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March 2016

Procurement Reference no. BC ETH/Society 2016/01

British Council Ethiopia
Comoros Street Yeka Sub City
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251 11 617 4300
Fax: +251 11 662 3315

Section I Background and general information 2

Section II Instructions to bidders 4

Section III Contractual requirements 12

Section IV Technical proposal 15

Section V Financial proposal 20

Annex I Supplier appraisal 21

Annex II Term of reference 30

Section I Background and General Information


The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and
educational opportunities. It seeks to achieve its aims by working in education, science,
governance, English and the arts.

The British Council was established in 1934 and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1940. It is
registered as a charity in England and Wales (charity no. 209131) and Scotland (charity no.
SCO37733). It is also an executive non-departmental public body, with the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office as its sponsoring department.

Its primary charitable objects are set out in the Charter and are stated to be:-

 Promote cultural relationships and the understanding of different cultures between people
and peoples of the United Kingdom and other countries;

 Promote a wider knowledge of the United Kingdom;

 Develop a wider knowledge of the English language;

 Encourage cultural, scientific, technological and other educational co-operation between

the United Kingdom and other countries;

 Otherwise promote the advancement of education.

The British Council works in more than 110 countries around the world and employs over 7000
staff worldwide. It has its headquarters in the UK, with offices in London, Manchester, Belfast,
Cardiff and Edinburgh.

Further information can be found at

Social enterprises address social and environmental problems through innovative solutions that
improve people’s lives in our communities and societies. The British Council’s Global Social
Enterprise programme draws on the UK experience in social enterprise to promote its growth
around the world. We build capacity in the sector, forge international networks, and support policy
leaders to create ecosystems in which social enterprise and social investment can thrive. Our work
supports positive social change, inclusive growth and sustainable development while building trust
and creating opportunities between the UK and other countries.

Currently running in 26 countries and on four continents, the programme: provides aspiring and
existing social enterprises with skills training, consultancy, mentoring and access to funding;
disseminates best UK and global practice to support policy leaders to create enabling ecosystems
for social enterprise and investment; supports education institutions to embed social enterprise,
exchange best practice, and deliver joint research on social enterprise; facilitates the use of social
enterprise approaches in international development programmes; commissions research and
organises high profile events that foster social enterprise and social investment, and; builds
international networks linking social entrepreneurs, intermediary organisations and social

The British Council is implemented a 2 year pilot project “Support for Social Enterprises in East
Africa”. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented in Ethiopia and Kenya. The
overall objective of this project is to support vulnerable populations to access ‘Social protection,
health, education and jobs’ therefore supporting ‘Inclusive and sustainable economic growth for
human development’

The British Council invites bidders who are interested and capable to conduct baseline survey for
social enterprises in Ethiopia. Parallel study will take place simultaneously in Kenya.

This bid document outlines the range of services that the Service Provider will need to undertake
and specifies what information needs to be submitted for bidding purposes.

Section II Instructions to bidders

 Interested organisations are required to meet the following criteria to be eligible to

participate in this procurement and submit copies of the following document:

 Renewed business license,

 VAT registration certificate

 Tax Identification Number (TIN)certificate

 Current tax clearance,

 License or certification or similar others from concerned government


2. Right of the British Council

 This RFP and any responses thereto, shall be the property of the British Council. In
submitting a proposal, the bidder acknowledges that British Council reserves the right to:-

(a) Visit and inspect the bidder’s premises;

(b) Contact any clients of the bidder/referees provided;

(c) Request additional supporting or supplementary information;

(d) Arrange interviews with the proposed project team leader /personnel;

(e) Request clarification on proposals;

(f) Request for technical presentation of the proposals;

(g) Reject any/all of the proposals submitted;

(h) Accept any proposals in whole or in part;

(i) Right to invite additional proposals if the responses received do not meet the project

(j) Negotiate with the bidder(s) providing overall the best value proposal(s);

(k) Evaluate individual or organisational conflict of interest of the bidder;

(l) Award contracts to more than 1 bidder, as British Council considers to be in its best

(m) The bidder agrees to be bound by the decision of the British Council as to whether
his/her proposal meets the requirements stated in the RFP.

