Advanced Speaking U1 T1 Lesson 1

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PS Topic 1—Lesson 1(tis) ene 1. Pronunciation focused on linking vowel sounds. 2.Can generally be understood ‘throughout 3. Can correctly insert the sound ‘i betweon vowel sounds. 1. Ask the students to read the ‘exam 2.Ask the students to read the ‘expressions and to fink the ‘vowel sounds. 3. Corroet any mistakes. See Fluency, Coherence, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pronunciation 1. Pronunciation Practice (2 minutes) LUnking Vowel sounds (When aword ends na vowel fond the nex! begins with a vowel sound, inset //between them.) Example: buy /i apples _rely/i/on Read the following expressions and try to link the vowel sounds. 1elsee fifit. 2. supply and demand 3. colfee or cocoa une pet naanet 41. Ask the students to go through the questions. 2. Create an exam environment ‘and ask the questions one by ‘one as an examiner. 3. Please make suce the students ‘answer all the questions within 3-4 minutes, IELTS Speaking Part 4 (8 minutes) 14. Imagine you are a candidate in the IELTS test. The teacher is an examiner. Please answer the questions below with what you have learned to develop your IELTS answers. (4 minutes) ‘bo you enjey dancing! wy/Why not ?. hw god youer ase ing ‘mo wont spoed entconmocing euridoas taper ten watyo porcine tha lnguage as onyore ever aught youto dance? yes when? tno. why ot? 1 you think nat roational dancing willbe popuir nthe fte? Why/¥ny nt? CO tah my nts ope Aarnces @ Lexical Resources 2. Read and learn the following key words and models for the IELTS Part 1. You are ‘suggested to apply these words in the following steps. (4 minutes) Teer Pree nove te et te 1. Use our keywords inthe {A rape: To be rank reat Pate everthing about dancing spy becaure Ihave Wo et foo thar a PS ee aa an eb oe oe 2. Teach the students ota si Rene a esi cree re s = cou donc Bape: rew nave venues teach mee a of dance and have oled miso. One sch occasion os Se ee aes re ‘you connot real teach someone now 19 teelzound when he simply not @‘gfhed dancer. vente a pers a Se ee renee etree en tee artis ee enema re a gee ee ease a ergs area ames ou acer nee sca ieee areal ree eet teh my tr pet Aavnces @ Fluency, Coherence, and Accuracy ing Part 2 (12 minutes) 1. Brainstorm. Plan your answers based on the given questions. (1 minute) @ "es Dung he st stage of Pat 2 you ‘on pe0d9 tk Kop hosts Describe someone in your family who you like, ‘stow sis parton related to you? ‘© nat does his person ook ke? 4. Create an exam environment ‘and give the students one ‘minuto to think about the topic, 2. Then ask the students to give ‘their answers within 2 minutes. ‘ena! ind et penn hessne? ‘2h 0 you meth person ‘sn myc nts pe Aornces @ Fluency, Coherence, and Accuracy 2.1 Here is a model for the IELTS Speaking Part 2. We will focus on the words and expressions highlighted and in red below. (8 minutes) label re HE ne 4. The students will have 2 tet member lam mos fond af woud nave 16 a my tamer minutes to read Model 1 Pie ieatarstk snchasics Wat: My totner at a pleasant appearance, robcoly owing to he coratreeatttude, Shee my taner the keywords and highlighted pent mony year studing 19 Become a dcr, he has many wrnkes that ore auzctated wh deen ‘hough or wel ar mutipe write hain upon hished, which he relies to dye. expressions. i =a Wat king: My fone i tas wing fo lend « helping hand 1 those In need. In fact, hes the kind ot Penan tat would top in the mde of the road o et others generous, ether © peron or an ork Wy: in adction fo tht. my father nas developed o keen hele! through yoers of mediation and sud. He bby ollsonderd wie beyond fs year. And Ne hos chways been ere forme when ined advice for jut someone to to, Anotner tot hat makes Pin so amazing is is aby to always look on Me beghtsge ete, wnicn nas aso te 19 me beng mere ofan opts mse. teh my ots ene Aavnces Fluency, Coherence, and Accuracy =I 2.2 imagine you are a candidate In the IELTS test. The teacher is an examiner. Please answer ‘the questions below with what you have learned to develop your IELTS answers. (3 minutes) Have the students answer the eae task card using the previous. | IE fara esereasiora etre tomeone in your ty who youth. —— » @ eS 1 ee how erento you se pron ok => a tnd ot pan ene ‘nd explain why you ike th paso. “ topes forthe paste vy sah my nts opeAornces @ Fluency, Coherence, and Accuracy ST keywords expesons fend o helping hong to by al stoncords sah may SF rer sentncer To be rank nave a great personal dain for dancing, which might stem tom me: Paving hw et eet. Few nave ventures fo teach me the fot dance ane have taled miserabiy. One such ‘eceation, oar at 'can recall warn high schol. Itwe pot to hetry o# an example, we con see hat rastional fms ot dance have ppetea rough ine ages ana andl are not even contingent on a specite cute. |My fathers hays wing fe lend a helps hana fo there Reed. Helsby ol sondorcs we beyond hs yoo [Another ra ha makes hi 0 amazing iss obit fo ayo onthe ght she of. You will lean more about this topic in Lesson 2, ts ope Aornces

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