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poswal function 1 & 2 questions along with external

surveyors from jan 2019 to dec 2019

Channel Poswal, [27.12.18 20:49]f1 & 2 3rd attemptint. capt poswal. ext. capt kohli.

f2- P

types of cargo pumps on chem. tanker

. H2so4 loading on chem tanker

diff. b/w nls nd cof certificate

. types of tanks in chemical tanker

loading of lpg gas

. coal loading in details

. imdg code why req.

diff. btwn vol 1 &2

.contents of isgott

. loading imdg cargo

f1- pass

. mag compass d coff

planning as mate

. diff charts used in ecdis

.ror cards- fw vsl, aground vsl nuc vsl

.eqpt. publications on board

. eta why require nd grt for bulky for etb


. assist master in approach port

. plan voy. from arabian to Singapore

cow operation, hazard

gas tanker type

thats it....

for poswal only confidence require...he is very co operative

Channel Poswal, [23.01.19 20:36]

Internal - Poswal

1. Which types of Gas Carrier done.

2. How many types are there.

3. Can you load Butane in Propane tank ? Answer - No, because of excess boil Off Propane vapours.

4. Can you Load Propane in Butane tank ? Yes, we can bcoz Butane will Vapour will condensate.

5. How to carry Change of Grade from Propane to Ammonia .?

6. Which gas we have in our LPG Home cylinder? Butane with Mercaptan.

7. What about Gas cylinders used Kashmir ? Thats Butane - Propane mix with little amount of Propane in it.
8.How do you carry Hold Space inspection ?

9. What to do when there is Cargo Leakage in Hold space ? Wants to listen about working of Cargo eductor.

10. What gas do we put in Hold space with Cargo tank filled with ammonia ?

Dry air with due point less than -35*C

11. How do you use Mollier Diagram and SVP Curve and when.

12. How do you get to know about time taken by LPG compressors for Cargo Conditioning.

13. What happens when there are two different types of densities cargoes in a tank and what are the
consequences ? Rollover.

14. Draw a Hold Space diagram.

15. How do prepare for Loading a Gas Carrier after Drydock.

16. Working of Pilot Valves and MARVS settings on board and how do change it.

17. Max change of temperature allowed during cargo conditioning.

18. Whats Caliberation temperature used in LPG Cargo calculations ?

19. Cargo Leakage during Loading from Cargo Vent. Action ?

Channel Poswal, [25.01.19 23:07]Attempt:1Results:P/F/PExternal :Capt kohliInternal: Capt poswal.

Func: 1

-Around 20 card with full details

- passage planning as mate

- sight calculations (stars and sun)in detail .

- amplitude , PD,amplitude procedure .

-flinder bar (correction of PB and ib )

- conventional direction of buoy age.

- Trs ur in dangerous quandart n hemi. Action .

- navigation in ice ( all precautions u will take as mate)

And from many from his set


-assisting master in taking command ,

-engine failure in Singapore tss


-weather associated at Persian gulf ( asking about something sambal wind - these are the winds in gulf area and
rising in evening up to 30-35 kts).

And ques from his set .



-preparation FOR loading on LNG

-preparation on loading heavy lift cargo .

- preparation for loading livestock’s

- while loading heavy lift cargo there is black out and weight is in b/w ship and Jetty(he want to listen how you
lower the weight) I.e by using shore winches

- cow preparation and precautions while cow.

- cow requirements .

-insulation on LNG ships

-heating test of steaming coil .

- cracking of ss tank on chemical tankers.

- rigging plan .

Channel Poswal, [28.01.19 23:32]25/01/2019External Kohli / internal poswal

F1 : P

Passage planning as mate

SALR & DALR, significance of it to mariner

Frontal depression, diff b/w TRS and Frontal depression

ETA arrangements and what are latest amendments.

VDR / SVDR, IMO performance standard

Direction of bouyage system around land mass.

Few ROR cards.

How to remove bubble from magnetic compass

Seaworthiness of ship

Capt Postal

1. Assisting master in command making

2. Types of current with examples.

3. Direction of Kuroshio current.

4. M/E fail in Mallaca strait, action, he cross questioned at what frequecy you will repeat the urgency broadcast

Channel Poswal, [23.04.19 09:16]Sachin choudhary22.04.2018Attempt-4

Fun 1External- capt. Kk sharmaInternal- capt poswal

Cbd card

Towing card

Trawler card

Reg B Prefered channel to stbd card

Special mark card

South cardinal buoy light

Day card- inscospicous object


Horizontal Parallax

Parallax in altitude

Precession of equinoxes and its effects

Dgps how it works

What is GAGAN and what does augmentation mean in respect to gagan

Piezoelectric effect
Janus configuration

His favorite TSS crossing situation

Rate of water ingress from a hole, unit and the formula gives rate in what... I told m³/sec

Priming and lagging of tides

Ht of lt house and bridge from what height

Hydrometer & hygrometer and how to calibrate hydrometer

Dangerous quadrant trs action

When is earth closest to sun?

Why winters are smaller?

External : Capt poswal

Safety settings in ecdis

How will you assit master in heavy wx as per mate?

Singapore strait steering fail... Actions?

He was busy as he's the only internal

Channel Poswal, [23.04.19 14:00]23-Apr-20193rd AttemptExt: Capt. P. SarinInt: Capt. PoswalChemical Tankers

Result: 1/PCapt. Sarin

Day Card Diving Ops

Preferred channel to stbd rgn B

Night Cards NUC, CBD, RAM

Situations all in RV

State all correctors placed in Magnetic Compass

Explain Coeff D & E

State Requirements of ETA

Capt. Poswal

Action as mate on grounding

Action as a mate on ME failure during port approach

Action as a mate on MOB in TSS

Channel Poswal, [23.04.19 14:01]23-Apr-20194th AttemptExt: Capt. P. SarinInt: Capt. Poswal

Result: 1/PCapt. Sarin

Day Card pair trawling net fast on an obstruction( ask also can u alter to port, if yes then by which rule)

Preferred channel to stbd rgn A

Night Cards pilot card, aground vsl, trawler

Situations crossing ( once stand on and once give way)

State all correctors placed in Magnetic Compass

Quadrantal sphere

Solas chapter 14 ( General thing abt polar code )

Capt. Poswal

Assist master in command making

How to assist master in case rupture of fwd tank - want to listen we will provide him stability condition n Damage
stability condition, who issues damage stability booklet

Safe speed def

Channel Poswal, [23.04.19 17:59]External: Capt sarinInternal: poswal

Function :1

1) previous remarks

2) ror cards - day cards , buoyage cards, cardinal cards

3) ror situation : own vsl overtaking from stbd qtr , RV situations, rule-19

4) magnetic compass coefficients - all correctors , which corrector corrects wht , explanation abt coefficent

Channel Poswal, [01.05.19 19:16]23/04/2019Function 1/2/3Result. F/ P/PExternal- Capt.Sarin

Internal- capt. Poswal

Function 2-

Hazards of ship.

And FFA equipment on ro ro

Cloud point

Grain loading criteria

And bagged grain which code is applicable

Timber criteria

Tml, fmp, moisture content


BC / IMSBC difference

Refrigerator container loading precautions

Function 2 and function 3 all mix

NOP and General average





And Types of tanker and gas tanker

Channel Poswal, [17.05.19 20:33]Pushpinder Rana17/05/2019Internal: PoswalExternal: Kohli

Fn 2

Imdg Volumes and classes

Where to find UN no

Segregation of IMDG

Chemical tanker pading

Wall wash

Ro ro vessel loading procedure

Oil tanker loading and COW in detail as I have sailed in oil tankers only

Types of containers

Fn 2GAS TANKERS QUESTIONS abt cargo containment and requirements for sustaining secondary
barrier and and abquestion on insulation too

Fixed fire fighting system in gas tankers

Checks before COW

Ship security checklist

Emergency on oil.tanker overflow while topping off action

Channel Poswal, [17.05.19 20:35]Fun 1F, 2PExternal kohliInternal Poswal

PZX traingle


polar distance

Cyclone came in india what its name and its path.

trs dangerous quadeant and what action. In this i told him 12 kts spd wala funda but he told in trs vsl can not do
12 konts.

tropical depression


MAg comp corn Coff D.

GYRO error.

Echosounder Performence Standard

VDR SVDR differnce

ETA latest amendment and why it came.

Ice type and which is dangerous.

As a mate what action will you take in RV.

Inertial Gyro and its working.

Retrogate motion of palnet.

Fun 2

Angle of repose

IMDG and its content

LNG loading procedure.

Tank type on gas carrier

coating of chemical carrier.

heavy life precautions.

duties of drover and which certificate u will carry on cattle carrier.

COW hazard and requirement.

Sloptank Requirement.

difference betwn Saucering and bundling.

Hazard of coal.

Percentage of co2 for vegetable.

What is angle of contraflexture.

NOP and LOP.

Bill off lading why it is required.

Heeling Moment.

what is TLV.

and few more once recall will update.

Channel Poswal, [17.05.19 20:35]Jaskirat Singh Gill17/05/2019Internal: PoswalExternal: Kohli

1st attemptP/F/FKohli

Fn 1

How will do celestial fix

Ror cards

Principal of gyro,ais, ecosounder

Iala buoyage (region a &b)

Asked to draw buoys on channel proceeding to jetty

Fn 2

Chemical tanker pading

Wall wash

Ro ro vessel loading procedure

Precautions on Oil tanker while loading.

What is isgot

Hazards of Rice, coal, sulphur

How will u prepare your ship for dry docking

Effect of trim on vessel

Channel Poswal, [18.05.19 12:07]17-05-19F 2P/3P

Ext: Capt Kohli / int : Poswal


Hatchless containership all about it.

Imdg code thorough with a example of cargo and procedures.

Refrigeration plan and use of brine trap.

Types of coating on chemical tanker .( Epoxy phenyl zinc & stainless steel)

How to wash tank in chemical tanker with stainless steel

Types of gas ship and asked bout which one you prefer to load butane. - I explained full procedure of loading n
reference of igc n msds to get details since I've not done gas ships .so he was happy bout the knowledge to find the
correct reference.

Channel Poswal, [18.05.19 18:39]Date: 17-May-2018Attempt: 3rdInternal: Capt PoswalExternal: Capt Kohli

Func: 1P , 3P

Funtion 1:

1. Hows Chanakya doing ?

2. A new wreck has developed, which buoy will you put ?

3. How will you assist master on bridge ?

Told all points which were written in notes but tell me something that as a mate only you know.

He gave remark on my sheet, i requested him to please tell me.

