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System Operator

Title: TEMSE AGC Functional Document Identifier: 32-1211


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Area of Applicability: Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd

Functional Area: Engineering

Revision: 3

Total Pages: 15

Next Review Date: June 2023

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EDC TN Quality Control & Published 02.09.2020

TEMSE AGC Functional Description Unique Identifier: 32-1211
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1. Introduction............................................................................................................................... 4
2. Supporting Clauses .................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.2 Applicability ........................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Normative/Informative References ................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Normative .............................................................................................................. 4
2.2.2 Informative............................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.3.1 Control Area .......................................................................................................... 5
2.3.2 Emergency Level 1 ................................................................................................ 5
2.3.3 Individual unit control ............................................................................................. 5
2.3.4 Joint unit control .................................................................................................... 5
2.3.5 CPS (Control Performance Standard).................................................................... 5
2.3.6 Normal Condition ................................................................................................... 5
2.3.7 Remote Terminal Equipment ................................................................................. 5
2.3.8 Transmission Energy Management System Evolution (TEMSE) ............................ 6
2.4 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 6
3. Automatic Generation Control................................................................................................... 6
4. AGC Signal Description ............................................................................................................ 7
4.1 Signals from TEMSE to the power station ........................................................................ 8
4.1.1 Individual unit control ............................................................................................. 8
4.1.2 Joint unit control .................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Signals from the power station to TEMSE ...................................................................... 10
4.2.1 Individual unit control ........................................................................................... 10
4.2.2 Joint unit control .................................................................................................. 12
5. Acceptance............................................................................................................................. 15
Revisions ...................................................................................................................................... 15


Figure 1 – Gross and net measurements in a typical power station ....................................... 12


Table 1 – Individual raise/lower commands ................................................................................ 8

Table 2 – Individual unit setpoint command ............................................................................... 9
Table 3 – Joint unit control raise/lower commands ................................................................... 9
Table 4 – Joint unit control setpoint command .......................................................................... 9

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Table 5 – Individual unit control signals ................................................................................... 10

Table 6 – Joint unit controller signals ....................................................................................... 12

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1. Introduction
Automatic Generation Control (AGC) is a software module in TEMSE used to maintain the
frequency and tie-lines for its Control Area, such that the frequency is within 49.85 Hz and 50.15
Hz bounds for at least 95% of the time under normal conditions. This document specifies the
signals that need to be commissioned between TEMSE and the power station, which provides the
AGC functionality, to run a reliable interconnected power system. For the complete list of
information exchange signals between the power station and TEMSE, refer to the Information
Exchange grid code.

2. Supporting Clauses

2.1 Scope

This document defines the following signals for AGC only, sent between RTU/DCS and TEMSE:
• Signals from TEMSE to power station
• Signals from power station to TEMSE

2.1.1 Purpose

As per the South African grid code, a generator connecting to the transmission grid shall provide
operational measurements as specified by the System Operator. This document gives details on
the AGC signals to be implemented at the power station to provide AGC functionality.

2.1.2 Applicability

This document shall apply throughout Eskom Holdings Limited Divisions and any generator that is
connected to the interconnected power system that is modelled in TEMSE and has the AGC

2.2 Normative/Informative References

Parties using this document shall apply the most recent edition of the documents listed in the
following paragraphs.

2.2.1 Normative

[1] The South African Grid Code – The Information Exchange Code, Version 10
[2] Eskom master device IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation – Document No : 240-61478967
Revision 1
[3] Eskom slave device IEC 60870-5-101 Implementation – Document No : 240-61478980
Revision 1
[4] Control of system frequency under normal and abnormal conditions – Document No: 342-
141 Revision 0

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[5] Operation of AGC while interconnected to SAPP – Document no: 240-84929242

2.2.2 Informative

[6] Generation AGC Design Standard for Power Plants – Document No : 240-119416400
[7] Ancillary Services Technical Requirements - Document No: 342-466

2.3 Definitions

2.3.1 Control Area

Control Area shall mean an electrical system with borders defined by points of interconnection and
capable of maintaining continuous balance between the generation under its control, the
consumption of electricity in the Control Area and the scheduled interchanges with other Control

2.3.2 Emergency Level 1

Emergency Level 1 (EL1) generation consists of extra capacity from generating units over and
above their maximum continuous ratings that can be supplied at minimum additional cost for a
period without risk of damage to the plant.

2.3.3 Individual unit control

Control is dispatched to the unit level.

2.3.4 Joint unit control

Control is dispatched to a joint controller at the station level.

