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Crime is defined as "A motion or an example of negligence this is injurious to

the general public welfare or morals or to the pastimes of the nation and this is
legally prohibited." inside the sociological subject, crime is the breach of a rule
or regulation for which some which a few governing authority or force may
additionally in the end prescribe a punishment. The word crime is derived from
the Latin word Crime.

Crime is anywhere. unique nations outline crime in a different way in their

criminal codes, no United States is without crime.

An increasing number of countries now document records concerning

conventional crimes (murder, robbery, rape, theft, housebreaking, fraud, and
assault) to the United Nations surveys. Crimes charge computed from surveys
are universally higher than those of authentic data there are such a lot of sorts or
varieties of crimes which includes; Crimes in opposition to person or people,
Crime in opposition to property, White Collar Crimes, Victimless Crimes etc.


 Crime against person

Crime in opposition to person / people consists of homicide, try to murder, hurt,

rioting, and attack on public servant, rape or sexual attack, kidnapping or
abduction and many others.

 Crime against property

Crime towards belongings includes highway dacoit, financial institution dacoit,

petrol pump dacoit, different dacoit, dual carriageway theft, financial institution
robbery, petrol pump robbery, other theft, housebreaking, cattle theft, motor car,
other theft and many others.

 White collar crimes

it is defined as "against the law committed with the aid of a person of
respectability and excessive social popularity in the course of his career".
White collar crime consists of financial institution fraud, black mail, cell
telephone fraud, computer fraud, credit score card fraud, insider buying
and selling, coverage fraud, theft, and tax
evasion etc.

 Victimless crimes

Victimless crimes consist of drug addiction, prostitute, and suicide etc


we've selected this topic due to increasing crime price in Pakistan over
the last couple of years. We must look at the reasons and factors behind
this essential problem and additionally deliver some suggestions and
pointers to overcome this problem.
normal crime price inside the United States of America is today better
than what it became years in the past. professional figures show that the
overall crime charge, each at the Centre and in all of the provinces, has
increased notwithstanding tall claims made by way of the prevailing
federal or provincial rulers.
recently, the information ran a tale on charges of everyday use
substances, which additionally shows an sizeable growth during the first
years of the existing democratic set-up as against the charges in early
2008. it's also a failure of the political parties and their governments to
ameliorate the worsening conditions of the regular citizens, and ensure
the protection of their existence and property.
reputable figures show that the countrywide said crime all through 2006-
07 encompass a total of 20,082 cases of homicide, which elevated to
24,036 in 2008 and 2009. Rape/Zina instances registered in 2006-07 have
been 4, three hundred as in opposition to five,712 in 2008-09. There were
19,909 kidnapping cases in 2006-07, however this crime rose to 29,602 in
2008 and 2009. The crime of kidnapping for ransom, which has come to
be a business because of governments' apathy, also saw a upward push
from 569 in 2006-07 to one,058 in 2008-09. automobile robbery instances
have also seen an exceptional boom from forty-two,056 in 2006 and 2007
to sixty-one,108 for the duration of 2008-09. The incidents of dacoity,
theft, housebreaking and other crimes have also accelerated during the
last years. however, it's far thrilling to note that the instances of livestock
robbery have decreased from 22,421 to 18, one hundred.


Our objective of research is to:

 observe the causes and critical elements which are inflicting elevated
crime fee in Pakistan.
 Summarize some of the articles approximately the crimes in Pakistan
with a view to be very helpful for our in-addition studies.
 examine what human beings reflect on consideration on government
moves and what are their pointers to put off this issue.
 listing out the findings from literature evaluate, evaluation of information
accrued from predesigned questionnaire and interviews shape human
beings along with sufferer of criminal acts.
 We also ought to supply some recommendations that how can we boom
consciousness among humans and what movements government have to
take to nip the evil from the buds.


What is the true picture of crime in Pakistan?