His words" if due to some reason master wants to deviate from course , only you can tell him about fresh water

4. How many types of tides are there ? What you calculate ?

5. VDR/SVDR difference and IMO standards.

6. TRS , cyclome difference

7. TRS TLD difference.

8. Buoys cards

9. Own vessel CBD, target vessel RAM action

10. Own vessel CBD , target vessel sailing vessel.

11. Own vessel PD, port quarter PD

12. Own vessel PD, head on PD

Wreck on stbd side

In between we had conversation about the college time, mates preperation and on many other topics.


Engine failiure in TSS

Wants to hear , will display NUC lights.

Channel Poswal, [18.05.19 18:39]7/05/19Second attempt - Fun 1/2/3 - P/F/P(Ext- Kohli Int-Poswal)

After introduction Kohli asked all three prepared well ? I said yes sir very well. Poswal interrupted OK let’s see.
( He Is Listening To Everything )

Func 1 -

1. Ice navigation ? (pet question)

2. ALRS - name all the volumes? ( could name 5 only)?

3. ALL - how many volumes?

4. What’s Navtex ?( started answering about AIS was stopped by Kohli so suddenly it struck I was all wrong,
apologised and told about navtex )

5. What’s LRIT?

6. What’s banwas? ( said as per solas ch v didn’t know tukka tha )

7. Errors of echosounder ? ( told 3 of Echosounder then told side lobe which is I think for Doppler he asked sure
? I wasn’t and said yes sir I am, he said okay )

8. What is IALA region B ? Which countries are in it ?

9. You’re a CBD vessel and you see a RAM vessel ahead what do you do ? ( told him about the action not even the
direction of action P/S nor as per Rule 18, Kohli satisfied )

10. Day cards

a. Preferred channel to stbd

b. What do when new wreck is there ?

c. Safe water mark ?

d. Region b port hand mark ?

e. Lateral port hand mark reg A?

11. Now draw TSS avoiding action when in navigable semi circle and Southern Hemisphere?

12. Buys ballots law ?

Func 2 -

1. Reqmt for COW?

2. What’s lashing code ?

3. What’s load on top procedure ?

4. Hazards of concentrates ?

5. Precautions of loading coal ?

6. Precautions of loading heavy lift ?

7. Testing of hatchcovers how ?

8. Entries to be made in oil record book ?

Internal Poswal -

1. How will you assist master in command making ? ( wanted to hear about stability aspect plus baki sab normal )

2. What is SEEMP ?

3. Why min trim in DD ?

( I gave maximum Marpol and Solas references. Your confidence in telling them matters a lot. Poswal is chilled
out. Kohli will always have a blank look on his face no matter what. So you should realise that stopping is not a
good option. Don’t think you might be wrong. It’s a true test of your confidence as well.

Channel Poswal, [18.05.19 19:08]EXTERNAL KOHLI INTERNAL POSWAL


Certificate as per marpol

annex 6

Coating in chemical tanker

Timber deck cargo

Why timber ship has less free board



Letter of credit

Why epoxy paint not in engine room

Marpol annex 2 special area

How many annexes in marpol

Sulphur fire action


Initial GM of grain ship

Rollover in gas tanker

Fire fighting system on gas tanker

Channel Poswal, [20.05.19 12:42]Ext-chautani. Int poswal20-5-19 F1-NOt prep./F2-P/F3-Not prepared

Chautani- Mostly from bulk carrier , loading of coal and grain, hazards of grain, tankscope, explosivmtr, imdg
code - segregation, imdg manifest,can u load imdg and reefer container under deck together.hog , sag... (tries to
confuse) Chemical tankers.. types and construction.

Internal- poswal

What are hatch cover less container ships.msds sheets.

Channel Poswal, [20.05.19 14:47][Forwarded from Kaushal]Ext-Chautani Int-Poswal


Fun1-Situations .Passage through TSS from Port A to B

Fun2-wood pulp hazard.pumproom ventilation to load heavy lift .TML.ig blower capacity.imsbc.

Fun3-SEEMP.onload rel mech. Latest reqrmnt.reqrmnts for combination ladder.lifting required as per vich
regulation.deck log book and official log book mandatory?

Few others by Ext.Poswal-Ship shore safety checklist.Spill while loading.

Channel Poswal, [21.05.19 16:12]21 May 2019Internal :Poswal

External : Capt Chabra (name was wrong before)Started with introduction by capt poswal.

Then hand over to capt kaul

Capt kaul checked all previous remarks

Ask why ROR is written all time

Then started with night cards

Only trawler 5-6 cards

5-6 situtation ( will post seperate)

Internal :poswal

Started with perious remark from 1st attempt.

1. What are day signal for NUC /TOWING

2. Have u seen towing vessel how is towing line either touching water or straight.

3. Pressure gradient

4. Ocean currents

5. U r as ch mate on bridge watch in TSS your main eng fails action ( he want to listen NUC Light)

6. Which rule say that you are NUC vessel. (Rule 3 Definition)

7. In singapore straite what is main hazard and where ( Batu barnti light house- strong currents)

8. How will u counter currents by keeping more speed or less speed.

9. Your vessel collide how you accesstern damag and what will be your action as chief mate.

10. Which is more dangerous compartment on ship durring collision

Channel Poswal, [21.05.19 16:12]21.05.20192nd AttExternal:Capt. ChabraInternal: Capt. Poswal

Fun 1: P


Saw previous remarks, asked what hppnd last tym

1. When do u beach the vsl- Told him everything about beaching, ground tackle, refloating etc till he changed the

2. Rv - Fog horn from stbd quater, intensity increasing quickly, radar inoperational — altered co to port to bring
fog horn on port quater and let the vsl pass
3. Rv - i am overtaking another vsl , from which side and why- any side as per 19 d (1)

4. Crossing - U now see 1 vsl at 2 miles at around 7 pts on stbd while u were busy with another situation. Range
reducing quickly, Action —- i asked if Radar is operational, he said yes

I told i will chk Tcpa , and if possible carry out Trial Manouvre. He said Ok but u found that u don’t have tym for
trial manouvre then i said i will immediately give a wide alteration to port and bring us parellel to that vsl co and
let it pass. He said very Good.


Few definitions of Ror

Day signals and fog signals

Assist Master in command taking

Brm and Btm-only full forms he changes the questions

Ship has collided- Action as Mate

Channel Poswal, [22.05.19 10:07]21-May-20182nd attemptFunc 1 & 2 - P/PExt - Capt ChabraInt - Capt poswal

External Questions

Func 2

Css Code (in detail)

Timber Code (in detail)

IMSBC code (in detail)

Precautions for carriage of Concentrates


Carriage of Sulphur Fines

Carriage of wood pulp

Carriage of coal, checks during voyage

Precautions for loading heavy lifts

Seaway bill

Boat note

Various small terminologies

Func 1

Ror Cards - approx 20 in nos. (mostly day cards)

No buoyage cards

6 Ror situations

Ice navigation

TRS avoiding action in SH

Ocean currents and circulation of various currents.

Beaching (everything in detail)


Func 1



MOB open sea

Engine failure in TSS

Duties as per ISM

Assisting Master in decision making

Some day signals, Fog signals

Func 2

Alternate hold loading

Boiling temp of various gases

Loadicator requirements

Channel Poswal, [22.05.19 11:08]21-May-2018External Questions

Func 2

How to load steel coils

What is timber code and why there is different timber loadline

Contents of IMDG

Precautions for loading heavy lift cargoes

What is Grain code?

Failing ques : Main eng failure in TSS .i told him evrything and told him sir will broadcast a PAN PAN
MESSAGE.poswal said y Pan pan whts d urgency.he said r u sure i said yes (as per the notes).he said no den i said ok
sir den SECURITE broadcast kr dunga.he did not say anything but wrote F

Channel Poswal, [22.05.19 17:08]oral taken by poswalFunc 2/ 3(f/ p)

Func 2

1. Marvel setting on gas tankers? crude tanker while loading, tank overflow what action?

3. What is use of compressor on gas tanker?

4. Loading preparation on gas tanker?

5. Cow requirements?

Channel Poswal, [22.05.19 20:50]22/5/19Fun1 2 and 3Result FFF

External: MittalInternal: POSWAL

Situation normal crossing

In rv fog horn on port bow.

All action not only action.

Buoy cards

Night card- twing RAM, pair trawling

Shooting nets hauling and nets fast on an obstn.

Sound signal for aground vsl.


-load density

-Stowage factor

- info get from Loadicator- forgot draft and trim. Asking or, or, or.
-Explain how to refer MFAG


-How you will load grain cargo (wants to listen Doa, Shippers dec, then Vhm calculations and all)

-How will u go after all fast till cargo commence,all ig, meeting, SS Checklist, didnot mntion Loading Plan to be
disscussed, who all sign Loading plan.

-why we have imsbc

-Hazards of concentrates

-Hazards of Sulphur, or, or krta rehta h yaar

-Minimum and maximum gm requirements of timber ships

-What is purging, why we do

-Mfag how to refer, failing question bola aaj har koi galat bta rha h, kahan se padhe, beta tayari nhi ki ache se

-Functions of bill of lading

-person collapsed while loading dangerous cargo, action

-competent person

Who makes entry in chain register

Retention period of chain register

-Stealer plate

-Sticker plate

-Sheer strake

-Fwd strengthing members

-Discarding of wire ropes(more than 10 percent wala is wrong as per mittal, fir bola kahan se padha, group study
nhi krte tum.)

-Note of protest in detail

Any other will be added later.

Channel Poswal, [22.05.19 21:32]22/5/19Fun 1 - Not preparedFun 2 and 3Result F/F

External: MittalInternal: Poswal

-load density

-Stowage factor

- angle of repose

- info get from Loadicator- pata ni kya sun na chahta tha.

-Explain how to refer MFAG


-How you will load wood pulp.

-Hazards of Sulphur, told all of them but still he wanted something else.

-Minimum and maximum gm requirements of timber ships

-What is purging, why we do

-Mfag how to refer,

Who makes entry in chain register.

Retention period of chain register

-Stealer plate

-Sticker plate

-Discarding of wire ropes

-IMDG in detail

- gas freeing

- cow in detail

Channel Poswal, [23.05.19 12:24]Ext: cpt ShardaInt: Poswal23May 2019

Function 1) - F

Only one card

1) FV card with white light at bottom

- seen from astern

-gear extending 150

2)radar relative motion your vsl 180T x 16kts

You see a pdv crossing from port hdg 250 x 6kts

Pdv called you on vhf n asked you to pass astern

Your Action?