 British Council reserves the right to invalidate any proposal for reasons mentioned above,
and, unless otherwise specified by British Council or by the Bidder, to accept any item in
the proposal.
 British Council reserves the right to invalidate any proposal received from a Bidder who, in
the opinion of British Council, is not in a position to perform the contract, previously failed
to perform properly, complete contracts on time etc.
 The bidder shall bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of its
proposal, and the Council in no case, will be responsible or liable for these costs,
regardless of conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

 Bid Proposal must be direct, concise, and complete. All information not directly
relevant to this request for proposal s h o u l d be omitted.


 Your proposal should remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days. A proposal
valid for a shorter period may be rejected.


 Payment of professional fee and reimbursable expenses will be made only upon British
Council’s acceptance of the services/work performed in accordance with the contractual

 The terms of payment are 30 days, after receipt of invoice and acceptance of
work/services by the technical supervisor of the contract. Payment will be effected by
bank transfer for correctly addressed and undisputed invoices.


All evaluation will be carried out by the British Council as detailed below:-
 The evaluation c o m m i t t e e will evaluate bid proposals from eligible bidders. The
committee may ask bidders for additional information, visit to bidder site and/or
arrange discussions with their professional, technical faculties to verify the claims made
in bid documentation.
 All eligible tenders will be considered for further evaluation. The decision of the
British Council will be final in this regard.
 The British Council will evaluate bidder’s proposal based upon its clarity and the
directness of its response to the requirements of the service as outlined in this bid
 During technical evaluation the technical competency of the prospective bidder will be
evaluated by the committee who are technically qualified to carry out the assignment.

The assessment by the committee for the technical competency of the bidder will be final
and binding to all bidders.
 Financial proposal of technically dis qualified bidders will not be opened.
 During financial evaluation, the committee will compare and evaluate the financial
proposal of only the technically qualified bidders.
 Arithmetic Error: - if any, in the price breakup will be rectified on the following basis :
a. If there is discrepancy between total project cost as quoted in words and
figures, the quoted rate in words shall prevail.
b. If there is discrepancy between unit price and the total price of each item, which is
obtained by multiplying the unit price with quantity, the price resulting the total project
cost shall prevail and be asked for correction to the bidder.
c. If there is discrepancy between the total project cost and explained through unit
cost, the total quoted rate as in financial proposal shall prevail and unit cost shall
be asked for correction to the bidder.
d. If the bidder does not accept the correction of errors, its bid proposal will be rejected.
 The evaluation committee will firstly offer the award of work to the bidder that is ranked
 The final selection of the bidder shall be made on the basis of the reports of the
procurement committee. However, the British Council does not bind itself in any way to
select the bidder(s) offering the lowest price.

 The proposal, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid proposal
exchanged by the bidder and the British Council, shall be in English only.


 Prices shall be quoted in Ethiopian Birr only.


 The bidder shall quote a fixed rate for the entire duration of the agreement on a single
responsibility basis. No adjustment of the prices shall be made on account of any
variations in costs of labour and materials or any other cost component affecting the
total cost in fulfilling the obligations as per the agreement. The price shall be the only
payment, payable by the British council to the successful bidder for completion of
the agreed obligations, subject to the terms of payment specified.

 The price would be inclusive of VAT and any other charges.

 The prices, once offered, shall remain fixed and shall not be subject to escalation for any
reason whatsoever within the period of contract.


 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, the British Council, for
any reason, may modify the RFP by notification of amendment and such amendment
shall be binding on all bidders.


 No proposal may be modified or withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for
submission of proposals and the expiration of the validity period specified by the
bidder on the proposal form.


 By submitting a bid proposal, each bidder shall be deemed to acknowledge that it

has carefully read all sections of this bid document, including all forms, schedules and
annexes hereto, and has fully informed itself as to all existing conditions and limitations.


 The proposal must reach to the office of the British Council, complete in all respects,
not later than the last time and date specified in the Request for proposal.
 The British Council may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of proposal
by amending the RFP documents, in which case all rights and obligations of the Bidders
subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.


Any bid proposal received by the British Council after the last date for receipt of bid
proposal prescribed by British Council, pursuant to above clause, will be declared late
and will not be accepted and /or returned unopened to the bidder.

 Special attention will be paid to the approach proposed by the bidder for managing his
sub-contractors. Bidder will be required to indicate the kind of work which they plan to
subcontract and the name of any companies to which they are intending to subcontract
part of the work.
 Subcontracting during performance of the contract is permitted only with the prior written
consent of the British Council. The Bidder remains solely liable for proper performance of
the contract.


