphur (and possibly water) from the bottom, a layer of acid-resistant castable shall be
placed prior to the final lining construction.
If the inside of the top-slab(s) will be lined with acid-resistant tiles, the tiles shall be
designed with “mechanical bond enhancement” and placed in the mould before pouring the
concrete. After hardening and removal of the mould, joints shall be thoroughly cleaned and
sealed with a resin-based, acid-resistant mortar. Steel storage tank

The preferred method of liquid sulphur storage is an externally-insulated free-standing
carbon steel storage tank. Insulation shall be applied to eliminate cold bridging, especially
at the underside of the tank. The cavity between the concrete pit and the tank shall be
accessible for inspection and a small collection-pit shall be installed for draining of water or
other liquids which may enter.
The concrete surface may be protected with an adequate coating (for existing pits this may
be done after repairs have been made).
Typical examples are given in Appendix 4.

2.3.8 Flue gas duct

The flue gas duct shall be as short as practically possible.
Flue gases leaving the incinerator units may still contain some corrosive contaminants such
as sulphur trioxide which, in the presence of water vapour, may condense and form strong
In climates where the steel temperature will fall below dew-point, corrosion is likely to occur.
Also ammonium salts may be present which crystallise out and/or dissolve the aluminium
oxide or other ammonia-sensitive components from the refractory lining at temperatures
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Page 19

below 150 °C. A water tight insulation system should therefore be applied on the outside to
keep the steel, supports and expansion joints above any condensation temperature. A
typical example is given in Appendix 5.
An internal refractory lining should be installed in the duct after the incinerator outlet in
order to protect the duct from the short, steep rises in flue gas temperature which can occur
due to operational upsets. The thickness shall be chosen and checked by calculations in
line with the externally applied insulating system.

2.3.9 Stack
Like the flue gas duct, the connecting stack shall be adequately protected against any
corrosive attack and/or high temperatures. Stacks are normally short, free-standing steel
structures with an external insulation system. Due attention shall be paid to avoiding cold
bridges in the structure.
Because the flue gases often have a high moisture content, installing a droplet separator on
top of the stack should be considered.
For further requirements on stacks, see DEP
December 1999
Page 20


The Applicator shall provide evidence that his personnel and supervisors have previously
worked on refractory installation projects for SRUs or similar units.
Reference is made to the applicable sections of DEP and
DEP Gen. with regard to the handling and installation of the various refractory
materials, such as preparation and mixing, installation and finishing.


If an anti-corrosive coating will be applied, the Applicator shall follow the Manufacturer’s
recommendations regarding pre-treatment of the substrate surface, preparation of the
materials, installation and after-care.


Refractory linings for SRU equipment should be designed with standardized brick grades
and sizes. Reference is made to Appendix 1 and ISO 5019.
If a very small radius is required (mainly for burners) specially shaped bricks or pre-cast
blocks may be used.
To cope with the transient temperatures occuring in service, expansion allowances and/or
expansion joints shall be provided for each layer in both the longitudinal and radial


Metal parts for ceramic refractory anchors, V-anchors etc. shall be applied in accordance
with DEP and DEP
If anchors are to be replaced on a used tube sheet, the weld spots shall be ground
sufficiently deep to remove from the tube sheet any contamination which could lead to
corrosive attack during subsequent operation.
Any weld spatter adhering after welding of boiler tubes, tube sheet or anchors shall be
removed from the surface and from the internal surface of the boiler tubes. The Applicator
shall verify cleanliness before commencing any refractory work.


3.5.1 Ferrule preparation and installation

Before installing ferrules the Applicator shall verify (e.g. with a dummy ferrule) that the tube
openings are within the tolerances stated in the data/requisition sheets. The shape and
material of ceramic ferrules shall be in accordance with (
The ferrules shall be wrapped with at least of two layers of ceramic fibre paper of 1600 °C
quality, 1.5 mm thick and approximately one-third compressed for snug insertion into the
tube, as indicated in Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2. After gently inserting the ferrules into the
tube sheet, leaving movement only just possible, the ceramic fibre paper shall still protrude
15 mm to 20 mm in front of the tube sheet. If too much movement is possible, an extra
wrap of maximum 1.5 mm may be added to ensure a snug fit. There shall always be
between 1.5 and 2.5 full wraps.
For ferrules with a collar (near the tubes), the ceramic fibre paper wrap shall extend far
enough to isolate the collar from the tube and tube sheet.
December 1999
Page 21

