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- Youngest division of biopsychology focusing on neural

Experimental Designs and Confounded Variables: bases of cognition (thought, memory, attention).
- Primarily involves human participants and noninvasive
- Experimental designs involve controlled manipulation methods, avoiding direct brain manipulation.
of variables for testing hypotheses. - Main method: functional brain imaging, capturing
- Good experimental design is vital to eliminate brain activity during cognitive tasks.
confounded variables, ensuring accurate results. Korsakoff’s Syndrome:
- Quasiexperimental studies resemble experiments but - Severe memory loss condition often observed in
lack control over all variables, limiting their validity. alcoholics.
- Case studies focus on single cases, offering in-depth - Initially attributed to alcohol toxicity, later linked to
insights but lacking generalizability due to individual thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency.
differences. - Converging operations approach: Studied through
neuropsychological case studies, quasiexperiments
Pure vs. Applied Research: with humans, and controlled experiments on animals.
- Pure research is driven by curiosity, aiming solely for Scientific Inference:
knowledge acquisition. - Empirical method in biopsychology, used to study
- Applied research seeks direct benefits for humanity, unobservable processes like neural mechanisms.
often translating findings from pure research into - Scientists observe measurable events and infer
practical applications. unobservable processes logically.
- Example: Studying visual perception of motion
Nobel Prize-Winning Research: through observing retinal image movements and
- Several Nobel Prizes have been awarded for inferring brain's role in perception.
significant contributions related to the nervous Thinking about the Biology of Behavior: From
system and behavior. Dichotomies to Interactions
- Winners include researchers like Pavlov, Golgi, Cajal, Introduction
Sperry, Hubel, Wiesel, and others, recognized for - Dichotomous thinking simplifies complexities in
various breakthroughs. human existence into mutually exclusive categories.
- Common dichotomies: physiological vs. psychological,
Divisions of Biopsychology: inherited vs. learned.
Physiological Psychology: - Historical origins: Descartes' mind-brain dualism and
- Studies neural mechanisms through direct nature-nurture debates.
manipulation and recording of the brain in controlled Origins of Dichotomous Thinking
experiments. - Historical context: Renaissance led to scientific
- Usually involves animal subjects due to invasive observations challenging Church doctrines.
methods. - Descartes' dualism: Physical matter (suitable for
Psychopharmacology: science) vs. the mind (Church's domain).
- Influence on perception: Humans assume a part of
- Focuses on manipulation of neural activity and behavior transcends the brain.
behavior using drugs.
- Often applied, aiming to develop therapeutic drugs or Physiological vs. Psychological Dichotomy
reduce drug abuse. - Historical challenge: Julien Offroy de la Mettrie's
Neuropsychology: pamphlet questions mind-brain dualism.
- Examines psychological effects of brain damage in - Modern evidence: Brain damage and stimulation
human patients. demonstrate complex psychological changes.
- Relies on case studies and quasiexperimental studies - Animal studies: Chimpanzees exhibit self-awareness,
due to ethical constraints. blurring the line between human and animal
Psychophysiology: cognition.
- Studies the relationship between physiological activity Nature vs. Nurture Dichotomy
and psychological processes in humans. - Early perspectives: Nature-centric ethology vs.
- Non-invasive measures include EEG, muscle tension, nurture-focused experimental psychology.
and autonomic nervous system indicators. - Problem with dichotomies: Complex behaviors result
from interactions between genetics and experience.
Limitations of Quasiexperimental Studies: - Flawed assumptions: Attempts to quantify genetic vs.
Participants self-select into groups, introducing experiential contributions oversimplify interactions.
potential confounds. Conclusion
Factors like education, drug use, or diet might differ - Dichotomous thinking simplifies intricate biological
between groups, affecting outcomes. processes.
- Modern understanding emphasizes interactions
Cognitive Neuroscience: between genes and experiences.
- Analogies highlight the complexity of nature-nurture 2. Lack of Evolutionary Supremacy: Humans are
interactions, discouraging reductionist views. just one surviving branch on the evolutionary tree,
- Call to avoid oversimplified dichotomies, encouraging and countless species have gone extinct.
a nuanced approach to understanding behavioral 3. Non-Teleological Progress: Evolution
biology. doesn't aim for perfection; adaptations occur through
changes in existing development.
Evolution and Natural Selection: 4. Not All Traits Are Adaptive: Not all traits or
 Natural selection is a process that leads to the behaviors are adaptive; some are by-products or
evolution of species better adapted to their spandrels.
environment. 5. Evolution Speed: Evolution can occur suddenly
 It was termed "natural selection" by Charles Darwin, due to environmental changes or genetic mutations.
emphasizing its similarity to selective breeding in 6. Survival of Few: Very few species have survived
domestic animals. from the many that have existed over time.
 Darwin's theory asserts that species evolve by 7. Exaptation: Not all characteristics evolved for
producing offspring with advantageous traits that their current function; some were co-opted later.
enhance survival and reproduction. 8. Homologous vs. Analogous Structures: Not all
Initial Resistance and Understanding: similarities among species imply common ancestry.
 The theory of evolution initially faced resistance due Homologous structures share a common origin, while
to conflicting beliefs in the 19th century. analogous structures have similarities due to
 Present-day opposition mainly arises from individuals convergent evolution.
unfamiliar with the evidence. 9. Interbreeding with Other Species: Evidence
Significance of Evolution: suggests that Homo sapiens interbred with other
 Evolution is fundamental in various aspects of human Homo species.
welfare, medical science, and our understanding of
the world. Evolution, Genetics, and Experience
 The theory of evolution is supported by abundant Introduction:
evidence from museums, books, textbooks, and  The text explores the relationship between brain size,
scientific studies. intelligence, and evolutionary development,
challenging the assumption that larger brains equate
Evolution and Behavior: to higher intelligence.
 Social Dominance: Some species establish social Brain Size and Intelligence:
hierarchies through combative encounters between  Varied brain sizes in healthy adult humans (1,000 to
males, leading to advantages for dominant males. 2,000 grams) debunk the notion of a direct link
 Courtship Displays: Elaborate courtship displays between brain size and intelligence.
precede copulation in many species and may  Larger animals tend to have larger brains due to the
contribute to the evolution of new species. need for more brain tissue to control larger bodies.
Course of Human Evolution:  Proposal: Brain weight as a percentage of total body
 Evolution from Single-Cell Organisms to Humans: weight offers a better measure of intellectual capacity,
 Fishes evolved into amphibians around 400 million highlighting humans (2.33%) above elephants (0.20%)
years ago. and even shrews (3.33%).
 Reptiles appeared about 300 million years ago.
 Mammals evolved about 180 million years ago. Evolution of the Human Brain:
 Humans belong to the order "Primate."  Early focus on brain size challenged by the discovery
 Hominid Evolution: that humans do not have the largest brains; whales
 Humans belong to the Homo genus, one of the six and elephants surpass human brain sizes.
genera in the Hominini tribe.  Evolutionary shift to comparing different brain
 The early Homo species coexisted with regions; emphasis on the evolution of the cerebrum,
Australopithecus species for about a half-million which controls complex adaptive processes.
years.  Increase in brain size during evolution, with a
 Modern humans (Homo sapiens) originated in Africa significant expansion in the cerebral cortex's surface
approximately 275,000 years ago. area due to increased convolutions.
 Around 130,000 years ago, modern humans began to Evolutionary Psychology: Understanding Mate
migrate out of Africa. Bonding:
 Evolutionary psychology examines human behaviors
Misunderstandings about Evolution: through the lens of evolutionary pressures.
1. Nonlinear Evolution: Evolution does not proceed  Mating patterns in vertebrates range from
in a single linear direction; it's more like a dense bush promiscuity to monogamy, driven by reproductive
than a ladder. contributions of males and females.
 Polygyny prevalent due to females' greater  Epigenetic research challenges the notion of "junk
contribution to parenting; selective bonding in DNA" by revealing active regions controlling nearby
females leads to fierce competition among males. genes, expanding our understanding of genome
 Polyandry rare in mammals, occurring in species functionality.
where males contribute significantly to parenting.  Small RNA molecules have diverse roles, including
 Monogamy observed in about 9% of mammalian regulating gene expression, indicating a complex RNA
species, evolving where undivided male help landscape.
enhances female reproductive success.  Mechanisms like DNA methylation and histone
Fundamental Genetics remodeling control gene expression, showing both
Introduction: increasing and decreasing effects.
 The text delves into the foundational concepts of  RNA editing allows alterations in messenger RNA,
genetics, highlighting the contributions of Gregor while small RNAs and proteins cleave and splice RNA,
Mendel to evolutionary understanding. shaping genetic expression.
Mendelian Genetics: Experience-Induced Epigenetic Changes:
 Mendel's pioneering work with pea plants revealed  Epigenetic modifications induced by experiences
the mechanisms of inheritance. (neural activity, hormonal changes, environmental
 Dichotomous traits (distinct characteristics) in true- shifts) can be enduring and impact gene expression.
breeding lines aided Mendel's experiments.  Transgenerational epigenetics, observed in mice and
 Mendel’s crossbreeding experiments demonstrated humans, demonstrates the inheritance of experiences
dominant and recessive traits, laying the groundwork across generations through epigenetic mechanisms.
for Mendelian inheritance. Selective Breeding of Maze-Bright and Maze-Dull
Chromosomes, Meiosis, and Genetic Diversity: Rats:
 Chromosomes, composed of DNA, carry the genetic  Maze-Bright Rats: Rats that were selectively bred for
code and come in matched pairs, except for sex their superior maze-learning abilities.
chromosomes (X and Y).  Maze-Dull Rats: Rats that were selectively bred for
 Meiosis, the process of cell division for gamete
their poorer maze-learning abilities.
 Tryon's Experiment: Tryon's study demonstrated
formation, introduces genetic diversity through
that behavioral traits, such as maze-running abilities in
random chromosome assortment and crossover.
rats, can be selectively bred, challenging the idea that
 Mutations, including those causing genetic disorders
behavior develops solely through learning.
like Down syndrome, contribute to evolution but Phenylketonuria (PKU):
often disappear due to reduced fitness.  PKU Gene: A single gene mutation causing a
 DNA replication is a crucial process, ensuring genetic deficiency in phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme.
continuity during cell division; errors and mutations  Phenylalanine: An amino acid that accumulates in the
occur but can contribute to evolution. body due to PKU, leading to abnormal brain
Sex Chromosomes and Sex-Linked Traits: development.
 Sex chromosomes (X and Y) determine an individual’s  PKU Treatment: A phenylalanine-restricted diet,
sex; most sex-linked traits are on the X chromosome. initiated early in life, can prevent intellectual
 Dominant sex-linked traits occur more frequently in disability, demonstrating the interaction between
females, whereas recessive traits manifest in all males genetics and environment.
possessing the gene. Development of Birdsong:
 Recessive sex-linked traits, like color blindness,  Sensory Phase: Young songbirds form memories of
adult songs, guiding their own singing development.
illustrate gender-based expression patterns due to X
 Sensorimotor Phase: Juvenile males refine subsongs,
chromosome inheritance.
gradually resembling adult songs; auditory feedback is
Genetic Code and Gene Expression:
crucial for proper development.
