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Task 2

Recently, there is a possibility to transfer the ocean organism to the rehabilitation

place such as zoo for entertaining purpose. I notice that this phenomenon gives more negative
results for natural habitat than the positive one.
Firstly, relocation place cannot be the same as the natural ecosystem in the sea, even
thought people are already trying to make the appropriate pool for sea animal. The basic habit
of sea animals is moving freely, fighting for life, and looking for foods by themselves, and
those activities are restricted when animals stay in an amusement park. Then, losing a basic
habit of sea animals not only affects the level of stress but also for a long time decrease the
quality of animal life, such as sick and thin animals. As a worst result, ocean creatures who
cannot adapt with the new habitat would die out. This case happened in a hotel, located in
Bali Indonesia in the year 2019, a dolphin suddenly died after lived more than 2 years in a
pool as a relocation place which is prepared for recreation purpose.
On the other hand, sometimes, the sea animals feel more secure when they move to
amusement parks because they get the enough foods from the instructor or keeper. Moreover,
the animals do not have a threat from other fierce animals that can intimidate them while
looking for foods or just swimming. As another function, their appearance can entertain
people and improve the happiness of the visitors. But, this is not the best way to protect the
ocean habitat because the risk is higher while the organization cannot understand how to
maintain the proper pool temperature, the cleanness, and the appropriate foods.
In conclusion, even though the ocean organism has a chance to live in a relocation
pool, but the best for this creature is living in natural habitat because animals can act as their
natural habit. Therefore, the drawbacks outweigh the benefit for numerous reasons.

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