Figure 3-1 Typical calculation of tolerances between tube and ferrule

Nominal: Ø 33.75 x 4.471 mm
Ø 31.75 x 4.064 mm
Ø 23.622 (-0/+1.18) mm

1½ - 2½
c.f. wraps:
3 - 5 mm Ferrule: Ø 20.622 (+0/-1) mm
Boiler tube in total

3 mm
(± 0.1 mm)

The assembly should be covered with “cling-film” (not PVC) or wide clear adhesive tape to
ease the insertion of the ceramic fibre paper wrapped ferrules. A small amount of natural
soap can also ease the insertion.
Figure 3-2 Ceramic ferrule installation

trefractory t tubesheet
Cast refractory lining
Tube sheet

Card-board ring or Ceramic fibre wrapped around ferrule

ferrule with glued & pre- inclusive covering of tube-end
fired ceramic ring Ceramic ferrule

I.D. tube to be checked with a ferrule

~ 20 25 mm for the ID of tubes, e.g. after rolling,
to ensure proper fit

Directly before placing ferrules in rammed linings they shall be wrapped as described
above, with the remaining free part of the ferrules (at least 50 mm including the front collar)
brush-coated with an air-setting, ready-for-use mortar of a high temperature quality.

3.5.2 Installation procedure for cast refractory

Self-flow castables may be used provided the anchors are coated with a thin film of paraffin
to provide an expansion allowance upon heating.
Mixing and installation shall be as specified by the Manufacturer.
Standard refractory castable shall be premixed using potable water (as little as possible)
until the mixture has a putty-like consistency that can be hand-packed around and between
the ferrules to ensure a homogeneous monolithic structure.
Cast refractory shall be placed with the ceramic ferrules in position.
When the work is started a small piece of shuttering shall be fixed rigidly against the
inserted ferrules. To ensure void-free and continuous refractory, the shuttering shall have a
height of no more than two rows of ferrules. Measures shall be taken to avoid entry of any
liquid into the openings of the ferrules.
The pre-mixed castable shall be placed manually in small amounts to ensure that the
material is distributed homogeneously and all around the ferrules, leaving no voids or flaws.
After each cast and initial setting of the castable, the horizontal joint surface shall be
handled carefully.
December 1999
Page 22

All loose, crumbly material shall be removed and the joint surface structure shall be
roughened. The next cast shall be executed as soon as possible, before the previous layer
has set.
The last cast and closure of the tube sheet lining shall have a height of no more than two
ferrule pitches and may be cast by firmly filling between the top ferrules and the connection
with the surrounding refractory. During application it shall be ensured that void-free
refractory is also placed behind the small ferrule flanges.
Immediately after removal of the consecutive shutter boards, any cement paste or other
debris shall be removed from the ferrules to ensure free passage of gases.
After completion of the lining the surface shall be left to set and air dry. A fine mist spray of
potable water shall be applied while curing in accordance with the Manufacturer's
specifications, especially if the ambient temperature is high or the humidity is very low.
If curing compound is used it shall be in accordance with DEP,
Appendix 8.

3.5.3 Installation procedure for plastic refractory Placement of dummy plugs
Slightly tapered wooden plugs shall be inserted tightly in the tube sheet holes. The shape of
the plugs shall be identical to the contour of the ferrules so that they will be surrounded by
refractory material. The wooden plugs shall be coated with shellac or similar varnish
(thoroughly dried) to prevent sticking. Oils or waxes shall not be used. Refer to Appendix 3,
Figure A3.1.
The wooden plugs may be cut to the required lining thickness after installation; this can be
used as an aid to control the thickness of the refractory material. Placement of the ferrules