Take action only if you see NUC lights at 3nm range, then only alter to port

-Same situation in RV and without RV

He wants to listen apect and rule 7 same brg distance reducing

2) meaning of close quarter situation

Ans- wants to knw rule 17b

3) safe water mark in region B whr will leave while outbound

4) quote rule 6 and rule 9

5) meaning of *proper and effective action* and *appropriate to prevailing* CnC

6) radar limitations

Channel Poswal, [23.05.19 13:44]FUNCTION 1/2/3External- CAPT SHARDA INTERNAL POSWAL

RESULT F/F/FFunction 1

Sailing vessel cards /towing card

EMERGENCY WRECK MARKING BUOY -is there any racon fitted or not

Qoute rule 6/19

Situation in restricted visibility

Crossing situation

He draw two red light and one white light -identify and action

Radar 1/2/3 blips and range 4/5/6 nm action ,aspect same ques from his set

Scanty information

And few more from his sets

Function 2

Angle of repose
Which is better high or low

What is boat note

Dg manifest

Why vegetable oil comes under category Y

What are heavylift

Channel Poswal, [23.05.19 13:44]23.05.2019Int: PoswalExt: Sharda

Function 1 - P


Started with asking which ship I have done and what was it route

No cards asked

1) situation - vsl on Port bow range 5 miles- action

At 4 miles she said on VhF - she cannot take action . Ur action

Ans - wait for 3 miles so that NuC shapes can be visible and then alter course to port and pass her astern

2) Right ahead U see two around red lts and white lt._ action

First determine whether other vsl is NUC/ aground and take action accordingly


Ur course 180 Sees target 150 bearing range 6, 5 and 4


4) how u will assist master in command making on bridge

5) hazards of ice navigation

6) few more situation but all from his sets in telegram and drop box

7) why PL is straight for celestial observation and circular for terrestrial observation

8) what is GP and what is radius of celestial observation and where is the centre of of position circle in celestial

9) what is dangerous quadrant in in TRS and why it is called dangerous. What avoiding action you will take

10) quote rule 6, what are limitations of radar equipment

11) explain rule 19 d

Few more questions mostly from his sets


1) how you will assist master in incommand making

2) damage stability booklet whether it is approved or not,if yes who approves it

Channel Poswal, [23.05.19 17:01]21 May 2019External Capt Chhabra Internal Capt poswal

Function 2

IMSBC and types of cargo

Boat note

Loading of steel coils

Use of dunnage

Hazardous of concentrate

Draw timber load line

Why less freeboard

Function 1


Day cards of fishing

Some more questions can’t remember.

Mostly strait forward questions .

Capt poswal

Requirements of COW

2 checks extremely important prior COW

He wants to listen

Check IG concentration in tanks

Crude used to be dry crude

Channel Poswal, [26.05.19 16:35]24.05.20192nd attempt

Fn 1 and Fn 2External Capt MittalInternal Capt PoswalResult P P


Started with previous remarks

Quote rule 6

Explaing rule 19 in ur own words..

How to reduce speed as per 19e and how much to reduce

Meaning of take all way off and how will u come to know.

How will u navigate with extreme caution.

8 to 10 situations of RV and cbd vsls

Cards and buoys

Light rhythm of prefered channel

Emg wreck marking buoy all details

What is aspect and how to calculate

Gave brg and co's snd told to calculate

Sound signal of aground vsl.

Course 180 south cardinal mark right ahead actions.

Passage planning as mate

Star sight all steps. What method will u use for obtaining PL. What if cocked hat. And how to resolve it then.

Gyro errors

Ship routeing

Trs complete wx at eye wall and at eye. Avoiding actions. Whats dangerous quadrant and why it is called
dangerous and what will u do if u r in dangerous quad.

What clouds give rain in trs.

Currents with examples . told to draw current pattern in north atlantic

What happens when current meet.

Prognosis chart what u get from it.

What is chaffing chain and length of it

Assist master in command making.

What kind of beach you prefer for beaching and which beaching u will prefer and why. Advantage of bow

Fn 2

Definitions stowage factor load density browken stowage

Mates rcpt

Bill of lading and its function

Imdg applicable to what ships

Imdg classes

Mfag what is that and how u refer

Why imdg for tankers

Stowage category

Asked what cargoes u carried and tell their hazards

What all ur vsl was doing for a coal loaded passage


Timber ships gm minimum and max values

Grain code gm

What if vhm gets more than ahm , your actions.

Grain loading without doa

Where will u find hazards related to bulk cargoes.

Cargo securing manual

Imsbc code

Swl of crane 100t can u load 100 t cargo.

Chain register

Channel Poswal, [26.05.19 23:19]

Ques by capt poswal

Master has to take call for abandoning vsl

As mate what all info u provide... told abt damage stab

Whts damage stab booklet .. is it approved? Yes told by class

Which is the most dangeros compartmnt in the vsl if it gets flooed. Replied e/r.

Channel Poswal, [25.06.19 13:12]25/06/19Sharda

Func 1

Ror cards

Situation as of his sets

Target vessel on port side crossing and own vessel on stbd side. She asks you to pass her stern on vhf. Will you or

Safe speed
Radar imo standards

Func 2

Grain stab criteria- how master will ensure compliance at all times.

Timber why less fbd? Wasnt satisfied with cargo loaded all along the length and breath of the ship and it adds to
the reserve buoyancy. Says why on container ships then, why no less fbd ? I said no water absorption property of

Container loading as per which code.

Heavy wind effect on container ships. Told him about high windage area, not satisfied.

Told him about parametric and synchronous rolling, he said wow. Made a reaction as if he didnt know what those
rollings are.

Inverted triangle symbol on ship side of bulk carrier. Told him load density not to exceed, not satisfied.

Lashing of containers on general cargo ships. He said two types of lashings are there. I didnt know. But i drew the
lashings. He said you should know the name. �

Max gm of container vsl. Told him as per guidance notes on trim and stab booklet, wasnt satisfied.

Dg manifest as per which convention

Content of css code.

Boat note

Sharda, no body knows exactly what he wants. Its totally about luck. Coz for timber i told him the regulation and
the exact statement as to which why timber are assigned less fbd. He still didnt agree.

Its totally a luck game and mood.

Channel Poswal, [25.06.19 15:51]25.06.2019Ext -ShardaInt - Poswal

FN 1,2,3. F/P/F

FN 1

Normal situation vsl on port bow, range 5,4,3, action

own course 180, target bearings constant, 3 blips on radar PPI, restricted visibility action

Scanty radar information


Safe speed

Got interrupted on "stopped within distance", I told him. I told him to refer maneuvering characteristics to obtain,
asked imo req..replied 15L, he said 15-20L.

Fn 2

Boat note

Asked me abt cargo carried-naphtha, hazards of naphtha, how to train crew abt it

Hazards of bulk cargo

Categorisation of chemicals

Example of other substances

Types of chemical tanker

Vegetable oil has become cat y, reason


Vetting preparation


Which gas is there in domestic lpg, I said mixture of butane, propane . Was ridiculed on this...

Topping off procedure

Pollution while loading, action


Ship shore safety checklist

Channel Poswal, [26.06.19 14:16]External :- chabraInternal:- poswal

Func 1:-

Previous remarks

20- 25 cards day / night

Basic ror situations all regarding rv .

Eta requirements

Conventional buaoyage system

Egg diagram

Func 2:-

Draft survey

Diff between mean n hydrostatic draft

Why 2nd trim corrn

Few previous remarks

Loading of roro ships

Heel due to turn

Functions of b/l

Who issues b/l

Voyage n time charter

Channel Poswal, [26.06.19 18:13]Capt chabra Attempt 2 : FPP


Cards around 10 mostly 10

Simple situations

Ice nav precautions

Polar water operational manual


Predominant current vector mean current


Fn 2:

Container ldg how to plan

Why grain code

Lash code
Cow washing

Heavy weather ballast

Paramouth clause

IMDG cargo how to plan n how to load using code

Stack weight

Heavy lift precautions


Different loadline tell him abt consumables till u reach particular zone

Gas carrier publications



Isgott content

Chemical carrier publication

Who publish them

Gp notation

Loadicator requirement

How often u test loadicator

Master is not there for orders u r in fwd nd need to do deep water anchoring what to do

Lpg and lng

Some more can’t collect

Channel Poswal, [27.06.19 12:04]20.05.20182nd attmpt.External- ChautaniInternal- Poswal

F1 - F

Started with intro and asked what happened last time, n i truthfully said i didnt appear last time, which i felt went
against me. He than changd his expressions, closed my file n said "ohh its ur first attempt for F1"

5 Cards- All answrd correctly.

Sm rythms of bouys.

PZX- lil bit in detail.

Amplitude definition. Meaning of theoretical rising and setting. I gave example of sun.

2 situations. Went good.

Asked to Quoted rule 8f and 18 in between to justify answers.

Last situation, your vessel vlcc CBD, anothr pdv crossing frm stbd at 6 miles.

I said its pdv's responsiblity to be not impede, but now its ROC my duty to take action as per rule 15,crossing

Thn sm discussion on rule 15 & 18, i said cbd is also pdv, she hs to take action. Thn i ws sent outside n returned to
be fail.

Guys he goes into depth of every answer, try to confuse u delebratly. Stick to your answers.

Thanks to all members. I'll exit fr smtym to make space for others.

Channel Poswal, [27.06.19 14:33]27 June 2019Func: 1(P) & 3(F)External : Capt. ChautaniInternal : Capt. Poswal

- ROR situation: RV own vessel on starboard quarter of target vessel, i said i will take radar bearings and if it’s
constant then ROC exist he said ok then I replied i would alter course to starboard and overtake with good CPA,
he said why not port,, i knew that in overtaking situation we can overtake from port also but if in this case port
alteration was not the option then he was going to tell me to quote rule which were out of my brain’s syllabus so i
took so long time to think that he started doing something on his mobile, than i came up with the fact that as i am
on her stbd qtr so it won’t alter to stbd but it could alter to port so it would become dangerous he said very
good,, then he placed one extra ship on stbd side then i said now i would overtake from port and i am aloud to do
so,, i think i took so long time in one situation that he didn’t dare to waste time on another situation,, so he started
with cards, buoy cards he would not show he would tell you to draw with shape and colour coding then he will
ask colour of light and rhythm.. 6-7 buoys all went right (thanx to @�Ankit Sharma���) then he took paper and
drew vessel with heavy weather from ahead, I thought he gave me paper to draw which side TRS would be so I
started with it showed him TRS anti-clockwise in NH and DSC and SSC actions to avoid everything about TRS
situation,, he replied politely “beta mene TRS ka kuchh nahi puchha bas ye puchha hai ki heavy weather from ahead
and action) i felt so embarrassed �,, then i told him that i would reduce speed and make sure that spulling pipe is
covered and cemented then i started with story when i faced rough weather in Bay of Biscay master didn’t reduce
speed and because our spurling pipe was not cemented so water entered in chain locker and from locker to frwd
store because during last inspection manhole was not made watertight, he asked master didn’t ordered
cementing, i said we were on fixed route and on such voyage officers onboard take it for granted that nothing
happens but one day it happened,, so i said what all things were required to be done in heavy weather situation i
know it’s importance now,, he stopped my oral there,, he said Capt. Poswal would ask you some questions,,,

