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Christopher Danny Natasurya Wibowo

Section 1 - Material 1

1. Insufficient, because for a business to operate in Indonesia, there are some things that
we should consider. First and foremost, we need information regarding whether Mr.
Don't Know Why (hereinafter referred “Client”) is a foreigner or an Indonesian citizen as
well as his partner, this information is needed since the regulations regarding foreign
investment companies are different compared to local. It is also important to know
regarding the nationality of both individuals to comply with certain regulations regarding
ownership of the company since normally a company could not be fully owned by
foreigners. Second, to provide information regarding the requirements of setting up the
company, we would also need information regarding on what the business is about
and/or what line of business would the company operate in, this information is needed
since there are several limitations (negative investment list) for foreign investment as
stipulated in Presidential Regulations No. 10 Year 2021 Regarding Capital Investment
Business Field (hereinafter referred “PR 10/2021”) since there are several business
fields that are only limited to small-micro business (UMKM) and/or domestic investment.
It is also important to know since different business fields have different requirements as
well as the regulations governing them. Third, we require information regarding the
proposed location of the business, since Bali is made up of several different cities and
regency, different cities and regency would have different regulations regarding
businesses. Therefore, to provide the Client with a complete answer regarding his query,
we need more information as stipulated above.
2. -
3. As mentioned above, here are the list we need to answer the Client’s query
a. Nationality of the Client and his partner, this information is needed since:
i. the regulations regarding foreign investment companies are different compared
to local owned companies; and
ii. to comply with certain regulations regarding ownership of the company since
normally a company could not be fully owned by foreigners
b. Business field and/or Business sector of the proposed company, this information
is needed since:
i. there are several limitations (negative investment list) for foreign investment as
stipulated in PR 10/2021; and
ii. different business fields and/or sectors have different requirements as well as
the regulations governing them.
c. Proposed location of the business, it is important for us to know as different cities
and regency would have different regulations regarding businesses.
4. To answer the Client’s query, we would refer to several Indonesian laws namely:
General Corporate Compliance:
a. Law No. 40 Year 2007 regarding Company Law;
b. Law No. 11 Year 2020 regarding Job Creation;
c. Presidential Regulations No. 10 Year 2021 regarding Capital Investment
Business Field;
d. Government Regulation No. 8 of 2021 concerning the Authorized Capital of
Companies and Registration of Establishment, Changes and Dissolution of
Companies Meets the Criteria for Micro and Small Businesses;
e. Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu) No. 2 Year 2022 regarding Job
Creation; and
f. Law No. 25 Year 2007 regarding Capital Investment.
Aside from the Laws mentioned above, there are more Laws to refer from to
answer the query from the Client, however as I’ve mentioned above, we still
require more information regarding the Client as well as his partner and the
proposed business (e.g. of Laws that we would refer to once we have all the
information: Bali Governor’s Regulation, Regional Regulation, Law No. 3 Year
2003 regarding Employment Law, etc.)
5. The words “you are in the position to undertake the project” is implying on whether we
are in the position to help the Client on his project regarding setting up the Client’s
proposed company. The phrase “you are in the position to undertake the project” used
by the Client is used by the Client in asking whether Mr. Know It All have the resources,
skills, and competency to complete the project questioned by the Client.

Section 1 - Material 2
1. Freedom of Contract or known in the Indonesian Law as Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak is
sourced at Article 1338 of the Indonesian Civil Code which states that “All legally
executed agreements shall bind the individuals who have concluded them by law.” The
term 'all' in the formulation of the aforementioned Article indicates that the community is
permitted to enter into agreements of any form and content. The underlying principle for
this is rooted in the perspective of individualism.

Historically, the essence of the principle of freedom of contract encompasses:

- The freedom to decide whether to enter into or not enter into an agreement;
- The freedom to choose with whom to enter into an agreement;
- The freedom to determine the content of the agreement;
- The freedom to determine the form of the agreement;
- The freedom to determine the manner of executing the agreement.

It is important to note however that there are limitations for freedom of contract. In order
for an agreement between parties to be valid, it should comply with the four conditions
stipulated in Article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Law.

2. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), or "Penanaman Modal Asing" (PMA) in Indonesian, is a

method for establishing a business capital that is presented to foreign investors. FDI is
governed by Law No. 25 of 2007 regarding Investment (hereinafter referred to as "Law
25/2007"). In Article 1 paragraph 3, it is explained that foreign direct investment is the
activity of investing capital to conduct business within the territory of the Republic of
Indonesia, carried out by foreign investors, using either entirely foreign capital or in
partnership with domestic investors. Foreign direct investment must be conducted in the
form of a limited liability company (PT) with its registered office located within the
territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Domestic Direct Investment (DDI), or "Penanaman
Modal Dalam Negeri" (PMDN) in Indonesian, is the activity of investing capital to conduct
business within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, carried out by domestic
investors using domestic capital. Domestic direct investment enjoys the freedom to
choose the form of business entity, which can be a legal entity, non-legal entity, or a sole
proprietorship.Therefore, the differences between FDI and DDI are as follows:
a. Business Entity: FDI must be in the form of a PT, and its establishment is based
on legal provisions, with its registered office in the territory of the Republic of
Indonesia. In contrast, DDI is not required to be in the form of a PT and can take
on various legal forms, including non-legal entities and sole proprietorships.
b. Duration: FDI has a business duration of 30 years and is extendable for another
30 years. On the other hand, DDI’s business duration is applicable only as long
as it maintains its PMDN status.
c. Capital: FDI can source its capital from foreign investors or from joint ventures
with domestic investors. In contrast, DDI’s capital originates from domestic
3. Corporate Lawyers specializes in providing legal advice and representing businesses
and corporations. Corporate Lawyers are primarily involved in drafting and negotiating
commercial contracts, facilitating mergers and acquisitions, offering legal guidance on
corporate governance matters, and addressing corporate compliance issues. Or in short,
Corporate Lawyers helps Businesses regarding commercial matters from contracts to
other issues regarding the scope of the business.
Notaries as explained in Law No. 2 Year 2014 regarding Notaries, A Notary is a public
official authorized to create authentic deeds and possesses other powers as stipulated in
this Law or pursuant to other applicable laws. Notaries are responsible for verifying and
authenticating documents related to land and property transactions, wills, and specific
agreements as well as ensure the legality and authenticity of documents, and their
signatures carry significant legal validity.
Barristers (Pengacara Pengadilan) are legal professionals who specialize in courtroom
advocacy and litigation. They represent clients in court, provide legal counsel, prepare
legal documents, and advocate cases before judges. Simply put, a Barrister are lawyers
who represents clients in dispute matters.
4. Unlike the United States, Indonesian laws uses the two tier system resulting in 3 organs
inside a company which are: General Meeting of Shareholders (known in Indonesia as
RUPS), Board of Directors (known in Indonesia as Dewan Direksi), and Board of
Commissioners (known in Indonesia as Dewan Komisaris). The main function and role
of the Board of Directors as stipulated in Article 92 paragraph (1) of Law No. 40 Year
2007 regarding Company Law (hereinafter referred “Law 40/2007”) are The Board of
Directors manages the Company's affairs in the best interests of the Company and in
accordance with the Company's purposes and objectives.
5. Typically, prior to engaging in an Acquisition, there is a step not governed by the law,
namely Legal Due Diligence. A Legal Due Diligence is conducted to ascertain the
condition of the target company to be acquired. Although not legally mandated, this
phase is commonly performed to enable the acquiring party to obtain a comprehensive
understanding of the actual state of the company intended for acquisition. The
underlying rationale for conducting due diligence is akin to the practice of inspecting a
used car before purchase, in which one checks whether the car has been previously
flooded, whether it has had engine issues, and the like. Therefore, the same logic is
applied to explain why due diligence is undertaken before acquiring another company,
i.e., to thoroughly examine the state of the company to be purchased. Simply put, a legal
due diligence is conducted to help the Client on understanding thoroughly regarding the
condition of the target company prior to acquiring it.

Section 2 - Material 1


Surat Kuasa Power of Attourney

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: I, the undersigned:

Makmur Sentosa, lahir di [insert the city in Makmur Sentosa, born in [insert the city
which the Client was born], pada tanggal where the Client was born], on [insert the
[insert the date of birth of the Client], date of birth of the Client], a citizen of the
Warga Negara Indonesia, Pria, dan Republic of Indonesia, male, and holder
merupakan pemegang Kartu Tanda of the Identification Card Number [insert
Penduduk Nomor [insert the number of the number of identification card], in this
identification card], dalam hal ini bertindak matter acting for and on my own behalf.
untuk dan atas diri saya sendiri

Selanjutnya disebut sebagai “Pemberi (hereinafter referred to as the

Kuasa” "Authorizer").
Dengan hal ini mengaku dan menyatakan By this, I acknowledge and declare that I
memberi kuasa penuh kepada : grant full power to:

Christopher Danny, lahir di Jakarta, pada Christopher Danny, born in Jakarta on

tanggal 8 Oktober 2001, Warga Negara October 8, 2001, a citizen of the Republic
Indonesia, Pria, dan merupakan of Indonesia, male, and holder of the
pemegang Kartu Tanda Penduduk Identification Card Number
36710908100010005, bertindak selaku 36710908100010005, acting as an
advokat dari HHR Lawyers attorney for HHR Lawyers.