After the finished refractory on the tube sheet has sufficiently set, the wooden plugs can be
carefully removed. The refractory lining inside the holes shall be inspected for voids and
any deformations. Repairs shall be executed immediately and before further continuation of
the job.
When the wooden plugs are removed from the tube sheet, a recess shall be made into the
hot face side of the plastic refractory to fit the collar of the ceramic ferrule, if not already
incorporated in the plugs.
These recesses may be made with a wooden tool with the size and shape of the collar and
tapped with a hammer. This shall be done while the material still has some pliability. After
the collar recesses have been made, a dummy ferrule shall be trial-fitted to assure a good
alignment and fit.
All excess brush-coated cement shall be cleaned off the ferrules and plastic refractory.
Cement shall be prevented from entering the tubes of the WHB.
December 1999
Page 23


A quality control plan shall be prepared by the Contractor/Applicator in compliance with this
Appendix 6 shows a sample of a typical specification for guidance.
QA/QC procedures shall comply with DEP and/or DEP
The Applicator's procedure qualification shall be in accordance with DEP
December 1999
Page 24


Local repairs of tube sheet refractory linings may be made only with the approval of the
Repairs described below are applicable to both new installations and previously fired
refractory linings.


Dedicated chemical bonding repair mixes may be used only for superficial patching of
damaged refractory. Previously fired refractory linings may be repaired only with the
approval of the Principal.


Patching may be done for a local repair of equipment that has been in service. If patching is
required the affected area shall have a length of at least one tube pitch in all directions.
The best procedure is to follow natural cracks present in the refractory lining. The area shall
be cut back with care, perpendicular to the tube sheet, leaving a rough undercut surface.
Care shall be taken when removing ferrules from the area to be patched.
Once removed, ferrules shall not be reused.
After removal of the refractory the cut-out section shall be thoroughly vacuum cleaned.
Anchoring shall be installed or repaired as required.
Just before applying the patch, the surrounding surface shall be thoroughly pre-wetted, but
not to the point of dripping. If phosphate bonding refractory material was used previously,
diluted phosphoric acid shall be used as the wetting agent.
Ferrules and refractory shall be installed in accordance with (3.5).
December 1999
Page 25


The drying and firing schedules given in DEP and DEP
for shaped and monolithic refractory materials shall be used.
Adequate dry-out and firing shall be performed for the mortar used for bricking and for any
monolithic refractories that may have been installed.
A typical schedule for the initial dry-out and firing of SRU equipment is given in Figure 6-1,
using as far as possible the operational start-up of the equipment.
In order to keep catalyst free of vapour condensation or deposits, catalyst loading may take
place after the drying sequence is completed but before firing takes place and then
immediately followed by feed cut-in.
The refractory linings can be inspected out after drying and during catalyst loading. After
catalyst loading and possible inspection, the hold periods may be shorter than those
applied earlier but shall not be less than four hours each time in order to allow stabilisation.
The heating rate of the MRC and the downstream equipment shall be no faster than that
allowed by the schedule. The rate of temperature change shall not exceed 2 K/min.


The following procedure shall apply:

• Circulate with preheated combustion air (includes flushing and checking of the
safeguarding system, instrumentation etc.) through the entire system. This may be done
primarily using the main burner, but also using the line burners. Open stack dampers, if
applicable, on full draught.

• Circulate steam through the WHB and condensers to above 110 °C; use auxiliary
heating equipment for the MRC to raise the temperature to between 110 °C and 180 °C.

• Circulate for at least 18 hours (initially required for drying all refractories, especially the
tube sheet lining and/or other monolithic refractory linings).

• Optional:
Cool down for catalyst loading; restart at front, holding for 4 to 8 hours at between
110 °C and 180 °C; this serves as a "stabilising" period to avoid possible later
interruptions such as trips.

• Raise the temperature of the MRC at a rate of 30 °C/h up to between 350 °C and
400 °C. The main burner is generally too large to perform this step in a controlled
manner. The preferred method is to use an auxiliary burner directly connected to the
main burner and/or an auxiliary burner temporarily in place of the fuel gas burner. The
air pressure drop across the air-register shall be at least 15 mbar in order to prevent
NOTE: Combustion will produce considerable quantities of water vapour in the flue gases, and these can
condense in colder areas of the unit. Where possible, the equipment should either be filled with
hot boiler feed water or heating steam should be turned on and vents should be opened to the
atmosphere before starting the burner.

