Saep 302

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Engineering Procedure 15 March 2023

Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee

Previous Revision: 04 January 2023 Next Revision: 17 November 2025

Contact: jafarmm Page 1 of 14
© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement


Summary of Changes ............................................................................................................ 3

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Application ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Requirement Definition ....................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Handling and Distribution ................................................................................................... 5
2 Conflicts and Deviations.................................................................................................. 5
3 References ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Saudi Aramco References .................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Industry Codes and Standards ........................................................................................... 6
3.3 Other References ............................................................................................................... 6
4 Terminology...................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Acronyms ........................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 7
5 Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 8
6 Waiver Process ................................................................................................................ 9
6.1 Initiation ........................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Review Meeting ............................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Submittal .......................................................................................................................... 12
6.4 Technical Review ............................................................................................................. 12
6.5 Support of Other Organizations ........................................................................................ 12
6.6 Technical Recommendation ............................................................................................. 12
6.7 Technical Approval ........................................................................................................... 13
6.8 Conditional Approval ........................................................................................................ 13
6.9 Approval Concurrence ..................................................................................................... 13
6.10 Appealing a Waiver ........................................................................................................ 13
7 Reporting ........................................................................................................................ 13
8 Process Escalation and Time Limits............................................................................. 13
Document History ................................................................................................................ 14

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 2 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 14 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Summary of Changes

Paragraph Number Change Type(s)

Previous Revision Current Revision (Addition, Modification, Technical Change(s)
(1 October 2019) (17 November 2020) Deletion)

This document establishes governance
1 1 Modification and instruction for obtaining a waiver to
the Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
Requirements (MSAERs). (Clarification)
1.1.3 1.1.3 Modification “The newer version shall not be in conflict
with other standards within project cut-off
date”. (Clarification)
1.2 1.2 Modification
Remove out “must” (Clarification)
- 3.3 Addition “Engineering Standards Waiver System
Guide” Referred in Section 6.(Clarification)
“OED-Operational Excellence Department”

“ES - Engineering Services”

“ERP – (Enterprise Resource Planning)

- 4.1 (Acronyms) Addition System”

“S&WRC - Standards & Waivers Review


“S&WRM - Standards & Waivers Review

Meeting” (Clarification)
“Standards & Waivers Review
Committee: A committee chaired by the
- 4.2 (Definitions) Addition VP & CE that provides business decision
and technical guidnce wth regard to
engineering standards and waiver
requests” (Major)
“Standards & Waivers Review Meeting:
- 4.2 (Definitions) Addition A meeting for reviewing and approving
proposals relevant to engineering
standards and waiver requests by
S&WRC” (Major)

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 3 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Paragraph Number Change Type(s)

Previous Revision Current Revision (Addition, Modification, Technical Change(s)
(1 October 2019) (17 November 2020) Deletion)
Added after Other Agency a note:
“Note: Initiators and SCCs shall review
waivers in consultation with Loss
5 (Roles and Prevention Department to identify and
- Major
Responsibilities) resolve any potential safety impact. Power
System shall be consulted for High
Voltage equipment by responsible SCC”
5 (Roles and 5 (Roles and Modified:
Responsibilities) Responsibilities) “EK&RD” to “OED/EK&RD/SMU”(Editorial)
The waiver request shall be discussed with
the affected proponent and Responsible
Standards Committee before the waiver
6.2.1 6.2.1 Modification review meeting. EK&RD/SMU shall
facilitate the waiver review meeting, and
the Vice President & Chief Engineer of
Engineering or his/her delegate shall chair
the meeting.(Minor)
If a waiver is approved with condition(s),
the originator shall submit the estimated
6.8 6.8 Modification completion date for each condition after
technical approval. The originator and
proponent shall ensure completion of
assigned conditions. (Major)
The proponent director concurs waiver’s
technical approval. He shall approve or
6.9.1 6.9.1 Modification reject the waiver within the time limit for
waiver request. The proponent may assign
reviewers within the time limit as stipulated
in Table 3. (Editorial)
The originator can submit an appeal to the
6.10 6.10 Editorial waiver conditions or to the waiver
recommendations to the S&WRC.
EK&RD shall issue quarterly reports of
7 7 Major processed waivers to the originating
organization heads for reference and
proper closure of waiver conditions.

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 4 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 14 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

1 Scope

This document establishes governance and instruction for obtaining a waiver to the
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs).
All MSAERs shall refer to this document for any deviations of standards

1.1 Application

1.1.1 This document is applicable where Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering

Requirements are applied; a waiver request shall be submitted for any
deviation. Each waiver request shall be limited to a specific facility, project,
and single MSAER. Waiving any MSAER outside the scope of this
procedure shall not be recognized.