Capt. Poswal: you tried very hard but collided with fishing vessel action:

I started with inform master

He said ok but be very carefull with sequence of actions

I said then stop vessel

He said that’s a boat

I said i would give them immediate assistance and if unable then will send distress relay msg,,

He said you are like engine takes time to get warm but works so giving you F1 come again for F3

During my first attempt also when i got F2 Poswal asked only one question, I didn’t give answer to Poswal he had
to took it out of me,, so would say don’t be afraid of poswal he is extremely cool if external is impressed from you,,

Channel Poswal, [28.06.19 13:18]Function 1PassExternal- KaulInternal- poswal

1. Situations involvig CBD on both sides one by one in open seas

2. RV one vsl forward of the beam port bow

3. Aground vsl ahead action

4. Only buoyage cards:

Special mark

Prefferd channel to port

How u see them while entering and coming out

5. Star sight.... I got remark regarding PL, he asked me that u take 3 stars at different time so u will shift the PL or
not? He doesn’t want to hear ke we will apply run for the time difference in taking the sights of 3 stars

6. Summer and winter solistice

7. Gyrosphere properties

8. What is top heavy effect and bottom heavy effect

9. TRS signs of approaching

10. Buys ballots law

11. Isobars patterns

12. Passage plan in South China Sea


1. ME failure in TSS action as mate

2. Collided with fishing boat action

Channel Poswal, [11.07.19 19:15]External - KohliIntenal - Poswal1st Attempt

Function 1

Star Identification

Buoys Ballots Law

TRS in detail


Emergency Wreck marking Buoy

Various cards : Fishing vessel, Nuc, Aground, cbd, dredger, ram, cardinal mark, Isolated Danger, safe water mark

Gyro- top heavy effect

Corfficient C

Course 000 north cardinal right ahead.. Action

Function 2


Hazards of Coal

Precautions loading rice

Grain code

Angle of repose

Loading preparation before arrival on tanker

Precautions loading phosphoric acid




By poswal

Assisting master in command making

Damage stabiliy

COW requirement

Got 1 and 2

Kohli just gives you one word and he tries to find out ques from your answers

Channel Poswal, [11.07.19 19:15]Internal- kohliExternal- Poswal

1. Previous comment- Egg code

2. Lights of NUC making way

3. Voyage planning as ch mate( i told various point , from those points he picked up loadline zones)

4. Load from summer and going to winter, till where to load

5. Grounding, action

6. Region A preferred channel

Main engine fail in Singapore strait, action

Thats all

Poswal gives u hints also

So dont get disappointed, he will pass eventually, he just sounds tough

Channel Poswal, [11.07.19 19:16]Internal Capt Poswal External Capt Kohli

Function 1

1. principle of Sextant

2. Assist master on bridge / command making decision

3. Crossing TSS and joIning TSS

4. Few Night cards

5. Action as mate after collision

6. Draw load line


Capt poswal

Action main engine fail coastal waters

Channel Poswal, [12.07.19 05:55]External: kholiInternal : poswalIst attempt Dt. 11.07.2019

Result : P/F/P

Fun 1

Trs in detail

Formation of trs,action ?

Frontal depression?

Diff.btw TRS and TLD?

Nuc day n night signal

Wht light will show nuc in Making way

Vessel aground fog signal

Collision at sea wht will u do as a watchkeeper?

Salvage n towing

Echosounder function and error ?

Course 180 degree found south cardinal in front of you?


Refer ship

Flammability diagram

Explosimeter and tankscope

Livestock loading?

Channel Poswal, [12.07.19 18:37]Internal:poswal External: Capt. Kohl

He will try to let you think that you r wrong, stick to your ans if u r sure about it

Noon sight

Intercept method

Stability curve

Angle of loll

Calculation of stability curve

Dry docking procedure

Undocking procedure

Stability during undocking

GZ curve during angle of heel

Ice navigation in detail

Chief mate duties as per ice navigation on bridge

How can we keep propeller safe in ice

Some ror cards

Nuc aground lights

Ecdis depth setting



IMDG IMSBC content

Purpose of angle of repose

Concentrate loading stability

Liquification of concentrates action

IMDG segregation tables

Loadline convention

Exemption certificate

How you will load crude oil

Safety on tanker

Isgott contents

What is hot oil

Action on spillage

Static accumulation

How to make stowage plan on tankers

Loading rate

How much time you will take before dipping the tanks after cow

Cow precautions

Ig requirements

Blower requirements

Slop tank requirements

And some other questn

Poswal: why ror is used

Define ig content

What will u do if ur ship on jetty caught fire

Venting criteri from tanks

Got :2/3

Channel Poswal, [16.07.19 22:52]External- Cpt. MittalInternal Cpt. Poshwal. Function 1/P

1. Situation with fog signal on port bow action. 2. Situation with pd vsl crossing. Own vsl on stbd side
of a pd. Pd not taking action. 3. Explain rule no 19 D and e.

4.Situation about CBD CROSSING FROM PORT also other pet situations


if vessel give 2 prolong and 1 short

Then what will u do when Ur in bridge.

6.Gussian Error

7. Synoptic chart kind of information from it

8.trs in detail

9.eta deployment

Length of chafing chain

10.aground vessel fog signal

11.beaching details sight

13.currents in North Atlantic



16. What is the pressure of yau trs which are recently arrived in India.


1.M/E failure action

2.Trs action in NH

3. Assist master in bridge

4. Duties of cheif mate

Few more but I don't remember bhai log...

Channel Poswal, [26.08.19 01:54]Capt chabra Attempt 2 : FPP


Cards around 10 mostly 10

Simple situations

Ice nav precautions

Polar water operational manual


Predominant current vector mean current


Fn 2:

Container ldg how to plan

Why grain code

Lash code

Cow washing

Heavy weather ballast

Paramouth clause

IMDG cargo how to plan n how to load using code

Stack weight

Heavy lift precautions


Different loadline tell him abt consumables till u reach particular zone

Gas carrier publications



Isgott content

Chemical carrier publication

Who publish them

Gp notation

Loadicator requirement

How often u test loadicator

Master is not there for orders u r in fwd nd need to do deep water anchoring what to do

Lpg and lng

Some more can’t collect

Channel Poswal, [27.08.19 08:16]Internal : poswal External : kohliFtn- 1/2/3


-GPS/DGPS/How you get a position in GPS.

-Magnetic Compass & Corrector

-Janus configuration, how you will get speed.-Plot it.

-Performance standard of AIS, GPS

- ROR cards-About 15 random selection.


-Turning Circle and where you find it is important.-Plot it.

-Frontal Depression and weather condition.



Some more questions he asked but I am not able to recollect. Kholi was looking at everything in details and
doesn't want superficial answers.

- The rule is applicable in RV.

-Actions in RV

Function 2 & 3 I will post later.

Thanks, guys for your valuable posts and backing up.

Channel Poswal, [27.08.19 08:16]date : 26th Function : 2 and 3 Result : F/F

Int ; Kohli

FN 2

SF , broken stowage

Angle of repose ? How do you measure it on board .

How heigh can you load containers ?

Nitrogen padding ?

Reliquifaction cascade cycle ? Explain in detail?

Independent tank A explain construction ?

Charters tell you to discharge heel also . Will you ?

Okiee suppose you discharged it . Can you condition your cargo tank after that ?

Markings on container ?

Sf of timber deck cargo ?

Timber loaded under deck will timber code apply ??

Comment you have superficial knowledge . Need to prepare them In details .and lot of cross questioning ?

Channel Poswal, [27.08.19 14:26]Extenal : SareenInternal : Poswal

He was smiling when I told my previous remark with Sharda

Previous marks

Ice navigation precaution

Ice precaution hazard

Use of ship routeing

Use of weather reporting routeing

Why different loadlines

Assist master as decision making

Progonis chart information

Who make prognosis chart

SV underway using propeller

19d and e


Collision with FV

Steering failures in TSS

Use of weather routeing

That's all...thank you everyone for your valuable answers and really helped me a lot ..���love u all
Channel Poswal, [27.08.19 23:07]27/08/19Ext-sarin

Int- poswalFunction 1&2- Pass

Function 1

15 to 20 cards (day and night, buoyage)

Situation- own vsl collided with fishing vessel in open sea, first primary action? Tell him you will stop your ship
and rescue the fishermen.

III code

Polar code


Ship reporting

Difference between indsar and inspires

How many ways you can calculate tide.

When will you calculate SHM.

Weather routeing

Trs in NH normal, avoiding action.

Polar code which certificate and as per which convention

Function 2

Grain stability criteria( with and without doa)

Can you load without doa?

Timber stability criteria

Grain definition

Timber definition

Timber freeboard why less?

Note or protest

Extended NOP

When to issue extended NOP- most important tell him when you go from one port to the other, also while you issue
a NOP.

LOP with examples.

Boat note

Max GM of container vessel- told this question doesn't exist as it was my previous remark.

Loading of steel coils

Equilateral triangle on the ship side of bulk carrier, as per which convention.

NOP examples

Change of trim due to density.

Loss of GM due to FSE

Loadicator checks and carriage as per which convention and chapter

Hazards of ro ro vessels

Combined function 1&2

Which rules apply in RV

Can you overtake in RV

What is csc plate

Stack weight

Vgm on containers

All clear.

Get out of the premises within 5 minutes, as he signed on the EXN.

Channel Poswal, [28.08.19 11:16]28/08/2019External - Capt. Sarin Internal- Capt. Poswal

Attempt 3Result- P/P/F.

Fun 1

1. Vsl in Singapore straits, you are on watch 5am M/E failure actions(make sure to mention raise NuC signals first
then raise alarm followed by other actions)

2. Own vsl collided with fishing vsl your actions(as safety of life is of paramount importance relay distress msg
on behalf of fishing vsl and provide all assistance to f/v)

3.Name 5 warm and 5 cold currents

4.Which all rules apply in RV

5. Can you overtake a vsl in RV. From which side (I quoted the rule)

6.Aground vsl fog signal

Fun 2

1. IMDG segregation

2. Hazards of RO/RO

3. Ship shore safety checklist

4. Hazards of Coal (in bullet points)

5. Diff. btw Mates Receipt and B/L

6. IMDG Amendments (bullet points)

Poswal took fun 3 back saying study more abt environmental aspects, he asked me what's the latest happening
regarding environment nowadays-i told him abt the Fire in Amazon had a 2 min discussion on this.