• Hold for at least 8 hours;

If the temperatures in the equipment downstream of the MRC remain too low, gradually
raise the MRC temperature up to the point where the main burner could take over, but
not higher than 600 °C. The auxiliary burner used to heat up the MRC may also be
routed to the line burners if needed.
December 1999
Page 26

Maintain the line-burners and the incinerator at operating temperature during further
heating up of the MRC.
• At a rate of 30 °C/hr, raise the temperature of the MRC to service temperature, with a
minimum of 900 °C, and during this period begin circulation of the WHB and condensers
to avoid overheating, but still paying attention to the cooling effects in connected

• Hold for between 2 and 4 hours for stabilisation of safeguarding systems, expansion
allowances etc.;
• Start operation.

The above procedures will considerably improve the service life of the refractory
constructions and should be followed each time the equipment is returned to service. The
heating rate and cooling rate shall never be faster than 2 K/min.
Further improvements can be achieved if sacrificial thermocouples are installed in the
various equipment and/or refractory linings, especially during initial drying for evaporation of
free water used for mixing and curing.
Figure 6-1 Drying and firing of an SRU


Dry-out of the MRC, reactors and line-burners after a repair shall be executed in the same
way as the initial dry-out and firing procedure, provided that catalyst was removed and the
unit was properly passivated.
For an MRC lining repair only (e.g. burner, tube sheet), an exhaust pipe should be fitted
either on the manhole or in place of the line at the back end of the WHB. The exhaust shall
be used during the period of drying up to between 110 °C and 180 °C, with the downstream
equipment closed and with the lowest possible flow and the WHB on steam circulation at
the same temperature. After the prescribed hold period, flow is established in the unit and
the procedure described in (6.2) shall be followed.
After a repair, the refractory of a reactor or line-burner should be cured, dried and fired by
spading off the equipment and using an electric heater (mat) or hot air fan.


The rate of cooling of horizontally-placed and circular refractory linings shall not exceed
60 K/h in order to control shrinkage and avoid bricks from dropping or circular sections from
NOTE: Once sagging has occurred it cannot be corrected and the higher stresses generated during
subsequent heating can cause a complete collapse of the section.
December 1999
Page 27


In this DEP, reference is made to the following publications:

NOTE: Unless specifically designated by date, the latest issue of each publication shall be used (together with
any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto).

Index to DEP publications and standard DEP
Welding of metals DEP
Steel stacks DEP
Refractory bricks and shapes DEP
Insulating and dense refractory concrete linings DEP
December 1999
Page 28


Dimensions for design and calculation of refractory materials for main and line burners
depend on the requirements of the Principal for a specific unit.
In general, burners are standardized by the Manufacturer, which result in an internal
diameter and length for a given capacity. Thermal gradient calculations will further be used
for the dimensions and layout of the internal refractory lining. The typical thickness of
various layers is given in Figure A1-1. The preferred brick patterns are given in Table A1-1.

Figure A1-1 LMV-type H2S-burners - overview and dimensions

±175 Etot

Burner assembly flange/welded

or direct welded to mixing chamber

Hole to be drilled
on mounting
Lining to continue
Ø 34-50 jointless into
mixing chamber
215 45°


Min. 3 mm c.f. paper 1600°

R 15°

115 or 152

High alumina brick
64 or 76
HT insulating brick
Insulating brick or board
(optional: microporous)

NOTE: The dimensions A, C, D and R should be derived from the burner drawings.

Table A1-1 Patterns used in circle

1½ s 2s 2¼ s 2½ s 2¼ s 3s
ssss hh ssss ssss ssss hh qqq ssss ssss hh ssss ssss qqq ssss ssss ssss
hh ssss hh ssss hh hh ssss ssss hh ssss ssss hh
qqq qqq qqq hh qqq qqq ssss hh qqq ssss qqq qqq ssss ssss qqq ssss hh qqq
repeat repeat

NOTE: s = stretcher
h = ½s
q = ¼s

For the type and size of side arch bricks and the number of bricks per ring, use Figure A1-2
and Figure A1-3.
December 1999
Page 29

Although calculations are made on a multiple of ½ size of a brick, in order to obtain a ½

brick offset stretcher bond, a ¼ brick offset bond may be used, in which case the minimum
length "Etot" shall be recalculated to a multiple of full sizes plus ¼ brick length.
December 1999
Page 30

