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Agricultural Education Standards and Policy Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Extended Day and Extended Year Program Mission

Statement, Goals and Objectives.................2 Extended Day and Extended Year Program Teacher Job Description............................................3 Extended Day and Extended Year Program Standards and Policies...............................................4 Georgia Food Systems Technology Program Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives...............7 Georgia Food Systems Technology Program Food Processing Teacher Job Description..............8 Georgia Food Systems Technology Program Standards and Policies.............................................9 Short-Term Adult Agribusiness Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives..................................13 Short-Term Adult Agribusiness Program Teacher Job Description..............................................14 Short-Term Adult Agribusiness Program Standards and Policies.................................................15 Georgia Young Farmer Agribusiness Program Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives..........18 Georgia Young Farmer Agribusiness Program Teacher Job Description.....................................19 Georgia Young Farmer Agribusiness Program Standards and Policies........................................20 Area Teacher Program Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives................................................29 Area Teacher Job Description........................................................................................................30 Area Teacher Program Standards..................................................................................................31 Definitions......................................................................................................................................34

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997

EXTENDED DAY AND EXTENDED YEAR PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT, GOALS, AND OBJECTIVES Mission Statement: The mission of the Extended Day and Extended Year Program is to provide educational instructional services beyond the regular school day for students enrolled in agricultural education classes and post secondary students who are engaged in or have an interest in the industry of Agriculture. These services are designed to be available to all school systems with an Agricultural Education program and exist to enhance the educational experiences of students enrolled. Goals and Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To provide students with individual and small group instruction. To provide students career, real-life experiences with supervision. To provide expanded educational opportunities through special events and activities. To relate the implementation of academic skills to career development experiences with supervision. To provide structure and organization toward the further development of premier leadership, personal growth and career success knowledge and skills. To develop programs to organize community resources in the educational program of students enrolled in Agricultural Education. To expand program resources beyond school and community boundaries. To provide for management of specialized instructional facilities. To provide teachers approved staff development activities.

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997

GEORGIA EXTENDED DAY AND EXTENDED YEAR PROGRAM TEACHER JOB DESCRIPTION Under the direct supervision of the System School Superintendent or designee and in full compliance with the standards set forth for the Georgia Extended Day and Extended Year Program by the Georgia State Board of Education, the Extended Day and Extended Year teacher shall: 1. 2. 3. Supervise students in approved Agricultural Experience Programs. Supervise students in cooperative work experience or internship programs. Supervise students in after school activities such as student organization, meetings, FFA, career development events preparation and participation, completing leadership applications, and other leadership type activities. Assist students in developing and implementing supervised Agricultural Experience Programs. Supervise students in conducting educational community service activities. Attend approved staff development activities which relate to extended day and extended year. Supervise students on educational field trips and training exercises. Supervise students in programs offered though the FFA camping program.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997

GEORGIA EXTENDED DAY AND EXTENDED YEAR PROGRAM STANDARDS & POLICIES In order for the local program to meet the requirements of the Georgia Extended Day and Extended Year Program as determined by the State Coordinator for Agricultural Education or designee, all program standards must be met and all policies must have an average rating or better using the following five point scale: 1 = Poor 2 = Below Average 3 = Average 4 = Above Average 5 = Outstanding Program Standards and Policies: Standard 1: Extended Day and Extended Year Programs shall be funded only in systems that have a full time secondary Agricultural Education program. Met Not Met Standard 2: The Extended Day and Extended Year Programs shall be reviewed and evaluated annually by the local system administration with the assistance of the State Agricultural Education Staff. Met Not Met Standard 3: The teacher shall document through the monthly activity report instruction on an individual or small group basis for program participants with a minimum average of 20 instructional contacts per month. Met Not Met Standard 4: The travel expenses incurred by the teacher in fulfillment of educational duties and responsibilities of Extended Day and Extended Year programs shall be defrayed in accordance to State Travel regulations. Policy A: Travel funds shall be utilized for local program instructional purposes, state approved staff development, and state approved Extended Day and Extended Year Program activities. 1 2 3 4 5