2.3.5 CPS (Control Performance Standard)

CPS1 is intended to provide a control area with a frequency sensitive evaluation of how well the
control area is meeting its demand requirements. CPS1 is a statistical measure of the control
area’s Area Control Error (ACE) variability. CPS1 measures ACE in combination with the
Interconnection’s frequency error. CPS2 measures whether the absolute ACE goes outside the
accepted frequency control target.

2.3.6 Normal Condition

The control area is considered to be in a normal condition when it meets the requirements as
defined in Control of system frequency under normal and abnormal conditions [4].

2.3.7 Remote Terminal Equipment

The remote terminal equipment refers to any remote device, such as a RTU, DCS or gateway.

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2.3.8 Transmission Energy Management System Evolution (TEMSE)

TEMSE refers to the Transmission Energy Management System Evolution project, and is now
used as the name of the Energy Management System at the System Operator.

2.4 Abbreviations

Abbreviation Explanation
ACE Area Control Error
AGC Automatic Generation Control
DCS Distributed Control System
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
TEMSE Transmission Energy Management System Evolution

3. Automatic Generation Control

TEMSE AGC provides control action, which attempts to maintain the frequency and tie-lines for its
Control Area, such that the frequency is within 49.85 Hz and 50.15 Hz bounds for at least 95% of
the time under normal conditions. AGC attempts to schedule generation at minimum cost while
observing all system constraints. AGC observes the following economic, security, and energy
constraints when dispatching the units under its control:

• Scheduled MW transactions with neighbours.

• Scheduled frequency and time error.

• Generating unit restrictions (e.g., unit operational limits and forbidden zones).

• Area load.

• Area generation reserves.

• AGC performance criteria.

AGC will control the generation on the system to minimise the ACE, which is the sum of the
frequency deviation converted to active power and the tie-line error. AGC controls the system by
issuing control signals to generators that are on AGC to raise or lower their individual active power
outputs. Regulation Reserve is reserve under AGC available to respond initially within 10 seconds
and to respond fully within ten minutes.

Instructions to raise/lower the generated active power at a power station are issued from TEMSE
and sent to the power station via a telecontrol communications link using the IEC 60870-5-101
protocol. The RTU/DCS interprets the raise/lower command and sends the instruction to the
relevant unit to increase/decrease its generated active power. Alternatively, a joint unit controller
will receive a power station’s AGC control command and distribute instructions, according to local
optimisation routines, to the individual units.

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4. AGC Signal Description

This section specifies the signals from/to the power station to/from TEMSE. To minimise ACE,
TEMSE AGC issues a setpoint raise/lower command (bitstring of 32 bit command) or an analogue
setpoint command based on the unit ramp rate, to change the active power setpoint of the unit
within its high and low regulating limits. The unit can also be controlled based on its net active
power. The detail of each signal is described below.

Description of table column headings used in this section:

Device 01_State 10_State Type Control

Device: Gives the name of the device and acts as a collector of all point information
belonging to the device. The System Operator shall define the requirements where
grouping is used.
Each binary status point can be mapped to one or two binary bits. In the case of a
breaker or isolator which has an explicit open and an explicit closed state, two bits
are used. As a consequence of using two bits it is possible to provide two additional
indications, namely “in-transit” and “invalid”.
In the case of single-bit alarm points, only one bit is used to report the state of the
In the following sections, the Type column indicates the number of bits used to
report the state of the point in question. The column headings will always indicate
two bits but for single-bit points ignore the left-hand 0 or 1 value in the headings “01-
State” and “10-State”.

Single bit points will be reported as follows:

1_state This is the alarm state of the point.

0_state This is the normal state of the point.

Where an indication uses two bits to report the state, the least significant bit is used
to report that the state is OPEN and the most significant bit to report the state when
it is CLOSED.

Thus a double bit status indication will be reported as follows:

01_state This is the open state of the point.

10_state This is the closed state of the point.

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It is illogical for a device to have a permanent value of either “00” or “11”. However,
if the device is in transit between “01” and “10” then a temporary value of “00” is
The SCADA system reports a state of “00” as “In transit”, which will normally only be
seen on slow-moving devices such as isolators.
In the event that there is a problem with the monitoring of the device state it is
possible to receive a double bit value of “11” which is interpreted as “invalid”.

Type: Indicates the type of point – single-bit binary, double-bit binary or analogue.
Control: Indicates if there is a supervisory control associated with the point.