 Structural genes contain information for protein
 Age-Limited vs. Open-Ended Learners: Songbird
synthesis, crucial for cellular activities and structure. species exhibit either stable adult songs (age-limited
 Gene expression varies among different cell types due learners) or can add new songs throughout life (open-
to specific stretches of DNA regulating protein ended learners).
synthesis. Heritability Estimates: Minnesota Study of Twins
Reared Apart:
Epigenetics and Its Implications  Heritability Estimates: Numerical values
Introduction: representing the proportion of variability in a trait due
 The text explores the emergence of epigenetics, a to genetic variation in a specific study.
field studying inheritance mechanisms beyond genetic  Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart:
code and expression. Demonstrated that adult monozygotic twins are more
 It highlights the shift from exclusive focus on genes to similar than dizygotic twins, highlighting genetic
influences on behavior.
understanding the role of epigenetic modifications in
 Importance of Environmental Variation:
inheritance and development.
Heritability estimates depend on the environmental
Epigenetic Discoveries:
variations present in the studied population.
Epigenetic Effects in Humans:
 Epigenetic Changes: Modifications in gene  Surround the brain and spinal cord, providing
expression due to environmental factors, influencing protection.
disease susceptibility.  Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF):
 Epigenetic Differences in Monozygotic Twins:  Fills subarachnoid space, central canal of the spinal
Studies reveal epigenetic differences between cord, and cerebral ventricles in the brain.
monozygotic twins, suggesting the role of experience-  Supports and cushions the brain, absorbed from the
driven changes.
subarachnoid space into blood-filled spaces.
 Disease-Discordant Monozygotic Twin Studies:
 Production and absorption processes are complex and
Comparing twins with discordant diseases helps
crucial for brain function.
identify disease-related epigenetic differences, aiding
 Blood-Brain Barrier:
disease understanding.
Twin Studies of the Effects of Experience on  A barrier formed by tightly packed cells of cerebral
Heritability: blood vessel walls.
 SES and Intelligence: Low socioeconomic status  Regulates the passage of molecules into the brain,
affects the heritability of intelligence, emphasizing the allowing certain substances (e.g., glucose) to pass
role of environment in realizing genetic potential. while impeding large molecules and toxins.
 Implications for Poverty Programs: Understanding
the interaction between genes and environment
supports interventions to reduce poverty, allowing Cells of the Nervous System:
genetic potential to be realized effectively.  Neurons:
General Layout of the Nervous System  Specialized for reception, conduction, and
 Central Nervous System (CNS): The division of the transmission of electrochemical signals.
nervous system located within the skull and spine.  Classified into multipolar (multiple processes),
 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): The division of the unipolar (one process), bipolar (two processes), and
nervous system located outside the skull and spine. interneurons (short or no axon).
Divisions of the Nervous System  External features include dendrites (receiving signals),
 Central Nervous System (CNS): Comprised of the cell body (metabolic center), axon hillock (junction
brain (located in the skull) and the spinal cord (located with axon), and axon (signal transmission).
in the spine).  Internal features encompass endoplasmic reticulum
 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): Comprised of the (protein synthesis), mitochondria (energy release),
somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous nucleus (DNA-containing structure), and synaptic
system. vesicles (store neurotransmitters).
 Somatic Nervous System (SNS): Interacts with the  Glia (Glial Cells):
external environment, with afferent nerves receiving  Supportive cells in the nervous system, approximately
sensory signals from the skin, muscles, eyes, and equal in number to neurons.
efferent nerves carrying motor signals to skeletal  Types include oligodendrocytes (form myelin sheaths
muscles. in CNS), astrocytes (maintain chemical environment),
 Autonomic Nervous System (ANS): Regulates the microglia (immune defense), and Schwann cells (form
body's internal environment. Afferent nerves carry myelin sheaths in PNS).
sensory signals from internal organs to the CNS, and  Glial Cells:
efferent nerves carry motor signals from the CNS to  Astrocytes: Large star-shaped cells in the nervous
internal organs. system, involved in various functions such as synapse
 Sympathetic Nervous System: Part of the autonomic regulation and blood-brain barrier maintenance.
nervous system. Its sympathetic nerves project from  Oligodendrocytes: Cells responsible for myelinating
the lumbar and thoracic regions of the spinal cord, axons in the central nervous system.
involved in the fight-or-flight response.  Schwann Cells: Glial cells that myelinate axons in the
 Parasympathetic Nervous System: Part of the peripheral nervous system.
autonomic nervous system. Parasympathetic nerves  Microglia: Small glial cells that respond to injury and
project from the brain and sacral region of the spinal play a role in cell death regulation and synapse
cord, primarily responsible for rest and digestion.
 Neuroanatomical Techniques:
 Cranial Nerves: 12 pairs of nerves that project from
 Golgi Stain: Staining method revealing neuronal
the brain. They include purely sensory nerves, such as
silhouettes by staining a few neurons entirely black.
the olfactory and optic nerves, and nerves with both  Nissl Stain: Dye-based method used to estimate the
sensory and motor functions. The vagus nerves are number of neurons in an area by staining neuron cell
the longest cranial nerves, extending to the gut. bodies.
 Electron Microscopy: Technique providing detailed
Meninges: images of neuronal structures at the electron level.
 Protective membranes covering the CNS: dura mater  Neuroanatomical Tracing: Methods like anterograde
(outer tough membrane), arachnoid membrane and retrograde tracing used to trace axonal paths in the
(spider-web-like membrane), and pia mater (inner nervous system.
delicate membrane).  Directional Coordinates:
 Anterior-Posterior (Rostral-Caudal): Front to back  Hypothalamus: Regulates motivated behaviors,
directional axis in the nervous system. homeostasis, and hormone release from the pituitary
 Dorsal-Ventral: Top to bottom directional axis, crucial gland.
for understanding brain regions.  Optic Chiasm: Point where optic nerves from each
 Medial-Lateral: Middle to side directional axis, eye cross.
indicating positions relative to the body's midline.  Mammillary Bodies: Spherical nuclei involved in
 Proximal-Distal: Closeness or farness from the central
memory and other functions.
nervous system, applicable in the peripheral nervous
 Cerebral Cortex: Gray matter covering cerebral
 Planes in Brain Sections:
hemispheres, involved in voluntary movement,
 Horizontal Plane: Cut parallel to the ground, dividing
the brain into upper and lower parts. sensory interpretation, and complex cognitive
 Frontal (Coronal) Plane: Cut from side to side, processes.
creating front and back portions of the brain.  Neocortex: Six-layered cortex mainly composed of
 Sagittal Plane: Cut lengthwise, dividing the brain into small, unmyelinated neurons.
left and right halves.  Lobes: Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital; divisions
 Midsagittal Section: Sagittal cut at the midline, on the surface of each hemisphere.
separating the brain into perfectly symmetrical halves.  Fissures: Large furrows dividing lobes; e.g., central
fissure, lateral fissure.
Anatomy of the Central Nervous System Reviewer  Gyri: Ridges between fissures and sulci; e.g.,
Spinal Cord precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus.
 Gray Matter: Inner H-shaped core of the spinal cord,  Basal Ganglia: Includes amygdala, striatum (caudate
composed of cell bodies and unmyelinated and putamen), and globus pallidus; involved in
interneurons. voluntary motor responses and decision making.
 White Matter: Surrounding area of myelinated axons, Limbic System
giving it a glossy white sheen.  Amygdala: Almond-shaped nucleus involved in
 Dorsal Horns: Two arms of spinal gray matter on the emotion, especially fear.
dorsal side.  Hippocampus: Important for certain forms of
 Ventral Horns: Two arms of spinal gray matter on the memory, particularly spatial location.
ventral side.  Cingulate Cortex: Large strip of cortex encircling the
 Spinal Nerves: Pairs of nerves attached to the spinal dorsal thalamus.
cord on the left and right sides, divided into dorsal  Fornix: Major tract connecting hippocampus and
and ventral roots. mammillary bodies.
 Dorsal Root Axons: Sensory (afferent) unipolar  Septum: Midline nucleus located at the anterior tip of
neurons, synapsing in dorsal horns. the cingulate cortex.
 Ventral Root Neurons: Motor (efferent) multipolar  Mammillary Bodies: Involved in memory and other
neurons, projecting to skeletal muscles or autonomic functions; located on the inferior surface of the
ganglia. hypothalamus.
Myelencephalon (Medulla)
 Reticular Formation: Complex network of nuclei in Synthesis and Packaging of Small-Molecule
the brain stem, involved in various functions including Neurotransmitters:
arousal, sleep, and attention. 1. Synthesis: Small-molecule neurotransmitters are
Metencephalon synthesized in the cytoplasm of the terminal button.
 Pons: Division of the metencephalon creating a bulge 2. Packaging: They are packaged into synaptic
on the brain stem’s ventral surface. vesicles by the Golgi complex within the terminal
 Cerebellum: Large structure on the brain stem’s button.
dorsal surface, vital for sensorimotor control and 3. Storage: The vesicles filled with neurotransmitter
cognitive functions. are stored in clusters near the presynaptic membrane.
Mesencephalon (Midbrain) Synthesis and Packaging of Neuropeptides:
 Tectum: Dorsal surface of the midbrain, comprising 1. Synthesis: Neuropeptides are synthesized in the
superior and inferior colliculi for auditory and visual- cell body on ribosomes.
motor functions. 2. Packaging: They are packaged into vesicles by
 Tegmentum: Ventral to the tectum, housing the Golgi complex in the cell body.
structures like the periaqueductal gray, substantia 3. Transport: These vesicles are transported along
nigra, and red nucleus. microtubules to the terminal buttons at a rate of
Diencephalon about 40 centimeters per day.
 Thalamus: Two-lobed structure atop the brain stem, 4. Storage: Neuropeptide-containing vesicles are
comprising sensory relay nuclei for processing and usually larger than those containing small-molecule
transmitting sensory signals to the cortex. neurotransmitters and are not as closely packed near
the presynaptic membrane.
Neurotransmitter Release, Receptors, and Synaptic 3. cell bodies - g
Transmission (Cell bodies, also known as somas, contain the
Important Terms and Explanations: nucleus and other organelles of the neuron.)
1. Neurotransmitter Release: 4. nondecremental - n
 Exocytosis: The process of neurotransmitter release, (Electrical synapses, facilitated by gap junctions, allow
where synaptic vesicles fuse with the presynaptic nondecremental transmission of signals between
membrane and empty their contents into the synaptic neurons.)
cleft upon stimulation by action potentials. 5. presynaptic facilitation - h
 Voltage-Activated Calcium Channels: Channels on the (Axoaxonic synapses modulate neurotransmitter
presynaptic membrane that open in response to release by enhancing or inhibiting the activity of
action potentials, allowing Ca2+ ions to enter the presynaptic neurons.)
neuron and trigger exocytosis. 6. nondirected synapses - f
2. Receptor Types: (Dendritic spines provide sites for synaptic
 Ionotropic Receptors: Receptors associated with connections and are examples of nondirected
ligand-activated ion channels. Neurotransmitter synapses.)
binding induces immediate postsynaptic potentials by 7. synaptic vesicles - k
opening or closing ion channels. (Synaptic vesicles store neurotransmitters and release
 Metabotropic Receptors: Receptors associated with them into the synaptic cleft during neuronal
signal proteins and G proteins. Neurotransmitter communication.)
binding initiates slower and more varied effects by 8. from cell body to terminal buttons - d
stimulating the synthesis of second messengers or (Axonal conduction of action potentials occurs along
binding to ion channels indirectly. the length of the axon, from the cell body to the
3. Neurotransmitter Binding: terminal buttons.)
 Receptor Subtypes: Different types of receptors to 9. acetylcholinesterase - m
which a neurotransmitter can bind. These subtypes (Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that breaks down
enable one neurotransmitter to transmit different acetylcholine, representing enzymatic degradation of
messages to different parts of the brain. neurotransmitters.)