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997

Policy B: The teacher shall submit a monthly travel report documenting expenses incurred in completing official duties to the local system as specified by the local system policy and to the State Coordinator or designee by the 10th of the month following incurred expenses. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 5: The teacher shall organize and maintain a local chapter of the FFA Association by serving as the advisor. Policy A: The teacher shall maintain an FFA membership roster of not less than 45 active members or 80% of their students. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: A chapter program of activities shall be developed jointly by the teacher and the current fiscal year officers of the local chapter by October 15 that includes participation opportunities for members on the local, regional, state and national level. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy C: The FFA roster shall be submitted by October 15. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 6: The teacher shall organize and maintain a local agricultural industry advisory committee to assist in planning the program of work for community works in extended day and extended year. Policy A: Membership on the advisory committee shall include agricultural industry and community leaders. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: The teacher shall document through committee meeting minutes the review of the objectives, activities and accomplishments of the local Agricultural Education Program. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997

Standard 7: An approved Annual Program of Work for Extended Day and Extended Year Programs shall be submitted to the State Coordinator for Agricultural Education or designee by May 15. Policy A: The program of work shall include planned activities in the following areas: Supervised Agricultural Experience Teacher Staff Development Facility Maintenance Curriculum Renewal Career Development Events Leadership Training FFA Camping Program Met Not Met Standard 8: An annual summary of Extended Day and Extended Year Program activities shall be submitted to the State Coordinator for Agricultural Education or designee by June 30. Met Not Met Standard 9: School systems participating in Extended Day and Extended Year Programs shall provide instructional facilities, equipment and supplies to support the Extended Day and Extended Year Program. Met Not Met Standard 10: Teachers qualifying for the Extended Day and Extended Year Program shall not teach more than one segment out-of-field. Met Not Met Standard 11: The Extended Day and Extended Year Program shall be conducted beyond the normal school day, which shall include a planning period, which occurs during the regular school day. Met Not Met Standard 12: The teacher shall be compensated at a minimum hourly rate based on the state approved 190-day base salary schedule. Met Not Met

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997

GEORGIA FOOD SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Mission Statement: The mission of the Georgia Food Systems Technology Program is to teach and assist persons in the community to preserve food. The program makes it possible for families to process large quantities of the most nutritious food using modern procedures in a safe environment. A contribution is made toward providing a stored food supply which may serve against national disasters. Goals and Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To provide education for the local community in food preservation using proper procedures and safe practices. To provide an economical and desirable opportunity for preserving large quantities of food without preservatives. To promote a method to utilize homegrown food for future consumption economically. To extend the time period for utilization and consumption of homegrown food. To educate consumers in procedures for utilizing low cost food during surplus markets. To enable a population with special dietary problems in acquiring quality food otherwise relatively unavailable or too expensive. To enable persons on fixed income to prepare high quality food economically. To provide citizens participation in a school activity. To provide a stored food supply helpful in a national emergency situation.

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997

GEORGIA FOOD SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM FOOD PROCESSING TEACHER JOB DESCRIPTION Under the direct supervision of the System School Superintendent or designee and in full compliance with the standards set forth for the Georgia Food Systems Technology Program by the Georgia State Board of Education, the Food Processing teacher shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. Conduct a group instructional program consisting of organized classes for participants of the Food Systems Technology Program. Provide instruction on an individual or small group basis for participants of the Food Systems Technology Program. Supervise the SAE programs of students enrolled in the secondary agricultural education class. Perform related instructional activities that are necessary for conducting successful adult and secondary instructional programs, fulfilling administrative requirements of the Food Systems Technology Program, and for the documenting of program activities in compliance with program requirements. Assist with the improvement of Agricultural Education facilities and equipment in the local school system. Participate in training activities that will assist him/her in becoming or remaining knowledgeable and technologically proficient in problem or interest areas that will benefit the adult and secondary participants of the program. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as requested by his/her immediate supervisor.

5. 6.


Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997

GEORGIA FOOD SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM STANDARDS & POLICIES In order for the local program to meet the requirements of the Georgia Food Systems Technology Program as determined by the State Coordinator of Agricultural Education or designee, all program standards must be met and all policies must have an average rating or better using the following five point scale: 1 = Poor 2 = Below Average 3 = Average 4 = Above Average 5 = Outstanding Program Standards and Policies: Standard 1: To apply for a minimum reimbursement for a Food Systems Technology Program, the local system must develop and maintain a list of at least 75 individuals who express a desire to participate in the program. Policy A: The local Agricultural Education program shall provide and maintain an active file of community members who indicate an interest in the Food Systems Technology Program. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: Persons eligible for the program are community members who are out of high school and have an interest in the Food Systems Technology Program. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 2: At least one regular teacher of agriculture shall be available for eight hours daily to manage the program during the days the facility is made available. Policy A: A teacher of agriculture shall manage the facility. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: A teacher of agriculture is available for other agricultural education program responsibilities when the food systems technology center is not in operation. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997

