Wagakokoro Society Service Prayers

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The Wagakokoro Society Bi-weekly Prayer Service

(Wednesdays, 8:30PM EST – Sundays, 8:00pm EST)

(please bow, clap 4 times together, and bow again.)

Let us seek the sacred mediation
of Ikigami Konko Daijin
sincerely and wholeheartedly
each and every day.
May we receive the mediation anew
with all our hearts and souls
on this day, this very moment
Ikigami Konko Daijin-sama, Ikigami Konko Daijin-sama.
Ikigami Konko Daijin-sama, Ikigami Konko Daijin-sama.

Through the way of mediation
may our sincere apologies
be acceptable to You,
our Divine Parent.
We acknowledge our mistakes and misunderstandings,
arrogance and ignorance of your divine favor.
We apologize for all our shortcomings
and irreverence from past generations.
Guide us to amend our way of living
to reflect Your divine will
with a pure, joyful, and loving heart,
always one with You.


Techni Kane no Kamisama, we humbly request-

1: May our bodies remain healthy.

2: May our homes be filled with peace and love.
3: May our families, friends, and loved ones thrive and prosper.
4: May our work be to further the truth, and understand Kamisama's calling for us.
5: May we work for the fulfillment of divine will, and Kamisama's wish for the Wagakokoro era

Kamisama, please help us fulfill these requests through these vows--

I won't overeat nor overdrink.
I won't put the slightest blame on anyone.
I'll treasure all things as sacred, never wasting them, and devote myself to my calling.

Please help us carry out the practices of attending service, listening to the teachings, praying regularly,
training the spirit, and with these finding the blessing in all that happens.
Born into this world for fifty or eighty years;
Working hard just for food and clothing;
Unable to accomplish a single thing;
Passing through this world--
when feeling, “This is it,”
when thinking this life has passed
like a dream, like a vision,
one must be seized more and more
by thoughts of loneliness, sadness.
Clearly see Kamisama's will;
Awaken and live Kamisama's everlasting will.
Now listen to the opening of the universe and be awakened.
When we know for certain
that we are born into this world
for making clear this very thing...
A feeling of leaping-for-joy wells up in us!
Ikigami Konko Daijin-sama
Tenchi Kane no Kami-sama
Ikigami Konko Daijin-sama
Tenchi Kane no Kami-sama


Ikigami Konko Daijin, Tenchi Kane no Kami
Isshin ni negae
Okage wa wagakokoro ni ari
Kongetsu konnichi de tanomei

Pray sincerely,
with all your heart.
Be one with Kami.

Kami's blessings begin within

hearts grateful and caring,
in harmony and joy.

Look to Kami always,

now and forever.
On this very day, pray.

SILENT PRAYER: At this time, please bow your head. Pray for whatever you like, thank Kamisama,
make requests to Kamisama, apologize to Kamisama, or anything else you could think to pray for.
Single-heartedly pray for anything. Once finished, I will say “As you were (naoru).”
(LEADER) We life our eyes in awe, toward heaven soaring above.

(ALL) We lift our eyes in awe

toward heaven, soaring above.
We bow our heads in prayer
toward earth, rich and deep.
Living amid such gifts
of Kami's great giving,
How happy and grateful we are!

The mediation of Ikigami Konko Daijin

does not stop for a single day.
The protection of the Divine Parent
embraces all, far and wide.
The blessings of Kami flow without limit
through all generations.
The ways of Kami are mysterious and wonderous,
beyond our understanding.

Day by day, every day,

earnestly and reverently,
We praise the virtues of Kami,
We honor the power of Kami.


Through our Divine Mediator
To the Divine Parent of the Universe--

Let us Pray.

As precious as our own lives are,

so are the lives of all.
You embrace us with Your blessings,
wanting us to help one another
and live together in harmony.

Yet, when Your wishes are ignored

and selfish desires pursued,
tears spread across the world.
Your heart pains as people suffer,
hurt by injustice, poverty, and war.

Please accept our apologies

as we strive to change our ways,
to reflect Your Love in all we do.
The peace of the world
starts with peace in our hearts.
Please grant us the courage and wisdom
to see the goodness in all,
to speak words of comfort and hope.
Allow our actions to form a peaceful world
where each is respected and fulfilled.

Through your virtue and guidance,

we pray with hearts as one:
For all to live
in peace and harmony,
for all to live as one.

We lift our eyes and see
Heaven soaring high and clear.
We bow our heads and feel
Rich earth spreading far and deep.
Stars and planets travel through space,
And the eternal Source of Life
Gives birth to all, nurtures all, blesses all.
The Earth receives these blessings and brings forth
Beautiful green mountains and clear blue waters.

Yet time passes and seasons change, transforming all things.

As petals fall, grasses wither, and winter winds blow,
Our bodies return to earth, our spirits to Kami.
The span of each life is beyond our understanding,
Kami's workings are mysterious and profound.
But we find comfort in knowing
That “Heaven and Earth” is our eternal home,
That Kami's love is infinite and beyond measure,
And Kami's protection embraces all.
The Mediation of Ikigami Konko Daijin
Unfolds continuously through all time,
Transcending life and death,
From our ancestors to our descendants.

How wonderful to bask in this Divine Favor!

For this we give thanks,
With sincerity and devotion,
Practicing faith and acquiring virtue.
We give thanks to the Source of Life
And praise the infinity of “Heaven and Earth,”
Our eternal home.
Dear mitama spirits,
everlasting and integral part
of the Divine Parent of the Universe.
We pray that the Mitama of our ancestors and family,
as well as the Mitama of all people,
are at eternal peace and happiness.
To you who have gone before us,
we give thanks wholeheartedly
for paving the way through hardships and self-sacrifice,
in order that we, who are here today,
can receive all the benefits of your endeavors.
To you, our ancestral spirits,
we gratefully acknowledge the protection and guidance
which you have bestowed upon us.
We pray that you continue to protect and guide us
throughout our daily lives.
We pray that we realize and develop
your divine virtue this and every day.

SILENT PRAYER: At this time, please bow your head. Pray for whatever you like, speak with a
mitama, thank a mitama, think of all that has brought you here. Single-heartedly pray for anything.
Once finished, I will say “As you were (naoru).”

Next, if you have a request for someone who is recently departed or someone is a mitama that you would like to include in
our mitama section of the service, please let Ashton know either through Tumblr, or through
Please give us their name, date of birth if you know it, and date of death if you know it. If we have a request, we will say the
NEWLY DEPARTED SOUL PRAYER, along with their name in the service. Thank you!
***If we have no mitama requests, please move on to the CLOSING PRAYER.


(LEADER) Spirit of the Newly Departed--

(ALL) We love you now and forever.

Fond memories of you full our hearts.
We shall miss your physical presence,
Yet, you will remain in our hearts forever.
We pray for your eternal happiness,
we sincerely pray with heart and soul.

As a beloved child of Kami,

you were given the gift of life,
and sought to live it fully
each and every day.
As you leave your physical form,
please listen to our prayers.
Whether in your physical or spiritual form,
The Universe is your eternal home.
May you always be blessed with a peaceful heart.
Know that you are always embraced by Kami's love.

Dear Divine Parent of the Universe –

We are deeply grateful

for the Way of Mediation.
We offer our heartfelt gratitude
for Your divine blessings,
material and spiritual
temporal and eternal.
We pray that Your divine favor be granted
to one and all,
each and every day.

Thank you!
Finally, we will pick a teaching from one of the books for everyone to listen to. OR we will have a sermon. Please stay for
this if you have time!

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