 Submitted documents must have signature of authorised single officer on all pages as
acceptance of terms and conditions by the bidder.
 The bid proposal has to be submitted in a wax sealed envelope superscripted with bid
Ref. No. title of bid , Name of the company and contact details containing following
sealed envelopes –

a. Envelope 1 - marked as Technical Proposal
- The original and two copies of the Technical Proposal shall be placed in a sealed
envelope 1 clearly marked “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL”.
b. Envelope 2 - marked as Financial Proposal
- The original and two copies of the Financial Proposal shall be placed in a sealed
envelope 2 clearly marked “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”.
c. Envelope 3 - Certificate

- Copy of renewed business license, VAT &TIN certificates.

 Note: - If the envelope(s) is/are not sealed and marked properly as stipulated, the
evaluation committee will assume no responsibility for the bidder’s proposal document
misplacement, loosing or premature opening. This circumstance may be case for
proposal rejection. If the Financial Proposal is not submitted in a separate sealed
envelope duly marked as indicated above, this will constitute grounds for declaring the
proposal non-responsive.


 Your proposal must be submitted in the templates provided in section 2 and 3. For efficient
evaluation of bids please include completed copies of the pricing schedule in an Excel
spread sheet on CD-ROM. For security, the hard copy document will be considered the
master copy. Please include the three sealed copies of your bid proposal document in
plain envelopes marked as “Surveying Social Enterprises in Ethiopia ” to:

Programme Manager, Society (Social Enterprise)

British Council, Comoros Street,
Yeka Sub City, PO Box 1043,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel. +251 (0) 11 617 4300


 The Procurement Committee will open the technical proposal immediately after the
deadline date and time of submission in the presence of bidders or their authorised
representatives who choose to attend.
 The envelopes with the financial proposal shall remain sealed and securely stored and
evaluators of technical proposals shall have no access to the financial proposals until the
technical evaluation is concluded
 The British Council reserves the right at all times to postpone or cancel a scheduled bid
proposal opening day.
 If the document supplied by the bidder are found to be fraudulent or misrepresenting
the facts then, it will render the Bidder ineligible for participating in the bid process.
 Bid proposal that are not opened and read out at bid proposal o p e n i n g shall not
be considered for further evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances. Withdrawn bids will
be returned unopened to the Bidders.

20. Evaluation criteria

 Proposal responses will be assessed using the following criteria and scoring. A score will be
given for each part of the information submitted that is to be assessed.

 For the Evaluation criteria, 75% out of 100% will be allotted for the technical proposal.
25% will be allotted to the financial proposal.

 Bidder who passes the technical evaluation by gaining more than 73% (55 of 75 marks) of the
Technical Scores will be considered for financial evaluation.

Criteria Score

Knowledge and Experience 25 %

Timing and staffing 25%
Methodology and Approach 25%
Technical proposal total 75%
Costing – Quote provided best value for money consideration 25 %
Financial proposal total 25%
Total 100%

The responses under each sub category will be scored based on the following matrix:

Excellent - A comprehensive and strong answer indicating the provider is fully capable
10 and experienced to deliver the required outcomes. A detailed response that directly
responds to all requirements with no ambiguity and relevant examples provided.
Good - There are slight concerns that the organisation will not be able to achieve all the
outcomes required and response lacked details of relevant experience. A less detailed
response that broadly responds to the requirement with some ambiguity and few
relevant examples provided.
Adequate - There are concerns that the organisation will not be able to achieve the
outcomes required and response significantly lacks details of relevant experience. A
less detailed response that broadly responds to the requirement with some ambiguity
and no/irrelevant examples provided.
Poor Response/Limited Evidence - There are serious indications that the
organisation will not be able to achieve the outcomes required and has not provided
3 appropriate evidence of experience to successfully deliver the outcomes required. A
response that is not entirely relevant to the requirement, with ambiguity and lacking
specific detail.
Unacceptable - The answer is non-compliant and/or no relevant information has been
0 received to demonstrate the organisation can achieve the required outcomes. No
response or a response that is entirely irrelevant.

Please note that all your responses to the tender requirements and the pricing schedule will be
incorporated into a contractual document.

The successful tender will be the tender with the highest score awarded at the end of the
evaluation process outlined in this RFP.


