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School of Computer Science Engineering and Technology

Program- MCA Type- Core

Course Code- CMCA 523 Course Name-Data Analysis using
Year- I Semester- I
Batch- 03

Lab Assignment 4
CO Mapping
Exp No. Name CO-1 CO-2 CO-3
3. Measure
of Dispersion,
Standard   -
Deviation, Covariance and

Objective: Utilize the `seaborn` library and the "tips" dataset to explore covariance, correlation, and
measures of dispersion in Data Statistics techniques for Data Science.

Task 1: Calculate the covariance between two numerical features in the "tips" dataset from the `seaborn`
library and interpret the results.
Task 2: Calculate the correlation coefficient between two numerical features in the "tips" dataset from the
`seaborn` library and interpret the results.
Task 3: Calculate the range and variance for the "total_bill" feature in the "tips" dataset from the
`seaborn` library.
Task 4: Calculate the standard deviation for the "total_bill" feature in the "tips" dataset from the `seaborn`
Submission Guidelines:

a) The assignment must be verified by the instructor during the lab. (Submission on LMS will
onlybe considered). Organize your code neatly with appropriate comments.

b) Zipped file must be saved as per the format RollNo_Lab# (Example: E21CSE632_Lab1).

c) Write name and enrolment number inside the assignment file. Without it, your submission won’t
be considered for evaluation.

d) Submit the assignment in your respective batch’s submission link in LMS. Submission in other
batch’s submission portal will not be checked.
e) Late submission will lead to penalty.
f) Plagiarism will lead to negative grading.

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