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Gedung Fakultas Psikologi

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Kode MK : 60112107 Hari/tanggal : Rabu 11 Nopember 2020

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 10:30 – 12:30
Program Studi : S1 Sifat Ujian : Tulis
Kelas : A, B, C Dosen : Alfian, M.Pd

Nama : Adellia Nurul Aulia Basar

NPM : 6020210045
Kelas :A
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Dosen : Alfian, M.Pd


1. What is the section about?

It's about investigating a case of possible child abuse found by a social worker when he
walked to the door of a rural in Pennsylvania farmhouse
2. Have you ever heard or read about other children like Anna?
Yes, I have heard of an incident like that experienced by Anna in a true story film, which
is a Silenced movie that tells both about child abuse.

3. Is this part of the chapter divided into parts?

There are four parts,
 the first part tells about social workers who found Anna’s hidden in a second-floor
storage room in condition was wedged into an old chair with her arm tied above
her head in rural Pennsylvania farmhouse.
 The second part tells about Anna's situation that was ignored by her grandfather,
because her grandfather didn't want her to be in her house
 The third part tells about Anna's condition cannot laugh, speak or smile because
of the trauma she has experienced

4. Do you think this chapter would be difficult to read and understand? Explain why
I think this chapter is very easy to read because this chapter has explained the outline of
the contents in the chapter
5. What words, phrases, or numbers do you remember from previewing the passage?
 Child abuse
 Anna
 Pennsylvania
 Social worker
 1938
 Investigating

6. Does this article contain information that is useful for your research?
Yes it’s useful for me to know about the infant mortality rate in the U.S and what causes
of the high infant mortality rate in the U.S

7. Does it discuss the cause(s) of the high infant mortality rate in the United States?
Yes, this article discusses the causes of the high infant mortality rate

8. If so, what causes are mentioned?

Georges Benjamin, executive director of APHA said the cause of the high rate of infant
mortality is due to female factors that including women receiving less prenatal care or
losing their jobs, cuts to nutrition programs, and climbing poverty rates.
9. What is the writer’s main purpose?
About research that tell they found no evidence to show that the use of caffeine in
carbonated beverage would render these products injurious to heath but if
costumers with certain health problems may consult to health care about caffeine

10. What is the writer's point of view about the topic?

Blame those people for saying that McDonald's causes overweight or obesity

11. Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not?

Yes, I agree with the author because we should not blame fast food restaurants for
making us unhealthy because it is their own fault for always buying food at fast
food. Because the restaurant serves only what customers buy and does not force
customers to buy their product.
12. What is the writer's purpose—to inform, persuade, or entertain? How can you tell?
To inform reader about employees that lost job because of smoking

13. What is the main point of the article?

The main point of this article is that there is a debate between rising the heathcare
costs and society’s aversion to smoking versus the privacy and freedom rights of an

14. Is the writer for, against, or neutral about the smoking ban? How can you tell?
The writer is neutral because he gives opinions from various parties who say that
smoking is not illegal and has no effect on someone's job performance

15. Does the writer seem biased? How can you tell?
The author is not biased about the articles he writes because he gives opinions
from various parties who say that smoking is not illegal and has no effect on
someone's job performance

Verifikasi WD 1 Tanggal Verifikasi 9 November 2020

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