 Negotiations will include a discussion of the technical proposal, the proposed technical approach
and methodology, work plan, and organization and staffing, and any suggestions made by
the organization to improve the Terms of Reference.
 British Council and the successful bidder will finalize the Terms of Reference, staffing
schedule, work schedule, logistics, and reporting. These documents will then be
incorporated in the contract.
 Special attention will be paid to clearly defining the inputs and information required from
British Council to ensure satisfactory implementation of the assignment. British Council
shall prepare minutes of negotiations which will be signed by the British Council and the
successful bidder.

While negotiating, the following aspects may be considered:

 Further reduction in the quoted price.

 Advancing the delivery schedule
 Additional services


 The right of final acceptance of the bid is entirely vested with the British Council, who
reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the bidders in full or in parts without
assigning any reason whatsoever.
 There is no obligation on the part of the Council to communicate with rejected bidder.


 Any questions concerning this invitation must be forwarded in writing by email to no later than 18 March 2016 before
5:00PM with specific reference to this RFP. No request for information will be entertained
after this.


Activity Date

RFP released 9 March 2016

Deadline for written questions/clarification by 5:00 p.m. 18 March 2016
Clarification responses from the British Council 24 March 2016
Deadline to submit proposals by 2:00 p.m. 4 April 2016
Opening of proposal bid by 3:00p.m. 4 April 2016
Anticipated notice of award 8 April 2016
Negotiation and award of contract 11 April 2016

Anticipated commencement of the work 12 April 2016

Note: Timescales are estimates and may be subject to change.


 Proposals should be submitted to the address below, no later than the date and time of the
deadline below. Sealed proposals (technical and financial) received prior to the stated
closing time and date will be kept unopened Any proposal received after the deadline for
submission of proposals shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the
organization. British Council will not accept any responsibility for the premature opening of
the proposals not properly addressed or identified.
Date of deadline: 4 April 2016
Time of deadline: 2:00pm
Address: Programme Manager, Society (Social Enterprise)
British Council, Comoros Street,
Yeka Sub City, PO Box 1043,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel. +251 (0) 11 6174300

Section III Contractual requirements

1. Conditions
The Contracting Authority is the British Council which includes any subsidiary companies and other
organisations that control or are controlled by the British Council from time to time.

The British Council is committed to equality and to positive action. It believes that an Equal
Opportunities Policy helps to ensure that there is no unjustified discrimination in the recruitment ,
retention, training and development of staff on the basis of gender including transgender, marital
status, sexual identify, region and belief, political opinion, race, work pattern, age, disability or
HIV/AIDS status, socio-economic background, spent convictions, trade union activity or
membership, on the basis of having or not having dependents, or any other relevant grounds. The
appointed supplier must agree to operate in accordance with these principles while undertaking
work at or on behalf of the British Council.

The British Council is committed to open government and to meeting its legal responsibilities under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the “Act”). Accordingly, all information submitted to a public
authority may need to be disclosed by the public authority in response to a request under the Act.
The British Council may also decide to include certain information in the publication scheme, which
the British Council maintains under the Act.

If supplier(s) consider that any of the information included in their completed documentation is
commercially sensitive, it should identify it and explain (in broad terms) what harm may result from
disclosure if a request is received, and the time period applicable to that sensitivity.

The supplier(s) should be aware that, even where they have indicated that information is
commercially sensitive, the British Council might be required to disclose it under the Act if a
request is received.

The supplier(s) should also note that the receipt of any material marked ‘confidential’ or equivalent
by the British Council should not be taken to mean that the British Council accepts any duty of
confidence by virtue of that marking.

The supplier(s) will comply with all applicable legislation and codes of practice, including, where
applicable, all legislation and statutory guidance relevant to the safeguarding and protection of
children and vulnerable adults and with the British Council’s Child Protection Policy; in addition the
supplier will ensure that where it engages any other party to supply any of the services under this
agreement that that party will also comply with the same requirements as if they were a party to
this agreement.

All relevant policies that supplier(s) are expected to adhere to can be found on the British Council
website – The list of policies includes (but it is not
limited to):

- Anti-Fraud and Corruption

- Child Protection Policy

- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Fair Trading
- Health and Safety Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Records Management
- Privacy

Mandatory due diligence information will form part of your response to this RFP. You are required
to complete Annex 1 (Supplier Appraisal).