1.1.2 This document covers new or after-the-fact waivers. This procedure is not
intended for joint ventures. This procedure is not applicable for the
established list of standards and codes defined in SAEP-148.

1.1.3 If a newer version of a MSAER is to be applied after the project cut-off date,
the newer version may be adopted in its entirety, including its references.
However, if only a portion of the newer version is necessary, a waiver shall
be submitted. The newer version shall not be in conflict with other standards
within project cut-off date.

1.2 Requirement Definition

This document uses ‘requirement’ language. Please note the following definitions:
Shall mandatory
Should recommendation, strongly preferred
May permissible/optional
Can possible or capable
1.3 Handling and Distribution

1.3.1 This document is classified as Company General Use (see GI-0710.002).

1.3.2 The waiver initiator shall not attach any confidential documents or include
any sensitive information to the waiver.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflict between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed in writing to the EK&RD

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 5 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

3 References

All referenced specifications, standards, codes, forms, drawings, and similar

material shall be of the latest issue (including all revisions, addenda, and
supplements) unless stated otherwise.

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAEP-148 Mandatory Engineering Standards and Code for Non-industrial,
Public, and Government Facilities
SAEP-301 Instructions for Establishing and Maintaining Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard

SAES-B-014 Safety Requirements for Plant and Operations Support Buildings

Saudi Aramco General Instruction

GI-0710.002 Classification and Handling of Sensitive Information

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards


3.3 Other References

Engineering Standards Waiver System Guide

4 Terminology

4.1 Acronyms
VP & CE Vice President & Chief Engineer
DBSP Design Basis Scoping Paper
OED Operational Excellence Department
EK&RD Engineering Knowledge & Resources Division
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System
ES Engineering Services
MSAER Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
RACI Responsibility assignment matrix, RACI is an acronym derived from
the four key responsibilities most typically used: Responsible,
Accountable, Consulted, and Informed.
© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 6 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 14 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

RDD Responsible Department Director

SCC Standards Committee Chairman
SMU Standards Management Unit
SME Subject Matter Expert
S&WRC Standards &Waivers Review Committee
S&WRM Standards &Waivers Review Meeting

4.2 Definitions
MSAERs: Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements
After-the-Fact Waiver: A deviation from a MSAER for a facility or equipment
where mechanical work has started at the time of the waiver initiation.
Vice President & Chief Engineer: The Vice President & Chief Engineer of
ES/Engineering and the final technical approval authority of waivers.
Government: The Saudi Arabian government.
Initiator: Employee who initiated and created a waiver request.
Non-industrial Projects: Non-oil and gas projects located at least 500 meters
outside a plant perimeter fence (see SAES-B-014). This term is used to indicate
Saudi Aramco owned and operated facilities, but may be generalized to any non-
industrial projects.
Originator: The Initiator’s Department Director or his delegate.
Other Agency: Organization with a special interest or expertise in the subject of
the waiver request such as Inspection, Security, Facility Proponent, Power System,
Facilities Planning, or Loss Prevention.
Proponent Department Director: The department manager of the facility affected
by the waiver request.
Responsible Department: The organization assigned the responsibility to
establish, update, and maintain specific MSAERs.
Responsible Department Director: The head of the organization assigned the
responsibility to establish, update, and maintain specific MSAERs.
Standards Committee Chairman: The appointed chairman per SAEP-301 of the
standards committee responsible for the waived MSAERs.
Waiver: Deviation to a requirement stipulated in a MSAER.

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 7 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Standards & Waivers Review Committee: A committee chaired by the VP&CE that
provides business decision and technical guidance with regard to engineering
standards and waiver requests.

Standards & Waivers Review Meeting: A meeting for reviewing and approving
proposals relevant to engineering standards and waiver requests by S&WRC.

5 Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities for involved waiver parties showed in Table 1.

Initiator: Employee who initiated and created a waiver request.
SMU: Standards Management Unit, responsible for waiver processing.
Originator: The Initiator’s Department Director or his delegate.
Standards Committee Chairman: The appointed chairman of the standards
committee responsible for the waived MSAER.
Other Agency: Organization with a special interest or expertise in the subject of
the waiver request such as Inspection, Security, Facility Proponent, Facilities
Planning, Power System or Loss Prevention.
Note: Initiators and SCCs shall review waivers in consultation with Loss Prevention Department
to identify and resolve any potential safety impact. Power System shall be consulted for
High Voltage equipment by responsible SCC.

