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Q. 1 What is a Gram Sabha ?

Q 2 Explain the composition of Gram Panchayat.

Q 3 State the functions of a Gram Panchayat.

Q.4 Describe the three levels of Panchayati Raj System..

Q 5. What are the sources of funds for the Panchayat?

Q 6 What do you understand by the term BPL?

Q.7 Who is a Panchayat Secretary and what are his/her functions?

Q. 8 Who regulates the money distribution among all the Gram Panchayats?

Q 9 Choose the correct option

i. Who is called Sarpanch ?

a. Member of the Panchayat c. Villagers

b. Panchayat President d. Anyone of these

ii. The Gram Panchayat is elected for a period of ____ years

a. Three years c. Four Years

b. Five Years d. Six Years

iii. The meetings of Gram Sabha can be attended by

a. Anyone c. Male Members of the Village

b. Rich people of the Village d. All adult members of the village

iv. How many members are there in the Gram Panchayat ?

a. Two c Three
b. Four d. Five

v. Gram Sabha keeps a control on the

a. Local Government c. Gram Panchayat
b. Secretary d. All of these

vi. The meeting of the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat is called by

a. Sarpanch c. Block Development Officer

b. secretary d. Any Villager

Q State True or False

i. Panchayati Raj System is the first level of Government -

ii. BPL means Behind People’s league

iii. Janpad Panchayat is above Panchayat Samiti.

iv The three levels of Panchayati Raj are Zila Parishad , Panchayat Samiti and Gram Panchayat

v The Main idea behind Panchayati Raj system is to involve people in decision making at the
lowest level


Above the Panchayat Samiti is the District Panchayat or the Zila Parishad. The Zila Parishad
actually makes developmental plans at the district level. With the help of Panchayat Samitis, it
also regulates the money distribution among all the Gram Panchayats.

Q 1 Above Panchayat Samitit is

a. Zila Parishad b. Gram Sabha c.Janpad Panchayat

Q 2 At the district level development plans are made by

a. Block Development officer b. Sarpanch c Zila Parishad

Q 3 Zila Parishad regulates money distribution with the help of

a. Panchayat Samiti b. Gram Panchayat c. Gram Sabha

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