The British Council’s contracting and commercial approach in respect of the required services is
set out at Annex 4: Terms and Conditions of contract (the “Contract”). By submitting a proposal,
you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this ITB and the Contract without further negotiation
or amendment.

If the terms of the Contract render the proposals in your bid proposal unworkable, you should
submit a clarification in accordance with section II of number 23 (Clarification questions) by 18
March 2016 and the British Council will consider whether any amendment to the Contract is
required. Any amendments shall apply to all bidders. Any amendments which are proposed but
not approved by the British Council through this process will not be acceptable and may be
construed as a rejection of the terms leading to the disqualification of the proposal.

This document does not constitute an offer to provide goods and/or services to the British Council.

The British Council is not obliged to award a contract for these services and reserves the right to
withdraw from the procurement process at any stage.

2. Confidentiality

All information contained within this document is confidential and is provided only to give bidders
an adequate understanding of the British Council’s requirements and under no circumstances
should be disclosed to a third party without the British Council’s consent.

The contents of this ITB are being made available by the British Council on condition that:

 Bidders shall at all times treat the contents of the RFP and any related documents
(together called the ‘Information’) as confidential, save in so far as they are already in the
public domain;

 Bidders shall not disclose, copy, reproduce, distribute or pass any of the Information to any
other person at any time;

 Bidders shall not use any of the Information for any purpose other than for the purposes of
submitting (or deciding whether to submit) a bid proposal ; and

 Bidders shall not undertake any publicity activity within any section of the media.

Bidders may disclose, distribute or pass any of the Information to the Bidder’s advisers, sub-
contractors or to another person provided that either:

 This is done for the sole purpose of enabling a bid proposal to be submitted and the person
receiving the Information undertakes in writing to keep the Information confidential on the
same terms as if that person were the Bidder; or

 The Bidder obtains the prior written consent of the British Council in relation to such
disclosure, distribution or passing of Information; or

 The disclosure is made for the sole purpose of obtaining legal advice from external lawyers
in relation to the procurement or to any Contract Agreement arising from it; or

 The Bidder is legally required to make such a disclosure.

In relation to the above the definition of ‘person’ includes but is not limited to any person, firm, body
or association, corporate or incorporate.

The British Council may disclose detailed information relating to this bid to its officers, employees,
agents or advisers and the British Council may make any of the contractual documents available
for private inspection by its officers, employees, agents or advisers. The British Council also
reserves the right to disseminate information that is materially relevant to the procurement to all
Bidders, even if the information has only been requested by one Tenderer, subject to the duty to
protect each Bidder's commercial confidentiality in relation to its Bid (unless there is a requirement
for disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act).

Section IV Technical proposal
The technical proposal of the bidders should contain the following minimum information. The
technical proposal comprises of three (3) key components: namely,

 background,

 technical approach including methodology, and

 work plan.

Bidders are advised to organise their technical proposal under these three headings. British
Council welcomes new ideas and innovative approaches. Therefore, bidders are free to provide
any other information that they deem fit and relevant in support of their bid proposal.

1. Background
1.1 Firm’s organization

In this section information about the firm’s history and organisation should be provided.
Besides, a detailed description of the firm’s administrative and finance function not
exceeding a maximum of 2 pages should be presented.

1.2 Firm’s experience

a) In this section, list a maximum of 5 relevant assignments the firm has undertaken in the
past five years. Provide names of the clients along with the name of the contact person and
contact details.

b) Of the above list, provide more detailed information for 3 assignments for which your
company and your company’s personnel were legally contracted as a corporate entity or as
one of the major companies within an association for carrying out studies of a similar nature.
Use the format provided below.

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in ETB):

Country: Duration of assignment (months):

Location within country:

Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your firm under the
contract (in ETB):

Start date (month/year): No of professional staff-months provided by associated

Completion date (month/year): Consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm involved and
functions performed (indicate most significant profiles such
as Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):

Narrative description of Project:

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

1.3 Organization and staffing

In this section you should propose the structure and composition of your team which will be
deployed for this assignment. In addition to the team leader, bidders are expected, as a
minimum, to assign staff to lead on the following four functions and indicate the planned
number of days of input from each of them.

- Team leader

- Research design

- Statistics and data analysis

- Overall project management

- Data collection and management

This information should be provided using the form below.

