File 20220619 085017 SLB123

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The pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease is

A. Increased secretion of pepsin
B. Due to thinking lot
C. Due to imbalance between attack factors and defense factors
D. Due to irregular eating

2. The first injury of atherosclerosis is

A. The outer layer of blood
B. The sooth muscle cell layer of blood vessels
C. The intima layer of blood vessels
D. The muscle layer of blood vessels

3. The body adaptation to the lack of water is

A. Increased secretion of ADH with thirst
B. Metabolic acidosis to compensate
C. Metabolic alkalosis to compensate
D. Decreased secretion of ADH with thirst

4. The humoral mechanism of the compensatory mechanism in the presence or myocardial

contractibility failure
B. Bradykinin
C. All are correct
D. Histamine

5. The role of urease of Helicobacter Pylori is

A. Create an acidic environment where Helicobacter Pylori resides
B. Decomposition of urea to NH4OH
C. B and C are correct
D. NH4OH has the ability to neutralize alkaline

6. The enlarged liver is the result of the following medical condition:

A. Portal hypertension
B. Impaired liver cell function
C. Left ventricular failure
D. Right ventricular failure

7. When a disease has parameters a follows pH, HCO3--, pCO2 - , the patient's condition will be
A. Metabolic alkalosis
B. Respiratory acidosis
C. Respiratory alkalosis
D. Metabolic acidosis
8. The consequence of atherosclerosis, choose FALSE
A. Hypertension
B. Thrombosis
C. Reduced blood flow to tissues
D. Increase coronary circulation

9. The possible symptoms in acute renal failure are

A. Blood urea and blood creatinine decreased
B. Blood urea decreased, blood creatinine increased
C. Blood urea increased, blood creatinine decreased
D. Oliguria, anuria

10. The cause of post-renal acute renal failure, choose FALSE:

A. Ureteral obstruction cal failure
B. Urethral obstruction
C. Bladder neck obstruction
D. Obstruction of the renal tubule

11. the consequence of hyperglycemia, EXCEPT

A. Alkaline-acid imbalance
B. Syndrome: increased thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, unexplained weight loss
C. Increases insulin
D. Prolonged hyperglycemia

12. the body water distribution in normal condition is

A. 1/5 intracellular water - 4/5 extracellular water
B. 2/3 intracellular water - 1/3 extracellular water
C. 9/10 intracellular water - 1/10 extracellular water
D. 1/3 intracellular water - 2/3 extracellular water

13. The mechanism NOT involved in the process of atherosclerosis

A. There is calcification
B. There is growth of B lymphocytes
C. Mononuclear cells migrate into the inner layer of the artery
D. Lipoprotein accumulation

14. The cause of post-renal acute renal failure, choose FALSE

A. Urethral stricture
B. 1. Hemoglobrimara
C. Prostate tumor
D. Urinary stones

15. Which of the the following can lead to metabolic alkalosis?

A. Low of water through sweating
B. Vomiting
C. Diarrhea
D. Fever

16. The consequence of acute renal failure is

A. Polycythemia
B. Increased blood potassium
C. Blood urea decreased
D. Metabolic alkalosis

17. In nephrotic syndrome, choose FALSE:

A. Decreased blood album
B. Decreased blood lipids
C. Proteinunia
D. Edema

18. What is the function of the buffer system?

A. Regeneration of OH-
B. Adjust the concentration of HCO3-
C. Transforming chemicals H+ in oder to keep pH balance
D. Maintain pH balance by eliminating H+

19. The respiratory compensation is often not 100% effective in metabolic acid, base disorders because:
A. Insufficient compensation capacity
B. Due to the action of oxygen on the respiratory center
C. Due to the effect of pH on the respiratory center
D. Due to the effect of CO2 on the respiratory center

20. HCl and pepsin o the gastric lumen do not contact directly with the gastric mucosa because
A. Pepsinogen in its inactive form
B. Food layer lining the surface of the stomach lining
C. HCO3-
D. The mucous membrane of the stomach

21. The exogenous pyrogens are usually

A. Bacienal lipopolysaccharide
B. Bacterial membrane lipids
C. Bacterial membrane protein
D. Exogenous factors

22. The mechanism of edema in cirrhosis is

A. Reduced vascular permeability
B. Hydrostatic pressure drop
C. Decreased oncotic pressure
D. Increases destruction of hormones
23. which parameter changes are in respiratory alkalosis?

A. pH, HCO3-, pCO2

B. pH HCO3- pCO2

C. pH HCO3-, pCO2

D. pH, HCO3-, pCO2

24. The pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes is

A. The pancreas is destroyed and cannot secrete insulin
B. Secreted insulin is inactivated
C. The kidneys excrete glucose uncontrollably
D. The adrenal glands secrete adrenaline uncontrollably.