 Autoreceptors: Metabotropic receptors located on 10. short amino acid chains - j
the presynaptic membrane that monitor (Neuropeptides are relatively large neurotransmitters
neurotransmitter levels in the synapse, regulating consisting of short amino acid chains.)
subsequent release. 11. saltatory - a
4. Neurotransmitter Deactivation: (Saltatory conduction is the rapid transmission of
 Reuptake: Common mechanism where action potentials along myelinated axons, "jumping"
neurotransmitters are drawn back into the from one node of Ranvier to another.)
presynaptic buttons by transporter mechanisms after 12. metabotropic receptors - l
release. (Metabotropic receptors are associated with G
 Enzymatic Degradation: Some neurotransmitters are proteins and signal proteins, leading to slower and
broken down by enzymes (e.g., acetylcholinesterase) varied effects in synaptic transmission.)
in the synapse, deactivating their effects. 13. electrical synapses - n
 Recycling: Neurotransmitter molecules, breakdown (Electrical synapses, facilitated by gap junctions, allow
products, and vesicles are recycled in the presynaptic direct electrical communication between neurons.)
neuron, maintaining efficiency. 14. spines - f
5. Glia and Gap Junctions: (Dendritic spines are small protrusions on dendrites,
 Glia: Supportive cells in the nervous system, providing sites for synaptic connections and
particularly astrocytes, involved in releasing chemical representing nondirected synapses.)
transmitters, containing receptors for
neurotransmitters, and coordinating neuronal activity. Neurotransmitter Classes and Drug Actions
 Gap Junctions: Narrow spaces bridged by connexins, Neurotransmitter Classes:
allowing electrical signals and small molecules to pass Amino Acid Neurotransmitters:
between adjacent cells. Facilitates rapid  Glutamate: Most prevalent excitatory
communication. neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous
Matching Exercise: Connecting Terms with Definitions  Aspartate: Common excitatory neurotransmitter.
1. fatty - b  Glycine: Inhibitory neurotransmitter, prevalent in the
(Fatty substances make up the myelin sheath, which spinal cord.
facilitates saltatory conduction of action potentials.)  GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid): Most prevalent
2. sclerosis - a inhibitory neurotransmitter, but can have excitatory
(Sclerosis refers to the hardening or thickening of a effects at certain synapses.
tissue, often used to describe the degeneration of Monoamine Neurotransmitters:
myelin in diseases like multiple sclerosis.)
 Dopamine: Synthesized from tyrosine, involved in Antipsychotic Drugs and Schizophrenia:
mood regulation and reward pathways.  Effective antipsychotic drugs block dopamine D2
 Norepinephrine: Also called noradrenaline, involved receptors, indicating excessive dopamine activity in
in stress response and attention. schizophrenia patients.
 Epinephrine: Also called adrenaline, associated with Understanding neurotransmitter classes and drug
the "fight or flight" response. actions is pivotal in comprehending brain function and
 Serotonin: Derived from tryptophan, plays a role in designing treatments for neurological disorders.
mood, appetite, and sleep regulation.
Indolamines: Neurotransmitter Classes and Drug Actions
 Serotonin: Classified as an indolamine, synthesized Neurotransmitter Classes:
from tryptophan.  Amino Acid Neurotransmitters:
Acetylcholine:  Glutamate: Most prevalent excitatory
 Small-molecule neurotransmitter. neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous
 Found at neuromuscular junctions, autonomic system.
nervous system synapses, and various central nervous  Aspartate: Common excitatory neurotransmitter.
system synapses.  Glycine: Inhibitory neurotransmitter, prevalent in the
 Broken down by acetylcholinesterase in the synapse. spinal cord.
Unconventional Neurotransmitters:  GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid): Most prevalent
 Soluble-Gas Neurotransmitters: Include nitric oxide inhibitory neurotransmitter, but can have excitatory
and carbon monoxide, diffuse through cell effects at certain synapses.
membranes and stimulate second messengers.  Monoamine Neurotransmitters:
 Endocannabinoids: Similar to THC, produced from  Dopamine: Synthesized from tyrosine, involved in
fatty compounds, have effects on presynaptic mood regulation and reward pathways.
neurons.  Norepinephrine: Also called noradrenaline, involved
Neuropeptides: in stress response and attention.
 About 100 neuropeptides identified, functions  Epinephrine: Also called adrenaline, associated with
depend on their amino acid sequences. the "fight or flight" response.
 Categorized into pituitary peptides, hypothalamic  Serotonin: Derived from tryptophan, plays a role in
peptides, brain–gut peptides, opioid peptides, and mood, appetite, and sleep regulation.
miscellaneous peptides.
Drug Actions on Synaptic Transmission: Indolamines:
Agonistic Drug Effects:  Serotonin: Classified as an indolamine, synthesized
 Increase synthesis, storage, or release of from tryptophan.
neurotransmitters. Acetylcholine:
 Bind to autoreceptors and block inhibitory feedback.  Small-molecule neurotransmitter.
 Bind to postsynaptic receptors, either activating them  Found at neuromuscular junctions, autonomic
or enhancing the effects of neurotransmitters. nervous system synapses, and various central nervous
 Block deactivation processes (e.g., enzymatic system synapses.
degradation or reuptake).  Broken down by acetylcholinesterase in the synapse.
Antagonistic Drug Effects: Unconventional Neurotransmitters:
 Block synthesis of neurotransmitters.  Soluble-Gas Neurotransmitters: Include nitric oxide
 Cause neurotransmitter leakage from vesicles, leading and carbon monoxide, diffuse through cell
to degradation. membranes and stimulate second messengers.
 Block release of neurotransmitters from terminal  Endocannabinoids: Similar to THC, produced from
buttons. fatty compounds, have effects on presynaptic
 Bind to autoreceptors, inhibiting neurotransmitter neurons.
release. Neuropeptides:
 Bind to postsynaptic receptors without activating  About 100 neuropeptides identified, functions
them, blocking access of the usual neurotransmitter. depend on their amino acid sequences.
 Categorized into pituitary peptides, hypothalamic
Influential Research Areas Using Drugs: peptides, brain–gut peptides, opioid peptides, and
Discovery of Receptor Subtypes: miscellaneous peptides.
 Different types of acetylcholine receptors (nicotinic  distinct distribution and actions, dispelling the notion
and muscarinic) have distinct distribution and actions, of one receptor per neurotransmitter.
dispelling the notion of one receptor per Discovery of Endogenous Opioids:
neurotransmitter.  Natural opioids like enkephalins and endorphins bind
Discovery of Endogenous Opioids: to specific receptors, explaining the pain-killing effects
 Natural opioids like enkephalins and endorphins bind of opiates like morphine.
to specific receptors, explaining the pain-killing effects
of opiates like morphine. Neuroimaging Techniques in Biopsychology
Contrast X-ray Technique: Cerebral Angiography  Each skeletal muscle composed of muscle fibers
 Definition: Infusion of radio-opaque dye into cerebral contracts in an all-or-none fashion when activated by
artery for visualizing cerebral circulatory system motor neurons.
during x-ray photography.  Anxious individuals typically display high resting levels
 Application: Localizing vascular damage and detecting of muscle tension, used as an indicator of
tumor presence via displacement of blood vessels. psychological arousal.
 Equipment: X-ray tube, detector rotating around the Electromyography (EMG):
patient's head, generating CT scans of horizontal brain  Procedure for measuring muscle tension.
sections.  EMG activity recorded between electrodes taped to
Radioactivity-Based Techniques: Positron Emission skin surface over the muscle of interest.
Tomography (PET)  Raw EMG signal correlates with muscle contraction;
 Definition: Imaging brain activity using radioactive amplitude reflects the number of muscle fibers
fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) injection, indicating active contracting.
neurons through accumulated radioactivity.  Integrated EMG signal represents total EMG activity
 Usage: Identifying brain molecules' distribution, per unit of time, providing a continuous measure of
neurotransmitters, receptors, or transporters. muscle tension level.
 Limitation: PET scans represent radioactivity levels, Eye Movement:
requiring superimposition on brain images for  Electrooculography (EOG) records eye movements.
interpretation.  Electrodes placed around the eyes measure changes
Magnetic-Field-Based Techniques: Magnetic in electrical potential related to eye movement.
Resonance Imaging (MRI)  Emotional thoughts and experiences increase skin's
 Definition: High-resolution brain imaging using radio- ability to conduct electricity, measured through skin
frequency waves emitted by hydrogen atoms aligning conductance level (SCL) and skin conductance
with a magnetic field. response (SCR).
 Advantages: Provides detailed structural images, Blood Pressure:
including three-dimensional representations.  Blood pressure measured using sphygmomanometer
 Functional MRI (fMRI): Measures oxygen flow to or more reliable automated methods.
active brain areas, correlating neural activity with  Blood pressure expressed as systolic over diastolic
cognitive tasks. pressure in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
 Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI): Identifies major brain Invasive Physiological Research Methods:
tracts based on rapid water diffusion along axon Stereotaxic Surgery:
bundles.  Procedure for precisely positioning experimental
Transcranial Stimulation Techniques: devices in the brain.
 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS):  Stereotaxic atlas provides directions to target site;
Temporarily disrupts brain areas, aiding causal instrument used for precise placement.
relationship studies between brain activity and Lesion Methods:
cognition. Aspiration Lesions:
 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS):  Delicately peeling off layers of cortical tissue using
Temporarily enhances cortical activity, enabling suction through a fine-tipped glass pipette.
controlled assessment of its effects on cognition and Radio-Frequency Lesions:
behavior.  Passing high-frequency current through
stereotaxically positioned electrode to create small
Psychophysiological Measures: subcortical lesions.
 Scalp Electroencephalography (EEG): Records gross Knife Cuts:
electrical brain activity, useful for diagnosing brain  Tiny, well-placed cuts used to eliminate conduction in
pathologies and studying states of consciousness. specific nerves or tracts.
 Event-Related Potentials (ERPs): Components of EEG Reversible Lesions:
reflecting neural responses to specific stimuli,  Temporarily eliminating activity in brain area through
measured through signal averaging. cooling or injecting anesthetic.