Figure A1-2 Calculation sheet for side arch bricks

Number of bricks
with 2 mm joint: C
70 E = 230 x 114 x 84/44
A = 230 x 114 x 76/52
60 B = 230 x 114 x 72/56
C = 230 x 114 x 69/59
50 D = 230 x 114 x 67/61 B
34 LM V 70
E c
10 b
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Inside radius (mm)

for LMV 70, choose either:
c type E + (34 - c) Std bricks (best ratio)
a type A + (34 - a) type B, (poor ratio)
b type E + (34 - b) type B, (worst ratio)

Figure A1-3 Calculation sheet for end arch bricks

Number of bricks
with 2 mm joint: D
350 A = 230 x 114 x 76/52
B = 230 x 114 x 72/56
300 C = 230 x 114 x 69/59
D = 230 x 114 x 67/61
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Inside radius (mm)
December 1999
Page 31

Figure A1-4 LMV burner with bricked lining - connection to MRC

December 1999
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Figure A1-5 LMV burner layout with ceramic anchor for monolithic lining

Note: At least the top half of the burner shall be provided with ceramic anchors.
December 1999
Page 33


Table A2-1 Insulating castable refractory material for tube sheet

Material description ISO MW 175-L
Medium Weight Insulating Castable
Brand name
Supplier VDEh code
Insulating castable, Class I, Group (ISO) MW 175-L, bubbled alumina based with air bond/ceramic
binder, dry, placed by casting, moulding or hand-packing, yield by volume 1.4 t/m3,
particle size 4 mm
Unit of supply: 25 kg paper bags Storage life: 12 months
Method of installation Casting [ X ] Ramming [ ]
Weight to place g/cm3 1430
Bulk density ISO 5016 1350 - 1430
Max. temperature of use (mtu) 1750
Grain size 4
Main mineral constituent Bubbled Alumina
Main components ISO DP 3403 % Al2O3 > 93
% SiO2 < 0.7
% Fe2O3 < 0.1
< 6.0
% CaO
% alkali
Pyrometric cone equivalent ISO 528 ISO number 190
Refractoriness under load ISO 1893 t 0 = °C --
(0.05 N/mm2, pre-fired) t 0.5 = °C --
Permanent linear change ISO 2477 % (110 °C) 0
% (1000 °C) -0.1
Reversible linear change % at mtu 1.4
Cold crushing strength ISO 8895 MPa 25 (110 °C)
15 (1000 °C)
Modulus of rupture ISO 5013/5014 MPa >2
Thermal conductivity ISO 8894 W/m.K
400 °C 0.98
600 °C 0.89
1000 °C 0.80
1200 °C 0.77
Water content l/kg 16/100

NOTES: 1. Cold crushing strength after 6 months' storage (and thereafter) shall be at least 75 % of the
original "as supplied" values.

2. Refractory products from different manufacturers shall never be mixed. Storage life shall be at
least 12 months in a dry, cool warehouse.
December 1999
Page 34

Table A2-2 Mouldable/plastic refractory material for tube sheet

Material description ISO Plastic 165
Dense Mouldable Refractory
Brand name
Supplier VDEh code
Plastic mouldable refractory, Class I, Group (ISO) Plastic 165. Bauxite /Mullite based,
with air bond/ceramic binder, ready-to-use, placed by ramming, yield by volume 2.65 t/m3,
particle size 6 mm
Unit of supply: 25 kg cartons Storage life: 12 months
Method of installation Casting [ ] Ramming [ X ]
Weight to place g/cm3 2650
Bulk density ISO 5017 2450 - 2650
Max. temperature of use (mtu) g/cm3 1650
Grain size °C 6
Main mineral constituent Bauxite/Mullite
Main components ISO DP 3403 % Al2O3 73
% SiO2 21
% Fe2O3 < 1.5
< 0.5
% CaO
< 0.5
% alkali
Pyrometric cone equivalent ISO 528 ISO number 186
Refractoriness under load ISO 1893 t 0 = °C 1330
(0.05 N/mm2, pre-fired) t 2 = °C > 1550
Permanent linear change ISO 2278 % (110 °C) -0.6
% (1500 °C) 1.5
Reversible linear change % at mtu 0.7
(Cold) crushing strength ISO 8895 MPa 5 (110 °C)
30 (1500 °C)
Modulus of rupture ISO 4013/5014 MPa 6.5 (1500 °C)
Thermal conductivity ISO 8894 W/m.K
500 °C 1.25
1000 °C 1.48
Water content l/kg moist