Function/position assigned Name of Area of No. of days of Detailed

expert expertise input tasks
/qualifications assigned
Team leader
Research design
Statistics and data analysis
Data collection and

Bidders are free to include additional personnel to cover functions other than the ones mentioned
above. In this case, they should provide the same information for the new functions by adding
additional rows to the above table

CVs of nominated staff for each of the above positions should be submitted using the form
provided below. Nominated staff should also sign and confirm their availability for the
proposed number of days.


1. Proposed Position [only one candidate shall be nominated for each position]:

2. Name of Firm [Insert name of firm proposing the staff]:

3. Name of Staff [Insert full name]:

4. Date of Birth: Nationality:

5. Education [Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names
of institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment]:

6. Membership of Professional Associations:

7. Other Training [Indicate significant training since degrees under 5 - Education were obtained]:

8. Countries of Work Experience: [List countries where staff has worked in the last ten years]:

9. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and

10. Employment Record [Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held
by staff member since graduation, giving for each employment (see format here below): dates of
employment, name of employing organization, positions held.]:

From [Year]: To [Year]:

Positions held:
11. Detailed Tasks Assigned 12. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to
Handle the Tasks Assigned

[List all tasks to be performed [Among the assignments in which the staff has been involved,
under this assignment] indicate the following information for those assignments that
best illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks listed under
point 11.]

Name of assignment or project:

Main project features:
Positions held:
Activities performed:

13. Certification:

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful
misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Besides, I hereby confirm my availability for the proposed number of days of input from me as
indicated in the technical proposal.
[Signature of staff member or authorized representative of the staff] Day/Month/Year

2. Technical Approach and Methodology

2.1Understanding of the assignment

In this section you should demonstrate your understanding of the overall objective of the
study, the problems being addressed and their importance and the scope of the assignment.
This section should not exceed two pages.

2.2 Comments on the terms of reference

Bidders are invited to comment on the terms of reference including raising issues for
clarification and suggestions for improving the ToRs. A maximum of three pages is allowed
for this section.

2.3 Research design and methodology

The British Council has developed its own baseline methodology, that the successful
supplier will be expected to use as the basis for the assignment. This section should be used
for the bidder to outline in broad terms the technical approach and methodology, whilst
bearing in mind that it is likely that this will be adapted during the projects inception phase.. A
broad description of the research design, methodology and sampling techniques and size
should be provided. This section should not exceed six pages.

3. Work plan

In this section the bidder should produce a comprehensive work plan to deliver the overall
requirement (TOR). The plan should clearly show the sequence and duration of the main
activities of the assignment and how these lead to the achievement of the milestones and
deliverables presented in the ToRs.

The proposed work plan should be consistent with the technical approach and methodology,
showing understanding of the TOR and ability to translate them into a feasible work plan.

Section V Financial Proposal
The Financial Proposal must provide a detailed cost breakdown. British Council shall use the
cost breakdown for the price reasonability assessment purposes as well as the calculation of price
in the event that both parties have agreed to add new tasks to the scope of services.

For ease of evaluation, the financial proposal should be presented in professional fee and
reimbursable and miscellaneous expenses basis.

a) Professional fees
Bidders must provide daily fee rates for each of the key professional staff as per the below table.

Function / assigned Name Number of Daily fee rate Total price

position person days (ETB) (ETB)
Team leader
Research design
Statistics and data
Data collection and

b) Reimbursable and miscellaneous expenses

Bidders should agree to abide by the British Council Ethiopia policy on local travel and daily
subsistence in carrying out this assignment. These details can be found upon request.

Items Quantity Unit of measure Unit rate Total price (ETB)

Communication costs Including telephone
and postage charges
Documentation and reporting including
computing expenses
Any Other related cost (specify)

Total proposed cost (a+b)


The above is an indicative list of cost items for expenses. Bidders are requested to add or delete
budget line items of reimbursable and miscellaneous expenses depending on the requirements of
the technical proposal.

Bidders are required to cost for all activities/items proposed in the technical proposal. Activities and
items described in the technical proposal but not priced, shall be assumed to be included in the
prices of other activities or items.

Annex 1. Supplier appraisal
The details provided in this form will be used to evaluate your suitability to provide goods or
services to the British Council.

All questions must be answered. Please do not leave blanks. You may use None or Not
Applicable where appropriate.