Selanjutnya disebut sebagai “Penerima hereinafter referred to as the "Principal"


Bertindak untuk dan atas nama Pemberi Acting for and on behalf of the Principal in
Kuasa dalam hal: matters:

Untuk dan atas nama Pemberi Kuasa For and on behalf of the Principal as the
sebagai PENGGUGAT, guna memberi PLAINTIFF, to provide legal advice,
nasihat hukum, mewakili, membela dan represent, defend, and uphold the rights
mempertahankan hak-hak, serta and interests of the Principal in initiating
kepentingan Pemberi Kuasa dalam and filing a BREACH OF CONTRACT
membuat dan mengajukan gugatan lawsuit against Sabar Setiawan, the Chief
WANPRESTASI terhadap Sabar Executive Officer of PT Semangat
Setiawan direktur utama dari PT Bangun.
Semangat Bangun.

Untuk itu, Penerima Kuasa diberi For this purpose, the Attorney-in-Fact is
wewenang untuk membuat, authorized to create, sign, and file a
menandatangani, mengajukan Surat Statement of Claim and/or any necessary
Gugatan dan/atau surat-surat atau letters or documents, to appear before
dokumen-dokumen lainnya yang officials and relevant authorities, to
diperlukan, menghadap kepada Pejabat request or provide any required
dan pada instansi yang terkait, meminta information, to request or seek
atau memberikan segala keterangan- determinations, to negotiate settlements
keterangan yang diperlukan, meminta deemed favorable by the Attorney-in-Fact
atau memohon penetapan- penetapan, and not prejudicial to the Principal, to
dapat mengadakan perdamaian yang receive settlement funds while issuing
dianggap baik oleh Penerima Kuasa dan receipts for the received funds, to file
tidak merugikan Pemberi Kuasa, appeals with the High Court, to submit
menerima uang perdamaian dengan memoranda and/or appeals to the
memberikan kuitansi penerimaan Supreme Court, to undertake all essential,
uangnya, mengajukan permohonan beneficial, and necessary actions in
banding pada Pengadilan Tinggi, accordance with the provisions and
mengajukan memori dan/atau banding procedures of Civil Procedure Law, as
kepada Mahkamah Agung, dapat well as all applicable legal regulations.
melakukan segala tindakan yang penting,
berguna, dan perlu yang sesuai dengan
ketentuan dan prosedur Hukum Acara
Perdata, serta semua peraturan
perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Surat kuasa ini diberikan dengan This power of attorney is granted with
honoranium, hak substitusi untuk compensation, the right of substitution in
sebagian maupun seluruhnya bagi orang whole or in part for another individual, and
lain dan hak retensi berdasarkan Undang- the right of retention in accordance with
Undang. the law.
Jakarta, 15 September 2005

Lampiran : Surat Kuasa

Perihal : Gugatan Wanprestasi

Kepada Yth,
Bapak/Ibu Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Semarang
Jl. Siliwangi No.512, Kembangarum, Kec. Semarang Barat, Kota Semarang, Jawa
Tengah 50146

Dengan hormat,

Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

yang beralamat di Grha HHR Lawyers, Jl. Kawi Raya No.45-46A, Guntur, Kecamatan
Setiabudi, Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12980 bertindak berdasarkan Surat
Kuasa No. 88/110/SK/AP/IX/2021 (terlampir) tertanggal 14 September 2005, selaku
Kuasa Hukum dari Makmur Sentosa, dengan tanggal lahir insert DOB, pekerjaan
sebagai wiraswata, bertempat tinggal di Jalan Kerucut No. 25, Jakarta.
Selanjutnya disebut sebagai PENGGUGAT;
Dengan ini mengajukan Gugatan WANPRESTASI terhadap:

Sabar Setiawan, yang beralamatkan di Jalan Kembangan 10, Semarang,

Untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai TERGUGAT I; dan
PT Semangat Bangun, yang beralamatkan di Jalan Kembangan 10, Semarang,
Untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai TERGUGAT II.


Bahwa Penggugat adalah seorang wiraswata yang beralamatkan di Jalan Kerucut No.
25, Jakarta

Bahwa Penggugat dan Tergugat I dan Tergugat II telah melakukan hubungan

keperdataan, dalam hal perjanjian hutang-piutang yang ditandatangani oleh Tergugat I
secara dengan jumlah Rp,- (dua puluh Milyar Rupiah) yang harus
dikembalikan dalam waktu 5 tahun semenjak 15 September 1999 dengan bunga 2%
setiap bulannya untuk kepentingan usaha Tergugat I yakni Tergugat II.

Bahwa terdapat Perjanjian yang ditandatangani oleh Tergugat I sebagai bukti

penerimaan pinjaman berupa uang sebesar Rp,- (dua puluh Milyar

Penggugat dan Tergugat telah memenuhi syarat sahnya suatu perjanjian berdasarkan
Pasal 1320 KUH Perdata, yaitu
a. Sepakat bagi mereka yang mengikatkan dirinya;
b. Kecakapan untuk membuat suatu perikatan;
c. Suatu hal tertentu; dan
d. Suatu sebab yang halal.