 Eye Movement Recording (EOG): Tracks eye Electrical Stimulation:
movements by measuring electrical potential changes  Electrical brain stimulation achieved through bipolar
around the eyeball, essential in sleep research and electrodes, eliciting behavioral responses depending
cognitive tasks. on location, current parameters, and test
 Magnetoencephalography (MEG): Records magnetic environment.
fields resulting from neural activity changes, providing
insights into surface brain activity. Invasive Electrophysiological Recording Methods:
Intracellular Unit Recording:
Psychophysiological Measures of Somatic Nervous  Records graded fluctuations in neuron's membrane
System Activity: potential.
Muscle Tension: Extracellular Unit Recording:
 Records action potentials of neurons through  Insight: Demonstrates melanopsin's role in regulating
extracellular microelectrode. circadian rhythms but highlights the complexity of
Multiple-Unit Recording: behavior genetics.
 Records total number of action potentials from Gene Replacement Techniques:
multiple nearby neurons.  Technique: Gene replacement involves replacing a
Invasive EEG Recording: defective gene with a functional one.
 Description: Defective human genes associated with
 Records EEG signals through implanted electrodes in
disorders like schizophrenia can be replaced in
laboratory animals.
animals like mice, creating transgenic mice.
 Potential: Offers possibilities for understanding
Measuring Chemical Activity of the Brain: diseases and exploring gene therapies, although
 2-Deoxyglucose Technique: challenges remain in practical application.
- Radioactive 2-DG injected into animal, absorbed by  Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) and Brainbow:
active neurons, brain slices subjected to  Technique: GFP fluoresces green when exposed to
autoradiography to visualize brain activity areas. blue light, aiding visualization of specific cells.
 Cerebral Dialysis:  Application: GFP can be inserted into target cells or
- Measures extracellular concentration of specific expressed universally, aiding researchers in
neurochemicals in behaving animals, involving visualizing specific neurons.
implantation of tube with semipermeable section in  Brainbow: Technique utilizing mutated fluorescent
the brain for chemical analysis. proteins of different colors to label neurons distinctly,
Locating Neurotransmitters and Receptors in the enabling tracing neural pathways.
Brain:  Opsins and Optogenetics:
 Technique: Opsins are light-sensitive ion channels
that, when illuminated, open and allow ions to enter or
 Uses antibodies labeled with dye or radioactive
exit the cell.
element to locate neuroproteins in the brain.
 Optogenetics: Involves inserting opsin genes into
 Can locate neurotransmitters by binding to their
specific neurons, enabling control of neuron activity
enzymes. with light.
 In Situ Hybridization:  Application: Used in living animals, optogenetics
 Utilizes hybrid RNA strands complementary to target allows precise modulation of neuronal activity, aiding
neuroprotein mRNA to mark location of neurons neuroscience research.
releasing the neuroprotein.  Abbreviations:
Routes of Drug Administration:  CT: Computed Tomography
 Drugs administered through feeding, intragastrically,  MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
intraperitoneally, intramuscularly, subcutaneously,  PET: Positron Emission Tomography
intravenously, or stereotaxically implanted cannula for  2-DG: 2-Deoxyglucose
direct brain delivery.  fMRI: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
 Cannula used to overcome blood-brain barrier for  MEG: Magnetoencephalography
 TMS: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
drug delivery to brain.
 EEG: Electroencephalography
Selective Chemical Lesions:
 ERP: Event-Related Potential
 Selective neurotoxins like kainic acid, ibotenic acid, or
 AEP: Auditory Evoked Potential
6-hydroxydopamine injected to make specific neuron-
 EMG: Electromyography
destroying lesions.  EOG: Electrooculography
In Situ Hybridization (Figure 5.19):  SCL: Skin Conductance Level
 Technique: In situ hybridization is a method used to  SCR: Skin Conductance Response
visualize the localization of specific mRNA molecules  ECG: Electrocardiography
in a tissue section.  EKG: Electrocardiogram
 Description: A color-coded frontal section through a  IP: Intraperitoneal
rat brain shows high mRNA expression for an  IM: Intramuscular
endorphin in the striatum (in red and yellow).  IV: Intravenous
 Significance: Reveals gene expression patterns in  SC: Subcutaneous
specific brain regions.  6-OHDA: 6-Hydroxydopamine
Melanopsin Knockout Mice:  GFP: Green Fluorescent Protein
 Technique: Gene knockout involves deleting a specific
gene from an organism's genome.
 Open-Field Test:
 Description: Melanopsin knockout mice lack the gene
 Definition: A behavioral paradigm used to assess
responsible for synthesizing melanopsin, a protein in
species-common behaviors in animals. The subject is
retinal neurons.
placed in a large, barren chamber, and its activity,
 Result: Knockout impaired but didn't eliminate the
mice's ability to adjust circadian rhythms in response including movement, exploration, and interaction
to light-dark cycles. with the environment, is recorded.
 Indicators of Fearfulness: Low activity scores, high
bolus counts (excrement pieces), thigmotaxis
(tendency to stay close to the walls), reduced  Definition: Avoidance response to tastes of food
exploration. followed by illness, promoting survival by preventing
 Application: Often used to measure anxiety and fear ingestion of harmful substances.
responses in laboratory animals, especially rodents.  Example: Rats associating a particular taste with
 Tests of Aggressive and Defensive Behavior: illness avoid consuming it.
 Definition: Behavioral paradigms designed to study Radial Arm Maze:
species-common aggressive and defensive behaviors.  Definition: Maze with arms radiating from a central
 Indicators of Aggressive Behavior: Aggressive area; tests rodents' spatial memory and navigation
postures, vocalizations, physical attacks, dominance abilities.
displays.  Example: Rats learn to visit baited arms and avoid
 Indicators of Defensive Behavior: Freezing, fleeing, unbaited ones, relying on spatial cues for orientation.
defensive postures, vocalizations.
 Application: Used to investigate social hierarchies, Morris Water Maze:
territorial behaviors, and responses to threats or  Definition: Circular pool with invisible escape
challenges within animal populations. platform; assesses rats' spatial learning and memory
 Tests of Sexual Behavior: as they find the hidden platform.
 Definition: Behavioral paradigms used to observe and  Example: Rats swim, locate the hidden platform, and
measure species-common sexual behaviors in learn to navigate based on spatial cues.
animals, especially mammals.  Conditioned Defensive Burying:
 Indicators of Sexual Behavior: Mounting,  Definition: Defensive behavior in response to aversive
intromission, copulatory behaviors, courtship rituals, stimuli, involving digging and burying the stimulus.
mate selection.  Example: Rats bury aversive stimuli (e.g., shock
 Application: Applied in studies related to probe), exhibiting defensive responses for protection.
reproductive behaviors, mate preferences, and the 5. Significance of Learning Paradigms in
effects of hormones or neural manipulations on Biopsychological Research:
sexual responses.  Importance: Learning paradigms help psychologists
understand behavior, control animal responses, and
Important Biopsychological Concepts and Terms infer cognitive states.
1. Aggressive and Defensive Behavior:  Relevance: Studying learning processes aids in
 Definition: Patterns of aggressive and defensive comprehending sensory, motor, motivational, and
behavior observed and measured during encounters cognitive aspects of animals.
between dominant and intruder rats.
 Behaviors: Dominant male exhibits aggression Tests of Aggressive and Defensive Behavior:
(sideways movement, hair erect, biting), intruder  Colony-Intruder Paradigm:
exhibits defensiveness (rearing, pushing away, rolling  Definition: A method to observe and measure
over). aggressive and defensive behavior in rats during
2. Sexual Behavior in Rats: encounters between dominant and intruder males.
 Definition: Study of physiological bases of rat sexual  Behaviors: Dominant male displays aggression
behavior, focusing on copulatory acts and responses. (sideways movement, erect hair, biting), intruder
 Behaviors: Male mounts female, intromission occurs, displays defensiveness (freezing, boxing, rolling over).
followed by ejaculation. Measures include mounts for  Defensive Behavior Assessment:
intromission, intromissions for ejaculation, and post-  Definition: Tests assess rat's reactivity to the
ejaculation interval. experimenter, e.g., resistance to being picked up.
3. Learning Paradigms:  Measurement: Scored categories range from no
Pavlovian Conditioning Paradigm: resistance (lowest) to biting (highest).
 Definition: Pairing a neutral stimulus with an  Elevated Plus Maze:
unconditional stimulus to elicit a conditional  Definition: A maze elevated above the floor with
response. closed and open arms, used to measure rat's
 Example: Tone (conditional stimulus) paired with defensiveness/anxiety.
meat powder (unconditional stimulus) leads to  Measurement: Proportion of time spent in protected
salivation (conditional response). closed arms indicates defensiveness.
Operant Conditioning Paradigm: Tests of Sexual Behavior:
 Definition: Response rate modification through  Male Rat Sexual Behavior:
reinforcement (increases behavior) or punishment  Measures: Number of mounts for intromission,
(decreases behavior). intromissions for ejaculation, interval between
 Example: Animals press lever for self-stimulation; ejaculation and reinitiation of mounting.
reinforcing certain behaviors increases their  Female Rat Sexual Behavior:
occurrence.  Measure: Lordosis quotient, indicating the proportion
4. Seminatural Animal Learning Paradigms: of mounts that elicit lordosis (receptive posture).
Conditioned Taste Aversion:
Traditional Conditioning Paradigms:  Light Definition: Electromagnetic energy perceived
 Pavlovian Conditioning Paradigm: by the visual system.
 Definition: Neutral stimulus (conditional stimulus)  Wavelength: Distance between wave peaks;
paired with unconditional stimulus, leading to a determines color perception.
conditional response.  Visible Spectrum: Wavelengths between 380 and 760
 Operant Conditioning Paradigm:
nanometers detectable by the human visual system.
 Binocularity and Vision: Front-facing eyes provide
 Definition: Response (e.g., lever press) is reinforced or
depth perception by combining images from both
punished, influencing its future occurrence.
eyes, enhancing visual understanding.
 Example: Self-stimulation paradigm, where animals
 Retinal Processing:
stimulate brain pleasure centers by pressing a lever.  Neural Pathway: Light passes through retinal layers
Seminatural Animal Learning Paradigms: before reaching receptors; signals are transmitted back
 Conditioned Taste Aversion: through layers to ganglion cells.
 Definition: Avoidance response to food tastes  Inside-Out Structure: Receptors activated after light
associated with illness. passes through other retinal layers.
 Importance: Enhances survival by preventing  Blind Spot: Gap in the receptor layer where ganglion
consumption of potentially harmful substances. cell axons exit the eye, creating a visual blind spot.
 Radial Arm Maze:  Visual Illusions:
 Definition: Maze with arms radiating from a central  Fortification Illusions: Visual disturbances preceding
area; tests spatial memory and foraging behavior in migraine headaches, characterized by expanding gray
rodents. areas and flickering lines.
 Morris Water Maze:  Significance: Studied to understand visual processing
mechanisms; demonstrates perceptual phenomena
 Definition: Circular pool where rats swim to find an
related to neurological conditions.
invisible platform; assesses spatial learning and
Evolution of Eye Position:
 Side-by-Side Eyes: Provides a larger field of vision,
 Conditioned Defensive Burying:
beneficial for prey animals to detect predators from
 Definition: Rats bury an object associated with various directions.
aversive stimuli; used to study anxiety-related  Front-Facing Eyes: Offers depth perception by
behavior and drug effects. combining images from both eyes, advantageous for
 Retina Structure: predators to accurately assess distances.