Author: Malik Ayub Sumbal, Reporter, Islamabad

Publication date: March 2011

In Pakistan, heaps of avenue crimes or incidents take area on a day by

day basis. almost 50 percentage of the crimes are never registered with
the aid of the police government. some of these Crimes consists of, rape,
gang rape, theft, car snatching/ robbery, kidnapping, murder or try to
homicide. numerous elements are chargeable for this disquiet, the
maximum essential being that the police itself discourages right recording
of crime. The police in Pakistan are infamous for hiding actual numbers
of crime; often use the justification of inadequate sources.

every police station is needed to record a crime figure every month and
it's miles the responsibility of the involved workforce of every police
station to music the last crime discern and additionally examine whether
or not or no longer prisoner within the station were charged of any
offence. but the Station residence officers (SHOs), officer in price or the
administrator of a police station, they're maximum reluctant to place
crimes on record because these "ruin" their records. The ratio of
registered crimes within the rural regions is skewed as compared to the
city areas of the united states of America. the principal motive at the back
of this imbalance is the lack of felony cognizance a number of the
humans and a totally robust police strain on them to keep these figures

there may be a trendy belief many of the humans that the police can by no
means offer relief they deserve from the law and it's far typically visible
as a waste of attempt and money. The iniquitous police fashion and brutal
strategies of research also makes humans suppose twice earlier than going
to a police station even supposing they have been wronged or have
suffered at the arms of every other. it's miles obtrusive that the human
beings of Pakistan are being deprived from their fundamental proper of
registering crimes and getting data and in addition, they can't afford to
raise their voices in opposition to this injustice and have a negative
attitude for fear of reprisal from the police.

right recording of crimes is an critical, even though not the most

effective, measure of policing in a given location. It allows discover
crime trends, determine policing priorities and manual deployment of
resources thus. it's miles critical that the basis causes of improper
recording be addressed.
training of police employees and modernization of police stations
prepared with state-of-the-art technology will enable keeping an digital
record of all crimes and smooth access to applicable files. there's
additionally a want for mass public awareness about rights vis-à-vis the
police. possibly then, in preference to the numbers presented to us, a true
photo of crimes in Pakistan may additionally emerge.
Urbanization and Crime: A Case Study of Pakistan

Authors: Hafiz Hanzla Jalil and Muhammad Mazhar

(Department of Economics, Quaid-i-Azam
University Islamabad)
Publication year: 2010


he primary and the main conclusion is that there's positive association of

urbanization with crimes in Pakistan. Urbanization could be very
essential motive of crimes in case of Pakistan, due to the fact consist of
special variables with urbanization however there's no large trade occur
in price of the coefficient of urbanization. This evaluation suggests the
very sturdy effective relation of urbanization with crimes in Pakistan.
the opposite outcome is that in Pakistan inflation, unemployment and
earnings inequality also the primary causes of crimes, training
additionally shows effective relation with crimes. If there is greater high
training in Pakistan then this may reduce the crimes additionally.
the subsequent crucial outcome is the purpose of this relation which is the
dearth of making plans of urbanization. In Pakistan urbanization causes
extra crimes. So the purpose at the back of is the unplanned urbanization
in Pakistan. because of this loss of making plans assets end up brief, land
shortage problem and environmental degradation occur which inspire
human beings closer to
The policy makers must make a few planned districts for adjusting the
urbanization into those districts. those districts should have more danger
of employment and more capacity to absorb the speedy urbanization.
once you have true education human beings don't have appropriate
Then the ones humans can adopt unlawful methods to earn extra money.
but the special cognizance needs to be on infrastructure improvement.
2nd essential implication is that authorities should create task
opportunities in rural regions as well. This manner will lessen the weight
of unemployed persons in urban regions and finally reduce crimes.
furthermore, the coverage makers should try to hold inflation within ideal
limits so that the real profits of purchasers does now not lose its
purchasing electricity.

Pakistan: Far-Right Islamist Militants and Resurgence in

The Illicit Opiates Trade

Author: James Windle

Publication Year: 2009


Islamist militants in FATA and NWFP are a risk to the stability of

Afghanistan and Pakistan; they interrupt the internationally identified
human rights of the peoples of those regions. they also have the capacity
to act as a catalyst for revival in unlawful opium production in Pakistan,
undoing the paintings undertaken by the Pakistan and international
community because the mid-1970s.
situations in Pakistan are such that past successes in decreasing opium
production will be without problems misplaced. within FATA and NWFP
the danger of being involved within the opium exchange has decreased
due to political instability, the erosion already vulnerable crook justice
and technical establishments, and the redeployment of anti-narcotic
resources to counter-militancy operations. these factors replicate and
combine with increased political instability generated with the aid of
Islamic militant businesses. In brief, the current war in FATA and NWFP
has created a business environment noticeably suitable for the unlawful
narcotics change.
experience with the Afghan Taliban in addition to Colombia, Myanmar
and some place else recommend that militant groups have used and
facilitated the trade as a method to decorate revenue and rural help. those
beyond reports endorse that Islamist militants inside the NWFP and
FATA regions of Pakistan will probably are seeking to renew the illegal
opium alternate as a revenue-enhancing activity in the near future, in the
event that they have no longer finished so already.
The sales gathered from the facilitation of illegal opium cultivation and
production may want to growth the struggle. not only would the diverse
Islamist militants have extra sources with which to combat the Pakistani
forces, they'll are seeking to avoid, or spoil, peace offers which could
eliminate their involvement in the unlawful opium change.