4.1 Signals from TEMSE to the power station

4.1.1 Individual unit control

An AGC binary setpoint raise/lower command (bitstring of 32 bit command) or an analogue

setpoint command is sent to the individual unit controllers at the power station to change the active
power setpoint of the addressed unit. The unit will then react with defined governor secondary
power control routines to attain the active power output. Raise/lower command

Table 1 – Individual raise/lower commands

AGC signals to unit Control

Binary AGC setpoint raise command (bitstring of 32 bit) True
Binary AGC setpoint lower command (bitstring of 32 bit) True

The raise/lower command consists of a message from AGC instructing units to raise or lower their
active power output by a predefined amount.

The megawatt (MW) per pulse is calibrated according to the required ramp rate of the unit. AGC
runs every 4 seconds and hence only 15 commands can be sent every minute. The resolution per
command has been set to one pulse. If the ramp rate of a unit is 15 MW/min, then the amount of
MW moved per pulse is 1 MW. A unit that ramps up or down at 50 MW/min therefore has the
megawatt calibrated per pulse as 3.3 MW.

The IEC 60870-5-101 protocol used by the TEMSE SCADA master station has the limitation that
only one command can be sent per cycle via a communication circuit. When more than one unit at
a power station is controlled by AGC, there is not sufficient time to send AGC commands to every
unit and receive the necessary response every 4 seconds. The protocol has hence been adapted
to send one control command (raise/lower) to multiple units at the same time by means of the IEC
60870-5-101 bitstring of 32-bit command. The single message is decoded in the RTU/DCS which
sends binary AGC raise/lower commands to multiple units. The details of the implementation of the
IEC 60870-5-101 bitstring of 32-bit command is defined in Appendix B of [2] and [3].

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Page: 9 of 15 Analogue setpoint command

Table 2 – Individual unit setpoint command

AGC signals to unit Type Control

AGC setpoint command Analogue True

AGC analogue setpoint command is the other option available to change the output of a unit on
AGC. The unit is sent an analogue setpoint value instead of binary raise and lower commands.

The loss of communication between TEMSE and the RTU will not result in mal-operation of the
plant. If an invalid setpoint is received, the unit should maintain the last known good setpoint within
the unit regulating limits.

An RTU and a dedicated communication circuit per unit are required to implement setpoint control.

4.1.2 Joint unit control

Binary AGC setpoint raise/lower commands (bitstring of 32 bit) or an analogue setpoint command
is sent to the power station joint unit controller to change the overall power station active power
setpoint. Raise/lower command

Table 3 – Joint unit control raise/lower commands

AGC signals to power station Control

Binary AGC setpoint raise command (bitstring of 32 bit) True
Binary AGC setpoint lower command (bitstring of 32 bit) True

Where power stations are equipped with a joint unit controller, the binary raise/lower command will
be sent to the station level, and the joint controller decides which units that are selected for AGC
will provide the desired response. This is according to defined optimisation routines in the joint
controller taking the plant configuration and state into consideration.

The station level ramp rate is the sum of ramp rates of all units on AGC or a fixed ramp rate. For
example, in a station consisting of four units on AGC, where the ramp rate of each unit is 80
MW/min, the station level ramp rate is 320 MW/min if it is a dynamic ramp rate or 80MW/min if it is
a fixed ramp rate. Analogue setpoint command

Table 4 – Joint unit control setpoint command

AGC signals to power station Type Control

AGC setpoint command Analogue True

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AGC analogue setpoint command can also be used for joint unit control. The joint unit controller
can decide how to divide the active power required, among the units selected for AGC operation.
AGC can update the target active power setpoints incrementally as it enforces the ramp rate
restriction. The station level ramp rate should be the sum of ramp rates of all units on AGC or a
fixed ramp rate. For example, in a station consisting of four units on AGC, where the ramp rate of
each unit is 80MW/min, the station level ramp rate should be 320 MW/min if it is a dynamic ramp
rate or 80MW/min if it is a fixed ramp rate.

In the case where joint unit controller changes the overall power station active power setpoint:

• If there are units generating and not on AGC, the setpoint sent at the station level also
includes the setpoint of units not on AGC. The setpoints of these units should be subtracted
from the total setpoint to get the final target setpoint.

In the case where the joint unit controller only changes the active power of units selected on AGC:

• The setpoint only includes the setpoints of units on AGC.

4.2 Signals from the power station to TEMSE

This section details the minimum signals required when using individual unit control and joint unit
control. These values ensure that AGC along with sending the raise/lower command or setpoint
command will be able to perform accurately all the calculations that form part of the AGC cycle.