 Receptors: Specialized cells that detect light and Binocular Disparity in Depth Perception:
convert it into neural signals.  Demonstration: Compare views with each eye
 Horizontal Cells: Neurons that facilitate lateral closed; notice greater disparity for closer objects.
communication between receptors and bipolar cells.  Importance: Brain uses binocular disparity to
 Bipolar Cells: Neurons that relay signals from construct three-dimensional perceptions from two
receptors to ganglion cells. retinal images, enhancing depth perception.
 Amacrine Cells: Neurons that contribute to lateral  Retinal Neurons:
communication among bipolar, horizontal, and  Receptors: Specialized cells detecting light, initiating
ganglion cells. neural signals.
 Retinal Ganglion Cells: Neurons whose axons form  Horizontal Cells: Facilitate lateral communication
the optic nerve and transmit visual information to the between receptors, bipolar cells.
brain.  Bipolar Cells: Relay signals from receptors to
 Binocular Disparity: ganglion cells.
 Definition: The difference in the position of the same  Amacrine Cells: Specialized for lateral
image on the two retinas. communication, enhancing neural coordination.
 Importance: Greater binocular disparity for close  Retinal Ganglion Cells: Axons form optic nerve,
objects helps the brain construct three-dimensional transmit visual data to the brain.
perceptions from two-dimensional retinal images.  Variety of Subtypes: Over 60 retinal neuron types
 Accommodation: identified, including 30 retinal ganglion cell subtypes
 Definition: The adjustment of the lens shape to focus (Cepko, 2015; Seung & Sümbül, 2014).
on objects at varying distances. Communication in the Retina:
 Process: Controlled by ciliary muscles, allowing the  Chemical and Electrical Signaling: Neurons
lens to flatten for distant objects and assume a curved communicate chemically via synapses and electrically
shape for close objects. via gap junctions (Pereda, 2014).
 Pupil and Iris:  Lateral Communication: Horizontal and amacrine
 Pupil: The hole in the iris through which light enters cells specialized for communication across major
the eye. sensory input channels.
 Iris: Donut-shaped bands of contractile tissue Retinal Layer Arrangement:
controlling the pupil size.  Inside-Out Structure: Light passes through four
 Function: Regulates the amount of light entering the layers before reaching receptors, initiating neural
eye, balancing sensitivity and acuity. transmission.
 Light and Wavelength:
 Signal Transmission: Activated receptors transmit  Types of Neurons: Receptors, horizontal cells,
neural messages back through retinal layers to bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and retinal ganglion cells
ganglion cells. form the neural network in the retina.
 Visual Challenges: Incoming light distorted by retinal  Subtypes: Over 60 different types of retinal neurons
tissue; gap in receptor layer creates the blind spot. identified, including about 30 retinal ganglion cell
 Visual Completion: subtypes.
 Filling in Blind Spots: Visual system fills in missing  Communication: Neurons communicate chemically
information, creating continuous perceptions. via synapses and electrically via gap junctions.
 Continuous Bar Phenomenon: Brain completes Horizontal and amacrine cells specialize in lateral
visual input, demonstrating the visual system's communication.
complexity. Visual Completion and Perception:
 Role in Normal Vision: Completion vital in normal  Filling in Blind Spots: Visual system fills in missing
vision, creating perception of entire objects from information, creating continuous perceptions even in
partial information. blind spots.
 Surface Interpolation: Extracts edge information,  Continuous Bar Phenomenon: Brain completes
inferring appearance of large unpatterned surfaces. visual input, showcasing the visual system's ability to
 Fovea: Specialized for high-acuity vision, reduces construct a whole perception from partial information.
distortion of incoming light, minimizing visual  Role in Normal Vision: Completion is essential for
challenges. normal vision, allowing perception of entire objects
 Creative Solution to Blind Spot: Brain creatively from limited information.
fills blind spot gaps using surrounding receptor  Surface Interpolation: Extracts edge information to
information. infer appearance of large surfaces, emphasizing the
Cone and Rod Vision: brain's role in perception.
 Duplexity Theory: Cones (photopic vision) for high-  Cone and Rod Vision:
acuity color vision in good lighting; rods (scotopic  Duplexity Theory: Cones mediate high-acuity color
vision) for dim illumination, lack detail and color. vision in good lighting; rods dominate in dim
 Convergence Differences: Scotopic system has high illumination but lack detail and color.
convergence (less acuity), rods converge on a single  Convergence Differences: Scotopic system (rods) has
retinal ganglion cell; photopic system has low high convergence, sacrificing acuity for sensitivity.
convergence (higher acuity), fewer cones converge on Photopic system (cones) has low convergence,
each retinal ganglion cell. preserving acuity.
 Distribution on Retina: Fovea contains cones,  Distribution on Retina: Fovea contains cones
specialized for high-acuity vision; rods more prevalent specialized for high-acuity vision; rods more prevalent
in peripheral retina, less detail but increased in peripheral retina, enhancing sensitivity in low light.
sensitivity. Spectral Sensitivity and Purkinje Effect:
Spectral Sensitivity and Purkinje Effect:  Spectral Sensitivity Curves: Photopic and scotopic
 Spectral Sensitivity Curves: Photopic (cone- spectral sensitivity curves differ, influencing
mediated) and scotopic (rod-mediated) sensitivity perception of different wavelengths.
curves vary, affecting perception of different  Purkinje Effect: Shift in relative brightness during
wavelengths. transition from photopic to scotopic vision due to
 Purkinje Effect: Shift in relative brightness perceived differences in spectral sensitivity curves.
during transition from photopic to scotopic vision due Eye Movements and Fixational Eye Movements:
to differences in spectral sensitivity curves.  Involuntary Movements: Tremor, drifts, saccades;
Eye Movement and Fixational Eye Movements: crucial for maintaining visual perception during
 Involuntary Eye Movements: Tremor, drifts, fixation.
saccades; critical for visual function, prevent fading of  Role of Eye Movements: Prevent fading of visual
visual objects during fixation. objects by keeping retinal images in motion,
 Role of Eye Movements: Images need to move on the highlighting their vital role in vision.
retina; stabilized retinal images cause objects to fade  Visual Transduction:
and reappear, demonstrating the importance of eye  Definition: Visual transduction is the conversion of
movements in vision. light to neural signals by visual receptors.
 Visual Transduction:  Rhodopsin Discovery: Rhodopsin, a red pigment in
 Definition: Visual transduction is the conversion of rods, undergoes bleaching in continuous intense light
light to neural signals by visual receptors. but regains function in the dark, playing a central role
 Discovery of Rhodopsin: Breakthrough in 1876 with in visual transduction.
extraction of rhodopsin, red pigment in rods.
 Rhodopsin Properties: Rhodopsin bleached and lost Rhodopsin and Rod-Mediated Vision:
light-absorbing capacity in continuous intense light,  Rhodopsin Absorption: Rhodopsin's light absorption
regained function in the dark. and bleaching are fundamental in rod-mediated vision.
 The process of visual perception is a complex  Predicting Human Vision: Rhodopsin's absorption
interplay of various specialized cells and mechanisms predicts human vision under various conditions,
within the eye and the brain. To summarize the key especially scotopic (low-light) conditions.
points discussed in the text:  Relationship with Scotopic Sensitivity: Rhodopsin's
Retinal Neurons: absorption of different wavelengths corresponds to
human and animal ability to detect various perceived edges sharper than actual physical
wavelengths under scotopic conditions. properties of light.
 Rhodopsin as a G-Protein–Coupled Receptor:  Physiological Basis in Horseshoe Crabs: Study on
Rhodopsin is a G-protein–coupled receptor responding horseshoe crabs demonstrated lateral inhibition in
to light, initiating intracellular chemical events. ommatidia, where firing rates and inhibition levels
Retina-Geniculate-Striate System: affect contrast enhancement.
 Predominant Pathways: About 90% of retinal Methods of Hubel and Wiesel:
ganglion cell axons are part of retina-geniculate-striate  Mapping Receptive Fields: Hubel and Wiesel
pathways. mapped receptive fields using microelectrodes,
 Retinotopic Organization: Each level of the system recording responses to various stimuli.
maps the retina; adjacent stimuli on the retina excite  Receptive Fields Characteristics: Receptive fields in
adjacent neurons in the system. the foveal area are smaller, circular, and monocular at
 Primary Visual Cortex (Striate Cortex): Receives all levels (retinal ganglion cells, lateral geniculate
signals from lateral geniculate nuclei, processes retinal neurons, and lower layer IV neurons).
information, disproportionate representation of the  Receptive Fields in Retina-Geniculate-Striate
fovea. System:
M and P Channels:  Excitatory and Inhibitory Areas: Neurons in the
 Parallel Channels: Lateral geniculate nuclei transmit retina-geniculate-striate system have receptive fields
signals through two parallel channels—parvocellular with excitatory and inhibitory areas, with responses
(P) and magnocellular (M) layers. varying based on the location of light within these
 P (Parvocellular) Channels: Responsive to color, areas.
fine pattern details, stationary or slow-moving objects;  On-Center and Off-Center Cells: Neurons can be
majority input from cones. classified as on-center or off-center cells. On-center
 M (Magnocellular) Channels: Responsive to cells respond with "on" firing to central light and "off"
movement; majority input from rods. firing to peripheral light. Off-center cells show the
 Projection to Visual Cortex: M and P areas in lower opposite response pattern.
layer IV project to different areas in visual cortex.  Contrast Sensitivity: On-center and off-center cells
 Edge Perception: respond best to contrast, where maximizing contrast
 Significance of Edges: Edges define object extents between center and periphery of the receptive field
and positions, crucial for visual perception. influences firing rates.
 Visual Edge Definition: Visual edge is the junction of
two different areas in a visual image. Characteristics of Simple and Complex Cells:
 Species' Edge Perception: Many species excel in  Simple Cells: Receptive fields of simple cells have
edge perception due to evolutionary pressure. antagonistic "on" and "off" regions, respond to bars of
light or dark edges, and have straight-line borders.
Quiz Questions (Fill in the Blanks): They are monocular and exhibit orientation specificity.
4. Iris are donut-shaped bands regulating  Complex Cells: Receptive fields of complex cells are
light reaching the retina. larger, respond to straight-line stimuli in specific
5. Prey animals have sideways eyes, orientations, and do not have static "on" and "off"
enabling a larger field of vision against predators. regions. They are also monocular but can be binocular,
6. Binocular disparity is the difference in with ocular dominance and sensitivity to retinal
the position of the same image on two retinas. disparity for depth perception.
7. Amacrine cells and horizontal cells are
responsible for lateral communication. Organization of Primary Visual Cortex:
8. Surface interpolation is the process of  Vertical Columns: Primary visual cortex is organized
perceiving large surfaces by extracting edge into functional vertical columns, each responding to
information and making inferences about shape. stimuli from the same retinal area, dominated by the
9. In scotopic vision, hundreds of rods same eye, and preferring the same straight-line angles.
converge on a single retinal ganglion cell.  Clustering and Preferences: Functional columns
10. The majority of visual neurons respond analyzing input from one retinal area cluster together,
only to changing images. with half receiving input from the left eye and the
11. Rhodopsin is a G-protein–coupled other half from the right eye. Each cluster contains
receptor that does not respond to neurotransmitter neurons with various orientation preferences for
molecules. straight-line stimuli.