Standard 3: The local system shall apply for funds based on the days of operation, the number of persons participating, and the quantity of food involved. Policy A: The local system may apply for funds based on a maximum of 38 days and two teachers of agriculture. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: Additional funds will be allotted based on the previous two years average as determined by standardized records of food quantity and a formula multiplying days of operation by average daily attendance. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 4: The facility shall be maintained in a sanitary and safe operating condition. Policy A: The canning plant manager shall inspect and maintain the equipment. 1 2 3 4 5

Policy B: Other employees shall be instructed in safe operating procedures and sanitary practices. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy C: Customers/students/participants shall be instructed in safe operating procedures and sanitary practices. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy D: Participants will clean their areas and equipment used. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 5: An adequate inventory of canning materials and supplies shall be maintained with accountability. Policy A: The canning plant manager or assignee shall maintain the inventory with care and organization. 1 2 3 4 5

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997


Policy B: Sanitation and security shall be practices with the inventory. 1

Met Not Met Standard 6: Food technology education shall be provided in a work experience method. Policy A: Food processed will be for home use and not for resale. 1 Policy B: The instructor shall use sound educational practices. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 7: Process procedures shall be in accordance with proper food preparation. Policy A: Food preparation charts and specifications shall be posted for all participants to observe. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: Managers shall control critical processing equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 8: Participants shall maintain possession of all food products during the processing procedure. Policy A: Participants may not drop off food to be processed. 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 Policy B: Participants shall receive instruction in all steps of processing. 1 2 Policy C: Processed food must be removed when process is complete. 1 2 4 5 Met Not Met 2 3 4 5

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997


Standard 9: Participation evaluation procedures shall be developed and implemented. Policy A: Participants shall complete an evaluation following each day of activity. 1 2 3 4 5

Met Not Met Standard 10: Program evaluation procedures shall be developed and implemented. Policy A: A program evaluation shall be kept and prepared on a form that can be assimilated into a state summary. 1 2 3 4

Policy B: A record of individuals shall be counted for each participant and a total annually submitted to be assimilated into a state summary. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy C: Adequate records must be maintained so that the average daily attendance can be submitted to be assimilated into a state summary. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 11: Proper procedures and correct and adequate educational materials shall be used. Policy A: The manager shall be responsible for making available educational supplies. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: The manager shall be responsible for proper use of educational supplies. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 12: The program shall include an advisory committee of constituents, which identifies community needs to be served. Met Not Met

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997


SHORT - TERM ADULT AGRIBUSINESS PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Mission Statement: The mission of the Short-term Adult Agribusiness Program is to provide learning opportunities for individuals who are engaged or interested in agriculture and have special needs or concerns not met by other available means which can be addressed in two to twelve hours of class instruction. These should be available to all local school communities with an agricultural education program. Goals and Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To meet specific educational needs of eligible participants. To increase the level of understanding and/or skills of program participants that productivity and opportunity may be expanded. To address current concerns in special areas of agriculture among participants. To provide an agriculturally educational opportunity within the school community for interested adults. To increase productivity in the local community with improved practices. To create a more educationally conscious society by involving adults. To create community unity and peer support by bringing together an adult group for an educational purpose.

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997


GEORGIA SHORT-TERM ADULT AGRIBUSINESS PROGRAM TEACHER JOB DESCRIPTION Under the direct supervision of the System School Superintendent or designee and in full compliance with the standards set forth for the Short-term Adult Program by the Georgia State Board of Education, the Short-term Adult Teacher shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. Conduct a group instructional program consisting of organized classes for adult participants. Provide instruction on an individual or small group basis for participants of the Short-Term Adult Program. Conduct a regular program of Agricultural Education. Perform related instructional activities that are necessary for the conducting of successful adult and secondary instructional programs, fulfilling administrative requirements of the Short-Term Adult Program, and for the documenting of program activities and compliance with program requirements. Participate in training activities that will assist him/her in becoming or remaining knowledgeable and technologically proficient in problem or interest areas that will benefit the adult and secondary participants of the program. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as requested by his/her immediate supervisor.



Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997


GEORGIA SHORT-TERM ADULT AGRIBUSINESS PROGRAM STANDARDS & POLICIES In order for the local program to meet the requirements of the Georgia Short-term Adult Agribusiness Program as determined by the State Coordinator of Agricultural Education or designee, all program standards must be met and all policies must have an average rating or better using the following fivepoint scale: 1 = Poor 2 = Below Average 3 = Average 4 = Above Average 5 = Outstanding Program Standards and Policies: Standard 1: To apply for funds for Short-term Adult Agribusiness Program classes, the local system must develop and maintain a list of 25 individuals who are eligible for the program. Policy A: The local Agricultural Education program shall provide and maintain an active file of community members who are eligible for the program. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: Persons eligible for the program are community members who are out of high school and are engaged in or have interest in farming/agribusiness. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 2: The Short-term Adult Agribusiness Program shall be influenced by community input. Policy A: A local advisory committee shall assist in the planning of program of activities. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: An evaluation of the students of the program will be conducted to provide input to the program. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 3: The school system shall provide instructional facilities, equipment and supplies to
Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997 15

support the Short-term Agribusiness Adult Program. Policy A: The quality of the facilities for the adult program is adequate. 1 2 3 4 5

Policy B: The Short-term Adult Agribusiness Program has sufficient equipment and supply budget to support the program. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 4: The Young Farmer Adult Program Coordinator was provided information concerning the Short-term Agribusiness Adult program to provide evaluation for the program. Met Not Met Standard 5: The Short-term Adult Agribusiness Program shall be evaluated using the observation procedure adopted by the local system. Policy A: The teachers adult instructional activities shall be evaluated using the observation procedure adopted by the local system 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 6: The Short-term Agribusiness Adult Program shall be conducted by a certified, full time, in-school teacher of Agricultural Education. Met Not Met Standard 7: The Agricultural Education teacher conducting a Short-term Adult Agribusiness Program shall assume responsibility of planning and organizing the Short-term Agribusiness Adult classes. Policy A: To qualify for state reimbursement, a class shall consist of 10 or more individuals who are not enrolled in secondary classes. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met
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Standard 8: Accurate records shall be maintained of class enrollment, hours of instruction, contact hours with students prior to class, and contact hours with students subsequent to the class. Met Not Met Standard 9: The agriculture teacher conducting a Short-term Adult Agribusiness Program shall be paid according to state policies for Short-term Adult Agribusiness classes. Met Not Met

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GEORGIA YOUNG FARMER AGRIBUSINESS PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Mission Statement: The mission of the Georgia Young Farmer Agribusiness Program is to provide educational instruction and opportunities to individuals engaged in the agricultural industry which will increase their proficiency in agricultural production, management, agribusiness and leadership. Goals and Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To provide instruction to meet the current needs of the agricultural industry. To provide instruction to meet the needs of cutting edge technology in agriculture. To provide opportunities for farmers and agribusiness to share the best practices. To provide opportunities for farmers and agribusiness to participate in group discussions. To provide instruction for skill development to meet the needs of the agricultural industry. To provide instruction for the application of leadership and personal skill development in the agricultural industry. To provide an opportunity for farmers and agribusiness to expand the mental capacity of the agricultural industry. To provide instruction to increase the managerial skills needed to operate an agricultural enterprise. To provide an opportunity for individuals to increase the values for our society.

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997 18

GEORGIA YOUNG FARMER AGRIBUSINESS PROGRAM TEACHER JOB DESCRIPTION Under the direct supervision of the System School Superintendent or designee and in full compliance with the standards set forth for the Georgia Young Farmer Agribusiness Program by the Georgia State Board of Education, the Young Farmer Teacher shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conduct a group instructional program consisting of organized classes for adult participants of the Young Farmer Agribusiness Program. Provide instruction on an individual or small group basis for participants of the Young Farmer Agribusiness Program. Teach one agricultural education class daily for secondary students during the normal school year. Supervise the SAE programs of students enrolled in the secondary agricultural education class. Perform related instructional activities that are necessary for the conducting of successful adult and secondary instructional programs, fulfilling administrative requirements of the Young Farmer Agribusiness Program, and for the documenting of program activities and compliance with program requirements. Serve as Advisor for the local Young Farmer Association chapter. Assist the full-time Secondary Agriculture Instructor in conducting the Secondary Agriculture Program and in carrying out the activities of the local FFA Chapter. Assist with the improvement of Agricultural Education facilities and equipment in the local school system. Participate in training activities that will assist him/her in becoming or remaining knowledgeable and technologically proficient in problem or interest areas that will benefit the adult and secondary participants of the program.