General Information

Name of business


Telephone No Fax

Website Email

Contact details

Name Position Tel No/Mobile No Email

Company details

Plc Ltd Partnership Sole trader

Company Reg. No

Country of registration

Date of formation of your business


Name of parent company or group

Total number of permanent staff

Number of staff by skill set

Management / Supervision Clerical / Support

Operational Sales / Marketing

Staff turnover as a % of total workforce

Description of your core business

Which products/services are normally sub-contracted

Details of major sub-contractors


Please attach your current audited balance

sheet and income statement, as well as
those for the last two years.

Do you have the overall financial strength to

bear your proportionate share of the financial
obligations as a supplier to the British
Council? Yes / No


Who do you see as being your typical clients?

Please list your top 5 clients and the goods/services you provided them

Client name Details

References: Please supply at least two references we may contact in relation to the
goods/services delivered by your business

Company Name


Contact Name Tel No Email

Number of years providing goods/services to the business

Goods/services provided

Company Name


Contact Name Tel No Email

Number of years providing goods/services to the business

Goods/services provided


Does your company have a written environmental policy? Yes No

Has your company over the past 5 years been or is in the process of Yes No
being investigated/prosecuted for any environmental offence?

Has your company over the past 5 years been or is in the process of Yes No
having any Civil action brought against it for any environmental offence?

Do you audit the environmental performance of your suppliers? Yes No

Please describe any measures taken by your company to preserve or protect natural resources (if
none, state “none)

Health & Safety

Does your company have a written Health & Safety (H&S) policy? Yes No

Has your company over the past 5 years been or is in the process of Yes No
being investigated/prosecuted for any H&S offence?

Has your company over the past 5 years been or is in the process of Yes No
having any Civil action brought against it for any H&S offence?

Do you audit the H&S performance of your sub-contractors? Yes No

Diversity & Equality

Is it your practice NOT to discriminate directly or indirectly on grounds of Yes No

race, disability, gender and transgender, sexual orientation, age and
religion and belief, in the provision of goods, facilities and services to the

In the last 3 years has any finding of unlawful discrimination in ANY field Yes No
been made against your organisation by an Employment Tribunal or any
court or in comparable proceedings in any other jurisdictions or has your
organisation been the subject of formal investigation (which had a
negative finding) by relevant authorities (such as Equality and Human
Rights Commission or its predecessors) on the grounds of alleged
unlawful discrimination?

If your answer is Yes, please advise what the unlawful finding(s)

was/were and what corrective actions have been taken by your
organisation as a result.

Child Protection

Does your company have a written Child Protection policy? Yes No

If yes, have all staff and sub-contractors (if any) been made aware of the Yes No

Is the policy enforced and there are procedures and guidelines to Yes No
support the policy being implemented

If yes, what are the procedures?

Do you ensure that any sub-contractors you work with have a child Yes No
protection policy

If the sub-contractor does not have a child protection policy, are they Yes No
willing to create one and enforce it?

If they are not willing what is their reasoning for refusing?

Does your organisation have a process for reporting suspected abuse? Yes No

If so, what is it?

Have there ever been any child protection related incidents at your company? If so please give
details (what, when, where, how many? etc)

Were these incidents followed up and closed/resolved?

Conflicts of Interest

To the best of your knowledge is any key employee or senior management of your organisation
related by blood, marriage, current or past business association or otherwise) to British Council
member of staff? If yes, please explain

If yes, please describe the relationship between such person(s) and the British Council Official

To the best of your knowledge, is any shareholder or any partner in your organisation or any
subsidiaries of the shareholder(s) or partner(s) owned in any part by a British Council Official or a
person related to the British Council Official?

If yes, please list the British Council Official(s) and their percentage ownership interest.

To the best of your knowledge does any British Council Official or a member of a British Council
Official's family have any interest, or stand to benefit in any way from you becoming a supplier to
the British Council? If yes, please explain

Have you or any of your key employees or senior management member of your organisation, ever
been convicted of a felony or any serious crime in the country where the services will be delivered
or in any other country (other than traffic violations)? Are there any legal proceedings of this nature


I/We hereby certify that the information supplied is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge
and understanding. I/We understand and accept that false information could result in
exclusion from the selected list of suppliers.




Annex 2 Term of reference (TOR)


Social enterprises address social and environmental problems through innovative solutions that
improve people’s lives in our communities and societies. The British Council’s Global Social
Enterprise programme draws on the UK experience in social enterprise to promote its growth
around the world. We build capacity in the sector, forge international networks, and support policy
leaders to create ecosystems in which social enterprise and social investment can thrive. Our work
supports positive social change, inclusive growth and sustainable development while building trust
and creating opportunities between the UK and other countries.