He said only ROR and Cargo Ops knowledge doesn't suffice.

,knowledge regarding environment is also required.

He said one should be aware regarding what's going around regarding environment protection

Channel Poswal, [28.08.19 11:29]Oral only by poawal

Channel Poswal, [29.08.19 22:43]Attempt 21,2,3 PPFinternal-mittalExternal-poswal


Pet Situations

-cbd crossing from port

-Vsl on 3 pnt stbd all lights visb

-how to determine overtaking

-8f your understanding-asked by poswal

Cardinal marks lights colour and rythm

Only 1 card -towing ram

Trs-path , weather,

Few more situations from set(telegram)

Cocked hat -how to resolve

Func 2

Ibc code

Dg manifest


Load density

Capacity plan -wht all info u get

Hazards of concentrate

Hazards of wood pulp

And few more from set

Channel Poswal, [30.08.19 11:48]Internal:poswal External: Capt. KaulFn1/2 - F/F


Noon sight

Rule 8, 10

Angle of loll

Why ship is unstable

Frontal depression


Weather associated with frontal depression

How it shows in weather message

Ror situation wth cbd and pd vessel

Rule 18

Aground lights and sound signal

Magnetic correctors


Purpose of angle of repose which is btr high or low.

Grain code how you get doa who gives it and want to know all about grain code.

And want to know how to calculate gm in grain code.

I thought high funda hoga i tld him gz curve or loadicator or gm formula without doa but he want to listen gm= km-

Timber code lashing

Css code how to load heavy cargo

lashings dunnage calculation for heavy cargo dunnage how many inches.

Imdg gave proper shipping name and told me to find un no. And after that where to load on or under deck.

Imdg supplement what all is get

Imsbc cargo information u get.

Make Loading plan as blu code after that what sf bm is given loading plan if in harbour condition then where sea
condition is given in plan.

Load 6000 tons of cargo how will u load.

Isgott contents


How you will load steel coils... You can load 5 tiers and show how to load.


Channel Poswal, [30.08.19 16:22]External: Capt KaulInternal: Capt Poswal

Fn: 1,2,3 - F/F/PFunction: 1

~How will you do passage planning in restricted waters?- Told him all relevant point but he wanted to hear ‘Risk

~Quote Rule 8 in own words

~Hazards of Ice Navigation?

~How do you get fix in Noon?

~ What happens to a vessel when she is in shallow waters? What actions to counteract it?

~ No more questions

Function: 2

~ What type of vessels you’ve done?-Tanker

~ What is SF (Stowage Factor) ?

~ How does it help in cargo loading?

~ Do all cargoes have SF?

~ What is SF & BM (Sheering Force)?

~ What bends when there is bending moment?

~ What force is there when we do alternate loading? And how to counteract it?

~ What precautions will you take while loading timber on deck?

~ Timber vessel listed to one side after going to sea(clearing break water), what could be the reason?

~ How is container loaded on container ships?

~ In which bays are TEU and FEU are loaded?

~ An IMDG cargo leaking, what to do?- He wants to hear how will you see in EMS, How will you relate EMS with
your class of IMDG? Not just the 26 Tables.

~ Draw PV valve and tell what was the pressure setting?

~ How to make stowage plan on tanker?

~ What was the construction on DB tank on your last ship- Draw it

~ How to do cargo calculation after loading?

~ What are the corrections applied to the Volume you get after gauging the tanks?

~ Tell me something about static electricity

~ What is bonding? How do you take care of it while tank cleaning?

~ How do you check tank atmosphere?

~ What gas meters you use?

~ What reading does a tank scope give?

Channel Poswal, [30.08.19 20:10]Capt poswal

Limitations of ecdis


When will you call captain ( as a mate)

Channel Poswal, [30.08.19 20:10]

Capt kaul Fun 1

Noon fix

Rule 18/8

Day card/ buoy system

4 to 5 normal situation crossing pd and cbd

How do u determine ROC without Radar

Relative motion how u know cpa is zero on radar


Satc distress ( designated/undesignated)

Trs in detail

Doppler effect ( more concerned about physics , ask me formulas of relative motion between observer and

Gps error

Tss crossing

Assist master as mate

Action in case if ME failure.

Fun 2

Grain loading criteria

Stability booklet

Rice loading precaution

Cial loading prepration/ hazards of coal/ precautaion at sea

Sulphar hazards

Imsbc types of cargo

Timber stability requirement

Imdg cargo spillage what u will refer.

Lodicator test.

Gas free

Many more on tankers

Plz wear a plain shirt when going for orals , avoid lining shirts,as captain poswal is very particular about it.

Capt poswal

Fun 1

Fv collision action

Crew rigging pilot lader checks?

Channel Poswal, [31.08.19 10:12]Attempt 3rdFun-2 3

Result 2 f/3 pInt poswalExt kaul

Fun 2

Doc for dg container

Class 1 sub classes

Dg manifest content

How to chek stowage of dg container if only 1 container is there

Spill of dg

Grain with doa at what stages ull check the stab for grain

Precaution before timber loading

Gm of container

Paramatric rolling

Synchronic rolling

Tanker gas freeing (remark)

Tanker before loading precation

Explosimeter tank skope

How will u enter cargo oil tank (remark)

How to calculate kg for grain (remark)

Dg loading precaution

Content of imdg manual

Bill of lading,info how to know that corret owner of cargo name is there in bill of lading

Bulk carrier hold bilge req

Type of cargo as per imsbc code

Precaution for group A cargo

Channel Poswal, [31.08.19 17:48]Guys I am really sorry for putting the questions late :

External Capt ChhabraInternal : Capt PoswalFun 1 , Result : Pass

Capt chhabra saw my file and last attempt and asked what happened last time in situations , I said Sir, I gave the
correct answer by I missed out call master in situations , then he asked who took oral , I told capt. Chutani,,,so
guys he only asked me about ror

1. Explain rule no.19 in ur own words

2. Situation fog signal ,from astern , frequency increasing , action

3. Overtaking in R.V.

4. Head on situation , clear visibility , traffic on stbd side, action,, I confirmed with him and he said u can't a/co to
stbd because of traffic,, then I replied bold a/co to port for head on vsl as per rule 2

Internal questions

Passage planning as per chief officer

What is visibility of mast head light

M.E. failure in TSS , action, what is general emerging alarm

Collision with Fishing boat, action

Audibility range of sound signal

What is rule 19

Explain rule 2

Channel Poswal, [03.09.19 14:14]Sorry for being lateHi guys myself op choudhary

Oral date-30/08/2019Ext-capt kaulInt poswalFun1/3 F/PAttemp-01

Fn 01

Cardinal marks

Daysignal cards

Daycard of Cbd trawler nd asking their night signals

Metro-trs is his favourite actions in NH and signs of Trs

Bankcushion effect

Situations with cbd

Fn 03

More concern about bulkcarrier

Marpol bascis

Hold cleaning disch req

Chain register

Dock labour

Risk assessment

As a mate how will u train crew in enclose space entry

Drill reqmnts

St certificates

Underwater survey freq nd checks

Anodes nd their use

Some more qus I forgot

In nutshell-----capt kaul Need yr bascis knowledge, he Need simple answers

Channel Poswal, [12.09.19 16:12]Second Attempt- 1,2 &3

(Ext- Capt Kohli Int- Capt Poswal)


1. What is coefficient D?

2. Why is heeling error bucket kept?

3. Janus Configuration

4. Why two transducers? Why not one? If one then what will be the issue of any issue?

5. As a mate how will you plan a passage?

6. How does GPS calculate your position ?

7. ETA solas requirements?

8. Emergency Towing booklet (Which all ships have it)

9. Orographic cloud
10. Frontal depression

11. Assist master in Command Making ?


1. Reefer Ships

2. COW

3. Chemical Tanker about Veg Oil Cargo

4. What is nitrogen padding ?

5. Trim reqd for stripping ?

6. Lashing code ?

7. Top up and top off difference ?

Channel Poswal, [12.09.19 16:12]Ext- Capt Kohli Int- Capt Poswal

Result: pass


1. Randam 10-15 ror cards.

2.NUC v/l makingway through water day signal and night signal.

3.V/l aground day signal, night signal,sound signal.

4.IALA buoys region A and B.

5.Emergency wreck marking buoy.

6.type of current.

7. As a mate how will you plan a passage?

8. ETA solas requirements?

9. Emergency Towing booklet (Which all ships have it)

10. Assist master in Command Making ?

11.heavy weather preparation.


1.ur V/l collied with Fishing v/l.what is ur first action.



4.four inportant safety setting in ECDIS

Channel Poswal, [12.09.19 16:25]External: Capt kholiInternal: Capt poswal

2nd attempt fun 2Result : pass

1 imdg in details

2 css code

3 csm

4. Roro ship in details

5. Reefer ship type n cargo type .

Container type

6. Tlv

8l heel n lng insulation

9. Unloading n loading as mate

10.preacaution during loading cargo in ro to ship?

11. Type of bill of lading n explain

Channel Poswal, [13.09.19 10:36]11/Sept/2019Internal - Capt. PoswalExternal - Capt. SarinResult - P/P/F

Function 1

ROR Cards : Day Card, Night Card, Buoy (Preffered Channel)

3 Situtation : All RV with Operational Radar.

Oertaking in RV as per which Rule? Which Side Preffered?

What is Polar Code?

What Training reqd as per Polar Code?

Collision with Vessel. Action in Detail?

What is Rule 2, all about? Only Explanation.

Name various important Currents?

Function 2

Defination of Timber?

Why Wood Pulp not a Timber?

What info in Timber Code? Applicable for what ship?

Hazard & Precaution of High Density Cargo?

COW Requirement in detail?

Benefits of COW?

Damage Stability?

NOP and Extended NOP? Cross Questions

IMDG Ammd Latest?

Capt Poswal

Function 1

Collision with F/V

Rule applicable for RV?

30 min to Pilot Stn, what all inputs you will give to Master as a Mate?

Aground Vessel Sound Signal?

TRS NH, Dangerous and Navigable S.C

Function 2

Type of LPG Tanker?

Boiling Point of Butane?

Most important section of Damage Stability?

OCIMF? What and Purpose?

Capt Sarin and Capt Poswal will give sufficient time to answer, i found them very supportive.
Capt. Poswal was bit angry on me as i was absent for Oral once, he said if you do booking u have to appear for

As MMD has to do preparations in advance. Also said to pass information to everyone.

Channel Poswal, [13.09.19 15:13]Fn1ChautaniPoswal

What is isolated danger?

Aground vsl signal?

Nuc vsl lights?

Her fog signals?

Ror cards.

When will u call master?

Where all its written when to call master?