Youth Crime: Causes and Remedies

Author: Muhammad Ali Shuja

(Applied Economics Research Center, University
Published year: September 2009


there may be no single component that can be designated as the main

motive of criminal behavior. this can greater accurately be determined
inside the manner that multiple hazard elements clustered collectively can
have interaction in the lives of a few kids, at the same time as critical
protecting elements are absent. furthermore, causes of crime differ from u
. s . a . to country, in western international; reasons are immediately
associated with the environment of the surroundings. these environments
may be of college, home, community or playground. In comparison,
causes of adolescent’s crime in Pakistan are notably one-of-a-kind from
that of the western world. right here in Pakistan, the primary most
important reason of teens crime is corruption within the law enforcing
agencies, if corruption is eliminated; the main a part of the problem can
be solved.

After identification of the basis causes of crime in Pakistan, the remedial

measures to manipulate the criminal sports need to revolve round those
diagnosed causes. those remedial measures include specially the answer
to the following issues, Corruption in regulation enforcing agencies, loss
of authorities given to the businesses, unsolved issues of the groups (like
salary increment and provision of modern-day equipment), technological
backwardness in context of protection gear, poverty and unemployment.
precedence sensible solution of the problems is the important thing to
fulfillment. If the above-noted remedial measures are taken under
consideration, extensive decrease in crime can be achieved.


Domestic Violence Against Women and Girls

Author: Radhika Coomaraswamy

Published year: June 2000


girls and children are often in wonderful danger in the place in which
they need to be safest: within their households. for many, 'home' is in
which they face a regime of terror and violence at the palms of somebody
close to them - somebody they ought to be capable of believe. the ones
victimized go through physically and psychologically. they're unable to
make their personal choices, voice their very own evaluations or guard
themselves and their kids for worry of further repercussions. Their human
rights are denied and their lives are stolen from them by way of the ever-
present hazard of violence. The time period 'home' consists of violence
with the aid of a close companion and by using different circle of
relative’s individuals, anyplace this violence takes place and in whatever

In latest years, there has been a extra understanding of the hassle of home
violence, its causes and results, and an international agreement has
developed on the want to deal with the problem. but progress has been
slow because attitudes are deep-rooted and, to some extent, because
effective strategies to cope with domestic violence are nonetheless being
described. As a end result, girls global retain to suffer, with estimates
various from 20 to 50 in keeping with cent from country to united states.

This terrible toll will not be eased until families, governments,

establishments and civil society organizations address the problem at
once. ladies and youngsters have a proper to state safety even within the
confines of the circle of relatives domestic. Violence in opposition to
women is dedicated whilst regulation enforcement and judicial structures
do now not understand home violence as a criminal offense.

domestic violence is a health, legal, monetary, educational, and

developmental and, especially, a human rights issue. a lot has been
accomplished to create awareness and display that change isn't simplest
vital, it's also possible. Now that techniques for coping with it have
become clearer, there may be no excuse for operating.