Bahwa berdasarkan Pasal 1338 ayat (1) KUH Perdata yang berbunyi “Semua perjanjian
yang dibuat secara sah berlaku sebagai Undang-Undang bagi mereka yang
membuatnya”, maka perjanjian yang dibuat oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat secara sah
berlaku sebagai Undang-Undang.

Bahwa dalam perjanjian hutang piutang ini disepakati oleh para pihak di mana Tergugat
I dan Tergugat II membayar hutangnya selambat-lambatnya 5 (lima) tahun sejak
ditandatangani perjanjiannya;

Akhirnya, Tergugat I dan Tergugat II telah ingkar janji atau melakukan WANPRESTASI
karena telah lebih dari 5 (lima) tahun sejak ditandatanganinya Perjanjian oleh Tergugat,
Namun Tergugat tidak membayar hutangnya hingga saat ini;
Tergugat tidak menunjukan itikad baik pula karena selama Penggugat menagih
Tergugat I dan II untuk membayar hutangnya namun tetap tidak dihiraukan oleh

Bahwa Tergugat I dan Tergugat II tidak menunjukkan itikad baik lainnya karena tidak
ada usaha dari Tergugat I dan Tergugat II untuk memperpanjang tempo pelunasan atau
melakukan pembayaran secara bertahap atau cicilan kepada Penggugat;

Pasal 1239 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata berbunyi “Tiap perikatan untuk
berbuat sesuatu, atau untuk tidak berbuat sesuatu, wajib diselesaikan dengan
memberikan penggantian biaya, kerugian dan bunga, bila debitur tidak memenuhi

Pasal 1239 KUH Perdata mengatur tentang WANPRESTASI, yaitu apabila salah satu
pihak tidak memenuhi prestasi yang telah disepakati, maka pihak tersebut wajib
membayar biaya, rugi, bunga yang dialami pihak yang dirugikan, dalam hal ini adalah

Tergugat telah tidak memenuhi prestasinya yaitu membayar hutang sebesar Rp,- (dua puluh Milyar Rupiah) sampai jatuh tempo yang telah disepakati
bersama, yaitu 5 (lima) tahun sejak pinjaman diberikan dari Penggugat kepada
Tergugat, maka Tergugat telah melakukan WANPRESTASI;

Demi segeranya dipenuhi prestasi dari Tergugat kepada Penggugat, maka diharapkan
Pengadilan Negeri untuk segera melakukan sita jaminan terhadap harta bergerak
maupun tidak bergerak, terutama 1 (satu) unit rumah yang terletak di Jalan Kerinci,
Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut diatas maka mohon kiranya kepada Majelis Hakim yang
memeriksa dan mengadili perkara a quo agar kiranya memutus dengan putusan sebagai
Menerima dan mengabulkan Gugatan Penggugat untuk seluruhnya;
Menyatakan Terguggat secara sah dan terbukti melakukan WANPRESTASI;
Menyatakan sah dan berharganya sita jaminan yang diletakkan dalam perkara ini
Meminta Tergugat untuk segera melunasi hutangnya secara penuh;
Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar biaya perkara yang timbul dalam perkara ini.
Atau bila Majelis Hakim Yang Mulia Pada Pengadilan Negeri Medan berpendapat lain
mohon putusan yang seadil-adilnya (Ex equo et bono).
Demikian gugatan ini kami perbuat, atas perkenannya kami ucapkan Terima kasih.

Hormat kami,
HHR Lawyers

Section 2 - Material 2

C. 10. I am passionate about working as a practicing lawyer in a law firm rather than an in-
house lawyer in a company because it has been my dream since I was a kid to be a practicing
lawyer. My love for law and my love for practicing law further developed when I interned at a
corporate law firm as a legal intern. There, I found that my dream and love for law further
developed and I developed my hard skill and soft skill as well. Interning there further aligns with
what I have dreamt of when I was still a child. Aside from my dream and love of law, I also like
to help people where we as lawyers could help others through our knowledge of the law. I hope
by joining HHR, I can contribute to the team bringing my experience and passion on helping the
firm achieve its goals.

11. Should I achieve and be admitted as a Paralegal in HHR, I’ll try my very hardest to achieve
permanent employment in HHR. The reason is, as it is known that HHR is a top tier law firm,
which offers one of the best legal services in Indonesia, meaning working there would further
develop my skills and cater my development as a lawyer. I would gain a lot of exposure as well
as the skills necessary on being a better lawyer. Therefore, to conclude, I’ll be working hard to
gain permanent employment in the firm, and continuing to further progress my career at the
firm, contributing the very best I can to achieve my goals and personal ambitions on being a
better lawyer.

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