NOTE: Refractory products from different manufacturers shall never be mixed. Storage life shall be 12 months
in a dry, cool warehouse.
December 1999
Page 35


Design requirements for Corundum type ferrules:

Ferrule required for tube size: to be specified by WHB manufacturer
Example: 31.75 mm O.D * 4.064 mm wall thickness

Length of ferrules: Governed by tube sheet plus refractory lining

Number required: to be specified, inclusive approx. 10% spare
Bulk density ISO 5017 g/cm3 2500
Apparent porosity ISO 5017 % 15
Max. temperature of use (mtu) °C 1700
Main mineral constituent Corundum/Mullite
Main components ISO DP 3403 % Al2O3 > 90
% SiO2 --
% Fe2O3 < 1.5
% alkali --
Pyrometric cone equivalent ISO 528 ISO number 205
Refractoriness under load ISO 1893 t 0 = °C --
(0.05 N/mm2, pre-fired) t 2 = °C --
Permanent linear change ISO 2278 % -0.5 - 0.1
(30 h, 1650 °C)
Reversible linear change % at mtu 0.6
Cold crushing strength ISO 8895 MPa 70 (1500 °C)
Modulus of rupture ISO 5014 MPa --
Thermal conductivity ISO 8894 W/m.K 2.3 (100°C)
Thermal capacity kJ/kg °C 0.26 - 0.27
Thermal shock resistance DIN 51068 cycles > 50

Tolerances: outside diameter and taper +0 / -1 mm

Wall thickness +/- 3.0%
Length +/- 3.0%

NOTES: 1. Ferrules may be smoothed lightly with sandpaper. No more than 5% of the ferrule wall thickness
may be removed at any time.

2. The outside diameter of the ferrules may be checked by inserting the ferrules in a sample of the
tubes of the WHB.

3. For typical contours of ferrules, see Figure 2-7.

December 1999
Page 36

Design requirements for Mullite type ferrules

Ferrule required for tube size: to be specified by WHB manufacturer
Example: 31.75 mm O.D * 4.064 mm wall thickness

Length of ferrules: Governed by tube sheet plus refractory lining

Number required: to be specified, inclusive approx. 10% spare

Bulk density ISO 5017 g/cm3 2300

Apparent porosity ISO 5017 % approx. 20
Max. temperature of use (mtu) °C 1600
Main mineral constituent Mullite
Main components ISO/DP 3403 % Al2O3 58 - 63
% SiO2 26
% Fe2O3
% alkali
Pyrometric cone equivalent ISO 528 ISO number --
Refractoriness under load ISO 1893 t 0 = °C --
(0.05 N/mm2, pre-fired) t 2 = °C --
Permanent Linear Change ISO 2278 % -0.5 - 0.1
(30 h, 1650 °C)
Reversible Linear Change % at mtu 0.6
(Cold) crushing strength ISO 8895 MPa 70 (1500 °C)
Modulus of rupture ISO 5014 MPa --
Thermal conductivity ISO 8894 W/m.K 1.75 (1000°C)
Thermal capacity kJ/kg °C 0.21 - 0.27
Thermal shock resistance DIN 51068 cycles > 50

Tolerances: outside diameter and taper +0 / -1 mm

Wall thickness +/- 3.0%
Length +/- 3.0%

NOTES: 1. Ferrules may be smoothed lightly with sandpaper. No more than 5% of the ferrule wall thickness
may be removed at any time.

