Community Satisfacton Dalam Pelaksanaan Rehabilitasi Dan Rekonstruksi Pasca Bencana

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Community Satisfaction dalam Pelaksanaan

Rehabilitasi & Rekonstruksi Pasca Gempa,

Tsunami & Liquefaksi

Andri Irfan Rifai

• Tectonic Plate [3] : Eurasia, Indo Australia, and
• Volcanic activities
• Palu-Koro fault

Tectonic activities take place and are centred in

Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea and northern Australia

volcanic distribution that extends from Sumatra Island,

Sunda Strait, Java Island, Bali Island, Nusa Tenggara,
Celebes, and continues to the Islands in the Philippine
State Region
The Kaili tribes calls these phenomena :

Getting muried in Mud or Subsiding Land
Structure Information Summary

Overall, the population in this region resides in structures that are vulnerable
to earthquake shaking, though resistant structures exist. The predominant
vulnerable building types are wood and concrete wall construction.

Secondary Effects

Recent earthquakes in this area have caused secondary hazards such

as tsunamis that might have contributed to losses.

Estimated Area Exposed to Hazard

Liquefaction triggered by this earthquake is estimated to be

significant in severity and (or) spatial extent.
Studi Kasus Rehabilitasi &
Proyek Rekonstruksi dan Rehabilitasi Jalan Palupi-Simoro,
Kalukubula-Kalawara, Biromaru-Palolo dan Akses Huntap

No & Tgl Kontrak 02-52/02-WINRIP-RR/RB/A/8043/11-19, 01 November 2019

Waktu Pelaksanaan 390 Hari Kalender
Nilai Pagu Rp. 98,000,000,000
Nilai Kontrak Rp. 73,335,407,000
Adendum I 4 Februari 2020
Adendum II 31 Juli 2020
Adendum III 6 Oktober 2020
Penyedia PT. Wasco – PT. Sarana, KSO
Status Jalan Jalan Propinsi dan Kabupaten

Permasalahan Umum Rencana Aksi DATA TEKNIS:

• Rehabilitasi/Rekonstruksi Jalan 23,57 Km
1. Pemenuhan tenaga kerja dalam jumlah besar 1. Mengatasi kesulitan tersebut, sudah
mengalami kesulitan sebagai dampak covid-19 diakomodir melalui perubahan kontrak dari
• Pemeliharaan Rutin Jalan 24,95 Km
2. Keterlambatan pengiriman balok girder utk pekerjaan yang dominan tenaga manusia • Pembangunan Jembatan Pombewe 70 m
pembangunan jembatan Pombewe akibat menjadi tenaga mesin • Penggantian Jembatan Sambo 10 m
Covid-19 2. Pekerjaan stressing dan erection sudah
3. Adanya rencana penambahan volume akibat selesai dilaksanakan namun masih tertinggal • Pemeliharaan Rutin Jembatan
pemenuhan safety Road yaitu pasangan batu di pekerjaan pengecoran lantai jembatan
dan pek. bahu jalan 3. Mengajukan usulan perubahan kontrak
Dokumentasi Proyek



Dokumentasi Proyek



Dokumentasi Proyek

Dokumentasi Proyek

Issue Covid-19
a. Keputusan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Nomor 9.A Tahun 2020 tentang Penetapan Status Keadaan
Tertentu Darurat Bencana Wabah Penyakit Akibat Virus Corona di Indonesia menetapkan status keadaan tertentu darurat
bencana wabah virus corona selama 32 hari terhitung mulai tanggal 28 Januari 2020 sampai dengan 28 Februari 2020,

b. Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 12 Tahun 2020 tanggal 13 April 2020 tentang Penetapan Bencana Non Alam Penyebaran
Corona Viruses Disease 19 sebagai Bencana Nasional,

c. Keputusan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Nomor 13.A Tahun 2020 tentang Perpanjangan Status
Keadaan Tertentu Darurat Bencana Wabah Penyakit Akibat Virus Corona di Indonesia; perpanjangan status tersebut
selama 91 hari sejak tanggal 29 februari 2020 sampai dengan 29 mei 2020,

d. Instruksi Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Nomor 02/IN/M/2020 tentang Protokol Pencegahan
Penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) dalam Penyelenggaraan Jasa Konstruksi,

e. Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah mengeluarkan surat pemberitahuan perihal : Pembatasan Pergerakan Arus Barang dan
Penumpang kepada para Gubernur se Sulawesi yang berbatasan langsung wilayahnya dengan Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah
berlaku mulai tanggal 25 Maret 2020 sampai dengan batas waktu yang belum ditentukan,

f. Keputusan Gubernur Sulteng Nomor 360/134/BPBD-G.ST/2020 Tentang Penetapan Status Keadaan Tertentu Darurat
Bencana Wabah Penyakit Akibat Virus Corona di Sulawesi Tengah berlaku 29 Maret sampai dengan 21 April 2020,
Pendekatan Pandemic tidak diketemukan dalam FIDIC (Fédération
Internationale des Ingénieurs- Conseils) Red Book,
Regulasi JCT (Joint Contracts Tribunal) Standard Building
Contracts, and New Engineering Contract (NEC).


