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I wanted to know the reported crime ratio in our country so that I have decided this topic. It
will help to understand the causes of crimes and why crimes not to be reported and what’s the
effect of reported crimes in society.

1.1 Introduction
Crime is defined as "A motion or an example of negligence this is injurious to the general
public welfare or morals or to the pastimes of the nation and this is legally prohibited." inside
the sociological subject, crime is the breach of a rule or regulation for which some which a
few governing authority or force may additionally in the end prescribe a punishment. The
word crime is derived from the Latin word Crime. All developed and under developed
countries exit crimes.

An increasing number of countries now document records concerning conventional crimes

(murder, robbery, rape, theft, housebreaking, fraud, and assault) to the United Nations
surveys. Crimes charge computed from surveys are universally higher than those of authentic
data there are such a lot of sorts or varieties of crimes which includes; Crimes in opposition
to person or people, Crime in opposition to property, White Collar Crimes, Victimless Crimes

1.1.2 Crime Scenario in Pakistan

We've selected this topic due to increasing crime price in Pakistan over the last couple of
years. We must look at the reasons and factors behind this essential problem and additionally
deliver some suggestions and pointers to overcome this problem. The reported crime statistics
in Pakistan have shown an increase in crime ratio. Recently, the information ran a tale on
charges of everyday use substances, which additionally shows a sizeable growth during the
first years of the existing democratic set-up as against the charges in early 2020. It's also a
failure of the political parties and their governments to ameliorate the worsening conditions
of the regular citizens, and ensure the protection of their existence and property. Reputable
figures show that the countrywide said crime all through 2020-19 encompass a total of 3.84
cases of homicide, a 2.09% increase from 2019. In 2022, Karachi was a dark city for women
because AS over 500 became victims of sexual assault or rap. According to Dr. Summaiya
Syed 513 women were sexually assaulted and reported in three hospitals of Karachi. There
were more than 900 kidnapping cases in 2022, however this crime rose day by day. Private
car theft instances have also seen an exceptional boom from 29,126 in 2018.

1.2 Data
The data is collected through survey which is primary data. It is included 10 questions and we
got 23 responses on that.
1.3 Objective
The purpose of survey is to collect data on reported crimes in Pakistan because crime ratio is
going to be increased day by day so that our politician, media trying to hide from other
people because it’s very horrible situation for our society. How to criminologist study against
the crimes and what’s the solution of this.


2.1 Literature
According to Malik Ayub Sumbal, crimes are increased day by day and 50% of crimes are
not registered. rape, gang rape, theft, car snatching/ robbery, kidnapping, murder or try to
homicide are crimes which are increased in Pakistan. The police in Pakistan are conceal
actual number of crimes. We can overcome to these crimes with the help of police if police
report all crimes and punish to culprit. Hafiz Hanzla Jalil provides case study on urbanization
and crime. He primary and main conclusion is the positive relation between urbanization and
crimes. The opposite outcome is that inflation and unemployment. According to Muhammad
Ali Shuja, there may be no single component that can be designated as the main motive of
criminal behavior. The most important reason of teen-age crimes are corruption and poverty.
Young generation want to luxury life so that they are trying to earn illegal money e.g robbery,
theft etc. If the above-noted remedial measures are taken under consideration, extensive
decrease in crime can be achieved. Girls and children are feeling danger in the place where
they need to be safest, within their households. They face a regime of terror and violence at
their homes. Their human rights are denied and their lives are stolen from them by way of the
ever-present hazard of violence. The time period 'home' consists of violence with the aid of a
close companion and by using different circle of relative’s individuals, anyplace this violence
takes place and in whatever shape. In latest years, there has been an extra understanding of
the hassle of home violence, its causes and results, and an international agreement has
developed on the want to deal with the problem. but progress has been slow because attitudes
are deep-rooted and, to some extent, because effective strategies to cope with domestic
violence are nonetheless being described. As an end result, girls global retain to suffer, with
estimates various from 20 to 50 in keeping with cent from country to united states. This
terrible toll will not be eased until families, governments, establishments and civil society
organizations address the problem at once. ladies and youngsters have a proper to state safety
even within the confines of the circle of relatives domestic. Violence in opposition to women
is dedicated whilst regulation enforcement and judicial structures do now not understand
home violence as a criminal offense. Domestic violence is a health, legal, monetary,
educational, and developmental and, especially, a human rights issue. a lot has been
accomplished to create awareness and display that change isn't simplest vital, it's also
possible. Now that techniques for coping with it have become clearer, there may be no excuse
for operating.