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as requested by his/her immediate supervisor.

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997 19

GEORGIA YOUNG FARMER AGRIBUSINESS PROGRAM STANDARDS & POLICIES In order for the local program to meet the requirements of the Young Farmer Agribusiness Program as determined by the state young farmer coordinator or designee, all program standards must be met and all policies must have an average rating or better using the following five point scale: 1 = Poor 2 = Below Average 3 = Average 4 = Above Average 5 = Outstanding Program Qualifications: Standard 1: The local system shall annually develop and maintain an active file of at least 75 qualified potential constituents for the local Young Farmer Agribusiness Program. Policy A: Persons documented in the file shall be adult community members who are engaged in or have interest in farming or agribusiness. The majority of the list should be composed of persons involved full-time in farming or agribusiness. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: The file of eligible community members shall include the name, address, approximate age, area of agricultural interest, etc. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 2: The local Young Farmer Agribusiness Program shall be annually influenced by local participant input. Policy A: Program participants should be surveyed annually with a state approved instrument to determine needs and benefits derived from the local Young Farmer Agribusiness Program. No less than 50% of program participants listed on the previous year MIS report shall participate in the evaluation process. 1 2 3 4 5

Policy B: The local Young Farmer program advisory committee shall review and approve the annual Program of Work for the local program based on participant input derived from the local survey results. Verification of review and recommendations by the advisory committee shall be ascertained by a review of minutes from committee meeting. 1 2 3 4 5
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Met Not Met Standard 3: The Young Farmer Agribusiness Program shall be funded only in systems that have a full-time secondary Agricultural Education program. Met Not Met Standard 4: The travel expenses incurred by the Young Farmer teacher in fulfillment of educational duties and responsibilities shall be defrayed in accordance to State Travel regulations. Policy A: State travel funds shall be utilized for local program instructional purposes, state approved staff development, and state approved Young Farmer organization activities. No less than 80% of the travel allotment will be utilized for Young Farmer Agribusiness Program instructional activities. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: The Young Farmer teacher shall submit a monthly travel report documenting expenses incurred in completing official duties to the local system as specified by the local system policy and to the State Young Farmer Coordinator by the 10th of the month following incurred expenses. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy C: The local system shall annually provide a minimum of 20% additional travel funds beyond the state allotment. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met

Standard 5: The school system shall provide instructional facilities, equipment and supplies to support the Young Farmer Agribusiness Program. Policy A: The local system shall budget a minimum of $1500 for instructional materials, consumable supplies, and equipment for the Young Farmer Agribusiness Program in the local vocational education plan. 1 2 3 4 5
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Policy B: The Young Farmer teacher shall develop a budget and rationale for expenditure of funds prior to the beginning of the fiscal year and follow local regulations for spending budgeted funds. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy C: The Young Farmer teacher shall develop and maintain a property inventory of assigned supplies and equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy D: The Young Farmer teacher shall properly store and maintain assigned supplies and equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 6: The Young Farmer teacher shall be accessible to program participants and system administration during the regular hours of all contracted work days. Policy A: The local system shall provide for the Young Farmer teacher to be accessible to Young Farmers and school administration through use of a pager or cellular phone. 1 2 3 4 5

Met Not Met Standard 7: The local system shall maintain a long-range plan for program improvement in the areas of accountability and instructional effectiveness. Policy A: The Young Farmer teacher shall provide the leadership in developing, implementing and evaluating the long range plan for program improvement. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: As an electronic data transmission system is developed for the program on the state level, the local system shall cooperate with the state in providing for the Young Farmer teacher resources, such as computer equipment, modem, phone line, etc., to facilitate reporting, accountability and instruction. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 8: The Young Farmer Agribusiness Program shall be reviewed and evaluated by the
Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997 22

local system administration. Policy A: The teacher's secondary instructional program shall be evaluated using the observation procedure adopted by the local system. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: The teacher's adult instructional activities shall be documented by an activity report, which shall be reviewed monthly by his/her immediate supervisor. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy C: A state approved annual report shall be compiled by the Young Farmer teacher, approved by the local system administration, and submitted to the State Young Farmer Coordinator by June 30. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 9: The Young Farmer teacher shall not be assigned regularly scheduled extra duty activities except when they do not conflict with Young Farmer Agribusiness Program activities. Policy A: The Young Farmer teacher's daily schedule shall be planned to allow for maximum focus on working on educational activities with Young Farmer participants. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met