Type & year Red Book (2017) NEC4 (2017) SBC/Q (2016)

Term used Exceptional events Part of compensation Force majeure (part of

events relevant events)
Definition Subclause 18.1 Clause 19.1 Subclause 2.29.15

Scope of events Subclause 18.1 Subclause 80.1 Subclause 2.29.11 – 2.29.13

Is ‘epidemic’ stated? Not as a force majeure events No No

listed in subclause 18.1.
Yes (at subclause 8.5(d))
Notice Subclause 18.2 Clause 15 Subclause 2.27

Obligation to minimize Subclause 18.3 Subclause 62.1 -

Consequences Subclause 18.4 Subclause 66.2 Subclause 2.28

Termination Subclause 18.5 Subclause 91.7 Subclause 8.11

Stage Responsibility Key Points

Establish a COVID-19 Employer and contractor  At least five personnel’s

prevention task force  The tasks include socialization, education and promotion of COVID-19
prevention on sites; coordination with the Ministry’s COVID-19 task
force; monitoring workers’ health conditions, etc.
Identify the COVID-19 Employer and contractor The task force determines:
outbreak potential on  Identification of potential project location risks to the COVID- 19
sites infected areas
 Compatibility of health facilities on project sites with the COVID-19
protocol issued by the government
 Follow up on the execution of construction services

Provision of health Contractor Contractors have the obligations to:

facilities on sites  Provide adequate health clinic on sites
 Has operational cooperation with the nearest hospital and/or
community health canter for emergency measures
 Provide additional facilities such as hand washing, wipes, and masks
 Provide vaccines, vitamins and additional nutrients to increase workers’
Community Satisfaction
Data Responden
Chart Style Pekerjaan


82% 28% 38%

>41 <21
14% 2% 21 – 25
23% Government Employees Private Employees
Entrepreneur Unemployment
13% Student
26 – 30
36 – 40
40% 31 – 35
14% Bachelor Master
IPA (Pre-Reconstruction & Rehabilitation)

A1 Information and socialization about reconstruction & rehabilitation

A2 The time the reconstruction program began

A3 Road & bridge damage identification process

A4 Participation in the reconstruction & rehabilitation process

A5 Collaboration between local communities in reconstruction & rehabilitation

A6 The wishes of the people are fulfilled by the reconstruction & rehabilitation

A7 Easy administration/disbursement process

A8 The role of government in the reconstruction process

IPA (During-Reconstruction & Rehabilitation)

B1 The Role of the Facilitator in the reconstruction & rehabilitation process

B2 Labor availability

B3 Work experience and skills

B4 Availability of material for reconstruction & rehabilitation

B5 Quality material available for reconstruction & rehabilitation

B6 Quality of road & bridge

B7 Community participation in the reconstruction & rehabilitation

IPA (Post-Reconstruction & Rehabilitation)

C1 With the results of existing assistance

C2 The current state of the road & bridge is compared to the past

C3 The road & bridge become more earthquake resistant

C4 The comfort of road & bridge compared to before

C5 The quality of the road & bridge now compared to before

C6 The road & bridge was had been as community wish

C7 Satisfaction with the current design

C8 Access road to residence compared to before the reconstruction & rehabilitation

C9 Current availability of street/environment lighting

Gap (Importance – Performance)

Indicator Importance Performance Note

Access road to residence compared to before the

reconstruction & rehabilitation 4,11 3,95 -0,16

Current availability of street/environment lighting 4,11 3,55 -0,56

Mean Pre-RR 4,10 3,81 -0,29

Mean During-RR 4,17 3,81 -0,35

Mean Post-RR 4,15 3,88 -0,26

Mean 4,14 3,84 -0,30

Penting Baik Negatif

Pelaksanaan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi diutamakan pada
Kesimpulan tahapan Trauma Healing

Tahapan Rehabilitasi & Rekonstruksi yang cukup signifikan

adalah pada tahapan perencanaan; Diperlukan peningkatan
pelaksanaan sosialisasi terhadap masyarakat

Indikator dengan gap terendah adalah perubahan kondisi jalan

akses sebelum proses RR dibandingkan dengan pasca RR,
sedangkan yang tertinggi adalah kondisi penerangan jalan

Secara umum community statisfaction mencapai nilai di atas


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