4.2.1 Individual unit control

Table 5 – Individual unit control signals

AGC signals from unit 01_State 10_State Type Control

High regulating limit Analogue
Low regulating limit Analogue
AGC up ramp rate Analogue
AGC down ramp rate Analogue
AGC setpoint feedback Analogue True
AGC unit status On Off Double True(unmanned)
Gross active power (Generated) Analogue
Nett active power (Sent-out) Analogue
Raise block True Single
Lower block True Single High regulating limit

This value gives the maximum allowable active power setpoint to which AGC can raise the active
power output of the generator. The high regulating limit can either be represented in net or gross
power. Where the limit is available in gross, the nett limit is calculated from the measured
auxiliaries if available. In the absence of measured auxiliaries, a table based estimate is used.

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This value gives the minimum allowable active power setpoint to which AGC can lower the active
power output of the generator. The low regulating limit can either be represented in net or gross
power. Where the limit is available in gross, the nett limit is calculated from the measured
auxiliaries if available. In the absence of measured auxiliaries, a table based estimate is used. AGC up ramp rate

This is the maximum rate, expressed in MW/min of the unit whilst on AGC in the upward direction.
In cases where the up and down ramp rate are the same, one value for ramp rate shall suffice. AGC down ramp rate

This is the maximum rate, expressed in MW/min of the unit whilst on AGC in the downward
direction. In cases where the up and down ramp rate are the same, one value for ramp rate shall
suffice. AGC setpoint feedback

The setpoint is generated by the control equipment of the generator and sent as a feedback to
TEMSE. To change the active power output of the generator, the output setpoint has to be
adjusted in the unit controller by either the binary AGC raise/lower pulse command or the AGC
setpoint analogue command. When a binary AGC raise or lower pulse command is sent, the
megawatt per pulse is calculated based on the ramp rate, and the AGC setpoint is updated. This is
then communicated back to TEMSE. The setpoint can either represent nett active power or gross
active power. Where setpoint is available in gross, the nett setpoint is calculated from the
measured auxiliaries if available. In the absence of measured auxiliaries, a table based estimate is
used. The AGC setpoint must be between the AGC high and low regulating limit values. If the limits
have changed, then the setpoint must be adjusted so that it is not over or under the respective high
or low regulating limit value. The setpoint feedback shall represent the unit active power setpoint
without additional control influences such as primary frequency control. AGC unit status

This signal indicates if the power station is allowing Automatic Generation Control at the unit level.
When this signal is off, all raise and lower commands from TEMSE are ignored. This signal is
required by TEMSE to switch AGC on. This signal should only be on if the unit is generating and
the setpoint is within the high and low regulating limits. It should switch off in all other modes. This
status is set from TEMSE if the station is unmanned. Gross active power

The generated active power (Meas 1, Figure 1) is directly measured on the generator terminals
and fed back to TEMSE. Nett active power

This is the active power output (Meas 2, Figure 1) measured on the HV side of the generator
transformer when the generator is operational. Figure 1 illustrates a typical power station
configuration. This value should still be available even if the configuration is different.

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Transformer CT & VT

CT & VT Generator CT & VT

400 kV

999 MW (Gross) 666 MW (Net)

999 MVAr 666 MVAr
(MEAS 1 ) (MEAS 2)

Figure 1 – Gross and nett measurements in a typical power station Raise block

In the event that the unit controller chooses not to allow AGC raise commands, the raise block
indication is set to 01 state. When this indication is set to 01 state, all raise commands from
TEMSE should be ignored by the unit controller. The raise block signal is set to 01 state when the
AGC setpoint value is equal to or higher than the high regulating limit. Lower block

In the event that the unit controller chooses not to allow AGC lower commands, the lower block
indication is set to 01 state. When this indication is set to 01 state, all lower commands from
TEMSE should be ignored by the unit controller. The lower block signal is set to 01 state when the
AGC setpoint value is equal to or lower than the low regulating limit.

4.2.2 Joint unit control

When joint unit control is exercised, the signals under individual unit control section 4.2.1 should
also be provided in addition to the signals below.
Table 6 – Joint unit controller signals

AGC signals from joint controller 01_State 10_State Type Control

Joint controller AGC status On Off Double True(unmanned)
High regulating limit Analogue
Low regulating limit Analogue
AGC up ramp rate Analogue
AGC down ramp rate Analogue

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AGC setpoint feedback Analogue True

Gross active power (Generated) Analogue
Nett active power (Sent-out) Analogue
Raise block True Single
Lower block True Single Joint controller AGC status

This signal indicates if the power station is allowing Automatic Generation Control at the station
level. When this signal is off, all raise/lower commands or setpoint controls from the System
operator are ignored. This signal shall be on if at least one unit’s AGC is switched on. High regulating limit

This value gives the maximum allowable active power setpoint to which AGC can raise the active
power output at the station level.

