Lab Assignment 2.2

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School of Computer Science Engineering and Technology

Course- MCA/MTECH Type- Elective

Course Code- CMCA576 Course Name – Data Visualization
Year- 2023 Semester- Odd
Date- 05-10-2023 Batch- NA

Lab Assignment 2
Objective: Data Pre-process on data

Exp. No. Name CO-1 CO-2 CO-3

2 Pre-process data  ✓

1. Download the Social Network Advt Dataset from LMS

2. Read the dataset in the form of a Data frame and store it in a variable named df .
3. Perform the following operations on df that are generally required in Exploratory Data Analysis
• Print first five rows of the data frame
• Print last five rows of the data frame
• Check the shape of the data frame
• Display the complete information of the data frame
• Perform Transform operation on a data frame
• Find the columns of a data frame
• Find the index of a data frame
4. Drop columns User ID using the panda's method.
5. Extract input columns in variable VAR1, output column in VAR2 using iloc method
Var1: User ID Gender Age Estimated Salary
Var2: Purchased
6. Check the presence of missing values
7. Handle the missing value from df using all the three way
8. Handle the duplication if present
9. Compute the statistical values such as mean, median, range, standard deviation and Variance on a
certain set of columns using Pandas in-built functions.
10. Draw the appropriate plots using matplotlib lib after pre-processing the data

Platform Required: Anaconda, Editor: Jupyter/Spyder/Pycharm/Google Colab

Submission Instructions:

• Submission required 3 things 1) Python file (roll_no.ipynb/.py) 2) Dataset 3) PDF of .ipynb file. All
these files are in single zip folder (Use the naming convention: RollNo_LabNo.docx (Example:
• Submission is through LMS only.

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