Engine failure in Singapore straits! Action

Ur vsl collided with fishing vsl? Action

Aground vsl lights and signals!

Channel Poswal, [16.09.19 09:11]13 Sep 2k19Internal : Capt poswal

Ext: capt Chutani Fun 1/2/3

Function 1:

Ror cards

Situation Head on

Isolated Danger Mark


Timber load line with markings & distance between thm

Types of shifts in grain&explain wet/dry shift.

Why does a shift occur in grain?

Letter of protest

Latest Imdg amendments with number

Load density with unit

Stowage factor

Types of stresses on ship in detail & wht u find in loadicator

Particulars in trim & stability manual

Difference between explosimeter n tank scope

Draw flammability diagram(after diagram Gives u a point to start & finish and which all equipment u ll use, he
wana hear explosimeter & tankscope and explaination)

How will u gas free a tank


Timber code

Angle of repose of grain

How will u find out where to load a cargo to make even keel whn u have trim by stern manually by calculations
Hw wll u find out trim caused

He ll do lots of cross questioning, and always try to dig fr a single mistake to catch and thn revolve around it to
make u exhaust and make more mistakes.

So be short , Avoid extra words & If u get a intuition u r unprepared fr tht topic , Say politely I don’t remember now
sir pls ask nxt question

Otherwise he ll make remark after remarks on same topic failing u

Channel Poswal, [24.09.19 16:43]Date:24 Sep 2019External: Capt ShardaInternal: Capt Poswal

Attempt : 1Func 1-not prepared, func2-P ,func3-P

Func 2

-Max gm on container ship

-Information in stability booklet in detail- (he was asking abt some guidance notes given in the beginning)

-csc convention -general info

-why csc is convention and all others are codes?

- multipurpose ships, lashing of containers on gen cargo ships

- dg manifest

- angle of repose

- Information from loadicator

- Note of protest

- sea and harbour condition of loadicator

- gas used in reefer containers

- effect of wind on container ships

- hazards of bulk cargo

- boat note in detail

Poswal ( func 1 and 2 combined)

- Csc convention

- Class 7 cargo carriage

- Seemp

- Info from loadicator

- how will you impart familarisation training to new joiners

- oil record book and entries

- which drafts will u prefer coming out of dry dock

Capt poswal was changing questions very fast, so i ll put more when i remember.

Channel Poswal, [25.09.19 13:29]Date: 24.9.2019External: ShardaInternal: Poswal


Function 2:

-Angle of repose

-Types of container lashing

-Minimum and maximum GM of container ship(wanted to know what the maximum GM I have sailed with in loaded

-DOA, grain stability booklet, contents, guidelines

-imdg code, gave mercury to load, refer to imdg code and give all details.

-will you load refrigerated cargo and imdg class 2.1 under deck, give reasons.

Failing questions:

-difference between CSC & CSS(5 POINTS EACH)

-note of protest (7 conditions)

-dg manifest contents are as per which convention/code(imdg/solas/marpol is not the answer)

- boat note as per which convention

Internal: Poswal

No questions asked. Gave Function 3.

Channel Poswal, [25.09.19 21:37]Date - 25/09/109Name - Gurparam Singh Function-1,2,3

Attempt-1RESULT-P,P,PInternal - Capt . Poswal External - Capt . Chabra

Function 1


2.PD Vsl right ahead 3 miles with shallow waters on starboard side

3.Overtaking in restricted visibility

4.Crossing vessel on 3 points on port bow , not taking action

5.10-15 day and night cards

6.Errors of gyro compass

7.Vessel in dangerous quadrant of TRS , action

8.Rule 2 in my own words

9.Eta requirement and procedure

10.Duties as per ISM.

Function 2

1.DRI hazards

2.Wood pulp loading precautions

3.ODME failure in voyage, what action , reporting and entries

4.Definition of enclosed space

5.Purpose of IG on tankers

6.Definition of angle of repose

7.A cargo with angle of repose 23* , when will it shift


Function 1

1.Rule 2 in own words

2.Why alteration of course is preferred over alteration of speed

3.Rules applicable in RV

4. III Code
Function 2

1.Types of gas tankers

2.What is heel and its purpose

3.Boiling point of butane

4.Carrying out O2 analyser calibration

5.Procedure for tank entry in tank - Given me 2 minutes to write on a sheet

6.Purpose of Ship-Shore Safety Checklist

7.Various codes in Ship shore safety checklist with 2 examples of P code

Channel Poswal, [26.09.19 18:30]External- MittalInternal - poswalSecond attempt

Result- F1-pass & F2& F3- Fail

Function 1

Started with safe water mark

10-12 ROR cards

Pet Situations from set only

TRS in details

Current in N Atlantic and east of Africa

Star sight in details

Gaussian error

Retentive error

Bow beaching and aft beaching adv and dis advantage

Front type and weather associated in it

Function 2&3

Load line survey

Full loading operations on lander from berthing till topping up( I had sailed on tanker that’s why)

Why IMDG on tanker

Can you load imdg cargo in pachanged form on tanker

SEQ survey- what other things checked in survey other than LSA AND FFA



hazards of coal and concentrate

Wood pulp hazards

Type of chemical cargo

Which code applied on chemical tanker

Some more questions I will update very soon

Internal asked me-

Pilot ladder requirements only

I was not aware he asked me to go out and get the answer

Channel Poswal, [26.09.19 20:33]External- MittalInternal - poswalResult- F1-pass & F2-pass

Function 1

Started with situations overtaking , and all his pet sitautaions from set no cross question

10-12 ROR cards 1 day card, safe water mark, preferred channel mark and lateral mark card

Pet Situations from set only

TRS in details

Gussian error

How to select stars

Sight procedure

Synoptic charts and info

Steering failure action

Emergency steering drill frquency

Function 2

Angle of repose



Hazards of coal

Mfag how to use

How many imdg books

And contents of supplement

Imdg applicable to which all ships

Trim tables

Sour crude

Use of isgott

Blu code and manual difference

Imsbc and blu code differnece

Csm info

BOL purpose and it is contract between which parties

Cargo manifest who prepares and for what purpose it is used


Mates receipt

Precautions before loading reefer container

Loadicator test


Pilot ladder as per which convention chapter and regulation no.

Finally mate...thanks to all group members... Cheers

Channel Poswal, [29.09.19 11:33]26.09.19Ext- MittalInt- Poswal

Fun2 - F / Fun3- P

-Imdg code applicable to which ship

-Imdg edition / latest amendment

-Asked to refer code for Mfag table

-information from loadicator

-chain register, retention period

-competent person

-cargo sweat, ship sweat, Ventilation

-timber vsl listed to one side. Reason and action for same

-100t of cargo, swl of crane 100t

Why can't you lift it

-vsl alongside for loading, wht all chks to be carried out

-pv breaker and pv valve

-orb requirement and retention


Channel Poswal, [23.10.19 08:22]3rd attempt22/10/2019Ext. Capt SarinInt. Capt poswal

Func 1/2- P/PFunc 1

Started with asking what answers did I say wrong last time,and was mostly concerned about remarks

1.Retentive & Gaussian error

2.Explain coeff D & E,with


3.ETA requirements

4. Safe speed with respect to


5.Chafing chain

6.Trs Centre,how will u

determine, avoiding actions

in northern hemisphere

7. Contents of polar code

8. Requirements wrt training

and equipments related to

polar code

9. Polar code applicable to

which ships

10.precautions while navigation

in ice

11. Assist master in decision


12. When to use SHM method

13. What are tidal streams

14. Who issues polar safety cert

& validity

Func 2

1. Explain everything u know

about imsbc code wid


2. Difference between type a and b cargoes wid eg,

3. How wil u determine wether cargo u load is type a or b cargo, in this i told about shippers responsibilities
regarding providing cargo information,but he said if shipper does not provide u den what will u do,told him to
check previous records of ship if such a cargo has been previously carried,contact agent and not to load unless
determined in which group the cargo lies, he was fine

4. What is NOP, When wud u issue it ? Anything u do wid NOP for making it a legal document ?

5. What are heavy lift cargo

6. Define timber

7. SF BM calculations

8. Infor from isgott & ibc code

9. who publishes isgot

10. How to decide where to load a dg cargo ?

11. What is csm

12. Hazards of ro ro vsl

13. Grain stability criteria

14. If cargo to be loaded is not

mentioned in the schedule

of imsbc code, what to be

done ?

Capt poswal

1. Which rules applicable in rv

2. Ur Vsl collides wid fishing Vsl, action

3. What is ship roueting

4. Asked which ships have i sailed on and cargo carried, then hazards of iron ore, sulphur

5. What precautions to take care of while loading iron ore

6. If ur deballasting rate cannot cope up wid the loading rate, what wil u do ?

7. Shearing forces and bending moments more in which type, loaded or ballast?

That's what I can remember, finally cleared orals.

Thanks to all.

Channel Poswal, [23.10.19 18:20]3rd attemptF1/F3F/PExternal kohliInternal poswal


.janus configuration



.ror cards-fv other than trawler,pilot vsl,nuc,iala cards

. lights of nuc vsl

I did mistake in iala cards.


Hazards of coal


Anchor brought up

Chief off.entries in oil record book

Channel Poswal, [24.10.19 09:13]23.10.20191st attemptF1/F2/F3F/F/PExternal kohliInternal poswal



Timber code

Grain Code

Stowage Factor

Types of refer

Channel Poswal, [24.10.19 12:42]23/10/2019External KohliF 1/2 - F/P

1. Difference between TRS and Frontal depression:- weather associated, why TRS recurve reason

2. VDR/SVDR: difference, why VDR Or SVDR required on board

3. Jannus configuration and how it works/ Doppler shift process

4. After which incident ETA came / ETA functions

5. Salvage and towage difference

6. R.v situation overtaking 3 miles

7. Same situation in sight of one another

8. Normal crossing situation with shallow water on starboard side

9. How will you assist master in command decision making

Itna he yaad aa raha hai bhai but all simple questions, I was not well prepared and got nervous and confused.

Fun 2

Started with which vessels you sailed on and what all cargoes loaded

As I did BULK

1. You are loading coal precautions

2. TML determining procedures on-board- I said only can do in laboratory so he asked any other way you can do on
board: so I said yes by CAN test: so asked full procedure

3. Few more on bulk cargoes can’t remember

4. Types of reefer containers

5. What is padding on chemical tankers

6. How LNG insulation and types: perlite wala

And asked how the temperature is maintained in LNG

From this answer Boil off definition

I think few more simple questions but can’t remember

He makes question from your previous answers only so he keeps listening k kab Tum kuch esa bolo word k uspe
question throw krne lag jata hai then. No questions were asked by capt poswal yesterday .