Crime and Safety Report

Author: Anonymous
Published year: 2011


Pakistan is rated essential for terrorism, excessive for political violence,

and excessive for crime. due to this, the branch of state robotically
troubles tour caution updates and Emergency Messages for U.S. citizens
of the inherent risks concerned in travel to Pakistan. U.S. Consulate
trendy Lahore's nearby protection office (RSO monitors the security
surroundings and routinely liaises with the Punjab police to keep the
maximum updated threat records.
Crime costs continue to upward thrust, and anti-American protests and
demonstrations have tripled considering that the beginning of 2011.
Crime is pervasive in Lahore and at some stage in the greater Punjab
Robberies have improved sixteen percentage and burglaries thirteen
percent for 2010, in comparison with 2009 facts. automobile and bike
thefts are recurring, up 33 percentage for 2010. cellular telephone theft
has additionally end up a not unusual exercise for nearby thieves. All of
those thefts routinely arise, day and night. protection and checkpoints in
and around the military Cantonment regions generally deter crook hobby.
Dacoity is a time period used by police to describe armed gangs who
roam the streets searching out easy objectives. in the Punjab police listing
of crook facts, dacoity is indexed as its very own category and is up 17
percent in 2010. In January 2011, an U.S. authority’s employee become
the target of an tried robbery via two armed attackers, or dacoits, who
struck in huge daytime. the 2 attackers had robbed other sufferers of their
cell phones and cash previous to their attempt at the U.S. citizen.
there was a marked boom within the volume and frequency of terrorist
assaults in Punjab Province, with a sharp upward push in sectarian
violence and assaults on Pakistani government entities in 2010. Terrorist
companies have targeted their efforts on minority religious agencies, with
attacks on non-secular processions and shrines. Outspoken authorities’
officers have additionally been the goal of these terrorist businesses,
specially the Punjab Provincial Governor and the minority Affairs
minister had been both assassinated in early 2011. Terrorists additionally
commonly target authorities’ centers, with an emphasis on security and
law enforcement businesses.




Crime in Pakistan is present in various forms. Organized crime includes

drug trafficking, money laundering, forged Indian currency printing,
extortion, murder for hire and fraud.
Other criminal operations engage in human trafficking, corruption, black
marketeering, political violence, terrorism, abduction etc.

Now-a-days, here we see on our information channels or newspapers
approximately the street crimes. The charge of this curse is growing day-
by-day in our society. human beings provide their cellular phones, cash or
other precious things to the person that just shows them a gun. Petty
crime like theft is common. some people attempt to face up to against
them. Resistance generally effects within the loss of life of the victim. It
has absolutely generated a well-known rule inside the mind of the
average guy at hand over all his possessions whilst confronted with one
of these states of affairs. on the grounds that an unmarried episode
commonly simply takes a minute or two, the perpetrators are capable of
commit numerous crimes and collect a good-looking bounty.

Many of the cases of snatching of cellular telephones at gunpoint and

robbery of different valuables is not even stated. lack of consider inside
the police is the primary and perhaps the most effective motive behind

The victims usually trust that it is useless submitting a file and informing
the police since the humans do not have a whole lot confidence in the
capacity of police force to get better their belongings
and even if the proper is recovered, chances of it being again to the owner
are very slender.

Perhaps the only exception are vehicles, these too, every time recovered
are normally stripped off the pricey parts and then lower back.
The motive of study is that how we overcome or take away these evil
paintings from our society.


Every society member both she is male or girl might also affect through
the road crimes except those who are not able to cross outdoor. They're
who're of small age or older people.

In sampling we considered all the running people, college students or all

different humans who's operating in any career of existence despite the
fact that that our observer is male or lady. Typically people in between
the age of sixteen to 70 are the victims of the street crimes.


We took interviews from the folks of different ages and minds. We

organized a questionnaire and that turned into stuffed via the people of
our society and from sufferers additionally. We also made our
commentary that how humans react on our interviews or questions.


As we are students, so we didn't have sufficient amount of money to

fulfill this task appropriately and precisely.
Being students, we needed to face the time handling problem; we had no
enough time because of different subjects and sensible work to be
This thought has massive element to cowl and this want time and time is
money for us and we did not need to waste it.



Have you ever been a victim or witnessed any street crime?

 Yes 16%
 No 84%


Yes No


It is obvious from the result that:

 Most people (84%) have never been a sufferer or witnessed any street
 Rest the human beings (16%) has been a sufferer or witnessed a road
crime in their life.


Poverty has caused the people to commit more crimes?

 Agree 91%
 Disagree 9%



Yes No


It is concluded from the above result that:

 Most people (91%) agree that poverty is of the primary reasons of

growing crime rate in Pakistan.
 Rest of the people (9%) doubt that the poverty is of the causes of
growing crime rate in Pakistan.


Do you think expensive mobile phones have made an attraction for street

 Yes 86%
 No 14%



Yes No


It's miles obvious from the end result that:

 The majority (86% suppose that the pricey cellular telephones have
made an attraction for street crimes.
 Relaxation of the human beings (14% doesn't suppose that expensive
mobile telephones are an appeal for road criminals.