Responsible Department Director: The head of the organization assigned the

responsibility to establish, update, and maintain specific MSAER documents.
Vice President & Chief Engineer: The Vice President & Chief Engineer of
ES/Engineering and the final technical approving authority of waivers.
Proponent Department Director: The department director of the facility affected
by the waiver request.
Reviewers: The Subject Matter Experts.

Table 1 - Waiver RACI Matrix

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 8 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 14 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Activities Role

Other Agency




Waiver initiation A
Send notification request A I I I I I I
Verify applicability and facilitate
waiver review meeting
Presenting waiver proposal A R I I I R I
Attend waiver review meeting A R A C R A A R
Submit waiver request in ERP A I I I I I I
Chair waiver review meeting A
Technical waiver review A C C
Recommend waiver approval A C
Approve waiver technically I I I I I A I I
Set conditions completion date A
Approve waiver I I I I I I I A C
Status Reporting I I I I I A I
R: Responsible A: Approve/Action C: Consulted I: Informed

6 Waiver Process

The process diagram shown in Figure 1 below, shows the high level process to
obtain a waiver to a requirement in a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
Requirement (MSAER).

Initiation Review Technical Technical Final

Meeting Review Approval Approval

1 2 3 4 5 6
 Create draft  Present request  Release WF  Review request  Recommend  Set conditions ETC
technical approval date
 Complete  Discuss case  Submit request  Support technical
information review  Approve request  Concur approval
 Approve submission technically
 Send meeting  Decide action
 Record technical
review decision

 Set approval

Figure 1 - Waiver Process Diagram

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 9 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

1. Initiator completes waiver request with attachments as required using ZQ0070.

2. Originator sends a meeting request to EK&RD/SMU to facilitate the meeting.
3. After the meeting, EK&RD/SMU releases the workflow for processing, and the
issuer submits the waiver to the originating department head for approval.
4. The Standards Committee Chairman reviews the waiver and offers technical
advice. Other Agency may be consulted as required.
5. The Responsible Department Director concurs the technical decision for the
request and the VP & Chief Engineer of Engineering approves the request.
6. If the waiver was approved with conditions, the originator shall set the estimated
date to complete the conditions and the proponent department head concurs
Each stage is described in Figure 2.

Initiate Request Submit

Issuer waiver meeting request

Facilitate Release
meeting request

Originator Approve Submit

Standards Return
Review Assign reviewer Submit
Committee waiver Request
Chairman support

Other Agency Review Assign reviewer

Responsible Return Recommend

Department Review Assign reviewer Submit
VP & Chief Return
Engineer technically

Set Yes
conditions Conditions
Originator ETC

Proponent Assign reviewer approval

Figure 1 - Waiver Process Flowchart

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 10 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 14 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

6.1 Initiation

Any affected organization can initiate a waiver request. Refer to the Engineering
Standards Waiver System Guide for detailed instructions.
1. Using transaction ZQ0070, the initiator shall complete three parts of the
• Waiver Information: Waiver subject should be clear. Initiator shall make
sure that proponent organization is the operation department of the facility
affected by the waiver request.
• Waiver Details/Analysis: Initiator shall provide clear and complete
justification and possible alternative solution. In addition, initiator shall
complete at least one of the impact analyses in area of safety, schedule, or
cost. If waiver request is after-the-fact, initiator shall provide explanation for
after-the-fact request and the possible impacts. If this request pertains to
an appeal case, initiator shall mark the request as appeal waiver. Initiator
shall attach all supporting documents to the request.
• Waived Technical Requirements: Initiator shall indicate the document
number, document issue date according to the cut-off date, and paragraph
number of the requirement to be waived.
2. Initiator shall save information and may revisit the request at any time. If the
request exceeds the time limits, the system will delete the request. Initiator can
re-activate the deleted request within 6 months of deletion.
3. Initiator shall send a review meeting notification request by clicking Send
Notification. The system will generate an email notification to EK&RD, SCC,
the Proponent, and the Originator.
Table 2 - Waiver Processing Authorization Roles
User Role Authorization Role
Initiator QM:CSD:WAIVER_INIT:0000
Standards Committee Chairman QM:CSD:WAIVER_SCC_PROCSR:0000
Standards Committee Reviewer QM:CSD:WAIVER_SCR_PROCSR:0000
Responsible Department Director QM:CSD:WAIVER_RESP_OR_APR:0000
Vice President & Chief Engineer QM:CSD:STANDARD_CE_APPVR:0000
Proponent Director QM:CSD:WAIVER_PROP_APROVR:0000

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 11 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

6.2 Review Meeting

6.2.1 The waiver request shall be discussed with the affected proponent and
responsible Standards Committee before the waiver review meeting.
EK&RD shall facilitate the waiver review meeting, and the Vice President &
Chief Engineer of Engineering or his/her delegate shall chair the meeting.