Standard 10: The Young Farmer teacher shall be a certified teacher of Agricultural Education with a minimum of a Bachelor's degree in a field of Agriculture. Met Not Met Standard 11: The Young Farmer teacher shall have a minimum of three years of experience teaching Agricultural Education. Met Not Met Standard 12: The Young Farmer teacher shall document a minimum of 20 hours of participation in technical training activities annually beyond staff development scheduled by the State Young Farmer Coordinator.
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Met Not Met Standard 13: The Young Farmer teacher shall exhibit by application a working knowledge and understanding of professionalism in education. Met Not Met Standard 14: The Young Farmer teacher shall participate as a member of the local Agricultural Education staff in the planning, developing and implementing of local department educational activities. Policy A: All Agricultural Education teachers shall participate cooperatively in the planning of all phases of the local program of education in agriculture (secondary, middle, young farmer, adult, FFA, SAE, food processing, and Young Farmers Association). 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 15: The Young Farmer teacher shall assist the regular teacher/teachers of Agricultural Education in organizing and maintaining departmental facilities and equipment. Met Not Met

Standard 16: The Young Farmer teacher shall keep the system administration informed of the Young Farmer Agribusiness Program activities by posting a weekly itinerary at the beginning of each week. Policy A: The Young Farmer teacher shall review with system administration the objectives, activities and accomplishments of the local Young Farmer program. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 17: The Young Farmer teacher shall organize and conduct not less than 20 classes for eligible adult participants with a minimum enrollment of 10 individuals per instructional activity. Policy A: A class shall consist of a minimum of 2 hours of instruction when conducted in a classroom setting and a minimum of 4 hours when conducted in a laboratory setting.
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Policy B: The Young Farmer teacher may not receive credit for more than 2 classes within a day, and no more than 20% of annual required classes shall come from a single instructional area as outlined in the Young Farmer Curriculum Guide. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 18: The Young Farmer teacher shall document through the monthly activity report instruction on an individual or small group basis for program participants with a minimum average of 30 instructional contacts per month. Met Not Met Standard 19: The Young Farmer teacher shall document through MIS Data a minimum annual enrollment of 75 eligible individuals. Met Not Met Standard 20: The Young Farmer teacher shall teach one unit of Agricultural Education in grades 9 through 12. Policy A: The Young Farmer teacher's secondary class shall be first period. NOTE: If the system is operating on a block schedule the young farmer teacher must be released from secondary class instruction by 10 AM daily. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 21: The Young Farmer teacher shall be responsible for the supervision of SAE and FFA activities of students who are enrolled in the secondary class. Met Not Met Standard 22: The Young Farmer teacher shall organize and maintain a local chapter of the Georgia Young Farmers Association by serving as the advisor. Policy A: The Young Farmer teacher shall maintain a Young Farmer membership roster of not less than 45 active members with the majority being full-time farmers or agribusiness men. 1 2 3 4 5
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Policy B: A chapter program of activities shall be developed jointly by the Young Farmer teacher and the current fiscal year officers of the local chapter by October 1 that includes participation opportunities for members on the local, regional, state and national level. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 23: The Young Farmer teacher shall organize and maintain a local advisory committee for the local Young Farmer program. Policy A: Membership on the advisory committee shall include, in addition to the leadership of the Young Farmer Chapter, educational, agricultural and community leaders. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy B: The Young Farmer teacher shall document through committee meeting minutes the review of the objectives, activities and accomplishments of the local Young Farmer program. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy C: Two meetings per year. 1 2 3 4 5 Met Not Met Standard 24: The Young Farmer teacher shall maintain an organized filing system, which shall include: (Check if Met) A. Agricultural education Standards and Policy Manual B. Program of Work C. Monthly Activities Reports D. Monthly Travel Reports E. Young Farmer Class Instruction Reports F. Young Farmer Class Rolls G. Secondary Class Instruction Reports H. Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes I. Young Farmer Membership Roster J. MIS Report K. Course Calendar L. Annual Report M. Chapter Program of Activities N. Potential Constituent File
Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997 26

O. P. Q. R. S. T.

Departmental Meeting Minutes Constituent Surveys and Summary Equipment and Supply Inventory Young farmer Teacher Annual Budget Young farmer Curriculum Guide Young farmer Task List

