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Al Rrghts Resarved

Royal College -

Colombo 07
Final Term Grade 13 ICT E I
Information &Commt 2021-(Janary 202).
munication Technolog.
Name- eeero*-** **-****** *****

Clss:. Index no
1) ABC
School has
and its issued two ID
being read by
school premises us1ng cards to students of
included QR code
ISing bar code reader
of the college, which
college. are a

(ID- 02) and from the main main g

gate (ID -01) and
chines. First ID card is used to e e s the
Temperature is to nue who doingtheIT secona are
D cara is used to enter the IT lab

being checked
lower than 37°C.(Temp<3TC)
bject only
as a
at each entrance and in order to proceed temperature should De
ar entrance a
<37C Input type
37C 0

Oroer to aftend an IT class a

and student must have either one of the above
temperature should be as
mentioned. mentioneD

Construct a truth table to
. 1. Derive
the Boolean represent the out puts of the above scenano.
expression to represent the truth table
logical circuit for the simplified Boolean constructed in section
Construct the (a) above
expression obtained in section b ().

C. Since the new variants of

Covid -19 Spreading fast the vaccination card is checked at the
entrance of the IT lab. Even
though the above requirements are full filled a person without
fully vaccinated cannot enter the lab.
Re write the Boolean
expression including the fourth input.
d. Design the logic circuit for the simplified sop above (c ) part using universal gates only.

2) Royal College maintains four ICT laboratories for A/l section, Upper middle section, middle
section and primary section inseparate buildings. Each laboratory has 50,30, 40 and 56
computers respectively. Each laboratory is provided with a printer au &sanner. The
laboratory of Al section has made an internet connection in the IP address
providing internet to every laboratory.

Page1 Grade 13-3 Tem/2021

Royal College -
Colombo 07
Four eparaie subnets have been aeated tor each labraory ard aiged IP adirese
Comuters, write down the retwork address, bon address rnge, brradcast address nd
subnet mask prn ided to the computers inthe mitowing forma

NotE. Asue that the iP addresesareaigned to the laborr of Al etin. cer

middie setin, middle sectiom and primary section respectively)

Laboratory Network Host addres Sabnet mask

Since To

A/L sectioa

Upper middle

Middle section

Primary section

i) The computer laboratory belongs to the primary section was divided imto two parts and one
part was given to grades 1-3 and the other part was given to gades 4-5. There are 30
computers for grades 1-3 and 26 computers for gades 4-5. Enter the subnet mask. P
address range and broadcast address ofthe two new computer labs in the format belo

Network address Host address Saboet mask

Since To

Grade 1-3

Grade 45

with the
no !) laboratory shouid be provided
) Eaplain which of the above (in question
to the network?
printer and a

an application
maintains a proxy server,
of the A/L section
The computer laboratory to control the intermet access to the
server accessibie to
all laboratones
server and a mail Draw a network diagram to
also installed for system security.
school A firewall is
network Highlight the netw ork

slhustrate the logical layout of the school computer

mediums and the dev ices
connection topoiogy,

Girade 13- Term 2021

Colombo 07
Royal College -
a) Draw a fiow chart and write a
python codes to print the
input x-0 s=0

In Math Prime
numbers are whole numbers
the number itself. greater than 1, that has only two numbers
Ou are requested to write a Python Program to find and
list display the prime number from g

i) Propose an algorithm to solve the problem
i) Write using a flow chart
python progam to implement your flow chart

proposed in section

An apartment sale specialized in apartment broker service have the following

A client
wish ing to put hisher
the details to the Broker serviceapartment
on the market visits the
apartment and provide
file. department who will then place them in the CTient details
A potential
buyer who wishes to purchase a apartment also
Broker service department The provides the details to the
department then places the details in the Buver details
file Daily, Broker service department matches the potential
the available apartnents and sends the buyer's requirements with
details of selected used
Whenaale is apartments to the buyers
completed, the buyer informs
the Broker service
department that the
contract has been exchanged. The Broker
service department then removes the
details and Buyer's details from Client's
respective files and places them in the
apartment sales tray Completed
The Accounts departnent takes details from
the Completed
an invoice for a brokoer fee apartment sales tray,
and sends a copy
of the invoice to both the Client and prepares
When the Client and Buyer make the payments, Accounts department
and piaces them the
Paytnent file
in stamps the invoices
At the end of cach wock, the
Accounts department prepares a
repot for the Owner of the apartment sale Weekly income summary

Royal Colilege Colombo 07 Page3 Grade 13- 3 Term 2021

A preserst, the comparsy carves 4 ts day d a y ogerariots i a oeglsreiy matea

(a) Draw a Context diagrmm to show the owervsew of the Apartment Sake Rrnar
Servke demcrihed above

b)ecompose your context diagram in to a levei i Data FRo Dagra

i) List two benefits and the drawback of normaltzation

Co Teace


C3 C

CA Kamer

3NF normalized tables Dispiay the decompose

ii) Decompose the data to produce
tables appropriately for nomal fom.

which represents the information

iii) Consider the following Entity Relationship (ER) diagram
about a car-insurance company.

Grade 13- 3d Term 2021

Royal College Colombo 07
Frame Lnarne

Lw.en M
Drner 2

Customer Owns
Addres Model

Associatedd Insurance_clam

Reference No


i. The district of the accident happened is recorded for each of the accident in order to contact the
branch oftheinsurance company allocatedfor the tistrtet Which canbeiaken from the location of
Draw the attribute District in the relevant position of the ER diagram with the correct symbol and
the label.

11. Company has customers who own one or more cars. Each car has associated with it zero to any
number of recorded accidents.
Represents the cardinality and participation of the relationships in the above ER diagram according
to the given Information.

ii. The following relational schema is constructed using the ER diagram shown above. In each of the
tables, some of the field names are missing. Complete the missing field names and specify all
primary keys.

Customer C.... ******* ***

-** ---- -.-.J

Vehicle .a*****a*****-*--.**---*****co---*.*...
. ******* ***

Accident ******************* * * *************

Participated (...
-*****-***************-~~*.****-***.**-- *~~.------*----...---. ***********

iv. Write an SQL query to display thelocationoftheaccidentthat was done by the customer with the
Driver_ID=DV2301057' on 28.06.2021.

Royal College Colombo 07 Page5 Grade 13 3r Term/2021

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