Do community conditions enable gangs to take root?

 Yes 73%
 No 27%


Yes No


It is concluded from the above result that:

 most people (73% think that the network situations like negative
social establishments, including families, faculties, and financial
systems permit gangs to take root in the community.
 Relaxation of the people (27%) doesn't think that the community
conditions allow gangs to take root.


Are law enforcement agencies doing their best to solve crimes?

 Yes 32%
 No 68%



Yes No

It is obvious from the result that:

 Most of the people (68%) think that regulation enforcement groups

aren't doing their first-rate to remedy crimes and to overcome the
criminal acts in Pakistan.
 Relaxation of the humans (32%) think that regulation enforcement
agencies are doing their exceptional jobs to clear up crimes and to nip
the evil from the bud.


Do political parties are cause of crime?

 Yes 87%
 No 13%



Yes No


It is concluded from the above result that:

 Most of the people (87%) assume that political parties are themselves
concerned in criminal acts in Pakistan.
 Relaxation of the human beings (27%) would not think that political
events are the motive of growing crime charge in Pakistan.


Do you think youth is coming towards cyber crime?

 Yes 76%
 No 24%



Yes No


it is apparent from the end result that:

 The general public (68%) suppose that cyber crime is the

enchantment for the kids.
 Rest of the human beings (32%) doesn't suppose that youth is coming
in the direction of cyber crime.


Increasing crimes are due to the unemployment?

 Disagree 88%
 Agree 22%


Agree Disagree


It is concluded from the above end result that:

 Most people (88%) suppose that unemployment is the main motive of

the growing crimes in Pakistan.
 Rest of the people (12%) would not assume that growing crimes in
Pakistan are because of the unemployment.




The mean (average) of a data set is found by adding all numbers in the data set
and then dividing by the number of values in the set.


 It is denoted as X bar
 It is based on all the observation
 It is simple to calculate
 The sum of deviation of the items from the arithmetic mean is always
 It is easy to understand


Age of Respondent
N Valid 23
Missing 0

Age of Respondent
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 16 to 19 9 39.1 39.1 39.1
20 to 25 11 47.8 47.8 87.0
26 to 30 3 13.0 13.0 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0


N Valid 23
Missing 0

Frequency Percent Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 23 100.0 100.0 100.0

The Middle Value in a group after all observation are arranged in ascending
order, i.e. From Smallest to Largest.


 The is easily to understand

 It is easy to calculate
 It is not at all affected by extreme values
 It is affected fluctuation of sampling
 The medium does not apply to qualitative data



Frequency Table

Your Name? Gender?
N Valid 23 23
Missing 0 0

Your Name?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Abdullah 1 4.3 4.3 4.3
Abdullah Abid 1 4.3 4.3 8.7
Ahmed Abid 1 4.3 4.3 13.0
Ahmed Shaukat 1 4.3 4.3 17.4
ainee 1 4.3 4.3 21.7
Ali 1 4.3 4.3 26.1
Anas 1 4.3 4.3 30.4
Atika 1 4.3 4.3 34.8
Ayesha 1 4.3 4.3 39.1
Ayesha sajid 1 4.3 4.3 43.5
Basma 1 4.3 4.3 47.8
CH.Rehman 1 4.3 4.3 52.2
Eman Abid 1 4.3 4.3 56.5
Farhan javed 1 4.3 4.3 60.9
Laviza 1 4.3 4.3 65.2
Mahamwaqas 1 4.3 4.3 69.6
Maira 1 4.3 4.3 73.9
Muhammad 1 4.3 4.3 78.3
Rabiya 1 4.3 4.3 82.6
Umaima 1 4.3 4.3 87.0
Waleed 1 4.3 4.3 91.3
Yasmeen khan 1 4.3 4.3 95.7
Zain 1 4.3 4.3 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 23 100.0 100.0 100.0


The value that appears most frequently in a data set. A set of data may have one
mode, more than one mode, or no mode at all.