12. The path that all signals take to reach the
right primary visual cortex from the left visual field is Excitatory and Inhibitory Areas:
either ipsilateral or contralateral.  Excitatory Area: Part of a neuron's receptive field
where stimulation leads to an increase in firing rate.
Lateral Inhibition and Contrast Enhancement:  Inhibitory Area: Part of a neuron's receptive field
 Mach Bands: Illusory bands, Mach bands, enhance where stimulation leads to a decrease in firing rate.
contrast at edges, making them appear more distinct. On-Center and Off-Center Cells:
 Contrast Enhancement Mechanisms: Contrast
 On-Center Cells: Neurons that respond with increased
enhancement occurs in our nervous systems, making
firing ("on" firing) when light is shone in the central
region of their receptive fields and decreased firing 1. Ommatidia: Large receptors (c) in the lower layer
("off" firing) in response to light in the periphery. IV.
 Off-Center Cells: Neurons that respond with 2. Color Constancy: Contextual influences (d)
decreased firing ("off" firing) when light is shone in ensuring perceived color stability despite varying
the central region of their receptive fields and illumination.
increased firing ("on" firing) in response to light in the 3. Simple Cortical Cells: Firing on the periphery of
periphery. receptive field (f) for contrast enhancement.
Contrast Sensitivity: 4. Striate Cortex: Primary visual cortex, main
 Contrast Sensitivity: The ability of neurons, especially entrance point for visual signals.
on-center and off-center cells, to respond best to the 5. Perception of Edges: Contrast-enhancement (g)
contrast between the center and periphery of their for clear edge detection.
receptive fields. Maximizing this contrast influences 6. Trichromatic: Component theory (e), which
firing rates. involves three types of cones.
7. Stimulation Outside Receptor Field: Contextual
Simple and Complex Cells: influences (d) affecting neuron responses beyond
 Simple Cells: Neurons in the primary visual cortex receptive fields.
with receptive fields having antagonistic "on" and 8. Off-Center Cells: Unresponsive to diffuse light
"off" regions. They respond to bars of light or dark (h), providing specific responses to light in the center
edges and have straight-line borders. Simple cells are of the receptive field.
monocular and exhibit orientation specificity. 9. Cytochrome Oxidase: Mitochondrial enzyme (b)
 Complex Cells: Neurons in the primary visual cortex used to visualize peglike columns rich in these
with larger receptive fields that respond to straight- enzymes.
line stimuli in specific orientations. They lack static
"on" and "off" regions. Complex cells can be Damage to Primary Visual Cortex: Scotomas and
monocular or binocular, have ocular dominance, and Completion
are sensitive to retinal disparity for depth perception.  Scotoma: Area of blindness in the contralateral visual
Vertical Columns: field of both eyes caused by damage to the primary
 Vertical Columns: Functional columns in the primary visual cortex.
visual cortex where neurons respond to stimuli from  Perimetry Test: Used to map scotomas; patient
the same retinal area, are dominated by the same focuses on a fixation point, and areas of blindness are
eye, and prefer the same straight-line angles. identified when the patient fails to see a flashed light.
 Completion Phenomenon: Patients with scotomas
Cortical Mechanisms of Vision and Conscious may complete images even in blind areas, leading to
Awareness: Visual Cortex Organization Visual Cortex conscious unawareness of deficits. Example: seeing a
Classes: complete face when focusing on a nose despite half
 Primary Visual Cortex: Receives input from thalamic the face being in the scotoma.
visual relay nuclei (lateral geniculate nuclei); located  Blindsight: Ability to respond to visual stimuli in a
in the posterior occipital lobes. scotoma without conscious awareness. Patients might
 Secondary Visual Cortex: Receives input from primary accurately reach for objects they claim not to see.
visual cortex. Functional Aspects of Blindsight:
 Visual Association Cortex: Receives input from  Blindsight in Scotoma Patients: Patients can respond
secondary visual cortex and other sensory systems' to visual stimuli in their blind field without conscious
secondary areas. awareness.
 Locations in the Brain:  Example: D.B. Case: Patient with blindsight couldn't
 Prestriate Cortex: Surrounds the primary visual consciously see objects in his blind field but could
cortex; part of secondary visual cortex. accurately reach and differentiate objects when
 Inferotemporal Cortex: Located in the inferior forced to guess.
temporal lobe; part of secondary visual cortex.
 Posterior Parietal Cortex: Largest area of association Functional Areas of Secondary and Association Visual
cortex receiving visual input. Cortex
 Flow of Visual Information:  Functional Areas: More than 30 different functional
 Primary to Secondary Visual Cortex: Visual areas of visual cortex in macaque monkey, specialized
information flows from primary visual cortex to for various visual analyses.
various secondary visual cortex areas.  Interconnections: Over 300 interconnecting pathways
 Hierarchy in Visual Processing: Neurons in higher identified between these areas, often reciprocal
visual areas have larger receptive fields and respond connections.
to more specific and complex stimuli as compared to  Human Visual Cortex: About a dozen functional areas
lower areas. identified in human visual cortex using PET, fMRI, and
evoked potentials.
Term Connections from Exercise: Scan Your Brain Dorsal and Ventral Streams (LO 6.22):
 Dorsal Stream: From primary visual cortex to dorsal  Barn owls are exceptional at locating sources of
prestriate cortex to posterior parietal cortex; sounds, especially in the dark.
processes spatial stimuli, like object locations and  Auditory neurons in the barn owl's superior colliculus
movement. are finely tuned, responding to specific locations
 Ventral Stream: From primary visual cortex to ventral within the owl's hearing range.
prestriate cortex to inferotemporal cortex; processes
object characteristics, such as color and shape. Organization of Auditory Cortex:
 Specificity in Ventral Stream: Neuronal clusters  Primary Auditory Cortex (Core Region):
respond to specific object classes (e.g., faces,  Receives majority input from the medial geniculate
animals), indicating different visual functions within nucleus.
the ventral stream.  Located in the temporal lobe, hidden within the
lateral fissure.
Processing Auditory Information:  Comprises three adjacent areas: A1, R, and RT.
 Cochlear Sensitivity: Secondary Auditory Cortex:
 Humans can detect differences in pure tones differing  Surrounds the core region, forming the belt.
in frequency by as little as 0.2 percent.  Areas outside the belt are parabelt areas.
 Cochlear coding principle: Different frequencies  Approximately 20 separate areas of auditory cortex
stimulate hair cells at different points along the exist in primates.
basilar membrane. Auditory Pathways:
 Complex sounds activate multiple sites, carried by  Anterior Auditory Pathway (What) and Posterior
various auditory neurons. Auditory Pathway (Where):
 Tonotopic Organization:  Anterior pathway is involved in identifying sounds.
 Similar to the retinotopic organization in the visual  Posterior pathway is involved in locating sounds.
system.  Posterior pathway may also be related to action
 Auditory system is organized tonotopically, where preparation.
different frequencies are processed in specific regions Auditory-Visual Interactions:
of the cochlea.  Posterior Parietal Cortex:
Auditory Processing Challenge:  Some neurons have visual, auditory, or both receptive
 Auditory system must process multiple frequencies fields, covering the same location in the environment.
simultaneously in complex environments (like  Functional brain imaging shows sensory interactions
parties). occur not only in association cortex but also at the
 Auditory system manages to separate and combine primary sensory cortex level.
frequency messages from different sources. Perception of Pitch:
 The mechanism behind this ability remains a mystery.  Perception of pitch occurs in a specific area anterior
to the primary auditory cortex.
Pathways from Ear to Primary Auditory Cortex:  This area responds to pitch rather than frequency,
 No single major auditory pathway comparable to the suggesting it's where sound frequencies are
retina-geniculate-striate pathway in the visual system. converted into the perception of pitch.
 Complex network of auditory pathways. Effects of Auditory System Damage:
 Axons from auditory nerves synapse in cochlear  Auditory Cortex Damage:
nuclei, leading to superior olives, inferior colliculi,  Studying human auditory cortex damage is
medial geniculate nuclei of the thalamus, and finally, challenging due to its location.
the primary auditory cortex.  Lesions in nonhumans have been studied.
 Auditory signals from each ear are combined at a low  Large lesions involving core, belt, and parabelt areas
level (superior olives) before transmission to both surprisingly do not result in severe permanent
ipsilateral and contralateral auditory cortex. deficits, indicating the complexity of subcortical
circuits in auditory functions.
Sound Localization Mechanisms: Effects of Auditory Cortex Lesions:
 Mediated by lateral and medial superior olives in  Similarity Across Species (Humans and Monkeys):
different ways.  Following bilateral lesions, there is temporary
 Neurons in medial superior olives respond to complete hearing loss, which recovers in subsequent
differences in the time of arrival of signals from both weeks.
ears, aiding in sound localization.  Permanent effects include the loss of sound
 Neurons in lateral superior olives respond to localization ability and impaired frequency
differences in sound amplitude from both ears. discrimination.
 Both medial and lateral superior olives project to the Unilateral Auditory Cortex Lesions:
superior colliculus, mapping auditory space, indicating  Disrupts the ability to localize sounds contralateral to
the location of sensory inputs in space. the lesion but has lesser effects on ipsilateral sounds.
 Unilateral lesions lead to minor deficits in
Studying Sound Localization in Barn Owls:  distinguishing contralateral sounds.
Deafness in Humans:
 Prevalence and Causes: Somatosensory System
 Deafness affects around 360 million people globally.  Somatosensations: Sensations of touch and pain from
 Total deafness is rare, occurring in only 1% of hearing- the body are known as somatosensations.
impaired individuals.  Somatosensory System Divisions:
 Severe hearing issues commonly result from damage  Exteroceptive System: Senses external stimuli applied
to the inner ear, middle ear, or the nerves connected to the skin.
to them.  Proprioceptive System: Monitors body position
Types of Hearing Impairments: information from muscles, joints, and balance organs.
 Conductive deafness: Associated with ossicle damage.  Interoceptive System: Provides general information
 Nerve deafness: Related to cochlear or auditory nerve about internal body conditions (e.g., temperature,
damage, often due to hair cell receptor loss. blood pressure).
Specific Frequency Deafness: Cutaneous Receptors:
 Partial cochlear damage can result in specific  Variety of Receptors: Skin contains various receptors,
frequency nerve deafness. including free nerve endings, Pacinian corpuscles,
 Elderly individuals often have difficulty hearing high Merkel's disks, and Ruffini endings.
frequencies, affecting speech understanding.  Receptor Adaptation: Receptors adapt either rapidly
Tinnitus and Deafness: (e.g., Pacinian corpuscles) or slowly (e.g., Merkel's
 Hearing loss can be associated with tinnitus (ringing disks) to stimuli, influencing tactile sensations.
of the ears).  Functional Significance: Fast and slow adaptation
 Tinnitus persists even if the affected ear's nerve is cut, provides information about dynamic and static
indicating central auditory system changes as the qualities of tactual stimuli.
cause. Dermatomes:
Cochlear Implants:  Definition: Areas of the body innervated by left and
 Cochlear implants can benefit some individuals with right dorsal roots of a specific segment of the spinal
nerve deafness. cord.