2. The outside diameter of the ferrules may be checked by inserting the ferrules in a sample of the
tubes of the WHB.

3. For typical contours of ferrules, see Figure 2-7.

December 1999
Page 37

Figure A3-1 Installation of tube sheet by ramming

December 1999
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Figure A4-1 Typical example of an underground concrete tank for temporary

sulphur storage
December 1999
Page 39

Figure A4-2 Typical example of an underground concrete pit with a free-standing

carbon steel storage tank
December 1999
Page 40


Figure A5-1 Flue gas duct insulating system - general
December 1999
Page 41

Figure A5-2 Flue gas duct insulating system - support detail

December 1999
Page 42



The design and selection of refractory materials shall be based on the normal operational
conditions as follows:
Table A6-1 Normal operating conditions
Main reaction LMV burner 1300 ± 150 °C
Reaction chamber 1300 ± 150 °C
Baffle wall up to 1600 °C
WHB tube sheet up to 1600 °C
Line burners Burner up to 1800 °C
Mixing chamber 200 - 300 °C
Reactor(s) Internal wall 200 - 360 °C (*)
Scot reaction LMV burner up to 1800 °C
Reaction chamber section up to 1600 °C
Mixing chamber 280 - 310 °C
Reactor (not lined) 280 - 370 °C
Incinerator Catalytic reactor Thermal reactor
Claus SCOT
Burner up to 1800 °C up to 1800 °C
Reaction chamber section up to 1800 °C up to 1600 °C
Mixing chamber 300 °C 320 °C 700 °C - 850 °C
to to
380 °C 325 °C
Reactor 300 °C to 380 °C 700 °C - 850 °C

(*) During 'heat soak operation', process temperature range is 280 °C to 360 °C.
(**) During 'runaway', temperature may rise to 750 °C in 15 min.


The refractory materials shall be suitable for the process conditions in the SRU/SCOT
equipment and shall be selected in accordance with DEP and
The material specifications hereafter are based on the use of refractory bricks, which is the
preferred refractory lining design. ISO-standardized bricks shall be used as far as possible.
Equivalent monolithic refractory materials may be selected subject to the approval of the
December 1999
Page 43

Table A6-2 Refractory grade selection

Main reaction LMV burner throat Special shapes based on HA75 type material, plus special shapes
chamber based on Group 140 insulating material
LMV burner High alumina bricks HA60 - HA75, plus HT insulating bricks
Group 140, plus micro-porous insulating board 1000 °C (optional)
Reaction chamber High alumina bricks HA60 - HA75, plus HT insulating bricks
Group 140, plus micro-porous insulating board 1000 °C (optional)
Baffle wall High alumina bricks HA70
Tube sheet WHB Bubbled HA insulating castable or putty mix Group MW 175-1.4L,
plus HA95 type ceramic ferrules with collars
Line burners Complete burner High alumina (special shape) bricks HA75, plus HT insulating
(special shape) bricks Group 140
Mixing chamber Fireclay bricks FC42, plus insulating bricks Group 125
Reactor(s) Internal wall Group MW130li (-L) castable
Scot reaction Complete burner High alumina (special shape) bricks HA75, plus HT insulating
chamber (special shape) bricks Group 140
Reaction chamber Fireclay bricks FC42, plus insulating bricks Group 125
Incinerator Complete burner High alumina (special shape) bricks HA75, plus HT insulating
(special shape) bricks Group 140
Reaction chamber High alumina bricks HA75, plus HT insulating bricks Group 140
Mixing chamber Fireclay bricks FC42, plus insulating bricks Group 125

NOTE: Material specification is given sequentially from inside (hot face) towards the shell.
HA 70: refractory material based on Mullite.
HA 60: refractory material based on Sillimanite/Andalusite.
FC XX: refractory material based on (enriched) Fireclay
Refractory mortars shall be dedicated for the refractory materials being used, air-setting or
chemical/heat-setting, ready-for-use.


The LMV combustor refractory lining shall be laid in stretcher bond or three-quarter bond
configuration. The lining shall therefore be designed such that its length is a multiple of a
quarter of the standard length, being 57 mm or 115 mm depending on the bond used.
The burner throat refractory lining shall be designed as complete sets of special shapes
and should be standardised for all throats in the unit.
The reaction/mixing chambers shall be designed in standard refractory side arch and/or
end arch bricks, based on a "two sizes brick" system. The linings shall be laid in stretcher
bond or three-quarter bond configuration. Expansion allowances and required spacing shall
be incorporated in the design, in longitudinal as well as in radial directions.
Thermocouples/thermowells should be positioned in the bottom of the vessels because
they will be more reliable due to minimal thermo-mechanical stresses in this region. See
Figure A6-1.
December 1999
Page 44

Figure A6-1 Thermocouple arrangement

Last page of this DEP

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