3.1 Methodology
The methods we used to analyze the effect on reported cases of crimes on sample of 23
people through online survey data are:

3.1.2 Sample
Knowledge derived from only part of data is sample. Our sample was basically derived from
Sialkot. We had collected data from 23 people majority age of them is 16-30 age. We want to
know how much reported crimes in Pakistan and what’s the effect of crimes in our country.

3.1.3 Methods applied on data

a. Simple bar chart

A bar graph is a graphical representation of information. It uses bars that extend to different
heights to depict value. Bar graph can be created with vertical bars, horizontal bars, grouped
bars (multiple bars that compare values in a category)

Advantage Disadvantage

Easy to prepare Do not show interrelationships between activities

Easily understand by all parties It is manual graph so difficult to maintain for

large data project
a. Pie chart
A pie chart uses a circle or sphere to represent the data, where the circle represents the entire
data and the slices represent the data in parts. Pie chart is one of the easiest ways to present
and understand the given data and pie charts are used very commonly.

Advantage Disadvantage

Gives audiences the best visual for statistics A pie chart can only have one set of data

Easier to understand than other graphs and It is hard to tell which sections are bigger
easier to set up
b. Mean
The mean (average) of a data set is found by adding all numbers in the data set and then
dividing by the number of values in the set.

Group Data: Ungrouped Data:

∑ fx ∑x
x= x=
∑f n

c. Median
The Middle Value in a group after all observation are arranged in ascending order, i.e. From
Smallest to Largest.

Group data: Ungrouped data:

∑f n1 +n2
x=l+h( – C) Even ¿
2 2

( )

d. Mode
The value that appears most frequently in a data set. A set of data may have one mode, more
than one mode, or no mode at all.

Group data: Ungrouped data:

f m −f 1
Mode ¿ l+ ×h Most Repeated Value
2 f −f 1−f 2

4.1 Result discussion

We used SPSS software for result and conclusion on our survey question responses

Variable view:

Data view:
After putting all the survey excel data on data view and variable sheet. We analyzed the

data’s descriptive statistics. We also analyzed frequencies on some question.


Age of Respondent
N Valid 23
Missing 0

Age of Respondent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid 16 to 19 9 39.1 39.1 39.1

20 to 25 11 47.8 47.8 87.0

26 to 30 3 13.0 13.0 100.0

Total 23 100.0 100.0

N Valid 23
Missing 0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 23 100.0 100.0 100.0

Your Qualification Which of the following can a crime not be?
N Valid 23 23
Missing 0 0

Age of respondent
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 16 to 19 9 39.1 39.1 39.1
20 to 25 11 47.8 47.8 87.0
26 to 30 3 13.0 13.0 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Which of the following can a crime not be?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid A state of 3 13.0 13.0 13.0
An act 14 60.9 60.9 73.9
An exception 5 21.7 21.7 95.7
An omission 1 4.3 4.3 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

Your Qualification
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Graduate 8 34.8 34.8 34.8
Matriculation 1 4.3 4.3 39.1
Under 13 56.5 56.5 95.7
Under 1 4.3 4.3 100.0
Total 23 100.0 100.0

5.1 Conclusion
Crime in Pakistan is found in numerous bureaucracies. prepared crime includes drug
trafficking, cash laundering murder and fraud. Different crook operations have interaction in
human trafficking corruption, black marketeering, political violence, terrorism, abduction and
so on. The query is that what are the primary reasons of crime in Pakistan society and why it's
far growing so hastily it is due to the rising poverty, unemployment and inequality in
Pakistani society the growing case variations divide the society in to diverse elements and
according to the repute regulation may be provided this contribute a lot in making humans
aggressive and pissed off and later on it turn out to be cause of crime in society. Different
main causes are unemployment and illiteracy rate however there are a few other factors too
like lawlessness, fundamentalism, backwardness and double standards prevailing in the
society. human beings round the arena constantly think of Pakistanis as terrorists- we aren't
like that.
No doubt there's an excessive crime fee but, maximum Pakistanis inside the lesser civilized
areas of Pakistan be afflicted by excessive depths of poverty, that's somewhat the main reason
for high crime fees. What Pakistani authorities is doing for the betterment of its country is the
question in minds of every Pakistani. Pakistani kingdom is upset that the government isn't
always going to provide protection and protection to any individual the properties and lives
aren't protected.
Online survey Result

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