 The mode is not calculated on all observation in a data set

 It is simple to simple and easy to calculate
 Mode is not affected by extreme values
 It can be used for open-ended distribution and qualitative data
 The mode is not suitable for further mathematical treatment

FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=Your Qualification Which of the following can a crime not



Your Qualification Which of the following can a crime not be?
N Valid 23 23
Missing 0 0
Frequency Table

Your Qualification
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Graduate 8 34.8 34.8 34.8
Matriculation 1 4.3 4.3 39.1
Under 13 56.5 56.5 95.7
Under 1 4.3 4.3 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Bar Chart

A bar graph is a graphical representation of information. It uses bars that extend

to different heights to depict value. Bar graph can be created with vertical bars,
horizontal bars, grouped bars (multiple bars that compare values in a category)
Frequency Table

Age of respondent
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 16 to 19 9 39.1 39.1 39.1
20 to 25 11 47.8 47.8 87.0
26 to 30 3 13.0 13.0 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Frequency Table

Which of the following can a crime not be?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid A state of 3 13.0 13.0 13.0
An act 14 60.9 60.9 73.9
An exception 5 21.7 21.7 95.7
An omission 1 4.3 4.3 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Frequency Table

Crime is used to mean socio- economic crimes?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Accused 1 4.3 4.3 4.3
Cyber 3 13.0 13.0 17.4
Public property 12 52.2 52.2 69.6
White collar 7 30.4 30.4 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Frequency table

The word crime is derived from language

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1 4.3 4.3 4.3
French 2 8.7 8.7 13.0
Greek 4 17.4 17.4 30.4
Latin 15 65.2 65.2 95.7
None of these 1 4.3 4.3 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Frequency Table

Your Qualification
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Graduate 8 34.8 34.8 34.8
Matriculation 1 4.3 4.3 39.1
Under Graduate 13 56.5 56.5 95.7
Under Matriculation 1 4.3 4.3 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Frequency Table

Law that come from the decision of judge are called law
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Case 4 17.4 17.4 17.4
Common 1 4.3 4.3 21.7
Procedural 11 47.8 47.8 69.6
Statutory 7 30.4 30.4 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Pie chart

A pie chart uses a circle or sphere to represent the data, where the circle
represents the entire data and the slices represent the data in parts. Pie chart is
one of the easiest ways to present and understand the given data and pie charts
are used very commonly.


Frequency Table

Age of Respondent
N Valid 23
Missing 0

Age of Respondent
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 16 to 19 9 39.1 39.1 39.1
20 to 25 11 47.8 47.8 87.0
26 to 30 3 13.0 13.0 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0


Crime is used
to mean socio- Which of the following is
Your economic an example of an inchoate
Gender? Qualification crimes? crime?
N Valid 23 23 23 23
Missing 0 0 0 0

Frequency Table


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid 23 100.0 100.0 100.0
Frequency Table

Your Qualification
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Graduate 8 34.8 34.8 34.8
Matriculation 1 4.3 4.3 39.1
Under Graduate 13 56.5 56.5 95.7
Under 1 4.3 4.3 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Frequency table

Crime is used to mean socio- economic crimes?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Accused 1 4.3 4.3 4.3
Cyber 3 13.0 13.0 17.4
Public property 12 52.2 52.2 69.6
White collar 7 30.4 30.4 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0
Frequency table

Which of the following is an example of an inchoate crime?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Attempt 15 65.2 65.2 65.2
Forgery 3 13.0 13.0 78.3
Murder 5 21.7 21.7 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0



Crime in Pakistan is found in numerous bureaucracies. prepared crime includes

drug trafficking, cash laundering murder and traud. Different crook operations
have interaction in human trafficking corruption, black marketeering, political
violence, terrorism, abduction and so on.
The query is that what are the primary reasons of crime in Pakistan society and
why it's far growing so hastily it is due to the rising poverty, unemployment and
inequality in Pakistani society the growing case variations divide the society in
to diverse elements and according to the repute regulation may be provided this
contribute a lot in making humans aggressive and pissed off and later on it turn
out to be cause of crime in society. Different main causes are unemployment
and illiteracy rate however there are a few other factors too like lawlessness,
fundamentalism, backwardness and double standards prevailing in the society.
human beings round the arena constantly think of Pakistanis as terrorists- we
aren't like that.
No doubt there's a excessive crime fee but, maximum Pakistani’s inside the
lesser civilized areas of Pakistan be afflicted by excessive depths of poverty,
that's somewhat the main reason for high crime fees. What Pakistani authorities
is doing for the betterment of its country is the question in minds of every
Pakistani. Pakistani kingdom is upset that the government isn't always going to
provide protection and protection to any individual the properties and lives
aren't protected.

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