In the case where the joint unit controller changes the overall power station active power setpoint:

• If there are units generating and not on AGC, this shall be the sum of the high regulating
limits of all units on AGC and the setpoint feedbacks of the units which are generating and
not on AGC.

In the case where the joint unit controller only changes the active power of units selected on AGC:

• The high regulating limit is the sum of the high regulating limits of all units on AGC.

The high regulating limit can either be represented in gross or nett power. Low regulating limit

This value gives the minimum allowable active power setpoint to which AGC can lower the active
power output at the station level.

In the case where the joint unit controller changes the overall power station active power setpoint:

• If there are units generating and not on AGC, this shall be the sum of the low regulating
limits of all units on AGC and the setpoint feedback of the units which are generating and
not on AGC.

In the case where the joint unit controller only changes the active power of units selected on AGC:

• The low regulating limit is the sum of low regulating limits of all units on AGC.

The low regulating limit can either be represented in gross or net power.

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Page: 14 of 15 AGC up ramp rate

This is the maximum rate, expressed in MW/min, at the station level in the upward direction. This is
either a dynamic ramp rate based on the number of units on AGC or a fixed ramp rate. Note: The
significant portion of the ramp rates of units on AGC that are operating at their high regulating limit
should not be taken into account in the dynamic ramp rate. AGC down ramp rate

This is the maximum rate, expressed in MW/min, at the station level in the downward direction.
This is either a dynamic ramp rate based on the number of units on AGC or a fixed ramp rate.
Note: The significant portion of the ramp rates of units on AGC that are operating at their low
regulating limit should not be taken into account in the dynamic ramp rate. AGC setpoint feedback

The setpoint is generated by the control equipment of the units and sent as a feedback to TEMSE.
To change the active power output of any unit, the output setpoint of that unit has to be adjusted by
the joint controller by either the binary AGC raise/lower pulse command or the AGC analogue
setpoint command. When a raise/lower pulse command is sent, the megawatt per pulse is
calculated based on the ramp rate, and the setpoint is updated. This is then communicated back to
TEMSE. The setpoint can either be represented in gross or net. The setpoint must be between the
high and low regulating limit values. If the limits have changed, then the setpoint must be adjusted
so that it is not over or under the respective high or low regulating limit value. The setpoint
feedback shall represent the unit active power setpoint without additional control influences such
as primary frequency control

In the case where joint unit controller changes the overall power station active power setpoint:

• If there are units generating and not on AGC, the joint controller AGC setpoint is the sum of
all AGC setpoints of all units selected for AGC and the setpoints of the units which are
generating and not on AGC.

In the case where the joint unit controller only changes the active power of units selected on AGC:

• The setpoint feedback is the sum of setpoints of all units on AGC Gross active power

This is the sum of generated active power of all units. Nett active power

This is the sum of nett active power of all units.

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Page: 15 of 15 Raise block

In the event that the joint controller chooses not to allow AGC raise commands, the raise block
indication is set to 01 state. When this indication is set to 01 state, all raise commands from
TEMSE should be ignored by the joint controller. The raise block signal is set to 01 state when the
AGC setpoint value is equal to or higher than the high regulating limit. Lower block

In the event that the joint controller chooses not to allow AGC lower commands, the lower block
indication is set to 01 state. When this indication is set to 01 state, all lower commands from
TEMSE should be ignored by the joint controller. The lower block signal is set to 01 state when the
AGC setpoint value is equal to or lower than the low regulating limit.

5. Acceptance
This document has been seen and accepted by:
Name Designation
Brent Cupido Chief Engineer, Peaking
Cornelius Visagie Chief Technologist, Group Technology
Craig Boesack Chief Engineer, Group Technology
Ian Naicker Chief Engineer, PTM&C Engineering
Julian Visser Chief Engineer, Group Technology
Marathon Ntusi Chief Engineer, Ancillary Services
Nerino Baruffa Senior Consultant, Group Technology
Rosalette Botha Corporate Specialist, System Operator
Seroko Choma Senior Technologist, Peaking
Vusi Dlamini Senior Consultant, National Control Systems Support


Date Rev. Compiler Remarks

Dec 2019 3 MH Roets Three yearly review updates.
June 2016 2 MV Kurup Changes added to align with Information
exchange Grid code amendments
Feb 2013 1 MV Kurup Added up and down ramp rates
Feb 2011 0 MV Kurup Initial version-to complement Information
exchange grid code

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Reg No 2002/015527/30.

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