Channel Poswal, [25.10.19 10:22]22/10 /2019Fun1/4th attemptExt.-Capt.Sarin sir

Int.- Capt. Rajender PoswalResult- Pass

1. Overtaking in RV as per which rule ?

As per 19 d(i) can overtake from both side but preffer stbd side as rule says "avoid alteration of course to port
othertha a vessel being overtaken".

2.Rule 2 in your own words and your understanding.

In short you are always obliged to these rules and no vessel is relieved of his obligation and

Main moto is no collision shall happen even if required any action to be taken in violation of these rules but if
collision happen than you are lialbe as this departure from these rules applicable only of you save a collision.

3. Lots of changes of structure steel in drydock .Do you callibrate your magnetic compass and what else is
required after caliberation?

Ans- yes caliberation is required and deviation curve is also required to renewe.

4. What all correctors of magnetic compass you see on monkey island ?What for those 2 sphere and flinder bars
are meant for ?

Ans - flinder bars for induced b due to c rod and spheres for Dand E

5.collision with fishing vessel/pdv action?

Ans- mainly want to listen

Stopp engine at once and call master and than add whatevere best you can do.

6. What all information youwill exchange after collision with collided vessel ??

Ans - Vessel details ,port of registry,crew onboard,cargo onboard,whether need assistance ,stability status etc

Above all question was asked by internal surveyour

External surveyour asked only one card and one situation thats all . all from his set.And he is very genuine for
answer and didnot want word to word just you have to justify your answer and be clear.

Channel Poswal, [26.10.19 00:16]25/10/19 Second attemptExt Rk SharmaInt R poswal


1.cbd situation with pd

2 Early roc

3 ordinary practice of seaman

4 Fronts and it's weather

5 currents type and reason to occur current

6 Turning circle how much in slow speed ,more or less

7Squat , effect and formula

8Raster and vector charts and it's alarms

Fun 2

1 Deck seal types diagram

2Grain code and stability criteria

4Cow and hazards and all

5 Cow requirements

6 Dewatering systet of bulk carrier

7 chain register content and can co make entry

8 Ig blower requirements

9 Short loading action

10 Why loss of gm in slack tank

11 VHM

12 sw to fw what will be the drafts

13 third part damage

Steel coil loading and diagram

14Container lashing

15Type of twist lock

16What is bridge fitting

17Without loadicator how to find hog and sag

Angle of repose

18Sf , density it's unit

19 what is marpol line

20 high velocity vent vlv ,why 30 m/sec

Poswal.In function one

1Make a passage plan Suez to Singapore...make table for plan

2 engine fail in tss action

3 collision with fv action

Channel Poswal, [26.10.19 12:03]25/10/19 Second attemptExt ChutaniInt R poswal1/2/3


1.cbd situation with pd

2 Buoyage in detail

3 RV situation

4 Day and night cards

5 passage planning as a mate

6 Situation with shallow patch on stbd side and head on vessel

7 same situation as 7 but sailing vessel in place of shallow patch

Fun 2

1 Stowage factor & load density

2 permissible load density

3 IMDG code

4 IMDG amendment life span

5 BL and who issue it


Asked to write Loadline survey preparation on paper

RV rules

Channel Poswal, [29.10.19 13:13]External shardaInternal poswal29/10/19Func 1/2/3- F/P/P


1 Ror situations, exactly as per his set

2 rule no 6

3 limitation of radar

4 safe water mark buoy.


1 what ships i have done

2 asked me moslty on Bull carrier.

Grain loading criteria as per DOA, without DOA

IMDG applicable to which ship.

Hazard of sulphuric.will u do lime water washing .( dust explosion key word)

Lashing of steel coils n as per which code.(olympic lashing)

Bulk cargo loading hazard.

Wat is self trimmed cargo hold.

How master will comply with grain stability at ol stag.

3 ship shore safety checklist as per isgott.- ISKA POORA PADH LENA.. JO NORMALLY HOTA HAI

5 info from loadicator( he wants to hear about harbour and sea condition)

Channel Poswal, [29.10.19 20:59]External ShardaInternal PoswalAkash Kalita

29/10/19Function-1/2 - F/P

Function 1:

~ Nuc & Aground card (2Red & 1 white light in straight vertical line)

~ Action? (Told him alter to stbd for NUC and alter to stbd and reverse course for aground)

~ What is your action, will you reverse course or not (He asked this after I said the above answers �)

~ How do you know she is NUC or aground? - Vector

~ You can see only two mast head lights on your port bow, action?

~ Visibility of mast head lights? - 6NM

~ You see a vessel at 5 miles on your port side (about 5 points), your action? - Maintain course and speed

Target 4 miles - Maintain course and speed and attract attention.

~How to attract attention? I said by sound and light.

~ What is range of sound signal? I said 2 miles is minimum but I can also attract attention by light.

~ Which light? Manoeuvring light-5 miles is the range.

~ She declares NUC on VHF, action?

I’ll wait for her to come to 3 NM, visually see the NUC signal then alter course to port and pass her astern.
~ Find aspect- own course 060 Tgt course 040. Why will you overtake her from the port side?

~ Quote rule 6

~ What are the values of VBW & HBW (VBW: 15-30, I told him 15-20 but he didn’t say anything and corrected me
HBW: 0.6-2.0)

~ Why VBW is more (To counter for rolling and pitching)

~ How will you assist master in navigation

a: Told him that I should have sufficient knowledge to interpret meteorological data, he said master doesn’t know
who to read it?�

b: Told him that I will assist master in aspects of lookout like traffic, Nav hazards and VTS, he said master is alone
on the bridge?� aren’t there other officers to do this work?

c: Told him that I would have sufficient knowledge of manoeuvring characteristics of the vessel to assist him in
Rough weather and critical navigation, he said “you are saying that master doesn’t know how to manoeuvres the
vessel and you will tell him how to do it?�

I smiled when he said that �

~ What are hazards of ice navigation, he didn’t cross question on this one

~ Why celestial PL are perpendicular and terrestrial are on the Azimuth?

a. Told him that the we get the Postion circle from celestial body and the circle is so big that on charts it is
plotted as a straight line, he again repeated the question.

b. Told him that the body and observer are on the same line with reference to each other on terrestrial but not in
case of celestial, he again repeated the question ��♂

~ Info from surface analysis chart?

Told him all, then he said how do you find direction and strength of the wind?

a) Direction: draw a line parallel to the nearest isobar, then draw another line about 30 towards the right of the
original line, this is the direction of wind you will face on the ship. The deflection is due to coriolis effect.

~ What is buys ballot law?

He said ok fine, imagine you are on that ship facing true wind, you will expect the low on 8-12 points on your right?
So then how is it justifiable?

I couldn’t answer this !

~ Factors to be taken in passage planning? Told him Draft, Current, Tide, Traffic, size of vessel, available
searoom, weather. He said “chief officer banke bologe - chalo chalo chalte hai Maine sab dekh kiya hai��� I
laughed when he said that

~ Principle of Gyro - Told him conservation of angular momentum. And explained that a gyro keeps on pointing in
one direction even if the base or mounting is tilted. He said isse kya faida hoga? I said I can make it north seeking
correcting for errors and will help me in navigation. He said why do you keep answering me from the notes ��♂

Function 2:

~ What type of ship and what cargo? Oil tanker & Naphtha

~ Hazards of naphtha

~ What is SF & Load density?

~ What is angle of repose?

~ What are hazards of bulk cargo? - When I told Wet shift, he said can you load a cargo more that TML? I said no sir
but an exemption can be there if there are suitable arrangements made to restrict the shift.

~ Nop? What are the cases? Told him that when the vessel arrives after laycan.

~ What is difference between laycan and laydays?


Channel Poswal, [29.10.19 20:59]

to vessel when in rough weather of a belief of damage. He went to next question.

~ IMDG applicable to which cargo? Package form

~ Boat Note - He wants to hear the word customs


~ What ships I have done and what cargo?

~ Why do we use IG in tanks?

~ What are the contents of IG gas?

Channel Poswal, [30.10.19 10:07]External sharda Internal poswal29/10/2019

Fun 1/2Result F/P

Fun 1

1. Crossing situation with on port bow

2. Cards - nuc aground and fishing vsl using persuin gear

3. What is persuin gear

4. How u will come to know that either vsl is nuc or aground

5. Rule 6

6. Limitations of radar with performance standards

7.Drawan radar on paper and asked to calculate the aspect and take action

8. Ice navigation

9. What is predominant currents

10. Vsl aground sound signal

Fun 2

1. Antidote for nitric acid

As much from chem tkrs

2. What r concentrates

3. Imdg applicable to which all ships

4. Plan oil become cat y why

5. What r light oils

6. Bote note

7. Hazards of naptha

8. NOP conditions

9. Info from lodicator

10. Lodicator fail during cargo operation action

11. Dg manifest as per which convention

12. Other substances

13. Purpose of UN numbers

Here also he was not satisfied with my answers but he has given fun 2

Which type of ships u have done?

Types of chem tankers?

Which is most severe one?

Types of tank coating u have sailed on?

Gases used in lg?

Why ig is used?

Why we r inerting the cargo tanks?

Why we have to reduce the cargo tanks o2 level?

Channel Poswal, [30.10.19 13:18]Attemp-2/f-1/2/3Chabra.. f/p/f


Anchor dragging hw u cnfrm nd action

Other vsl anchr dragging

Ice nav in detail

Cot rule 10 & 19..he wants to listn word to word not in our own explanation..gave remark

Duties as per ISM

FEW more qsns


Dunnage in detail

EGG code

Lashing code in detail


Securing nd stowage f cargo

ETA req in detail

I gave him all ans in f3 still he didnt give �

Poswal-all qsn about the point ans

Loading in progress line rupture

Disch in progress oil spill action

Mention proceedure to stop cargo(inform terminal as per ship shore cl)

Ig fails action,can we continue?

Cow-main 2 points,1.tanks shud b inerted2-tank washing sequence,

Can we use oil having water fr cow-say no as it can produce static electricity,

All letters of protest aftr cmpletion f loading,

Topping up ,loading at full rate spill at manifold.

Poswal asked more qsns inf-2 than chabra.

Channel Poswal, [30.10.19 16:20]30/10/2019External : Capt. ChhabraInternal : Capt. Poswal

Function 1/2 : F/P

Function 1

- rule 19 in own words

- tss crossing (previous remark)

- ice navigation precautions

- Early warning of roc and roc (previous remark)

- situation in rv: own vsl radar inoperational hears fog signal from stbd quarter ....action and as per which rule

- eta in detail

Function 2

- angle of repose

- which is better, more angle of repose or less and why ?

- timber code

- lashing code

- mates receipt

- hazards of concentrates

- why lime wash is carried out ?