6.2.2 The initiator shall present the waiver request with justifications, alternatives,
and impact analysis. The initiator should present technical supporting
documents such as updated drawings, technical studies, communication
with contractor and manufacturer, and corresponding international

6.2.3 The meeting shall be attended by the SCC to clarify technical requirements,
request further details, and provide the initial technical recommendation or
conditions. The proponent and RDD or his/her delegates should also attend
the meeting. EK&RD will record the meeting decision and release the
request for processing.

6.3 Submittal

The initiator shall submit the waiver request workflow to the originator. The
originator shall submit the waiver request to the standards committee chairman for
technical review, return the request to the initiator, or delete the request. Submittal
time limits are shown in Table 3.

6.4 Technical Review

The standards committee chairman shall record the technical review decision. The
SCC may assign subject matter experts to review the case, request support of
other organizations, or return the request to the originator for further details. The
SCC shall recommend approval or rejection.

6.5 Support of Other Organizations

The SCC may request technical consultation from SME in other organizations.
These organization may have special expertise or business interest in the waiver
request. The request can be submitted to the organization head if required who
may assign further reviewers within the organization for technical review.

6.6 Technical Recommendation

The SCC shall recommend technical approval or rejection of the waiver request to
the RDD. The RDD may assign reviewers to the workflow prior to submit final
recommendation to the Vice President & Chief Engineer. RDD may return the
request to the SCC if needed.

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 12 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 14 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

6.7 Technical Approval

The VP & CE shall approve or reject the waiver request. In addition, the VP & CE
may return the waiver request to the RDD if needed. If the waiver request is
technically rejected, the workflow of the request will be closed. System will
generate email notification to waiver involved parties with technical approval or
rejection status.

6.8 Conditional Approval

If a waiver is approved with condition(s), the originator shall submit the estimated
completion date for each condition after technical approval. The originator and
proponent shall ensure completion of assigned conditions.

6.9 Approval Concurrence

6.9.1 The proponent director concurs waiver’s technical approval. He shall

approve or reject the waiver within the time limit for waiver request. The
proponent may assign reviewers within the time limit as stipulated in Table 3.

6.9.2 If the time elapses without action, the waiver shall be considered approved
by the proponent director. This system action does not release the
proponent director from his responsibility for any waiver against facility or
equipment under his authority.

6.10 Appealing a Waiver

The originator can submit an appeal to the waiver conditions or to the waiver
recommendations to the S&WRC.

7 Reporting

EK&RD shall issue quarterly reports of processed waivers to the originating

organization heads for reference and proper closure of waiver conditions.

8 Process Escalation and Time Limits

Table 3 shows the time limits to process the waiver request.

Table 3 - Waiver Process Times

Role Business days After time elapses
Initiator 60 System automatically deletes(1)
Originator 3 System automatically deletes
SCC will redirect to SMEs and
Standards Committee Chairman 7 (shared)
other Agency Reviewers

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2023 Page 13 of 14

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Standards Management Committee SAEP-302
Issue Date: 15 March 2023
Next Revision: 17 November 2025 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Role Business days After time elapses

Other Agency 10 Will be redirected back to SCC
7 (shared)
Escalates to Responsible
Standards Committee Reviewer 17 (shared - if other
Department Director
agency was consulted)
Will be escalated to Vice
Responsible Department Director 3
President & Chief Engineer
Vice President & Chief Engineer -- --
Proponent Director 8 System automatically approves
(1) The initiator may request via existing ERP to re-activate the deleted waivers within 6 months from
auto-deletion date.

Document History
15 March 2023 Editorial revision to update the job titles
04 January 2023 Editorial revision to update the job titles
17 November 2020 Major revision to reflect agreed updates for more clarification including specific role of
some organizations throughout waiver process. Update of Acronyms and definitions; in
additions to other editorial changes.
1 October 2019 Editorial revision mainly to change contact person.
9 July 2019 Editorial revision.
20 November 2017 Major revision to add latest waiver process enhancements which includes additional
workflows, clarifications to existing requirements, and escalation time table.
15 February 2016 Major revision to reflect the new enhancements made to the eWaiver Process.
These enhancements include adding the VP & Chief Engineer as the final approval
authority and empowering Standards Committee Chairman to receive the waiver request
and make technical decision. In addition, new tracking and reporting features were

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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