 Implants convert sounds into electrical signals,  Overlap: Significant overlap between adjacent
stimulating the auditory nerve. dermatomes reduces somatosensory loss if a single
 Early implantation is crucial to maximize benefits, as dorsal root is damaged.
disuse can lead to alterations in auditory neural Somatosensory Pathways:
pathways.  Dorsal-Column Medial-Lemniscus System:
Knowledge Review Questions:  Functions: Carries touch and proprioception
1. The area of the sensory cortex receiving input information.
directly from thalamic relay nuclei is the primary  Pathway: Sensory neurons enter spinal cord, ascend
sensory cortex. ipsilaterally in dorsal columns, synapse in medullary
2. Sensation is the process of detecting the dorsal column nuclei, decussate, and reach
presence of stimuli. contralateral ventral posterior thalamus.
3. Simultaneous analysis of a signal in different  Projection Areas: Primary somatosensory cortex (SI),
ways by multiple pathways of a neural network is secondary somatosensory cortex (SII), and posterior
referred to as parallel processing. parietal cortex.
4. The mathematical procedure for breaking down Anterolateral System:
complex waves into component sine waves is called  Functions: Carries pain and temperature information.
Fourier analysis.  Pathway: Most neurons synapse upon entry into
5. Sine wave vibrations are also called pure tones. spinal cord, then decussate (or ascend ipsilaterally)
6. The three auditory ossicles are malleus, incus, and travel to the brain in contralateral anterolateral
and stapes. spinal cord tracts.
7. The layout of the auditory system tends to be  Tracts: Includes spinothalamic tract, spinoreticular
tonotopic, organized by frequency. tract, and spinotectal tract.
8. The axons of auditory nerves synapse in the  Projection Areas: Somatosensory cortex and other
ipsilateral cochlear nuclei. brain regions receive thalamic pain and temperature
9. One function of the superior olives is sound information.
localization.  Functional Implications: Complete transection of
10. The thalamus is made up of a fine sheet of both ascending somatosensory paths results in the
neurons located just underneath the neocortex, loss of body sensation below the injury site.
toward the middle of the brain.
11. The oval window is the membrane transferring Cortical Areas of Somatosensation:
vibrations from the ossicles to the fluid of the cochlea. Primary Somatosensory Cortex (SI):
12. Many studies of auditory-visual interactions have  Somatotopic Organization: Mapped by Penfield and
focused on association cortex in the posterior parietal colleagues in 1937.
 Mapping Method: Electrical stimulation of cortical  Posterior Parietal Cortex: Contains bimodal neurons
surface in conscious patients. responding to both somatosensory and visual stimuli.
 Result: Patients reported somatosensory sensations  Spatial Relationship: Visual and somatosensory
in various body parts. receptive fields of bimodal neurons are spatially
 Somatotopic Map: Organized according to a map of related; movements of the hand affect visual
the body surface. receptive fields.
 Somatosensory Homunculus: Represents  Case Study - W.M.: Stroke-induced left hemianopsia;
somatotopic organization; distorted, with more improved visual detection in left visual field when left
representation for body parts used in tactile hand was extended, further improved with a tennis
discriminations (e.g., hands, lips, tongue). racket, demonstrating somatosensory influence on
 SI Sensitivity: Most sensitive to tactile input from visual perception.
body parts involved in discrimination.
 Adjacent Area: Secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) Somatosensory Agnosias:
located ventral to SI in the postcentral gyrus and  Types: Two major types of somatosensory agnosia:
extending into the lateral fissure. 1. Astereognosia: Inability to recognize
SII Features: objects by touch.
 Input: Receives input from SI and is considered 2. Asomatognosia: Failure to recognize
secondary somatosensory cortex. parts of one's own body, usually unilateral, associated
 Contralateral and Ipsilateral Input: Receives with extensive damage to right temporal and
substantial input from both sides of the body. posterior parietal lobe.
 Output: Projects to the association cortex of the  Association with Anosognosia: Often accompanies
posterior parietal lobe. anosognosia, where patients fail to recognize their
 Columnar Organization: Similar to visual and auditory own symptoms; common in neurological disorders.
cortex, primary somatosensory cortex exhibits  Relation to Contralateral Neglect: Asomatognosia is a
columnar organization. component of contralateral neglect, the tendency not
 Functional Strips: Four functional strips within SI, to respond to stimuli contralateral to a right-
each with specific somatotopic organization and hemisphere injury.
sensitivity to different somatosensory inputs (e.g.,
light touch, pressure). Rubber-Hand Illusion:
 Phenomenon: Feeling an extraneous object (e.g.,
Functional Implications and Deficiencies: rubber hand) is part of one's own body.
 Tactile Discrimination: Different areas of primary  Induction Method: Synchronous stroking of hidden
somatosensory cortex prefer specific types of tactile hand and visible rubber hand creates illusion.
stimulation (e.g., light touch or heat) on the same  Neural Mechanisms: Involves association cortex in
body part. posterior parietal and frontal lobes; bimodal neurons
 Discrimination Difficulties: Limited capacity of the with visual and somatosensory fields are crucial.
back's representation in SI results in difficulty
discriminating objects touching the back. Perception of Pain:
 Demonstration: Test tactile discrimination abilities on  Adaptiveness of Pain: Paradoxical aspect; warns
a friend's back with varying numbers of simultaneous against harmful activities or signals need for
touches, noticing the challenges in discrimination treatment.
unless touches are considerably apart.  No Clear Cortical Representation: Painful stimuli
 Object Perception: Dorsal stream from SI to posterior activate various cortical areas (thalamus, SI, SII, insula,
parietal cortex contributes to multisensory integration anterior cingulate cortex), but no specific cortical area
and attention direction. Ventral stream projects to SII is necessary for pain perception.
and participates in object shape perception.  Cortical Areas: Anterior cingulate cortex involved in
expectation, emotional reaction, and adaptive
Effects of Damage to Primary Somatosensory Cortex: responses to pain, not in perception itself.
 Mild Effects: Damage effects are often mild due to  Descending Pain Control: Cognitive and emotional
parallel pathways in the somatosensory system. factors, as well as analgesic drugs, can effectively
 Study: Corkin, Milner, and Rasmussen (1970) assessed suppress pain.
the effects of damage to the primary somatosensory  Descending Analgesia Circuit: Periaqueductal gray
cortex. (PAG) stimulation has analgesic effects; specialized
Somatosensory System and Association Cortex: receptors for opioid analgesic drugs found in PAG;
Processing Somatosensory Signals in Association endogenous opioid analgesics like endorphins block
Cortex: pain signals through descending circuit.
 Destination: Somatosensory signals are sent to  Model: Descending analgesia circuit involves PAG
association cortex in prefrontal and posterior parietal stimulating serotonergic neurons of raphé nuclei,
cortex. which excite interneurons in spinal cord dorsal horn,
blocking incoming pain signals.
Neuropathic Pain:  Taste Bud Composition: Each taste bud comprises 50
 Definition: Neuropathic pain is severe chronic pain to 100 receptor cells; one presynaptic cell
without a recognizable pain stimulus, often triggered communicates with neurons carrying signals away
by innocuous stimuli. from the bud; taste bud cells replaced every few
 Causes: Caused by pathological changes in the weeks.
nervous system induced by an original injury;  Primary Tastes: Initially assumed to be sweet, sour,
involvement of aberrant microglia triggering bitter, salty, and umami; discovery of various g-
hyperactivity in neural pain pathways. protein-linked receptor proteins and mechanisms.
 Ineffectiveness of Treatments: Neuropathic pain  Taste Pathways: Gustatory afferent neurons exit
persists even after cutting nerves in perceived pain mouth through facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), and
location; existing medications for injury-related pain vagus (X) cranial nerves; terminate in solitary nucleus
are usually ineffective. of medulla, project to ventral posterior nucleus of
Chemical Senses: Smell and Taste: thalamus, and then to primary gustatory cortex in
 Olfaction (Smell) and Gustation (Taste): Chemical insula; secondary gustatory cortex in orbitofrontal
senses monitoring airborne and solution-based cortex.
chemicals respectively in the environment.  Broad vs. Narrow Tuning: Each receptor cell narrowly
 Adaptive Roles: tuned to one taste or very few tastes; broader tuning
1. Evaluation of Potential Foods: observed in presynaptic cells and cortical neurons;
Encourages consumption of energy and nutrient mechanisms translating receptor protein responses
sources, avoiding toxins, especially in natural into specific tastes not fully understood.
environments. Brain Damage and the Chemical Senses:
2. Social Interactions: Regulates social  Anosmia: Inability to smell; caused by displacement
interactions in many species; pheromones influence of brain due to head trauma, shearing olfactory
physiology and behavior of conspecifics; example of nerves; also linked to various neurological disorders
hamsters' aggressive and sexual behavior controlled (e.g., Alzheimer’s, epilepsy).
by pheromones.  Ageusia: Rare; damage to ear on one side can cause
 Human Pheromones: Research on human partial ageusia limited to anterior two-thirds of the
pheromones suggests their presence (e.g., menstrual tongue; gustatory information from this area passes
synchronization, sex prediction), but direct evidence through facial nerve (VII) via middle ear.
as sex attractants remains inconclusive.  Coding in Cortex: Primary gustatory cortex
Olfactory System: chemotopically organized; responses to odor, texture,
 Receptor Cells: Olfactory receptor cells in nasal and temperature in food; secondary gustatory cortex
mucosa contain receptor protein molecules neurons signal food pleasantness and are influenced
stimulated by airborne chemicals. by satiety.
 Receptor Diversity: Rats and mice have about 1,000  arietal cortex) and bottom-up (sensory circuitry)
receptor types; humans have about 300; each mechanisms; attention strengthens responses to
olfactory receptor cell contains one type of receptor attended aspects and weakens responses to
protein. unattended aspects, termed the push-pull
 Encoding Odors: Each odor encoded by pattern of mechanism.
activity across receptor types; axons terminate in Simultanagnosia:
olfactory glomeruli, discrete clusters near olfactory  Definition: A disorder of attention characterized by an
bulbs' surface. inability to perceive more than one object at a time,
 Topographic Organization: Glomeruli sensitive to even though individual objects can be identified when
specific odors systematically arrayed on olfactory presented individually.
bulbs; mirror symmetry between left and right bulbs;  Associated Brain Region: Simultanagnosia is
similar layout in related species. associated with bilateral damage to the posterior
 Neurogenesis: New olfactory receptor cells parietal cortex, specifically the dorsal stream
continuously created, replacing deteriorated ones; responsible for visually localizing objects in space.
axons' targeting mechanism remains mysterious. Principles of Sensorimotor Function:
 Projection Pathways: Olfactory bulbs project to 1. Hierarchical Organization:
medial temporal lobe structures, including amygdala  Definition: Commands cascade down through
and piriform cortex; limbic pathway mediates hierarchical levels from association cortex to muscles;
emotional response; thalamic-orbitofrontal pathway higher levels specify general goals, not specific
mediates conscious perception of odors. actions.