Currently running in 26 countries and on four continents, the programme: provides aspiring and
existing social enterprises with skills training, consultancy, mentoring and access to funding;
disseminates best UK and global practice to support policy leaders to create enabling ecosystems
for social enterprise and investment; supports education institutions to embed social enterprise,
exchange best practice, and deliver joint research on social enterprise; facilitates the use of social
enterprise approaches in international development programmes; commissions research and
organises high profile events that foster social enterprise and social investment, and; builds
international networks linking social entrepreneurs, intermediary organisations and social

The British Council is implemented a 2 year pilot project “Support for Social Enterprises in East
Africa”. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented in Ethiopia and Kenya. The
overall objective of this project is to support vulnerable populations to access ‘Social protection,
health, education and jobs’ therefore supporting ‘Inclusive and sustainable economic growth for
human development.

As part of the recently launched social enterprise programme in Ethiopia and Kenya, the British
Council requires a supplier to conduct a baseline survey of the social enterprise sector in Ethiopia.


The purposes of the baseline study is to provide a summary of the current size and scale of the
social enterprise sector in Ethiopia in order to be able to evaluate the future impact of the British
Council’s social enterprise programme and to be able to track how the sector develops in the
coming years. The data from the baseline survey will be referred to during the final evaluation to be
conducted within two years.

The British Council has recently conducted similar studies in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and
Ghana and has developed a robust methodology and tools which the successful supplier will be
expected to use in order to implement the assignment.

It is also our aim that this study will make an important contribution to the development of the
social enterprise sector, as it will allow for other actors to judge the progress and identify possible
intervention points for growing the sector.

The scope of this study should be broad enough to allow the British Council and other actors to
judge the progress and identify possible intervention points for growing the sector. The primary
data collection should be done in the four Regional cities of Tigray, Amhara, Oromiya, and SNNPR
Regions and Addis Ababa, while the desk review should cover countrywide data.

The following essential data is required:

1) The total value of the social enterprise sector
2) The total number of social enterprises
3) The average annual turnover for social enterprises
4) The average number of employees
5) Total number of social enterprises that have increased the number of beneficiaries reached
over the last year
6) Total number of new employees of social enterprises in the last year
7) The proportion of social enterprise employees who are women
8) Total number of youth led (under 35) social enterprises
9) Total number of women led social enterprises
10) Breakdown of social enterprise by sector/focus
11) The number of Higher Education Institutions and TVETS delivering social enterprise related

The following data is desirable:

1) The number of changes to national/regional/state/institutional policy and/or practice that

supports social enterprise e.g.: number of new national/regional institutions/partnerships
whose purpose it is to support social enterprise.
2) The number of changes to national/regional/state/institutional policy and/or practice that
supports social enterprise e.g.: number of changes to policy/practice of pre-existing
institutions/partnerships whose purpose it is to support social enterprise


The successful supplier will be responsible for delivering the following milestones:

 Developing an inception plan including a detailed section on research design and

methodology, the supplier will be supported through this process by the “British Council
research team” that developed the initial methodology in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and
Ghana and will be expected to base the inception plan on this methodology, adapting to
local contexts, where appropriate.

 Conducting the data collection, which will include a variety of online and offline approaches

 Present draft report including data analysis

 Present final report, power point presentation, raw data The final report will be peer
reviewed and quality assured by the British Council’s research team, to ensure consistency
and complementarity.

The successful supplier is expected to take the lead in these activities and for the final product.


The consultant(s) (or firm) will be expected to deliver the following:

1. A consultation workshop(s) with key stakeholders to ensure consensus as to the approach

(definitions, methodology) to be taken.
2. An inception plan with a detailed research design, methodology, tools to be employed and
3. Data collection strategy including online and offline tools.

4. First draft of the study with analysis for comment;

5. Final report with findings and recommendations and copy of a power point presentation;


The supplier will work independently and shall be based at his/her personal quarters to conduct the
study under the terms of this assignment. The assignment is to conduct quality research study on
“Surveying Social Enterprise in Ethiopia”. The study shall resume in April 2016.


The supplier is expected to work closely with the British Council team. Final report should be
submitted to the project team leader.


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