25. during inflammation, phagocytosis is generated by the following factors

A. Mast cells
B. IL-1, IL-2
C. C3b, IgG
D. Plasma cells

26. The mechanism of edema in nephrotic syndrome:

A. Increased hydrostatic g syndrome in
B. Osmotic diuresis
C. Decreased oncotic pressure
D. Reduced vascular permeability

27. The osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid is

A. 400-420 mosmol/l
B. 200-220 mosmol/l
C. 100-420 osmol/l
D. 280-300 mosmol/l

28. Wall stress (the pressure on unit area) increases when:

A. Increased blood pressure
B. Hypertrophy of ventricular
C. Inversely proportional to the thickness of the ventricular wall
D. Not related to ventricular wall thickness

29. The decreasing of renal function in acute renal failure has the following characteristic, choose FALSE
A. Quickly
B. Often leads to chronic kidney disease
C. Severe
D. Leads to homeostasis
30. which parameter changes are in respiratory acidosis?

A. pH, HCO3- pCO2

B. pH HCO3- pCO2

C. pH, HCO3-, pCO2

D. pH HCO3-, pCO2

31. choose the buffer system that has the strongest activity
A. Bicarbonate
B. Hb
C. Protein
D. H+

32. The hemoglobinuria by hemolysis that can lead to:

A. Post-renal acute renal failure
B. Chronic kidney failure
C. Acute renal failure in the kidney
D. Prerenal acute renal failure

33. The factors cause the dysfunction of vasucular endothelial cells in atherosclerotic disease
A. All are correct
B. Effect of hemodynamics
C. Irritation of toxic chemicals (nicotine)
D. Hypertension

34. The pulmonary interstitial edema is a consequence of

A. Right ventricular failure
B. Respiratory failure
C. Left ventricular failure
D. Pulmonary atherosclerosis

35. the factor affecting systolic dysfunction of the heart is

A. All are correct
B. The effect of the hormone ADH
C. Decreased heart rate
D. Hypertension

36. The factor affecting water exchange between vascular lumen and interstitial tissue, EXCEPT
A. Vascular strength
B. Hydrostatic pressure
C. Oncotic pressure
D. Vascular permeability

37. At the site of inflammation, substances and cellular debris will be drained by the system
A. Capillaries
B. Lymphatic vessels
C. Arterioles
D. Veins

38. The main factor affecting with fluid exchange between intracellular and extracellular is
A. Osmotic pressure
B. Oncotic pressure
C. Hydrostatic pressure
D. Vascular permeability

39. When vascular are activated, it leads to

A. Decreased vasodilator molecule
B. Reduction of antithrombotic molecules
C. All are correct
D. Increased inflammatory cytokines

40. The hydrolytic in severe acute renal failure is

A. Ca2+ in blood is increased
B. PO4 3- in blood is reduced
C. K+ in blood is reduced
D. Na+ in blood is decreased

41. The mechanism of edema in inflammation

A. Increased oncotic pressure in plasma
B. Circuit occlusion
C. Increased vascular permeability
D. Decreased vessel wall strength

42. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause stomach ulcers because:
A. Increased protection factor
B. Increased destruction factor
C. Decreasing the protective factor
D. Causing corrosion

43. The fluid in which has the highest concentration of H+

A. Intracellular fluid
B. Arterial blood
C. Venous blood
D. Interstitial translation

44. What factors cause the leakage of fluid into the lung interstitial tissue and pulmonary
A. Increased pulmonary capillary colloidal pressure
B. A and C are correct
C. Increased pulmonary capillary osmotic pressure
D. Increased pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure

45. The following edema with an increased activity of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron system, EXCEPT
A. Edema by heart failure
B. Edema by nephrotic syndrome
C. Edema by cirrhosis
D. Inflammatory edema

46. The ratio of body water to body wright in adult male is

A. 60%
B. 40%
C. 1/13 of body weight
D. 10%

47. What substance in gastric juice can damage the gastric mucosa?
A. Gastrin
B. Intrinsic factors
C. HCl
D. Pepsin

48. In the inflammatory process, the substances involved in causing fever are
A. IL-1, IL-6, TNFα
B. Histamine, serotonin
C. IL-8, IFN, histamine
D. Metabolic booster

49. Wall stress (the pressure on unit area)

A. Propotional to the thickness of the ventricular wall
B. Inversely proportional to the thickness of the ventricular wall
C. Not related to ventricular wall thickness
D. Increases contractility

50. The acute kidney failure has which of the following characteristic?
A. Increased blood flow to the kidneys (RBF)
B. Most types of acute renal failure are reversible if diagnosed and treated early
C. Renal function declines within a few months
D. Increased glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

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