- Function of pv breaker

- do you issue any notice to port when b/l figures are different than the loaded quantity

- types of pumps on product tanker

- stripping procedure in product tanker

Channel Poswal, [31.10.19 21:22]External: Capt MittalInternal: Capt PoswalAttempt 2

Function 1/2 : P/PSailed on Oil/Chemical Tankers.

Function 1:

~ Situations

> CBD Port Bow

> Sailing Vessel Overtaking

> Overtaking Situation with Aspects

> Narrow Channel other Vessel Overtaking from Starboard Side

> RV Fog Signal Foward of Beam

> RV Fog Signal Abaft Beam

> RV Vessel Overtaking

~ Anchor Lights, Fog Signal

~ Aground Fog Signal 100 mtr & More

~ Preferred Channel to Port Region B which side to pass when coming outside.

~ TRS Weather and Actions

~ Emergency Towing Arrangements

Function 2 :

~ IMDG Code How will you load the cargo

~ Stowage Factor, Load Density, Cargo Density definition

~ Trim Tables
~ Capacity Plan details

~ Can you Load 100t from 100 SWL.

~ GM Required for Grain

~ Documents required for IMDG, Grain Code.

~ Max GM on Timber.

~ DOA Criteria


Func 1:

~ RV Rules Apply?

~ Rule 35 for?

~ Equipment on bridge for Weather

Func 2:

~ Hazards of Concerntration

~ IMDG Cargo on Bulk Carrier

Everything makes up from the sets only.

Channel Poswal, [01.11.19 10:02]External: Capt MittalInternal: Capt Poswal

Function 2

1.Stowage Factor

2.Load density

3.Trim table

4.Imdg class

5.Stowage category as per imdg

6.Compatibility groups

7.Bill of lading who issue

8.Use of bl

9.How to use MFAG

10.Grain loading with DOA

11.Max gm on timber

12!Pulp hazard

13.coal hazard

14.iron ore hazard

15.Who make mate recipient

16.Who sign cargo manifest


18.Heavy oil and light oil

19.stake weight

20. Hazard high load density cho

21.hazard of concentrate
22.imdg latest amendments

22.imdg addition in use and new imdg use wef

Channel Poswal, [12.11.19 11:16]22/5/19Fun1 2 and 3Result FFFExternal: MittalInternal: POSWAL

Situation normal crossing

In rv fog horn on port bow.

All action not only action.

Buoy cards

Night card- twing RAM, pair trawling

Shooting nets hauling and nets fast on an obstn.

Sound signal for aground vsl.


-load density

-Stowage factor

- info get from Loadicator- forgot draft and trim. Asking or, or, or.

-Explain how to refer MFAG


-How you will load grain cargo (wants to listen Doa, Shippers dec, then Vhm calculations and all)

-How will u go after all fast till cargo commence,all ig, meeting, SS Checklist, didnot mntion Loading Plan to be
disscussed, who all sign Loading plan.

-why we have imsbc

-Hazards of concentrates

-Hazards of Sulphur, or, or krta rehta h yaar

-Minimum and maximum gm requirements of timber ships

-What is purging, why we do

-Mfag how to refer, failing question bola aaj har koi galat bta rha h, kahan se padhe, beta tayari nhi ki ache se

-Functions of bill of lading

-person collapsed while loading dangerous cargo, action

-competent person

Who makes entry in chain register

Retention period of chain register

-Stealer plate

-Sticker plate

-Sheer strake

-Fwd strengthing members

-Discarding of wire ropes(more than 10 percent wala is wrong as per mittal, fir bola kahan se padha, group study
nhi krte tum.)

-Note of protest in detail

Any other will be added later.

Channel Poswal, [18.11.19 11:44]Mittal Third attempt


Retentive error precaution


Weather associated with eye wall

Action in trs dangerous quadrant

Selection for stars in celestial navigation

Procedure to use star finder

Selection of beaching ground if time permit

Few cards

Outbound channel which side bouy preferred channel to keep

Adviction fog

Different current in East Africa

Synoptic charts information

Arc of visibility of towing lights

Annex 4

What is November and Charlie flag means ? How both the flag together use ?


Iala bouyage system

Rules applicable in rv

What is rule 33

Examples of special circumstances of case

5 currents and thier direction

How will you assist mastes when recived warning of TRS ?

Channel Poswal, [20.11.19 11:16]Ext - Chabra Int- Poswal


Result : Pass

Started Details of ETA , Beaching -when will you beach , EGG Code , Ice Navigation - As a Mate Procedures ,
Dangerous Quadrant , Gyro Error , Rule 19 in own words , Rule 2 in own words , asked one card NUC & Aground ,
6-7 situations

Overraking in Rv , sound signal Dead stern in Rv , 2 CBD head on , Action , types of Fog , head on with shallow
patch on stbd side , vessel abeam on port side 3miles end on action


Asked all previous remark , heeling error , rules applicable in rv , how to cross tss , when to take mrng sight ,
when to take amplitude , error of sextant , how to correct index error ,engine failure in singapore strait

Channel Poswal, [20.11.19 11:16]Date : 18/11/2019Inter: PoswalExt: Mittal F/P/F


Started with cards

Made mistake in situation and fun 1 finito

Load density in detail

Calculation of load density and height of cargo to which we can load

Angle of repose with procedure to check onboard

Grain securing longitudinal and strapping and lashing







Purging in detail

Isgott in detail

SSSCL and permission eg.

Pv valves purpose pressure location venting speed

pv breaker and secondary venting alarm

Cargo Loading to be done after mooring operation what checks to be done

BL , clean BL

Mates reciept

Difference in cargo and dg manifest

Imdg which ships

Classes of imdg

Stowage categories

Marine pollutant which annex

Stowage of marine pollutant

compatibility group

GM of timber ships

GM grain ships without DOA, he wants formula

Can u lift 100t with crane of 100t SWL

Coal hazards

Can we load imdg on anyship

Y imdg on tanker

Procedure to refer mfag

Blu code and blu manual why

Why we need imsbc if we have blu

Css and CSM contents

Container lashings

Info from lodicator

Types of chemical tanker

Boilng point of butane , methane

Inhibitor functions


Hydrastatic draft

Channel Poswal, [22.11.19 16:13]Date : 22/11/19

Func 1Ext - Capt ChautaniInternal- Capt Poswal

Fuc 1Result F

- Draw PZX triangle

- Aground Vessel Card

- While explaining the fog signal of aground vessel, he asked me the diameter of Gong and what is the striker of
gong called. I said i dont remember, will find out, he said not acceptable and put remark for ROR

- currents from Japan to Europe , i cudnt recall currents for south china sea.

- That was all.

Channel Poswal, [23.11.19 00:23]22-11-2019Ext: ChautaniInt: PoswalFirst AttemptF1/2/3 -F/F/P

I’ve Sailed on Bulk and containers


-3 Cards

Aground vsl, Trawler, CBD

I told everything then he asked morse code of all these signals- didn’t remember.

-Contents of International Code of Signals- didn’t knew

-MOB in Singapore strait.


-Stability criteria for Merchant vsl,grain,timber

-IMSBC contents

-Imdg latest amendment and validity of these amendments



Channel Poswal, [24.11.19 12:44]22/11/2019Fun 2 Pass

Ext - Chautani

Load density

Stowage Factor

Angel of repose

Imdg code, applicable to which vessel, why used on tankers, asked to refer imdg, details abt phenol, meaning of
packaging codes under column 5, ems for phenol, how many schedule are there, what is F and S in ems schedule

Spill on a chemical tanker, action to be taken

Where u will find emcy procedure, wht is msds, wht all information shipper will give u.

Min gm for cargo vsl, timber vsl, grain vsl.

Information on loadicator, types of stresses it gives, max allowed stress

Some more cross questions...

Int - Poswal

What all action will you take during a spill at shore / at sea.

Where it is given to stop cargo ops during spill (wants to hear abt SSSCL)

Channel Poswal, [20.12.19 13:36]20 December 2019Ext : Capt RK SharmaInt : Capt Poswal

Function 1 : Pass

- rv radar operational, vsl on stbd bow... range 5 miles..action ?

- same situation with vsl now at 2.5 mile range

- tss crossing from port A to port B

- early warning of roc

- lights of vsl towing alongside and vsl being towed alongside

- is occluded front less dangerous or more dangerous

- which is more dangerous...warm front or cold front

- ice navigation precautions as mate

- vsl has to enter ice in light ballast condition...action as mate

- entering ice in night

- eta regulation for cargo ships other than tankers

- are cargo ships provided with any extra eta equipment apart from etb

- errors of GPS

- diff in gps and dgps


- egg code

- rule 19 in own words

- which is better in rv.. alteration of course or speed

- why alteration of course is better

Cleared mates.... appreciate the help and information sharing of this group...

Will be exiting tomorrow....thanks

Channel Poswal, [20.12.19 20:36]Date - 20/12/2019Funct -1&32 Nd attempt Ext - Capt Chabra

Int - Capt poswalResult - F/P

Func 1 - Wasnt prepared he started with ETA which i answered 2 day cards 1 Preferred channel card i made
mistake , func 1 finish .

Channel Poswal, [23.12.19 15:08]Date : 23 Dec 2019External - Capt. ChaitaniInternal - Capt. Poswal

Attempt - 1Result - F/P/P

FN 1

1. Day signals, buoyage cards

2. Course Southly sight North cardinal action.

3. Region B prefered channel to stbd action and draw lights

4. Made error in CBD day signal in action.

FN 2
1) tank cleaning action.

2. Purging

3. What is IMDG, did cross questions in content and Part 3 DGL further he asked to find Benzene in DGL

4. What is limited quantity and excepted qty.

5. What is heavy lift

6. What is annealing

7. What all ships IMDG code is applicable

Channel Poswal, [23.12.19 18:06]Date : 23 Dec 2019External - Capt. ChaitaniInternal - Capt. Poswal

Attempt - 3Result - P

fN 2

1) who signs BL

2. Cow requirement

3. IMDG amendment latest

4. LOI

5. Cause of cargo shift

6. Cow operation

7. What all ships IMDG code is applicable

Capt Poswal:-

Ship shore safety checklist

Channel Poswal, [24.12.19 17:44]Ext : Capt sharda Int : Capt poswalF1/2 : F /P


Situation : Crossing frm stbd 5 nm


Pilot vsl

Fshng vsl

Radar performance .. told as per subramanian book

Fun1 close

Fun 2

Previous remark

Ld, sf, broken stowage, tanker pre arr preparation, boat note (study well), deadfreight cargo,

Sulphur loading

Some more from oil tanker like cow,

Int poswal


Cow reqrmnt

Action duting oil spill

Dry crude

Explain how you carry out cow

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