Standard 25: A local system approved Young Farmer Program of Work shall be submitted to the State Young Farmer/Adult Coordinators office by June 1. Met Not Met Standard 26: A Course Calendar, which outlines the annual instructional program according to state guidelines, shall be submitted to the State Young Farmer/Adult Coordinators office by October 1. Met Not Met Standard 27: A local Young Farmer Chapter membership roster and dues shall be submitted to the State Young Farmer/Adult Coordinators office by February 1. Met Not Met Standard 28: A monthly activity report signed by the teacher shall be submitted to the State Young Farmer/Adult Coordinators office by the 10th of each month. Met Not Met Standard 29: A monthly expense statement signed by the teacher shall be submitted to the State Young Farmer/Adult Coordinators office by the 10th of each month. Met Not Met Standard 30: A class instructional summary signed by the teacher for each organized Young Farmer class shall be submitted along with a signed participant class roll to the State Young Farmer/Adult Coordinators office by the 10th of each month. Met Not Met Standard 31: An MIS summary of all adult participants instruction during the year shall be submitted to the State Young Farmer Coordinators office by June 30. Met Not Met
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Standard 32: An annual report shall be developed and submitted to the State Young Farmer/Adult Coordinators office by June 30. Met Not Met Standard 33: A summary of the constituent survey conducted by the Young Farmer teacher shall be submitted to the State Young Farmer/Adult Coordinators office by February 15. Met Not Met Standard 34: Secondary class reports shall be submitted to the State Young Farmer/Adult Coordinators office by September 15 and February 15. Met Not Met

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AREA TEACHER PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Mission Statement: The mission of the Georgia Area Teacher Program is to provide premier leadership, educational resources and enrichment activities for the encouragement and promotion of quality educational experiences for Georgias youth and adults in Agricultural Education. Goals and Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. To provide specialized instruction for agriculture teachers, adults, and in-school students to meet the needs of the agricultural industry and educational system. To provide specialized assistance to teachers of agriculture to meet the needs of cutting edge technology in agriculture including facilities, equipment and laboratories. To provide staff development opportunities for agriculture teachers through in-service programs. To assist in the leadership and career development skills of youth and adults in agriculture through assistance with activities of FFA and the Georgia Young Farmer Associations. To prepare instructional materials for use in agriculture classes. To remain knowledgeable and technologically proficient in one or more specialty areas of agriculture in which agriculture teachers and students need assistance. To serve as a liaison between the Agricultural Education Program and the agricultural industry. To provide an opportunity for individuals to maintain the values for our society.

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AREA TEACHER JOB DESCRIPTION Under the direct supervision of the State Director of Agricultural Education or his designee, and in full compliance with the standards set forth for the Area Agriculture Teacher Program by the Georgia State Board of Education, the Area Agriculture Teacher shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Provide technical assistance to agriculture teachers in teaching classes. Provide instruction for groups where instructional services are provided in connection with a local Agricultural Education program. Provide technical assistance to agriculture teachers in the maintenance and operation of specialized agriculture facilities, laboratories and equipment. Coordinate and provide staff development in-service training activities in technical areas for agriculture teachers. Coordinate or assist with organizational, career and leadership development activities for FFA and the Georgia Young Farmers Association. Plan and prepare instructional materials for use in agriculture classes. Participate in professional training activities that will assist him/her in becoming or remaining knowledgeable and technologically proficient in problem or interest areas that will benefit the Agricultural Education program. Perform related instructional activities that are necessary for the planning and conducting of successful instructional programs, fulfilling of administrative requirements of the Area Teacher program, documentation of program activities and compliance with program requirements. Carry out other duties and responsibilities as requested by his/her immediate supervisor. Serve as a liaison between the Agricultural Education Program and the agricultural industry.


9. 10.

