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Lesson 1.

3: Safety Issues in ICT

In today's digitally driven world, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a
pivotal role in shaping economies, education, and various aspects of our daily lives. While ICT has
brought numerous benefits, it has also given rise to safety and security concerns that demand our
attention. This lesson delves into safety issues in ICT, with a particular focus on the Philippines,
examining the Philippine ICT Roadmap and the DepEd Five-Year ICT Strategic Plan to assess their role
in ensuring a secure digital future.

I. Safety Issues in ICT

1. Cybersecurity Threats: The ever-evolving nature of technology has given rise to increasingly
sophisticated cyber threats. These include:
a) Phishing – is a deceptive technique used by cybercriminals to trick individuals into
revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials, credit card numbers, or
personal data.
b) Ransomware – is a type of malware that encrypts a victim's data or locks them out of
their own computer system. The attacker then demands a ransom, typically in
cryptocurrency, to provide the victim with the decryption key or to restore access to the
c) Data Breaches – occurs when unauthorized individuals gain access to sensitive or
confidential data, often without the knowledge of the data owner. These breaches can
involve various types of information, including personal data, financial records, or
intellectual property.
2. Privacy Concerns: With the proliferation of social media and online platforms, personal data
privacy has become a hot topic. The mishandling or unauthorized use of personal data poses
significant risks to individuals.
3. Digital Divide: Not all communities have equal access to ICT resources, creating a digital divide.
This disparity can hinder educational opportunities and economic growth.
4. Online Safety for Children: Children are exposed to digital environments from an early age,
making them susceptible to online dangers such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and
grooming by malicious individuals.

II. The Philippine ICT Roadmap

The Philippine ICT Roadmap is a comprehensive plan aimed at harnessing the full potential of ICT for
national development. It encompasses several key pillars, with safety being a crucial component:
1. Cybersecurity Initiatives: The Philippine government has implemented cybersecurity programs
and policies to protect critical infrastructure and combat cyber threats. Initiatives like the National
Cybersecurity Plan are designed to enhance the country's cyber resilience.
2. Digital Literacy and Inclusion: The roadmap focuses on improving digital literacy and ensuring
the inclusion of marginalized communities in the digital landscape. By bridging the digital divide,
it aims to make ICT more accessible to all.
3. Privacy Protection: Privacy laws and regulations, such as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, are
integral to safeguarding personal data. The roadmap reinforces these measures to protect
individuals from data breaches and privacy violations.

III. DepEd Five-Year ICT Strategic Plan

The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines recognizes the importance of integrating
ICT into education. Their Five-Year ICT Strategic Plan includes elements that address safety issues in
ICT, especially concerning students:
1. Digital Citizenship Education: DepEd emphasizes the importance of teaching students about
responsible digital citizenship. This includes online safety, ethics, and critical thinking in the
digital realm.
2. Online Safety Measures: The plan outlines strategies to ensure that online learning environments
are safe for students. This includes guidelines for educators and students on how to identify and
report online risks.
3. ICT Infrastructure and Access: DepEd aims to improve ICT infrastructure in schools, ensuring
that all students have access to the digital tools necessary for their education.
In an increasingly connected world, safety issues in ICT are a growing concern. The Philippines,
through its ICT Roadmap and the DepEd Five-Year ICT Strategic Plan, demonstrates a commitment to
addressing these issues. By focusing on cybersecurity, digital literacy, privacy protection, and online
safety, the nation is taking essential steps toward creating a secure and inclusive digital future for its
However, it's crucial to understand that the digital landscape is continually evolving, and new
challenges will emerge. Constant vigilance, adaptability, and collaboration between government, industry,
and individuals are necessary to ensure the safety and security of ICT in the Philippines and beyond.

Prepared by:
Kimberly Soto

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