 Parallel Structure: Both sensorimotor system and
Gustatory System: companies have parallel hierarchical structures;
 Taste Receptor Cells: Found on the tongue and oral signals flow through multiple paths, allowing diverse
cavity, occurring in clusters called taste buds; each control methods.
taste bud has various receptor cell types.
 Functional Segregation: Each level of the hierarchy  Apraxia: Impairs voluntary movements out of context,
comprises different units (neural structures or often remedied in natural situations; caused by
departments) with distinct functions. unilateral damage to left posterior parietal cortex.
2. Motor Output Guided by Sensory Input:  Contralateral Neglect: Impairs response to stimuli on
 Importance of Sensory Input: Sensory feedback, the side opposite the brain lesion, particularly
including visual, somatosensory, and vestibular inputs, egocentric left; often linked with large lesions of the
guides motor responses by providing information right posterior parietal cortex.
about the body's state.  Object-Based Contralateral Neglect: Some patients
 Continuous Monitoring: Similar to efficient fail to respond to the left side of objects, indicating a
companies, the sensorimotor system continuously nuanced deficit.
monitors its activities and uses sensory feedback to  Unconscious Perception: Patients with contralateral
refine and adjust movements. neglect may unconsciously perceive stimuli, as
 Ballistic Movements: Brief, high-speed movements evidenced by consistent gaze patterns and improved
like swatting a fly are exceptions and do not rely on identification of fragmented drawings.
sensory feedback.
3. Learning Changes in Sensorimotor Control: Dorsolateral Prefrontal Association Cortex:
 Conscious Control vs. Unconscious Regulation: Initial  Role in Sensorimotor Function: Receives inputs from
motor responses are consciously controlled; with posterior parietal cortex, sending projections to
practice, responses are organized into integrated secondary motor cortex areas, primary motor cortex,
sequences controlled unconsciously by lower levels of and frontal eye field.
the CNS.  Neuronal Activity Patterns: Neurons exhibit diverse
 Similarity to Company Development: Similar to a response properties, with some responsive to object
company's growth, sensorimotor learning involves the characteristics, others to object locations, and some
coordination of individual actions into prescribed to a combination of both. Some neurons respond to
procedures performed at lower hierarchical levels. the impending response itself and tend to fire earlier
General Model of Sensorimotor System: than neurons in other motor areas.
 Hierarchy and Functional Segregation: Illustrated in  Decision Making: Likely involved in the decision-
Figure 8.1, the model shows hierarchical structure, making process for initiating voluntary movements.
functional segregation, parallel connections between Interactions with posterior parietal cortex and other
levels, and various feedback pathways. frontal areas are critical for these decisions.
 Focus of the Chapter: The chapter delves into neural Secondary Motor Cortex:
structures controlling voluntary behavior, tracing  Complexity Beyond Two Areas: Originally thought to
major motor signals from association cortex down the consist of two areas (supplementary motor area and
sensorimotor hierarchy to skeletal muscles, explaining premotor cortex), recent research indicates at least
the principles of sensorimotor system organization. eight areas in each hemisphere, with subdivisions like
supplementary eye field and cingulate motor areas.
Sensorimotor Association Cortex:  Programming Specific Movements: Involved in
 Hierarchy's Peak: Association cortex resides atop the programming specific movement patterns after
sensorimotor hierarchy, divided into posterior parietal receiving general instructions from dorsolateral
association cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal prefrontal cortex. Imaging studies demonstrate brain
association cortex. activity patterns during imagined or planned
Posterior Parietal Association Cortex:  Functional Variations: Efforts to differentiate
 Role in Movement Initiation: Provides necessary functions among these areas continue. Earlier
information for movement initiation, integrating body research focused on distinctions between
part positions and external object locations. supplementary motor area and premotor cortex, but
 Integration of Sensory Information: Receives inputs consistent theories have not emerged yet.
from visual, auditory, and somatosensory systems, Mirror Neurons:
crucial for spatial localization and attention.  Discovery and Significance: Discovered in the early
 Output and Specialization: Sends outputs to various 1990s, mirror neurons are active both when an
motor cortex areas, each specialized for different individual performs a goal-directed movement and
movements of eyes, head, arms, or hands. when observing the same movement by others. Their
 Studies on Stimulation and Control: Electrical discovery is significant as they provide a potential
stimulation at specific posterior parietal areas induced mechanism for social cognition, allowing mapping of
intentions or feelings of action in conscious patients. others' actions onto one's own repertoire, facilitating
Neural population activity studies revealed control of social understanding, cooperation, and imitation.
neurons via imagined actions, decoded into motor Mirror Neurons:
imagery.  Role in Social Cognition: Mirror neurons respond to
Consequences of Damage: the understanding of the purpose of an action rather
than superficial characteristics. They fire not only
when observing an action but also when the subject 8. Although the cerebellum constitutes only 10
hears the associated sound or mentally represents the percent of the mass of the brain, it contains more
action. than half of the brain’s neurons.
 Localization and Studies: Mirror neurons have been 9. The basal ganglia are part of neural loops that
found in various areas of the macaque monkey cortex. receive input from various cortical areas and
In humans, research primarily relies on functional MRI transmit it back to the cortex via the thalamus.
studies, showing activation in motor cortex areas 10. Damage to either the cerebellum or the basal
during action performance, observation, or ganglia can also produce cognitive changes, in
imagination. However, individual mirror neurons in addition to their primary motor functions.
humans are rarely described due to limited
opportunities for direct neuronal recording during Sensory and Motor Systems
behavioral tests. Muscle Contraction Types: Isometric vs. Dynamic
Primary Motor Cortex: Contraction To understand muscles, it's crucial to
 Conventional View: Penfield and Boldrey's 1937 recognize their elasticity. Muscle contraction can be
mapping revealed somatotopic organization: specific isometric, increasing tension without shortening, or
cortical sites corresponded to contralateral muscle dynamic, pulling muscles together by shortening.
movements. Earlier studies suggested neurons Muscle tension can increase through motor neuron
encode movement directions. The conventional belief firing or firing rate changes.
was that each neuron fired maximally for movements Receptor Organs: Golgi Tendon Organs and Muscle
in a particular direction. Spindles Muscle activity is monitored by Golgi tendon
 Challenges to Conventional View: Recent studies organs (detect muscle tension) and muscle spindles
challenged the directional tuning concept. Neurons (sense muscle length changes). They play roles in
were recorded in freely moving monkeys, showing providing CNS with information about muscle tension
activity related to movement endpoints rather than and preventing muscle damage during extreme
movement directions. Additionally, prolonged bursts contraction.
of stimulation produced complex, species-typical Muscle-Spindle Feedback Circuit Muscle spindles have
movements involving multiple body parts, challenging intrafusal muscles and motor neurons. Intrafusal motor
the idea of individual muscle control. neurons prevent muscle spindles from becoming slack
 Current View: New stimulation techniques, using during extrafusal muscle contraction. They maintain
longer bursts of current, revealed complex natural spindle responsiveness to slight extrafusal muscle
movements instead of individual muscle contractions. length changes.
Stimulation of a site led to coordinated movements Stretch Reflex Stretch reflex, like the patellar tendon
involving multiple body parts. The response was not reflex, prevents external forces from altering the body's
dependent on the initial position, indicating a flexible position. When a muscle is suddenly stretched, spindle
sensorimotor system. This suggests the presence of afferent neurons send signals to the spinal cord,
an action map in addition to the traditional triggering a compensatory muscle contraction,
somatotopic map in the primary motor cortex. maintaining stability.
Sensorimotor Circuits and Brain Structures: Reciprocal Innervation Antagonistic muscles are
1. Sensory signals that are produced by a response innervated to allow smooth motor response: when one
and guide the continuation of the response are contracts, the other relaxes. In the withdrawal reflex,
referred to as efference copies. excitatory interneurons excite the elbow flexor, while
2. Contralateral neglect is the disturbance of a inhibitory interneurons inhibit the elbow extensor,
patient’s ability to respond to a stimulus on the side coordinating muscle activities.
of the body opposite to the side of a brain lesion. Recurrent Collateral Inhibition Recurrent collateral
3. Patients who have great difficulty performing inhibition involves inhibitory interneurons (Renshaw
movements when asked to do so out of context but cells) inhibiting motor neurons that innervate the same
can readily perform them spontaneously in natural muscle. This inhibition, ensuring motor neurons do not
situations are experiencing apraxia. overwork, helps in smooth muscle function.
4. Mirror neurons fire when individuals perform a Walking: A Complex Sensorimotor Reflex Walking is
particular goal-directed hand movement or when controlled by complex sensorimotor reflexes involving
they observe the same goal-directed movement visual, somatosensory, and balance information.
performed by another. Remarkably, spinal circuits alone can control walking, as
5. Stereognosis refers to the process of identifying evidenced by studies involving animals with severed
objects by touch. spinal cords.
6. The primary motor cortex is the main point of Exercise: Scan Your Brain
departure of motor signals from the cerebral cortex 1. f: Contraction of antagonistic muscles
to lower levels of the sensorimotor hierarchy. 2. k: Bulges
7. The foot area of the motor homunculus is in the 3. a: Axons innervate neurons
central fissure. 4. g: Local feedback circuits
5. b: Control movements of limbs
6. n: Extensor
7. c: Smallest units of motor activity
8. d: Act to bend
9. m: Muscle spindles
10. e: Smooth unimpeded motor response
11. l: Stretch reflex
12. h: Two synapses
13. j: Small inhibitory interneurons
14. i: Complex reflex
Chapter 8: Central Sensorimotor Programs and
A Hierarchy of Central Sensorimotor Programs The
sensorimotor system functions as a hierarchy of
central sensorimotor programs. Higher levels issue
commands to lower levels, which, in turn, control
movements of the muscles. The cerebellum and basal
ganglia coordinate these programs, allowing smooth
and efficient motor responses. Once activated, each
level operates based on sensory feedback without
direct cortical control, demonstrating the system's
inherent plasticity.
Characteristics of Central Sensorimotor Programs
1. Motor Equivalence: The system can accomplish
tasks in various ways, exhibiting motor equivalence.
Specific central sensorimotor programs are adapted
to different situations, emphasizing the system's
2. Sensory Information and Consciousness: Central
sensorimotor programs can operate without
conscious awareness, highlighting the separation of
conscious perception and sensory control of behavior.
3. Development and Practice: Central sensorimotor
programs for species-typical behaviors can develop
without practice, while practice can modify or create
new programs. Response chunking and shifting
control to lower levels are key processes in
sensorimotor learning.
Functional Brain Imaging of Sensorimotor Learning
Functional brain imaging studies, like Jenkins and
colleagues' PET study, have explored neural correlates
of sensorimotor learning. These studies identify brain
regions involved in learning new motor sequences.
Changes in these regions occur as tasks are practiced,
indicating the brain's adaptability during learning.
However, the nature of these changes remains a topic
for future research.

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