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997 30

AREA TEACHER PROGRAM STANDARDS Area teachers shall prepare an annual program of work using the Performance Management Form (PMF) from the Georgia Department of Education. The State Director of Agricultural Education or their designee shall approve the program of work and review the performance of each area teacher based on the PMF on an annual basis. The Area Teacher shall: Standard 1: Work under the direction and supervision of a Regional Coordinator and State Director of Agricultural Education. Standard 2: Assist local teachers in organizing and conducting classes for eligible adult participants. Standard 3: Provide specialized teaching assistance to teachers and students of Education for in-school and out-of-school activities. Agricultural

Standard 4: Provide specialized assistance to teachers of Agricultural Education in organizing and maintaining departmental facilities and equipment. Standard 5: Maintain contact with agricultural industry organizations and personnel related to their specialty areas. Standard 6: Determine the need for staff development training activities for Agriculture Education teachers, as well as coordinate and provide instruction in the specialized areas of need. Standard 7: Be accessible to program clients and administrators during work hours of all contracted work days. The Area Teacher shall be provided with and make use of e-mail and a pager. Standard 8: Coordinate or assist with organizational, career and leadership development activities for FFA and the Georgia Young Farmers Association. Standard 9: Plan and prepare instructional materials for use in agriculture classes. Standard 10: Maintain a record of program improvement in the areas of accountability and instructional effectiveness. The Area Teacher shall provide the leadership in developing, implementing and evaluating the long-range plan for program improvement within their specialty/assigned work area. Standard 11: Participate in and document a minimum of 20 hours per year of
Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997 31

participation in self-improvement training activities. Training activities shall be selected which will assist the teacher in becoming or remaining knowledgeable and technologically proficient in problem or interest areas that will benefit the Agricultural Education program. Standard 12: Exhibit by application a working knowledge and understanding of professionalism in education and expertise in at least one area of technical agriculture. Standard 13: Participate as a member of one of the technical area instructional teams in Agriculture Education. These teams include horticulture, forestry, mechanics, animal science, agriscience, farm management and others as defined by the State Agricultural Education Staff. Standard 14: Keep the Region Coordinator, State Director of Agriculture Education and co-workers informed of their activities by making available an itinerary. Standard 15: Maintain an organized filing system, which shall include: A. Agricultural Education Standards and Policy Manual B. Program of Work C. Monthly Activities Reports D. Monthly Travel Reports E. Adult Class Instruction Reports F. Adult Class Rolls, Reports and Evaluations G. MIS Reporting Information H. Annual Report I. Equipment Inventory J. Curriculum Guides and Technical Reference Materials K. Leave Records Standard 16: Document instruction and other services provided to the Agricultural Education profession through monthly activity reports and the annual report. Standard 17: Prepare and submit an annual program of work to the Regional Coordinator by June 30. Standard 18: Utilize state travel funds in fulfillment of instructional duties, approved staff development and other state approved Agriculture Education activities. Expenses shall be defrayed in accordance to State Travel Regulations.

Standard 19: Perform other duties and responsibilities as requested by his/her immediate supervisor necessary for planning and conducting successful instructional
Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997 32

programs, fulfilling administrative requirements of the Area Teacher program, documentation of program activities and compliance with program requirements.

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997 33

DEFINITIONS: Agribusiness - a business that provides goods and services for the production, harvesting, processing, marketing and distribution of agricultural products. Agriculture - the science and art of producing, harvesting, processing and marketing plants and animals useful to man. Area adult teacher - certified agricultural education teacher employed to provide technical assistance to teachers of agriculture in teaching short-term adult classes, assist in improving in-school specialized classes, improve teacher skills, and conduct leadership and career development events. Food systems technology center - a facility maintained and operated by the school system to provide instructional services in preparing, processing and preserving foods. Food Systems Technology Program - a program designed to teach and assist persons in the procurement, processing and preserving of food. The program makes it possible for families to preserve the most nutritious foods using modern procedures in a safe environment. A contribution is made toward providing a stored food supply which may serve against natural disasters. Short-Term Adult Agribusiness Program - a short-term program for individuals not currently enrolled in secondary agricultural programs but who are engaged or interested in agriculture and who have special needs or concerns not met by other available means which can be addressed in two to twelve hours of class instruction. Short-term adult teacher - a certified full-time teacher of agriculture employed to provide instruction in the Short-Term Adult Agribusiness Program. Short-term class or course - a two to twelve hour class offered to students who are 21 years of age or no longer a part of secondary education. Young Farmer - an individual who is out of school and whose career objective is to become established and/or more proficient in agricultural production, agricultural management or an agribusiness occupation. Young Farmer Agribusiness Program - a program that provides educational instruction and opportunities to individuals interested or engaged in agriculture. The program seeks to increase the individuals proficiency in agricultural production, management, agribusiness, and leadership and seeks to meet the mission statement, goals and objectives of the program.

Agricultural Education Program Standards and Policy Manual: Revised 1997 34

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